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is it possible to harvest 1 lb every month with a 600 watt hps?


In case people didn't see my earlier post. 20 single cola plants from 12/12 will yield 40-70 oz's depending on the strain. That's well over 1 lb per month and that's with a single 400w system and 180 watt LED. If anyone is having problems achieving this check out the sticky called "12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow".


Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
In case people didn't see my earlier post. 20 single cola plants from 12/12 will yield 40-70 oz's depending on the strain. That's well over 1 lb per month and that's with a single 400w system and 180 watt LED. If anyone is having problems achieving this check out the sticky called "12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow".


I think I just figured it out, do u have sand on top of the coco in those pots?


I run a perpetual 600w HPS. My veg area is separate. I'm pulling 4-6oz a month, every month. This is dry flower weight. No way to pull a lb off a 600w in 30 days. You need at least 60 days.


12-14 ounces a month is realistic if you are going for quality. we can talk theory all day but higher quality means lower yield from gardening techniques to genetics.

70....come on, that # isn't helping anyone, even if people achieve it.


Active member
i posted a link to Dr.BudGreenJeans threads, but i think the response was laughter. oh well ask for help then shoot the messenger.


Astronaut Status
In a perpetual set-up with a single 600 watt bulb.....you would need to harvest 908 grams from an 8 week strain from your first harvest. While the first batch is halfway in....you would need to start another batch that will yield 454 grams when finished. So after you harvest the first batch that took 2 months, you would average a lb. per month. Then 4 weeks later the batch started halfway thru the first batch would be done and only need to be 454 grams.....if another batch was started when batch 2 was halfway thru...a month later you could have a pound.

So basically if it was attempted the first run would need to be double the end weight of half of the light foot print(table size, wall sizes). Your first batch would need to be 1.51 grams per watt with following batches being only .76 grams per watt. It's confusing...and would be a great thing to achieve....but almost seems impossible. The individual run numbers are achievable. But the perpetual part of the equation jams 2x as many plants into half of the set-up on the first run and that's where I feel the yield would suffer.........just my 2cents.


New member
Dude, I run a 3 light 600 watt setup, 2 in the flower tent and another in a separate room vegging at 400 watts.... I pull 600/900 grams per 30 days... It's very possible... Oh yeah, I'm organic in soil!!!! We grow 12 plants in 16 liter pots and get between 50-80 grams we plant.


New member
In the bloom tents, there's 2 lights, each light is half a cycle apart. So for a 9 week variety you will harvest every 4 then 5 weeks....


I think I just figured it out, do u have sand on top of the coco in those pots?

Yes that is sand on top of my coco to prevent any insects from laying eggs in my coco.

I run a perpetual 600w HPS. My veg area is separate. I'm pulling 4-6oz a month, every month. This is dry flower weight. No way to pull a lb off a 600w in 30 days. You need at least 60 days.

People have proved this many times that it's possible. I don't understand what people aren't getting. If I get 20 plants to yield 40-70oz's that's between 2-3.5 lb per 5f x 5f tent in a 9-11 week period, that's over 1 lb per month. I have 2 5f x 5f tents so if I have 40 that's well over 2 lb's per month using only a 400 watt system.

12-14 ounces a month is realistic if you are going for quality. we can talk theory all day but higher quality means lower yield from gardening techniques to genetics.

70....come on, that # isn't helping anyone, even if people achieve it.

70oz's isn't possible? My Mango Haze yielded 3.5oz's without trimming of the side branches so it didn't form a single cola and it was from 12/12 went 11 weeks. With a full tent of 20 of them actually trimming to form a massive single cola, I could easily hit the 80oz mark. Here's a photo of the Mango Haze week 9 in, camera broke so I couldn't take a finish shot.


Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
In a perpetual set-up with a single 600 watt bulb.....you would need to harvest 908 grams from an 8 week strain from your first harvest. While the first batch is halfway in....you would need to start another batch that will yield 454 grams when finished. So after you harvest the first batch that took 2 months, you would average a lb. per month. Then 4 weeks later the batch started halfway thru the first batch would be done and only need to be 454 grams.....if another batch was started when batch 2 was halfway thru...a month later you could have a pound.

So basically if it was attempted the first run would need to be double the end weight of half of the light foot print(table size, wall sizes). Your first batch would need to be 1.51 grams per watt with following batches being only .76 grams per watt. It's confusing...and would be a great thing to achieve....but almost seems impossible. The individual run numbers are achievable. But the perpetual part of the equation jams 2x as many plants into half of the set-up on the first run and that's where I feel the yield would suffer.........just my 2cents.

ur confusing the situation a bit. Obviously the op would have to get the first harvest in then just run perpetual pulling half the harvest every month.

So if u had 4 plants, start 2, then a month later start another 2, then harvest every month.

It can be done, but with one light it would be a very dialed in grow. Its much easier to boost those yield numbers when using 2 or more lights to take advantage of light overlap.


Andinismo Hierbatero
Dude, I run a 3 light 600 watt setup, 2 in the flower tent and another in a separate room vegging at 400 watts.... I pull 600/900 grams per 30 days... It's very possible... Oh yeah, I'm organic in soil!!!! We grow 12 plants in 16 liter pots and get between 50-80 grams we plant.

that's the only way I've thought would be possible...

you'd need three spaces, one for vegetative, and two for flower.

but this means you also need three light sources... so getting 1lb a month with one 600watter is impossible basically.

you'd need 600watt on each flowering space, that's 1200watt of HID... and for veg you'd need at least 400watts of HID...

you may be able to lower the amount of watts if using quality LEDs though, but you'll never go as little as 600watts a month...



When u get to these yields it seems to scare people that haven't done it. Kinda like talking religion or something where people get so bent out of shape about it. I have hit 1.5 and am far from what I would call a expert. I believe I can get to 2, but I find its hard to talk with people about it cause they don't believe.

I have never seen anbody hit those numbers in a flat grow with out doig 4 to 6 plants pr sq ft. that's a great accomplishment, but it certainly isn't easy or everybody would be doing it.

Do u have a thread documenting it, or is it just in that 12/12 thread?

I know it's hard for a lot of people to believe but the proof is right in front of me. I will be making a thread shortly documenting and updating all of my 12/12s. As for the Mango Haze I didn't, I added it to my other grow thread which is here. The G13 White widow which was also 12/12 yielded 1.3oz without any trimming but only went 58 days. I couldn't take a photo as my camera was broken. I have a great camera now and will be taking many :biggrin:.



Active member
all you need is one veg and one flower box. lets assume for the sake of simplicity each plant can get 10 grams, and you need like 500 grams for an elbow. if you plant 50 plants all at once you can get your 1lb by harvest we'll do 60 for simplicity.. but you need perpetual so you plan those elbows a month starting at week 8. for simplicity sake this is an 8 week strain.

you start 15 clones, a week later 15 more, another week another 15, week 4, 15. ok so by week 4 your original 15 go to flower and every week you put 15 in flower and cut 15 more. by week 8 you should have 60 in flower and 60 more vegging. by week 12 you are harvesting the first 15. every week you harvest 15. in one more month, by week 16 (i said this takes planning) you are harvesting a elbow+ a month and you will continue to do so as long as you follow that schedule.

the procedure is the same, you just tailor it to fit whatever plant's you're growing and the amount of space you have to work with. all you need is one area for veg, one area for flower and both have to be able to handle whatever number and size of plant's you're working with and you need to time your intervals based on how long it takes your plants to veg to wherever you like them when you flower.

but basically get it to the point where you have a plant representing each week of growth from beginning to end in a long line and you just move it down the line one spot till the end.


Andinismo Hierbatero
all you need is one veg and one flower box. lets assume for the sake of simplicity each plant can get 10 grams, and you need like 500 grams for an elbow. if you plant 50 plants all at once you can get your 1lb by harvest we'll do 60 for simplicity.. but you need perpetual so you plan those elbows a month starting at week 8. for simplicity sake this is an 8 week strain.

you start 15 clones, a week later 15 more, another week another 15, week 4, 15. ok so by week 4 your original 15 go to flower and every week you put 15 in flower and cut 15 more. by week 8 you should have 60 in flower and 60 more vegging. by week 12 you are harvesting the first 15. every week you harvest 15. in one more month, by week 16 (i said this takes planning) you are harvesting a elbow+ a month and you will continue to do so as long as you follow that schedule.

the procedure is the same, you just tailor it to fit whatever plant's you're growing and the amount of space you have to work with. all you need is one area for veg, one area for flower and both have to be able to handle whatever number and size of plant's you're working with and you need to time your intervals based on how long it takes your plants to veg to wherever you like them when you flower.

but basically get it to the point where you have a plant representing each week of growth from beginning to end in a long line and you just move it down the line one spot till the end.

Not sure you'll have a big enough and effective light foot-print off a single 600watter to fit all those plants though...



Yes that is sand on top of my coco to prevent any insects from laying eggs in my coco.

People have proved this many times that it's possible. I don't understand what people aren't getting. If I get 20 plants to yield 40-70oz's that's between 2-3.5 lb per 5f x 5f tent in a 9-11 week period, that's over 1 lb per month. I have 2 5f x 5f tents so if I have 40 that's well over 2 lb's per month using only a 400 watt system.

70oz's isn't possible? My Mango Haze yielded 3.5oz's without trimming of the side branches so it didn't form a single cola and it was from 12/12 went 11 weeks. With a full tent of 20 of them actually trimming to form a massive single cola, I could easily hit the 80oz mark. Here's a photo of the Mango Haze week 9 in, camera broke so I couldn't take a finish shot.

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Have you ever cropped out 70oz from 600w in a month? Simple question. I know the answer, it's no. I'm not trying to be a dick, but taking the harvest from one plant....stretching it out to the idea you can get 70oz from 600w is laughable.

Props for thinking you could achieve it though, through speculation and not actually doing so.

I know i'm taking shots at you, but it's more about being open with the community.

You should talk to the dude who can get a 1lb a month from 300w of cfls......Because clearly you're doing something wrong, he has all of the claims you have as well BUT with 300s of cfls. Although that seems more realistic than 70oz from 600w in 30 days.


Still Learning
Have you ever cropped out 70oz from 600w in a month? Simple question. I know the answer, it's no. I'm not trying to be a dick, but taking the harvest from one plant....stretching it out to the idea you can get 70oz from 600w is laughable.

Props for thinking you could achieve it though, through speculation and not actually doing so.

I know i'm taking shots at you, but it's more about being open with the community.

You should talk to the dude who can get a 1lb a month from 300w of cfls......Because clearly you're doing something wrong, he has all of the claims you have as well BUT with 300s of cfls. Although that seems more realistic than 70oz from 600w in 30 days.
:tiphat:I'm not trying to be a dick either...> but I WANT to talk to him! who is he/she?? do you have a link?

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Have you ever cropped out 70oz from 600w in a month? Simple question. I know the answer, it's no. I'm not trying to be a dick, but taking the harvest from one plant....stretching it out to the idea you can get 70oz from 600w is laughable.

Props for thinking you could achieve it though, through speculation and not actually doing so.

I know i'm taking shots at you, but it's more about being open with the community.

You should talk to the dude who can get a 1lb a month from 300w of cfls......Because clearly you're doing something wrong, he has all of the claims you have as well BUT with 300s of cfls. Although that seems more realistic than 70oz from 600w in 30 days.

Ur right 70oz from 600w would be 3.27gpw. I re read what dr king said, every 3 months is what he is talking about for the 70 oz. That's the best ive ever heard of. But to get that in a flat canopy. I don't understand how u can fit that much growing herb in that small of an area.

I will have to experiment with some 12/12. I gotta say this sounds a bit too good to be true. I haven't seen anybody get a 3oz plant from 12/12, what page or post could I find that on?


Have you ever cropped out 70oz from 600w in a month? Simple question. I know the answer, it's no. I'm not trying to be a dick, but taking the harvest from one plant....stretching it out to the idea you can get 70oz from 600w is laughable.

Props for thinking you could achieve it though, through speculation and not actually doing so.

I know i'm taking shots at you, but it's more about being open with the community.

You should talk to the dude who can get a 1lb a month from 300w of cfls......Because clearly you're doing something wrong, he has all of the claims you have as well BUT with 300s of cfls. Although that seems more realistic than 70oz from 600w in 30 days.

You realize you contradicted yourself right? As for your first statement I have but I couldn't post one due to not having a camera. I have posted photos of my current tents and one of my old 12/12's that did yield nearly 4 oz's without lollipoping her. For you to say that it isn't possible is ridiculous given your last statement. If that "guy" you claim can achieve 1 lb per month with only 300 watts of cfls, why are we still having this discussion :biggrin:?

Ur right 70oz from 600w would be 3.27gpw. I re read what dr king said, every 3 months is what he is talking about for the 70 oz. That's the best ive ever heard of. But to get that in a flat canopy. I don't understand how u can fit that much growing herb in that small of an area.

I will have to experiment with some 12/12. I gotta say this sounds a bit too good to be true. I haven't seen anybody get a 3oz plant from 12/12, what page or post could I find that on?

I posted a photo of the Mango Haze I grew from 12/12 a few post ago. Went 11 weeks an yield nearly 4 oz's. I hope people don't think I am trying to show anyone up or trying to be cocky. I am just breaking down the numbers given within a grow area and multiplying the yield per plant. It seems like simple math to me. Here she is 9 weeks in from 12/12. Again I wish my camera didn't brake at a bad time or I would have finish photos of her. I will have a journal updating my 12/12 5f x 5f tents, anyone is welcome to stop by and say hi :tiphat:.
