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It's the Climate, stupid


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
View attachment 18852372
Here you go.To save the climate, we ruin the sealife.
And here is the non alarmist, non science denying complete article this tiny little excerpt was taken from.

Notice how they are saying "We need to study this further to reduce our impact" not "IT'S DESTROYING THE PLANKTON AND WE NEED TO STOP!"


See the world through a puff of smoke
And here is the non alarmist, non science denying complete article this tiny little excerpt was taken from.

Notice how they are saying "We need to study this further to reduce our impact" not "IT'S DESTROYING THE PLANKTON AND WE NEED TO STOP!"
Where is the long-term science it doesn't harm?
And here is the non alarmist, non science denying complete article this tiny little excerpt was taken from.

Notice how they are saying "We need to study this further to reduce our impact" not "IT'S DESTROYING THE PLANKTON AND WE NEED TO STOP!"
We have 100s of wind turbines in the North Sea .Its destroying birdlife already,
There is a windfarm where my parents live and i never saw any dead bird near it. If things are really like some claim there should be piles of them in a circle around the turbines
Not only birds, but also a lot of bats.Btw i live at the sea side.

About the birdies, see link below



Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Where is the long-term science it doesn't harm?
They don't have it. Which is why they want to research it further before declaring flat out that they are causing damage. Which is plainly stated in both my comment and in the article I posted. :confused:


Well-known member
Where is the long-term science it doesn't harm?

We have 100s of wind turbines in the North Sea .Its destroying birdlife already,

Not only birds, but also a lot of bats.Btw i live at the sea side.

About the birdies, see link below



Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Climate change is the biggest scam ever pulled on the world's population. I worked in the oil industry for 33 years. Improving exploration through improved Geophysical testing methods, Hydro Testing new and existing well strings and as a Pipeline Inspector insuring the highest quality Oil and Natural gas transfer. Making the Industry better from the inside.

There is countries like China and India that carelessly abandon waste and this needs to be stopped. Uninformed protesters that that seek to destroy property in an effort to draw attention to your soapbox rants doesn't solve anything and creates higher costs for all consumers.

World governments have conspired, extorted money and did nothing but fan the flames of division for their own benefit. Only nature movies that bolster this propaganda get financing. Environmental cycles or warm and cold cycles are natural.

How did the ice ages end thousands of years before the industrial revolution. When there wasn't any smog or cars?

The Donald Trump haters are the most Uninformed people on the planet. We love the Democrats because they're for legalization!! WOOP WOOP Woo Hoo!!!
WRONG, the vast majority of legalization has come by voter initiated measures and not legislation by our elected officials, who get the credit for what we have done on our own.

Don't buy the hype of liberal politics and media, you're being lied to and if you don't search out the truth and only follow likes on social media. You will continue to be led around on a leash being promised what you want and never receiving a thing but excuses, you know like the liberals have done for the last three decades.

Peace farmerlion


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Climate change is the biggest scam ever pulled on the world's population. I worked in the oil industry for 33 years. Improving exploration through improved Geophysical testing methods, Hydro Testing new and existing well strings and as a Pipeline Inspector insuring the highest quality Oil and Natural gas transfer. Making the Industry better from the inside.

There is countries like China and India that carelessly abandon waste and this needs to be stopped. Uninformed protesters that that seek to destroy property in an effort to draw attention to your soapbox rants doesn't solve anything and creates higher costs for all consumers.

World governments have conspired, extorted money and did nothing but fan the flames of division for their own benefit. Only nature movies that bolster this propaganda get financing. Environmental cycles or warm and cold cycles are natural.

How did the ice ages end thousands of years before the industrial revolution. When there wasn't any smog or cars?

The Donald Trump haters are the most Uninformed people on the planet. We love the Democrats because they're for legalization!! WOOP WOOP Woo Hoo!!!
WRONG, the vast majority of legalization has come by voter initiated measures and not legislation by our elected officials, who get the credit for what we have done on our own.

Don't buy the hype of liberal politics and media, you're being lied to and if you don't search out the truth and only follow likes on social media. You will continue to be led around on a leash being promised what you want and never receiving a thing but excuses, you know like the liberals have done for the last three decades.

Peace farmerlion
I rarely comment in this thread anymore because it's clear that I am not going to change anyone's views.

I will trust in science any day over someone who worked in the oil industry. I have been around scientists all my life and find them to be generally trustworthy and really interested in the world around them. There is no conspiracy apart from big oil covering up what they knew was damage to the climate (see first page of thread). This is well documented.

I agree on China and India, but they both have climate policies, but also the largest populations in the world. I don't expect the transition to be fast, or fast enough.

Natural climate change occurs, but the current rapid climate change is due to industry. The evidence is mounting. Nothing I've read here or elsewhere changes my opinion on that. There's no credible arguments against it, just ridiculous conspiracy theories. At the core of this seems to be vested interest to keep profits ticking over for big polluters.

Something I mentioned at the beginning of the thread is that I grew up in horticulture. My dad is an ag scientist and in the 80s he was looking to increase production in our glasshouses by introducing CO2. He didn't, but commented to me last year that CO2 is now at the level that he wanted all those years ago.

I'm not from the US, but most countries accept the reality of human induced climate change. It's batshit crazy Republicans who are in denial, or rather more concerned with short term profits, over what's right for the future of the planet. Honestly the bullshit coming out the US on so many levels just seem nuts to those of us on the outside. Trump is an absolute joke.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
The Donald Trump haters are the most Uninformed people on the planet.

So windmill sounds really cause cancer?

The guy wrecked our societal decency and our dignity to the world.

His main attributes are a disdain for our Constitution and stirring up the absolute worst disrespect out of people.

His hobbies include golfing, whining, lying, and smiling smugly.

There's nothing about Trump that deserves respect, let alone admiration.

The truth is that nobody stole the election.

The truth is he's a megalomaniac and hellbent on using lies (and people like you) to get reelected.

The guy has nothing to offer but the spread of hatred and lies. He made America hate again.

Tell me what information you believe I am missing that redeems the ridiculous amount of shortcomings that loser has.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Mean Mr.Mustard,
I'm not going to engage you in accusations and hatred. It's obvious that the only tactic you and other woke Democrats have is to throw a verbal tantrum, spewing biased unfounded rhetoric. The discussion was on the hyped disinformation about climate change.

Immediately to turn to bashing, threats and spewing you toxic venom on anyone who challenges you to wake up to the truth.
It must suck to be so easily duped?

If you've started down that path, continue to walk with me.

I asked you for information.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Mean Mr.Mustard,
I'm not going to engage you in accusations and hatred. It's obvious that the only tactic you and other woke Democrats have is to throw a verbal tantrum, spewing biased unfounded rhetoric. The discussion was on the hyped disinformation about climate change.

Immediately to turn to bashing, threats and spewing you toxic venom on anyone who challenges you to wake up to the truth.
It must suck to be so easily duped?

Biased unfounded rhetoric like what?

I didn't threaten anyone, and what personal attacks can you refer to?

I told you what the truth is.

You don't agree?

Let's hear it.

Trump isn't linked to climate change, but you brought him up... and used the word "uninformed"...

Let's go facts for facts... no venom... no threats...

Not that you didn't see things that aren't there in the first place or anything... :D


Well-known member
We could have bought out the 3 largest oil outfits for less than half the cost of the Trump tax breaks for billionaires.
The oil industry has compromised more of our politicians than any other industry.


Well-known member
We could have bought out the 3 largest oil outfits for less than half the cost of the Trump tax breaks for billionaires.
The oil industry has compromised more of our politicians than any other industry.


Well-known member
We could have bought out the 3 largest oil outfits for less than half the cost of the Trump tax breaks for billionaires.
The oil industry has compromised more of our politicians than any other industry.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
We could have bought out the 3 largest oil outfits for less than half the cost of the Trump tax breaks for billionaires.
The oil industry has compromised more of our politicians than any other
My apologies for ever clicking into this nonsense.
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Well-known member
I thought your original response to me was far more interesting.
Have always thought that I was far more blessed than I ever merited.
I was born on a military base, and grew up over in Hong Kong.
We went over there just after JFK was shot.
The place was rough at the time, and it was the most densely populated place on earth at the time.
I watched the Red Guards march there .
Hell they would not even let the US marines over there for R&R until
67. I do not expect that my watching the Red Guard would mean
anything to you. It was one of the more significant events in
my life.
I learned about Viet Nam from three very young marines in 67
They were already drunk when I encountered them, but they loved
seeing a fellow American, and they told me to never believe what the press had to say about the war, and that I should not enlist,
and that I should tell everyone that it was all bullshit.
That was my first encounter with marines, and their sincerity
impressed me profoundly. It was also the starting point of
a division between my pop that I hated.
We came back to the US in 1970, and moved to the DC area.
My pop had an older brother who worked in the oil industry.
He spent most of his working life over in Saudi Arabia, and
made a lot of money at it. He had 3 boys. Two older than I,
and one younger. He would not let any of them work in the
oil industry. It was fascinating to hear my pop and his brother
discussing things late at night when he would came to visit.
I dearly loved the DC area, and thought the history of the area was
beyond neat.
After I finished up school, I went to work for my pop.
It turned out to be more than interesting, and I
was privileged to work with and around the most
amazing people.
I enjoyed it, immensely, and felt more than fortunate to
have such a gig. I gave up watching TV early in life, so
that I would have more time to study, and take advantage
of the simply amazing educational opportunities that
DC had to offer.
Shortly after my pop passed away, I was more than fortunate to have met a woman with a background that was much like my own.
Her pop had been a lifer in the army and was a colonel, she
was an MD,MPH who signed on in the Clinton administration,
to maintain the family tradition.
She was sent to Bosnia and got caught up in what felt an endless string of combat tours that resulted in her having more time on combat tours than anyone in her family or mine.
I lost her to H1N1 in 2014.
I lost a kidney to cancer and am left with a lung disease which is more commonly found in those who worked in agriculture in SE Asia.
Everyone I loved and cared for served, and I am left with
a collection of folded flags and dog tags.
I have affection for those who have served this country sir.
I have nothing but disgust for those who embrace and stand under a Nazi flag.


Well-known member
If edification is desired, I can accommodate :
What is referred to as Trumpism is more correctly called fascism.
It was something Trump was infected with by Roy Cohn.
I will further share with you that my pop along with
every mother's son who signed on for WWII, did so
to oppose the forces of fascism.
Those who embrace Trump, embrace fascism.
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