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It's the Climate, stupid

Rocky Mtn Squid





The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
But what just @flylowgethigh wrote is true.Nitrogen is bad just like CO2 in the eyes of the libtards and we should know better on this forum. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
I'm not sure I get this. Why should we know better on this forum?

Nitrogen is one of the macronutrients farmers can get for free with a bit of work. It is through bad management and being sucked in by chemical companies and ruining their soil as they drift away from real farming which has caused this problem.

Nitrogen is provided to the soil through compost, through living mulch legumes (from the air; from thunder storms) through companion planting, through allowing fungal colonies to flourish, through anaerobic digesters and fermentations, through microbial inoculation. These are the things we should know better about from this forum.

Farmers have become lazy corporate slaves, rather than applying their craft intelligently. They rightfully complained about new tractors being computerized so only company mechanics can repair them. Why do they allow themselves to be led around by the nose with using this other poison?

Believe me, farm regenerative practices can feed the world.

Three Berries

Active member
Soybeans fix nitrogen in the soil being a legume. Usually they go two corn one soybean. The tillage practices are another big change with most minimum till. Cover crops are used with soybeans being planted directly in fields of mature rye (another legume).

I would guess a lot of nitrogen pollution is from urine waste whether feedlots or municipalities. Phosphates is a big runoff problem as it is so persistent. But in dry years you don't get runoff. In wet years it can't be helped.


See the world through a puff of smoke
So i could piss everyday in my pots and my plants would like that? I mean nitrogen couldn't be bad.
How about the dose makes the poison? But i get it not everybody has the capability to understand that nobel price logic



Well-known member
new tractors being computerized so only company mechanics can repair them
75% of large combines sold in the US now don't even need drivers, GPS steering in the field. in Australia, it is 100 %. cars are no different than the tractors; there is virtually NOTHING an average driver can do on a car now except check oil, brake fluid, coolant etc. and i'm running into brake systems that you have to remove engine shrouds to even get to the reservoir.

Three Berries

Active member
Scientists Used This Rooftop Garden Hack to Help Plants Grow Significantly Bigger


Researchers used CO2 from classrooms at Boston University, through rooftop exhaust vents, to help spinach grow up to four times larger and corn twice as big than a control group not receiving CO2.

Higher temperatures near the exhaust fans may have also helped increase the growth of the plants, particularly the corn.

Researchers hope to create a system that can help bolster future rooftop farm installations.

The CO2-filled air in busy classrooms at Boston University was recently put to good use—as fertilizer for a rooftop garden, as part of a scientific study. Researchers repurposed the CO2 coming from a campus building’s exhaust to help grow plants in the experimental BIG GRO rooftop garden and found that spinach, in some cases, quadrupled in size compared to a nearby control group.


Well-known member
I used to be a bit of a climate change denier, but the winters have definitely been getting warmer. Really the biggest issue is too many people using too much energy. We can't build enough solar fields for everyone to drive EV's the way we drive cars and trucks. You also know people will not buy the least energy consuming cars. You see it everyday, the #1 selling vehicle in America for years is the Ford F-150, yet 99% are not construction workers or landscapers that actually need a pickup truck for work, they just think they're cool. I have a truck but mine has a ladder rack and loaded with tools.

Really somehow we need to get people to not drive or live in huge houses that take a lot of energy to heat. Really no way to stop them and I have bills to pay.

Honestly I think that's what the Great Reset is all about, they need to crash the economy, if we can't spend we can't pollute. Probably will be for the greater good, but it's going to be some bullshit and China and Russia are definitely not down. But really if the west crashes China ain't making no money either. Hell we crash hard enough we'll be the new China cause we won't have a choice but to work for less and make our own cheap crap.

Definitely don't think it's a coincidence inflation went as high as it did, sure they gave us a bit of free money, but it really wasn't that much. Definitely in for a hell of a shit show, should be fun. Lol

Three Berries

Active member
All the while China and India build new coal plants. Who is kidding who? Yes we have to cut our lifestyle back with more expensive and scarcer energy so they can increase theirs with more cheaper energy.

We use to be a proper country.


Well-known member
if we can't spend we can't pollute.
air pollution dropped visibly over many major cities around the world during lockdowns. mostly from restrained traffic (both business & tourist) with the resultant damage to economies. on a GOOD note, there are already electric powered aircraft out there. they aint 767s, but everything starts small. electric cars, nuclear ship traffic, electric trains, if as many folks here rode bicycles, electric or not, as do in Europe, we'd all be in a better place. gonna have to crank up some serious wattage...yeah, i heard the "no nukes" chant starting up...


Well-known member
All the while China and India build new coal plants. Who is kidding who? Yes we have to cut our lifestyle back with more expensive and scarcer energy so they can increase theirs with more cheaper energy.

We use to be a proper country.
this is the crux of the biscuit
multinational cooperation
probably be the biggest cooperative event in human history
this is going to be real hard, maybe undoable

Three Berries

Active member
this is the crux of the biscuit
multinational cooperation
probably be the biggest cooperative event in human history
this is going to be real hard, maybe undoable
Let's hope it's undoable because it's not going to do anything but cause misery and death.

Where is all the lithium and cobalt going to come from?


Well-known member
Let's hope it's undoable because it's not going to do anything but cause misery and death.

Where is all the lithium and cobalt going to come from?
probaly won't be using cobalt, fe-li be the more used
lithium too will likely be replaced by sodium eventually
resources aren't unlimited no matter what you use

Three Berries

Active member
probaly won't be using cobalt, fe-li be the more used
lithium too will likely be replaced by sodium eventually
resources aren't unlimited no matter what you use
Better hurry up and quit using probably. The people are going to freeze this winter and forget about climate change.

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