called hashish when pressed, coming from the arabic hassassins,
Actually, it's the word "assassin" which is said to come from "hashishin", members of Hassan ibn al Sabbah's sect.
it didnt get me high - only just in one occasion when i had not smoked hash for a few days at all.
How strange. A friend of mine who used to go every year to Morocco actually told me it's some of the most potent stuff she' had ever smoked (and believe me, she was in those time a very very hard head eheh...). Tobacco alone should be enough to give you a rush.
About the resin powder, I think tha tif a traditionnal name would be applied, then that should be that of "garda". In Afghanistan & Pakistan it's the name for unpressed and uncooked resin, and it also happens to mean powder, dust.
Egypt was a major market and it was mostly smuggled from Greece or along camel routes from the middle east.
Indeed. For those who haven't read it, I strongly recommend Henry de Monfreid "La croisière du Hashish" (I don't know the english title, might be "Hashish :a smuggler's tale"). Takes place during the times when Greece was still producing hash, then right after its prohibition there. THe man goes to India to catch on several tons of Yarkand Charas to bringback to the Red Sea shores (all true story). A must read for any hash lover !
By the way, long time no new pic here, eh ? Allow me...
Irie !
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