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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


Well-known member
This month's get away brought up the following displayed in the as often lousy pics. What ever, the one classic Moroccan to the right was the best traditional high grade on offer ; still a commercial one sadly as one dimensionally earthy in taste along with a few notes of this and that – though it had a nice enough relaxing long lasting stone.

The bright one to the left was the best price/performance ratio this trip. High grade Moroccan gear with foreign genetics, very oilish and almost powdery containing a clean and strong smell of sweetness reminding of pineapple and melon. Despite this wasn't transfered 100% to the taste it still had a creamy and enjoyable one. Effects were strong as usual coming with those types. Considering the coffeeshop price and doing the math this would be very welcome at home and should make many people happy.

1 High Grades From Coffeeshops.November.2023 .JPG

2 Traditional High Grade From Morocco From Coffeeshops.November.2023.JPG

3 Traditional High Grade From Morocco From Coffeeshops.November.2023.JPG

4 Blonde High Grade With Foreign Genetics From Coffeeshops Supposedly From Morocco. November.2...JPG

5 Blonde High Grade With Foreign Genetics From Coffeeshops Supposedly From Morocco. November.2...JPG

An extraordinary expensive static Moroc with foreign genetics was picked up as well, still the same favourite section of mine and their flagship line I reported about before.
Melty goodness with a fruity flavour and very strong yet trippy long lasting high. Also welcome at home any time and the best this trip easily. Again, these guys didn't let me down yet.

At home by the way I apart from the usual hefty averageness I was presented a new(?)batch of those rolls I enquired more than a year back for a relative okish price in bulk compared to what I paid the other day.
Though this time they were nearly all black and gooey plus coming with the same bitcoin sticker but a different label. 100 g and this time also a bitcoin stamp on them[have not seen stamps in quite a while, anyone?]. My source claimed they are very strong and got me a sample which I after the usual tests gave away to someone almost not carying what is consumed as it despite the several fails just looked very worked or indeed not stored properly.

Latter one is quite a reasonable suspicion as why would they otherwise have had landed around my neck of the woods as we rarely see some high grade, lol?

I enjoy your post about coffeshop visits bit I not seen you post 1 pic of any Hash as good as the Caramelo I have here from years back , not 1.

I go Amsterdam twice a year and go to all the well known coffeshops looking for the old traditional Hash especially the Caramelo ( 1 of the best well known traditional famous Morrocan Hash) and its very rare to find now and I only find a few decent samples but far inferior to the old Caramelo.
What you post is 99.9 new school or the lower grades of traditional Morrocan that has been around forever and not really disappeared as much as the special pieces.

Beldia 😆
This word get thrown around like a baseball these days , everyone says they can get Beldia and never produces it 😆
The other posters
The guys I know who bring the product directly from the mountains everyone 😆 , but none of you can deliver

What many people call Belida is not the famous Caramelo we been smoking since a kid at 15 ( I'm 40 plus now)
The red Caramelo, melty and taste like your eating dinner with the farmers on the mountain , incredible Terps.

I don't know where to start. It again seems you are very passionate on your quest for your and your circle's idea of a certain type of classic Moroccan hashish especially since it is linked to you beeing aged 15 years back then when you first enjoyed that type of Moroccan hashish and I respect that to the max.

Following your posts lately you in my humble opinion should watch out your dedication doesn't become your obsession. Latter one is usually spiced up with a close minded point of view and that type in general is something I avoid like the plague.

As said I'm more of a rational person myself[though no robot, seriously]and not thin skinned as among other stuff I know this is the internet and everything should be taken with a sack of salt.

So saying that it looks to me this 'traditional vs. foreign genetics' turnt into a bit of heated 'discussion' since my last post you commented above.
Personally I appreciate this lovely thread pretty much and wouldn't want to see it making a wrong turn which easily could happen and would be a real pity. Especially in regards to such a lame topic, at least as far as I am concerned and no matter how often I stated before
I pretty much rate the classic Moroccan line but as well appreciate the foreign genetics grown there if it is high grade ; needless to say I can't stop the decrease as I am just a nobody and the majority of customer want something else obviously roughly speaking.

Thus I decided let's agree to disagree whether there is high grade traditional Moroc about or not. Still I say it is and I had it until recently. Still you say it is not. Neither I need your not you need my seal of approval. Done.

I say the following as neutral as it could be : I'm tired of repeating this over and over again, especially with your type of communication.

You say posters should come up with proofs the beloverd traditional of yours you often glorify almost desperately you look for[and is still existing in your freezer in form of a few grams left from last batch you personally could acquire about 3 years ago] is still existing
which is mighty fine of course as this is your personal taste but you constantly state the tradtional Moroc is 'far superior to the foreign genetic ones from Morocco' while you tried supposeldy ten samples of those new ones
and only posted two batches in the last four years.
One I cant find anymore and one of it is this merely mid grade Captain Kush[so since you didn't show something else I take it this is your reference piece or something else dubious] I personally too had and has not much to do others and me talked about when talking about high grades on par with the traditional Moroc – these new one others and me talk about when good quality high grade are not necessarily better or shit but at least on an equally quality level.
Considering what you have presented in recent years of foreign genetics gear[mid grade at best]you should back this up [pictures of the inferior high grade Moroc with foreign genetics?]especially since you expect this from others.
Or is your opinion well more worth than others here?

I don't beg anyone if you haven't noticed for a third time to comment something no one walking this earth is worth that in my humble opinion, I just move on.

Either you do this on intention or not that's where I draw the line and leave your monologue.

Also you state it is not existing and others told you already there were shown several ones in this thread just in a timeframe of one year.

As a compromise I jog your obviously not so good working memory but do some work yourself and please go to page 198 and from there to this very page here.

During that please look for yourself and seek posts from members Hiphop_odc, Karma_G and others which prove you wrong easily.

My type I present(ed) is classic Morocan high grade on par with what ever you or the ones you know name classic Moroc.

Yes, different and never claimed something else as I always talked about high grade classic Moroc without the usual stupid names I meantioned before['Hia, Primera, Royal, Caramello']but not better nor worse, same quality level. I know the type you are refering to, one of the best indeed. Mine is one of the best, too. I'm repeating myself.

Don't forget as said before too this classic Moroccan gear is also a somewhat time machine respectively nostalgia related which means new consumers of today rating the best new Morocs with foreign genetics highly could have a well different opinion about the classic Moroc from back in the day and vice versa when trying it.

Random note: One Moroccan coffeeshop owner in his 40ies yet 50ies springs to mind who said when approached on enjoying a haze spliff during work he only smokes Moroccan hashish in Morocco because 'there it feels different and I just enjoy it more' which is not only an example for emotional ties but also the idea of setting, anyone?

Times there are changing, right? Needless to say the 'caramello' or what ever abused name is one of the best as you put it yourself, there were and are still others though, on the same level.

Again if you would be in a position[I am not]then you could get your hands on it and if you are so keen go to the Rif and order yourself – I don't see an other chance, seriously as no one around you can deliver seemingly and you are dedicated.

Much more to say about it but that's it. I'm not looking for dispute I'm here for exchange on eye level. That said, no hate from my side[and obviously yours I take it], seriously. Though I will not discuss this topic again with you but still am open minded regarding other subjects.

Not expecting or needing an answer. I'm outta here as on one hand I don't want to discuss this old hat again and again and on the other I can't keep in step with the post frequency about it due to several reasons I mentioned before so I stick to my personal one again. Here I already wrote too much again and merely will refer to this in the future when similar topics appear again.


I agree about each to their own when it comes to preferences and tastes. Though I despite what I wrote above can understand which type member Ojd means and the ones you[and me posted] don't look that way but again the proof is still in the pudding, right? There are variants of the same quality.

Maybe yours are the watered down versions going around since a couple of years though – maybe they are more intense in taste than what member Ojd looks for. We will never know in the end until we meet up and test enough samples on offer while finding a common ground respectively setting up a rating system we all use. As said from my side this will never happen most proablby so we should as anyway take everything with a grain of salt.

Too if one has no reference piece in the freezer from years back our memory will play tricks on one's mind as which science proved over and over again[memory quite changes].

People get used to stuff and most of the Moroccan gear seemingly going around is sadly mediocre at least what I tried mostly in the last three years at coffeeshops and indeed people get used to it until it indeed changes again ad infinitum.

If you are interested what I think about classic gear you'd try one of them I rated recently in Amsterdam when you are around yourself, preferably the best from that lot which was the Honey Hash[and still is only commercial as said] and compare this to the ones you got at home honestly as a reference point for this discussion. Though in the meantime the batch could have changed as well.

Dilemma, huh?

So I wouldn't advise you to do so even though it would be interesting it is up to you though. Better enjoy yourself there and do your thing!

In the end it is what you say as long as a consumer is satisfied with his purchase all is fine. Should be no contest but if one is looking for a rating system to improve the general quality of imported resins rating it is necessary to let certain producers know via indeed this that we don't accept their lame quality they are delivering.
But do they care about a minority like us? Rhetoric question.

Let alone this is such a sensitive topic as people get so fast offended and jealous when one is judging the quality of their drugs no matter how polite and careful one puts it; in general there is a constant competition going on in the world we are living in no matter which product is concerned generally speaking but this here is one extra hot topic among a few others it seems.

Though again then we're on the illegal black market and face a majority of consumers being happy with 'at least something to smoke' due to several reasons..

So what to do preferably?

Live and let live would be my choice. Obviously your's as well and again kudos to you as said before since you call a spade a spade when reviewing gear, keep it up!
Still I think it is important to discuss qualities as long as everyone doesn't take it personal so this could help us all in the end.

@A lil spanish

Appreciate your effort pretty much, very interesting! Cheers.

By the way maybe you can add your perspective: as far as I am informed by different sources that the classic Moroccan resin is still stored about one year after harvest before processing[respectively dried and aged plants].
This then means there is some curing taking place during that on intention. Now I often heard and read that the foreign genetic ones don't get stored but be processed 'immediately'.
Also I was told some producers or importeurs cook them up vaccuum sealed as described by member Sandsamp81 and others before them to indeed cure them. This one is the fast method and not so advised to people not so much in the know as they could overdo it and a 'natural cure' of at least half a year vacuum sealed at a certain temperature is more advisable[let alone so many amateur or profissional hash makers at home let their freshly produced hashish no matter if bubble or dry sift sit for a while 'for curing' and a 'smooth better tasting product', it is not new, right?].

So it seems to me the farmers respectively whoever found a way to after cure the resin they harvested. They could store the resin respectively aged plants the same way they do it with the Moroccan landrace and process it a year later when cure has taken place.

Now they found this method and it 'saves' time or they let the customer or traders do this thing and of course they can get profit 'more fast'[Note: as said before I think some things in life you can't speed up so letting it sit for a while even with the foreign genetics is the best way to go as I recherched too because if you could really speed it up that easily by cooking similar things would have had applied to wine, whisk(e)y and such. Apples and oranges I know but maybe in case of alcohol it is just too costly to speed up curing by what ever technology who knows? I tend to think it is difficult to speed something up.].

This pretty much makes sense to me and as I said since I don't see much high grades around here unfortunately I prefer my gear as raw as possible and would love to decide when to cure it instead of getting a product almost to be past its best if you know what I mean. I mean I freeze everything since ages anyway if I can get my hands on something but with this way I'd prefer that as I am a patient person when it comes to such stuff.

Can you relate? Is this the reason it gets immediately processed nowadays instead of doing it like hundreds of years ago as per tradition[based on monitoring over such a long time]? Do you hear of experiments where they process the resin of landrace plants immediately and curing them on site instead of letting them sit for one year?

Would like to hear your opinion on that!

@Piff Rhys Jones

As said before I too think homemade hashish will always be better than a foreign product – one reason might be a biased producer one's ego included and the other (illegal)big crops have to be handled differently.
Stil these days what I tried in regards of supposedly fresh frozen and static I reckon it definitely can compete to some degree and even beat a majority of not so dedicated homegrowing farmers especially those whom try to juggle too many balls at once.

As you and me said the real deal Moroccan landrace is seemingly getting more rare.
As far as I 'understood' breeding it wouldn't take too long for the landrace to take over again, just a a couple of generation, to get back on track if sown again even with the cross contaminationas acclimatised to the climate and dominant[still a well complicated topic and much more to say about that] in this area but we will never know as indeed as you and others said the farmers look for a living so they buy the seeds and deliver the quality most of their customers seemingly want.


Thought and posted a similar point of view before, cheers.! Remember, that Moroccan landrace isn't as uniform as a clone but throws a few phenotypes nonetheless and indeed as you said this mixture allows a variation in taste which a clone would 'lack'.

By the way a good while back I dreamt of farmers up there using clones to till a field so one single phenotype of a strain of foreign genetics.

Since I inbetween tried this off indoor harvests of one single phenotype it pretty much confirms my point of view.

Again then I tried also hashish off different strains mixed together with the same sieving approach and in general high grade quality which I found lovely as well and even would prefer to some degree nowadays instead of a single clone harvest of one but deep taste. Hard to decide so I take both, okay:biggrin:?

All right then now comes one of my dreaded metpahors:

maybe very remotely one can compare single sourced hashish of a single pheno(via clone)and hashish sourced of multiple phenotypes of one single strain respectively even multiple strains with meat of grazing animals(=clone), let's say a pig, with meat from the hunt of let's say a feral pig? Each of the meat if good quality pigs taste good but would anyone say one is better[let's say the pig was reared organic and the feral pig lived in an untouched environment – dreaming is allowed, huh, :biglaugh:?]than the other? Some of course would but while the taste of the wild one is indeed more aromatic the other one tastes 'clean' in its own way.

Completely bullshit? Usual simplicity by myself? Apples and organges? Of course to some degree but while this is indeed just a stupid metaphor it should bring my point across, anyone?

Bottom line: enjoy both if it was treated well to come up with high grade quality! At least I do.


Not sure if they wouldn't already use such thing as 'plant growth regulators' apart from the analysis you have seen if they could since as this still is an unregulated black market aimed at profit and I read before many years ago some already used chemical fertilizers instead of manure to compete with demand and shit. Again, profit, profit and again profit. Old hat again.

Apart from that I'm still with you!

First section you mentioned above I, what ever that means, never heard of yet. Will keep in mind.
Second one you mentioned before but unfortunately I couldn't find at any koffieshop as well yet.
Rest you mentioned above too I had gear from and can pretty much recommend except for the third one with colour which was hit and miss as reported[and totally hyped since more than nine-months-period at least]tastewise[lacking]though not effectwise for certain ; though one budtender explained this trip to me – and you said similar things – that there are batches around being 'overcured' with minimal flavour and a hard-to-handle-product due to stickiness no matter which section. The ones not so good I had of this very section weren't overly sticky but dry though so I maybe it can end up in one direction or both strain dependent or what ever.

Since you mentioned all those pseudo brands respectively sections what about 'Drytech' I mentioned in my previous post due to being a bit sceptical about the intensity of their taste in this Mulberry I had off them. You heard anything suspcious? See my post ; heard of them a lot before and they seem to have a well reputation.


Enjoy this Lebanese then! Reminds me of this trip where I saw blonde variant as well as red variant listed but without looking at them they were quite cheap so I took it them being of merely mid-grade of the usual quality I reported about before in recent years. Not worth the trouble I'm good, thanks.

Any chance your lot is similar to what member Sandsmp81 posted here about half a year ago?

Would like to come across such sample.Again, enjoy what ever it is if it is to your liking!

@Top buzzer

Nice selection, enjoy!

Regarding red tinge I can confirm what member Ojd meant it is a trait of some types of classic Moroccan gear but personally I couldn't judge your picture if it has a red tinge or not as I know pictures are hit and miss.

Here are some examples of what I picked up over the years from my gallery from the top off my head showing this red tinge[depending on picture quality but my memory is quite okay so I chose the ones I related with that tinge even though it is long ago] but I am not saying it is the type Ojd is looking for as said there are several high grades I tried personally:

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Piff Rhys Jones

🌴 Hugging Trees 🌴
@sandsmp81 @NotYourSaviour have you guys tried anything from the brand golden heads warrior? I know you two are quite familiar with the brands offering higher quality modern genetic hashes, but would appreciate anyone else who has any experience with this brand to also chime in if possible.

@A lil spanish how is the new season sift looking this year? The weather was good this summer so I’m hoping for an exquisite vintage!



Well-known member
@Piff Rhys Jones

Yes I know GHW they are from the USA, they had excellent products last season but very expensive for what it was.

Their apple fritter static was around 25 to 30e a g and tested at 51% THC, you can get other farm plates for 12e a g that were testing at 70% and that wasn't even static.

Europe made GHW famous and now I've heard for this season they are using not as good genetics and lower quality sift, riding on the back of their previous season.

Heard quite a few folk not happy with the latest season but a few others saying it was good, but I think they were just trying to justify the high price they paid, again allegedly over priced for the quality level.

This season with other top farms is looking good.

VSOP has a very nice static line, I've just got 2 bars of their frozen sift and will get some static at some point as I've been very impressed with the frozen.

Mtriff farm is another to look out for with some nice static by all accounts.

Family farmz also do some nice frozen, I've got 4 different strains of theirs and all excellent.

BMP has a new frozen drop, last season was some of the best of the year and this year's is supposed to be the same, I'll grab some soon for Xmas as I'm running low on the ones I got the previous season.

Got a few other bits coming like some Nepalese, Caramello and some Hindu Kush traditional hashes, I'll post up when I get some time.
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Well-known member

Yes I know of and have spoken to Drytech, they are known for producing excellent products, last season they did not produce much apart from mostly static and qualities if that level, it was very fairly priced at 900e but I couldn't secure a bar direct and resellers wanted 1400e.

Their latest season they are working with golden farms and I think the Mulberry was from that, I have seen 2 grades of it including a static, again pretty fairly priced for the quality level.

Piff Rhys Jones

🌴 Hugging Trees 🌴
Yes I know GHW they are from the USA, they had excellent products last season but very expensive for what it was.
There’s also a few other brands they seem to be affiliated with, caliplates, sanfranhashco, all seemingly cali based, but the bars are suspiciously looking like they’re coming from Maroc. The way they are wrapped and pressed is unusual, the quality not as good as what you’d expect coming from USA, and they’re in 100g plates wrapped in bio film.

For USA they could afford to vacuum seal them and you would have thought glass containers would be involved like when curing bubble hash or rosin. Also they’re offering uncured glassy plates which is odd for cali extractions. If you follow the real cali dry sifters their stuff melts at room temp and doesn’t behave like maroc hash.

But they just won legends of hash and got 2nd place also with their dry sifts so cant be too bad. I’ll be in Barcelona shortly so will grab a sample to see if it’s any good.



Well-known member
There’s also a few other brands they seem to be affiliated with, caliplates, sanfranhashco, all seemingly cali based, but the bars are suspiciously looking like they’re coming from Maroc. The way they are wrapped and pressed is unusual, the quality not as good as what you’d expect coming from USA, and they’re in 100g plates wrapped in bio film.

For USA they could afford to vacuum seal them and you would have thought glass containers would be involved like when curing bubble hash or rosin. Also they’re offering uncured glassy plates which is odd for cali extractions. If you follow the real cali dry sifters their stuff melts at room temp and doesn’t behave like maroc hash.

But they just won legends of hash and got 2nd place also with their dry sifts so cant be too bad. I’ll be in Barcelona shortly so will grab a sample to see if it’s any good.


Cali plates is GHW, that's their new range that isn't as good as last season, sanfranhashco are a separate company doing the same thing as GHW they are 100% from the USA but they are all being bought up by the European market so that's why you see them here, they were on IG and the euro selling groups use that too and bought up all their stock.

They have copied the style/techniques of the modern Maroc hash makers as it's sort of traditional to use the cellophane wrap and to send it glassy, also they don't have to do as much work as is requested by the USA market putting it in glass etc etc.

It's a cash crop at the end of the day and they send it out glassy like all the other farms do, then the buyer cures it (although some sellers offer a curing service)

These modern techniques are used as we learn more about the science of resin and it is believed that it keeps the resin better for travel if it's still glassy, they don't want it over curing and becoming cooked.

Piff Rhys Jones

🌴 Hugging Trees 🌴
I saw an interesting machine the other day that uses compressed air to suck and blow dry sifted trichomes across some statically charged plates. Didn’t see it working but I wonder how they can offer true static at affordable prices, particularly in cali, you’d need a lot of biomass to end up with 100g of statically separated trichome heads. The vids of them with gloves on looks no diff to the vids in Maroc.

The thing that made me wonder too was the way they operate their social media presence. It’s exactly like how the Marocs and european brokers do it. It just doesn’t have the finesse of brands that operate in a relatively legal climate.

Just thinking aloud… it would be an interesting idea to import cheap unpressed sift from Maroc to cali, clean it up with technology available there, then market it as cali hash for top prices.



Well-known member
This month's get away brought up the following displayed in the as often lousy pics. What ever, the one classic Moroccan to the right was the best traditional high grade on offer ; still a commercial one sadly as one dimensionally earthy in taste along with a few notes of this and that – though it had a nice enough relaxing long lasting stone.

The bright one to the left was the best price/performance ratio this trip. High grade Moroccan gear with foreign genetics, very oilish and almost powdery containing a clean and strong smell of sweetness reminding of pineapple and melon. Despite this wasn't transfered 100% to the taste it still had a creamy and enjoyable one. Effects were strong as usual coming with those types. Considering the coffeeshop price and doing the math this would be very welcome at home and should make many people happy.

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An extraordinary expensive static Moroc with foreign genetics was picked up as well, still the same favourite section of mine and their flagship line I reported about before.
Melty goodness with a fruity flavour and very strong yet trippy long lasting high. Also welcome at home any time and the best this trip easily. Again, these guys didn't let me down yet.

At home by the way I apart from the usual hefty averageness I was presented a new(?)batch of those rolls I enquired more than a year back for a relative okish price in bulk compared to what I paid the other day.
Though this time they were nearly all black and gooey plus coming with the same bitcoin sticker but a different label. 100 g and this time also a bitcoin stamp on them[have not seen stamps in quite a while, anyone?]. My source claimed they are very strong and got me a sample which I after the usual tests gave away to someone almost not carying what is consumed as it despite the several fails just looked very worked or indeed not stored properly.

Latter one is quite a reasonable suspicion as why would they otherwise have had landed around my neck of the woods as we rarely see some high grade, lol?

I don't know where to start. It again seems you are very passionate on your quest for your and your circle's idea of a certain type of classic Moroccan hashish especially since it is linked to you beeing aged 15 years back then when you first enjoyed that type of Moroccan hashish and I respect that to the max.

Following your posts lately you in my humble opinion should watch out your dedication doesn't become your obsession. Latter one is usually spiced up with a close minded point of view and that type in general is something I avoid like the plague.

As said I'm more of a rational person myself[though no robot, seriously]and not thin skinned as among other stuff I know this is the internet and everything should be taken with a sack of salt.

So saying that it looks to me this 'traditional vs. foreign genetics' turnt into a bit of heated 'discussion' since my last post you commented above.
Personally I appreciate this lovely thread pretty much and wouldn't want to see it making a wrong turn which easily could happen and would be a real pity. Especially in regards to such a lame topic, at least as far as I am concerned and no matter how often I stated before
I pretty much rate the classic Moroccan line but as well appreciate the foreign genetics grown there if it is high grade ; needless to say I can't stop the decrease as I am just a nobody and the majority of customer want something else obviously roughly speaking.

Thus I decided let's agree to disagree whether there is high grade traditional Moroc about or not. Still I say it is and I had it until recently. Still you say it is not. Neither I need your not you need my seal of approval. Done.

I say the following as neutral as it could be : I'm tired of repeating this over and over again, especially with your type of communication.

You say posters should come up with proofs the beloverd traditional of yours you often glorify almost desperately you look for[and is still existing in your freezer in form of a few grams left from last batch you personally could acquire about 3 years ago] is still existing
which is mighty fine of course as this is your personal taste but you constantly state the tradtional Moroc is 'far superior to the foreign genetic ones from Morocco' while you tried supposeldy ten samples of those new ones
and only posted two batches in the last four years.
One I cant find anymore and one of it is this merely mid grade Captain Kush[so since you didn't show something else I take it this is your reference piece or something else dubious] I personally too had and has not much to do others and me talked about when talking about high grades on par with the traditional Moroc – these new one others and me talk about when good quality high grade are not necessarily better or shit but at least on an equally quality level.
Considering what you have presented in recent years of foreign genetics gear[mid grade at best]you should back this up [pictures of the inferior high grade Moroc with foreign genetics?]especially since you expect this from others.
Or is your opinion well more worth than others here?

I don't beg anyone if you haven't noticed for a third time to comment something no one walking this earth is worth that in my humble opinion, I just move on.

Either you do this on intention or not that's where I draw the line and leave your monologue.

Also you state it is not existing and others told you already there were shown several ones in this thread just in a timeframe of one year.

As a compromise I jog your obviously not so good working memory but do some work yourself and please go to page 198 and from there to this very page here.

During that please look for yourself and seek posts from members Hiphop_odc, Karma_G and others which prove you wrong easily.

My type I present(ed) is classic Morocan high grade on par with what ever you or the ones you know name classic Moroc.

Yes, different and never claimed something else as I always talked about high grade classic Moroc without the usual stupid names I meantioned before['Hia, Primera, Royal, Caramello']but not better nor worse, same quality level. I know the type you are refering to, one of the best indeed. Mine is one of the best, too. I'm repeating myself.

Don't forget as said before too this classic Moroccan gear is also a somewhat time machine respectively nostalgia related which means new consumers of today rating the best new Morocs with foreign genetics highly could have a well different opinion about the classic Moroc from back in the day and vice versa when trying it.

Random note: One Moroccan coffeeshop owner in his 40ies yet 50ies springs to mind who said when approached on enjoying a haze spliff during work he only smokes Moroccan hashish in Morocco because 'there it feels different and I just enjoy it more' which is not only an example for emotional ties but also the idea of setting, anyone?

Times there are changing, right? Needless to say the 'caramello' or what ever abused name is one of the best as you put it yourself, there were and are still others though, on the same level.

Again if you would be in a position[I am not]then you could get your hands on it and if you are so keen go to the Rif and order yourself – I don't see an other chance, seriously as no one around you can deliver seemingly and you are dedicated.

Much more to say about it but that's it. I'm not looking for dispute I'm here for exchange on eye level. That said, no hate from my side[and obviously yours I take it], seriously. Though I will not discuss this topic again with you but still am open minded regarding other subjects.

Not expecting or needing an answer. I'm outta here as on one hand I don't want to discuss this old hat again and again and on the other I can't keep in step with the post frequency about it due to several reasons I mentioned before so I stick to my personal one again. Here I already wrote too much again and merely will refer to this in the future when similar topics appear again.


I agree about each to their own when it comes to preferences and tastes. Though I despite what I wrote above can understand which type member Ojd means and the ones you[and me posted] don't look that way but again the proof is still in the pudding, right? There are variants of the same quality.

Maybe yours are the watered down versions going around since a couple of years though – maybe they are more intense in taste than what member Ojd looks for. We will never know in the end until we meet up and test enough samples on offer while finding a common ground respectively setting up a rating system we all use. As said from my side this will never happen most proablby so we should as anyway take everything with a grain of salt.

Too if one has no reference piece in the freezer from years back our memory will play tricks on one's mind as which science proved over and over again[memory quite changes].

People get used to stuff and most of the Moroccan gear seemingly going around is sadly mediocre at least what I tried mostly in the last three years at coffeeshops and indeed people get used to it until it indeed changes again ad infinitum.

If you are interested what I think about classic gear you'd try one of them I rated recently in Amsterdam when you are around yourself, preferably the best from that lot which was the Honey Hash[and still is only commercial as said] and compare this to the ones you got at home honestly as a reference point for this discussion. Though in the meantime the batch could have changed as well.

Dilemma, huh?

So I wouldn't advise you to do so even though it would be interesting it is up to you though. Better enjoy yourself there and do your thing!

In the end it is what you say as long as a consumer is satisfied with his purchase all is fine. Should be no contest but if one is looking for a rating system to improve the general quality of imported resins rating it is necessary to let certain producers know via indeed this that we don't accept their lame quality they are delivering.
But do they care about a minority like us? Rhetoric question.

Let alone this is such a sensitive topic as people get so fast offended and jealous when one is judging the quality of their drugs no matter how polite and careful one puts it; in general there is a constant competition going on in the world we are living in no matter which product is concerned generally speaking but this here is one extra hot topic among a few others it seems.

Though again then we're on the illegal black market and face a majority of consumers being happy with 'at least something to smoke' due to several reasons..

So what to do preferably?

Live and let live would be my choice. Obviously your's as well and again kudos to you as said before since you call a spade a spade when reviewing gear, keep it up!
Still I think it is important to discuss qualities as long as everyone doesn't take it personal so this could help us all in the end.

@A lil spanish

Appreciate your effort pretty much, very interesting! Cheers.

By the way maybe you can add your perspective: as far as I am informed by different sources that the classic Moroccan resin is still stored about one year after harvest before processing[respectively dried and aged plants].
This then means there is some curing taking place during that on intention. Now I often heard and read that the foreign genetic ones don't get stored but be processed 'immediately'.
Also I was told some producers or importeurs cook them up vaccuum sealed as described by member Sandsamp81 and others before them to indeed cure them. This one is the fast method and not so advised to people not so much in the know as they could overdo it and a 'natural cure' of at least half a year vacuum sealed at a certain temperature is more advisable[let alone so many amateur or profissional hash makers at home let their freshly produced hashish no matter if bubble or dry sift sit for a while 'for curing' and a 'smooth better tasting product', it is not new, right?].

So it seems to me the farmers respectively whoever found a way to after cure the resin they harvested. They could store the resin respectively aged plants the same way they do it with the Moroccan landrace and process it a year later when cure has taken place.

Now they found this method and it 'saves' time or they let the customer or traders do this thing and of course they can get profit 'more fast'[Note: as said before I think some things in life you can't speed up so letting it sit for a while even with the foreign genetics is the best way to go as I recherched too because if you could really speed it up that easily by cooking similar things would have had applied to wine, whisk(e)y and such. Apples and oranges I know but maybe in case of alcohol it is just too costly to speed up curing by what ever technology who knows? I tend to think it is difficult to speed something up.].

This pretty much makes sense to me and as I said since I don't see much high grades around here unfortunately I prefer my gear as raw as possible and would love to decide when to cure it instead of getting a product almost to be past its best if you know what I mean. I mean I freeze everything since ages anyway if I can get my hands on something but with this way I'd prefer that as I am a patient person when it comes to such stuff.

Can you relate? Is this the reason it gets immediately processed nowadays instead of doing it like hundreds of years ago as per tradition[based on monitoring over such a long time]? Do you hear of experiments where they process the resin of landrace plants immediately and curing them on site instead of letting them sit for one year?

Would like to hear your opinion on that!

@Piff Rhys Jones

As said before I too think homemade hashish will always be better than a foreign product – one reason might be a biased producer one's ego included and the other (illegal)big crops have to be handled differently.
Stil these days what I tried in regards of supposedly fresh frozen and static I reckon it definitely can compete to some degree and even beat a majority of not so dedicated homegrowing farmers especially those whom try to juggle too many balls at once.

As you and me said the real deal Moroccan landrace is seemingly getting more rare.
As far as I 'understood' breeding it wouldn't take too long for the landrace to take over again, just a a couple of generation, to get back on track if sown again even with the cross contaminationas acclimatised to the climate and dominant[still a well complicated topic and much more to say about that] in this area but we will never know as indeed as you and others said the farmers look for a living so they buy the seeds and deliver the quality most of their customers seemingly want.


Thought and posted a similar point of view before, cheers.! Remember, that Moroccan landrace isn't as uniform as a clone but throws a few phenotypes nonetheless and indeed as you said this mixture allows a variation in taste which a clone would 'lack'.

By the way a good while back I dreamt of farmers up there using clones to till a field so one single phenotype of a strain of foreign genetics.

Since I inbetween tried this off indoor harvests of one single phenotype it pretty much confirms my point of view.

Again then I tried also hashish off different strains mixed together with the same sieving approach and in general high grade quality which I found lovely as well and even would prefer to some degree nowadays instead of a single clone harvest of one but deep taste. Hard to decide so I take both, okay:biggrin:?

All right then now comes one of my dreaded metpahors:

maybe very remotely one can compare single sourced hashish of a single pheno(via clone)and hashish sourced of multiple phenotypes of one single strain respectively even multiple strains with meat of grazing animals(=clone), let's say a pig, with meat from the hunt of let's say a feral pig? Each of the meat if good quality pigs taste good but would anyone say one is better[let's say the pig was reared organic and the feral pig lived in an untouched environment – dreaming is allowed, huh, :biglaugh:?]than the other? Some of course would but while the taste of the wild one is indeed more aromatic the other one tastes 'clean' in its own way.

Completely bullshit? Usual simplicity by myself? Apples and organges? Of course to some degree but while this is indeed just a stupid metaphor it should bring my point across, anyone?

Bottom line: enjoy both if it was treated well to come up with high grade quality! At least I do.


Not sure if they wouldn't already use such thing as 'plant growth regulators' apart from the analysis you have seen if they could since as this still is an unregulated black market aimed at profit and I read before many years ago some already used chemical fertilizers instead of manure to compete with demand and shit. Again, profit, profit and again profit. Old hat again.

Apart from that I'm still with you!

First section you mentioned above I, what ever that means, never heard of yet. Will keep in mind.
Second one you mentioned before but unfortunately I couldn't find at any koffieshop as well yet.
Rest you mentioned above too I had gear from and can pretty much recommend except for the third one with colour which was hit and miss as reported[and totally hyped since more than nine-months-period at least]tastewise[lacking]though not effectwise for certain ; though one budtender explained this trip to me – and you said similar things – that there are batches around being 'overcured' with minimal flavour and a hard-to-handle-product due to stickiness no matter which section. The ones not so good I had of this very section weren't overly sticky but dry though so I maybe it can end up in one direction or both strain dependent or what ever.

Since you mentioned all those pseudo brands respectively sections what about 'Drytech' I mentioned in my previous post due to being a bit sceptical about the intensity of their taste in this Mulberry I had off them. You heard anything suspcious? See my post ; heard of them a lot before and they seem to have a well reputation.


Enjoy this Lebanese then! Reminds me of this trip where I saw blonde variant as well as red variant listed but without looking at them they were quite cheap so I took it them being of merely mid-grade of the usual quality I reported about before in recent years. Not worth the trouble I'm good, thanks.

Any chance your lot is similar to what member Sandsmp81 posted here about half a year ago?

Would like to come across such sample.Again, enjoy what ever it is if it is to your liking!

@Top buzzer

Nice selection, enjoy!

Regarding red tinge I can confirm what member Ojd meant it is a trait of some types of classic Moroccan gear but personally I couldn't judge your picture if it has a red tinge or not as I know pictures are hit and miss.

Here are some examples of what I picked up over the years from my gallery from the top off my head showing this red tinge[depending on picture quality but my memory is quite okay so I chose the ones I related with that tinge even though it is long ago] but I am not saying it is the type Ojd is looking for as said there are several high grades I tried personally:

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hi mate !

my little car recovered , so i'm ready for next trip , soon ,
where did the honey hash you talk about come from ?
relax coffee or another one ?

would like to try it and compare with my stuff , will be informative !

Cheers !



Well-known member
Premium user
ICMag Donor
here is the new year beldia ,

excellent entry for 2024 ...

That looks great, bibi.

While I love the fact that - with legalization - I can walk into a store a couple of kms from my house and buy from a wide selection of legal hash, I really miss a good imported hash . . . :cry:

Fwiw here is a link that I found surfing . . .

Pakistan's Goat-Grown Hashish

Zeta Reticuli

Well-known member
Best hashish i was smoke when some Morocco kid sells me in Barcelona,he gived me for 20 German Marks chunk or i haved chance to buy for 50 German Marks some bigger chunk,i looked at this kid and didnt belive
him to he haves a quality hashish,i was wrong,very wrong as this was something magical he sells me.
Smoked 4 joints from that smaller chunk and every time i laughed mine ass for 3 maybe 4 hours from only one joint.Hash was very hard pressed,it didnt crumble like pollen,but crumbled in little chunks,it was very
oily and haved specific but very nice smell on hashish.

I remember he told me its "ghano" but i didnt understand what this mean nor i ever found what he wished
to tell me with that word.

Smoked over the years big number of samples and never ever encountered so great hash like that was.

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