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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


New member
Everybody wants you to be right.
This is in your head again.

You can argument all you want with your 1960 black and white charts, I am not going to lean your way... Also, FYI hash is not oil, it's the resin from trichomes. if you want to see what hash tests in 2022, google is your friend, plenty out there with test report


Well-known member
This is in your head again.

You can argument all you want with your 1960 black and white charts, I am not going to lean your way... Also, FYI hash is not oil, it's the resin from trichomes. if you want to see what hash tests in 2022, google is your friend, plenty out there with test report
That's right. Hash oil is not hash. It's oil made from hash to increase the potency.

The only 2022 traditional Moroccan hash CofA I was able to find with Google was from Coffeeshop Relax for their Beldia.


  • Beldia_hash.pdf
    162.5 KB · Views: 265


Well-known member
Just coming back from some morrocan area and get this :



said to be " critical " , 350€ / 100g bar

pretty good for the price , i smoke one on hour ago , it' s strong sedative smoke , i' m as stone than one hour ago when i smoke it , perfect for my nightime ,
taste is fresh earthy with hints of menthol , but for me it need some curing , no problem , will do some ,

guys claimed to got true beldia direct from morroco but ouch , 750€ / 100g bar ,
but since i' m really happy with this one , i' m really curious to test what they got for more than double of the price ,
so will certainly go back tomorow for get a little piece of it ;)
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Well-known member
Finally go back for the beldia ,
they didn' t lie , they got it :



after a bit of talking i got the bar for 570€ ( thanks to my morrocan friend ! ) but the bar was only 93g ,
so i got it for around 6€/g wich is really fair for this quality ...

it smell so good !

And it smoke so good !!!
taste is incredible , intense flavour , earthy , coffee , chocolate ,
strong bodyhigh ,
no doubt that' s true high grade beldia , the same they sell between 12-15€ at Dam' ,
i' m really happy , now i can do my iceolator and let it cure monthes till i smoke all that :rtfo:
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Well-known member
Deal of the day , 330€/100g bar :




anyone got an idea about this logo ?

said to be cookies cream ,
excellent mellow smoke ,
good smoke and effect but a black and greasy like all fancy hash are nowadays ( so the cookies cream name sounds real :ROFLMAO: ) ,
althought , an excellent quality price ,

to be honnest i go to Dam next end of week ...
and i' m afraid about the prices for same qualities ...

will see , lol...


Well-known member
Back from some Dutch provinces we encountered during our …Blahblahblah. Had to mostly use flash this time for pictures as it was mostly pouring down on us this occassion - autumn, anyone?

Crumblish left filtered piece is of foreign descent and supposedly grown in Morocco ; usual oilish exterior and yellowish/whitish inside – strong enough on the mind and rest plus also in taste which indeed reminds of the name tag as supposed to be Kush. Still only second best in regards to foreign genetics as having a generic though clean taste but a lovely example of this high grade as it still ticks all the boxes. Please, nothing less than this qualitywise, dear suppliers!

The right one is a solid chunk of Moroccan traditionl sweet goodness. Gets softer after some time and smells and tastes of ginger buried in earth, wood and such. Strong enough body sedation and focussed mind as usual. Good yet very good classic resin not so common these days. Easily best traditional high grade this time as just the real deal and one of my faves as well as source.

1 Selection Of High Grades From Coffeeshops, October, 2022.JPG

2 High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, October, 2022.JPG

3 Classic Moroccan High Grade From Coffeeshops, October, 2022.JPG

4 Classic Moroccan High Grade From Coffeeshops, October, 2022.JPG

By the way forgot to add one term to the list of stupid names for hashish at coffeeshop menus or elsewhere:

Hyia / Hya / Hiya / Hia

– hope I covered all (mis)spellings, :laughing:. How could I forgot it? Shame on me!

Another shame is one batch sprang to mind as in relation to my previous post where I reported about the frozen dry sift I remembered a batch of a filtered one in the last months which also was so intense in taste one could think it was cut with artificial taste agents but talked to others whom smoked this and trusted coffeeshop considered it was just very special. At least on the same level as the frozen sift but still different if that makes sense tastewise(also very strong effects). Revelation indeed, anyone?


Congratulations on your pick ups! Inspired me to do a bit of reflection and what ever I write isn't out of malevolence nor do I intend any offence to you or anyone else.

Hard to judge that 'Critical' though it sounds and looks not that interesting to me ; wouldn't be surprised you would have gotten that even cheaper if you haven't haggled down here before as well.
Reckon I can get that type of quality around here, too.
As reported before too also have a strong Maghreb coummunity around my area I can contact any day but while they stock resin en masse they keep the better grades to themselves and so only provide an average commercial quality constantly since ages ; in fact it is impressive it is pretty much the same every time, though merely mid-grade, too. Sadly again this is what most of the consumers want.

The one with the flag[ on first glance I thought about Serbia without its symbol]you also described well and that was discussed here before as what looked the part more than ten years ago is today's commercial too often.

As long as it isn't cut eacht to their own again, right? As you mentioned your upcoming Amsterdam trip and prices there I'd say that the quality of those two bars here is roughly sold at coffeeshops for about 8-10€ max..
Only speculation on my side in the end again as I only see pictures and haven't tried myself so from this perspective then and I refer to the Dutch market here as I'm relatively informed about whole as well as retail prices there[which is a good base but not saying they have the best prices still a good indicator when comparing to other countries] - still I don't like to talk about prices as explained before on here.

The other traditional one is hard to figure out as well ; as reported before I'd pay merely about the same price privately in the Netherlands for not so common good yet very good traditional Moroc before the crisis and also now again not to be had at the usual sources at coffeeshops. Since I read here
you know Tweede Kamer's (Super)Tbizla also well I'd like to know how the traditional one you bought now compares to batches of (Super)Tbizla before Covid19 since this (Super)Tbizla is their's and Original Dampkring's staple since a very, very long time. Any chance you remember this? Just saying as this is one of my all time favourites and a good standard to me.

While I'm on it again: have read of your recent present from De Kuil you reviewed here. Shop is nice enough for hanging out but ususally bring my own when in there as their wares are average. Noticed they haven't changed their prices in general apart from Covid19 crisis
which is a good thing. Can't judge what they sold during the crisis hashwise but am sure it wasn't the product from before as see below where I tried to find a reason for this. Doubt what they sell now is more than those batches around claiming to be this certain type of original landrace quality but this watered down inbetween thingie. Again, that 'Beldia' term wasn't used often until the start of the crisis with Covid19 and definitely turnt into another very loose buzzword.
However, on this trip we shared a table with some other people and one Dutchie in his fifties(Moroccan descent)smoked a joint and his hashish smelt lovely and was too a Twisla sold for 10€ from an other very average coffeeshop(not under Moroccan management – how this can be, huh? ); I didn't try but am sure it is a high grade but more on the commercial side and not that complex in taste.

No matter what, enjoy your gear and your upcoming trip to Amsterdam!

Bit of a background gibberish if anyone cares:

As most people know Original Dampkring emerged from Tweede Kamer before they now went sorta seperate ways some years back. Despite this they still carry a few items sold in both establishments the (Super)Tbizla included ; strangely at one point I tried both batches of (Super)Tbizla and found Dampkring's batch a touch better for
what ever reason as indeed quite similar. On a side-note since their split-up I still visit both but Dampkring delivers a lot more to my liking than
Tweede which unfortunately went quite downhill in the last years though only means their quality is still something but with a choice not so interesting anymore. Only talking about hashish here.

Now I forgot how often I was told to go to this or that coffeeshop for better Moroccan resin all across the country only to find out in 90% of those cases that said coffeeshops with often Moroccan managements sell their best a few Euros cheaper but still with less quality or they sell the same type of quality for(almost)the same price[ not saying there is no price difference when comparing coffeeshops for locals or tourists. There is some but not as important as some to this day still think]. Still, confusing and all that to people not so familiar, these local coffeeshops still offer hashish for a good price but only at first sight as indeed it comes with a price[pun intended].

Often they are aimed at locals whom only want respectively can't afford certain prices and I agree they have better prices but the quality can't compete with the Tbizla quality[only rare exceptions where price is better with the same quality]. Again these advisers only see the money mostly and when approached on that often don't admit this even ; bet with a (double)blind test they would always prefer the Tbizla type. So annoying.

So most of the people going there want their everyday hashish as cheap as possible and they get this indeed but it is a bit more commercial to me and their gear often lacks complexity in flavour e.g. tastes straight of earth without hints of other ingredients. When showing them better tasting and processed resin they in the end too often come up with 'It does get me high in the end and I feel comfortable so what?' so again they care more for prices which is absolutely fine than quality.

Dampkring[and others of course] on the other hand offers a wider range of flavours ; by the way I reported at the beginning of the year they now sell filtered gear as well but I mixed that up so they don't – though they also claim to only sell traditional hashish and to be pedantic again this is not true as a part of their menu to this very day carries foreign genetics from the Afghan/Pakistani lineage[which indeed may appear as 'outdated' to some lovers of hashish of today but again: quality is quality, huh?].
One could argue that all the gear sold there costing more than the (Super)Tbizla is only marginal better for several reasons and I agree it's not as different as chalk and cheese but still if one has indulged on several good qualities in general there often is a remarkably better quality to be had. Not always though of course but just sayin'. Variation and all that again. Of course the difference in price shouldn't be so big but sadly that's the way it is, at least when coffeeshopping.

Another fun story: on this trip we sat down and shared a table with some Dutch kids and one of them with a Moroccan descent merely 20 years old told us to go to an other coffeeshop in town specialitizing in Moroccan hashish as he – while at least of the kind smoking Dutch indoor grass , too– doesn't smoke to what he and others refer to as 'wiet hasj'[read: filtered ones respectively foreign genetcs]. Know said shop – guess what under Moroccan management - and pointed out the one shown above and smoked at that moment may be partciularly more expensive
though is quite special and easily better quality than anything more leaning on the commercial side of things they're selling there[while the best grades there again are more than welcome at home without a choice as ususal!].Money talks again, huh? Guy may be a bit too young but still is representative for that type of conversation I witnessed no matter which age class.

Though when this crisis in relation(?)to Covid19 started and prices for traditoinal hashish from the Rif skyrocketed as I noticed Tbizla at Tweede jumped up to 16€ per gram and was named 'Tbizla Grand Cru'[combining two buzzwords of all time as well, haha] then while from looks it on one hand wasn't the product from before but just one off those overpriced batches doing their rounds others sold for very similar high prices.

Dampkrings prices stayed the same – what a miracle indeed[ though they also had at least one to two options of traditional Moroc for silly pirces as well. This means their prices for e.g. the (Super)Tbizla stayed the same but as well as with other coffeeshops following this approach they just sold a different quality under the same name. Usual businesss practice unfortunately but during this crisis at their max as nationwide I visited my favourites for hashish either under Moroccan management or not[needless to say I get it what they mean when saying there is better stuff but it is all about connections and other coffeeshop owner may not have Moroccan roots but money and contacts] and all either sold something different or raised their prices.

I haven't bought much traditional gear from coffeeshops during Covid19 as reported and sticked to private sources where it got more expensive too but since about a year as resported as well are back to normal while coffeeshops too often still charge too much.

It is still a weird situation and while I know it is a natural product never tasting 100% the same there is still less quality to be had for the same money.
Not as noticeably as before but still not the same.
Again, Covid19 came in handy for some as they were telling me since ages[firstly at least about 8-9 years ago when tender at – while we're on it – Tweede pointed out when grabbing some Tbizla this is the only landrace stuff back then on his then more varied menu than today hashwise] the traditional landrace is on decline, then pandemic came with raised prices while foreign genetics from Morocco paradoxically wasn't hit that hard:biggrin:.
Now prices are relatively going down but quality isn't the same and if one wants the same quality one has to pay still a bit more so in the end prices are mostly higher now.
Looks now they are establishing a new fantasy grade and naming this Beldia a term they just started to use closely before pandemic and is mostly not delivering the quality from before pandemic but a product inbetween respectively of a tad lower quality but for more money ; maybe indeed because landrace gets less. Again, will that go back to normal one day? Still debatable!


Well-known member
Back from some Dutch provinces we encountered during our …Blahblahblah. Had to mostly use flash this time for pictures as it was mostly pouring down on us this occassion - autumn, anyone?

Crumblish left filtered piece is of foreign descent and supposedly grown in Morocco ; usual oilish exterior and yellowish/whitish inside – strong enough on the mind and rest plus also in taste which indeed reminds of the name tag as supposed to be Kush. Still only second best in regards to foreign genetics as having a generic though clean taste but a lovely example of this high grade as it still ticks all the boxes. Please, nothing less than this qualitywise, dear suppliers!

The right one is a solid chunk of Moroccan traditionl sweet goodness. Gets softer after some time and smells and tastes of ginger buried in earth, wood and such. Strong enough body sedation and focussed mind as usual. Good yet very good classic resin not so common these days. Easily best traditional high grade this time as just the real deal and one of my faves as well as source.

View attachment 18772526
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View attachment 18772532

By the way forgot to add one term to the list of stupid names for hashish at coffeeshop menus or elsewhere:

Hyia / Hya / Hiya / Hia

– hope I covered all (mis)spellings, :laughing:. How could I forgot it? Shame on me!

Another shame is one batch sprang to mind as in relation to my previous post where I reported about the frozen dry sift I remembered a batch of a filtered one in the last months which also was so intense in taste one could think it was cut with artificial taste agents but talked to others whom smoked this and trusted coffeeshop considered it was just very special. At least on the same level as the frozen sift but still different if that makes sense tastewise(also very strong effects). Revelation indeed, anyone?


Congratulations on your pick ups! Inspired me to do a bit of reflection and what ever I write isn't out of malevolence nor do I intend any offence to you or anyone else.

Hard to judge that 'Critical' though it sounds and looks not that interesting to me ; wouldn't be surprised you would have gotten that even cheaper if you haven't haggled down here before as well.
Reckon I can get that type of quality around here, too.
As reported before too also have a strong Maghreb coummunity around my area I can contact any day but while they stock resin en masse they keep the better grades to themselves and so only provide an average commercial quality constantly since ages ; in fact it is impressive it is pretty much the same every time, though merely mid-grade, too. Sadly again this is what most of the consumers want.

The one with the flag[ on first glance I thought about Serbia without its symbol]you also described well and that was discussed here before as what looked the part more than ten years ago is today's commercial too often.

As long as it isn't cut eacht to their own again, right? As you mentioned your upcoming Amsterdam trip and prices there I'd say that the quality of those two bars here is roughly sold at coffeeshops for about 8-10€ max..
Only speculation on my side in the end again as I only see pictures and haven't tried myself so from this perspective then and I refer to the Dutch market here as I'm relatively informed about whole as well as retail prices there[which is a good base but not saying they have the best prices still a good indicator when comparing to other countries] - still I don't like to talk about prices as explained before on here.

The other traditional one is hard to figure out as well ; as reported before I'd pay merely about the same price privately in the Netherlands for not so common good yet very good traditional Moroc before the crisis and also now again not to be had at the usual sources at coffeeshops. Since I read here
you know Tweede Kamer's (Super)Tbizla also well I'd like to know how the traditional one you bought now compares to batches of (Super)Tbizla before Covid19 since this (Super)Tbizla is their's and Original Dampkring's staple since a very, very long time. Any chance you remember this? Just saying as this is one of my all time favourites and a good standard to me.

While I'm on it again: have read of your recent present from De Kuil you reviewed here. Shop is nice enough for hanging out but ususally bring my own when in there as their wares are average. Noticed they haven't changed their prices in general apart from Covid19 crisis
which is a good thing. Can't judge what they sold during the crisis hashwise but am sure it wasn't the product from before as see below where I tried to find a reason for this. Doubt what they sell now is more than those batches around claiming to be this certain type of original landrace quality but this watered down inbetween thingie. Again, that 'Beldia' term wasn't used often until the start of the crisis with Covid19 and definitely turnt into another very loose buzzword.
However, on this trip we shared a table with some other people and one Dutchie in his fifties(Moroccan descent)smoked a joint and his hashish smelt lovely and was too a Twisla sold for 10€ from an other very average coffeeshop(not under Moroccan management – how this can be, huh? ); I didn't try but am sure it is a high grade but more on the commercial side and not that complex in taste.

No matter what, enjoy your gear and your upcoming trip to Amsterdam!

Bit of a background gibberish if anyone cares:

As most people know Original Dampkring emerged from Tweede Kamer before they now went sorta seperate ways some years back. Despite this they still carry a few items sold in both establishments the (Super)Tbizla included ; strangely at one point I tried both batches of (Super)Tbizla and found Dampkring's batch a touch better for
what ever reason as indeed quite similar. On a side-note since their split-up I still visit both but Dampkring delivers a lot more to my liking than
Tweede which unfortunately went quite downhill in the last years though only means their quality is still something but with a choice not so interesting anymore. Only talking about hashish here.

Now I forgot how often I was told to go to this or that coffeeshop for better Moroccan resin all across the country only to find out in 90% of those cases that said coffeeshops with often Moroccan managements sell their best a few Euros cheaper but still with less quality or they sell the same type of quality for(almost)the same price[ not saying there is no price difference when comparing coffeeshops for locals or tourists. There is some but not as important as some to this day still think]. Still, confusing and all that to people not so familiar, these local coffeeshops still offer hashish for a good price but only at first sight as indeed it comes with a price[pun intended].

Often they are aimed at locals whom only want respectively can't afford certain prices and I agree they have better prices but the quality can't compete with the Tbizla quality[only rare exceptions where price is better with the same quality]. Again these advisers only see the money mostly and when approached on that often don't admit this even ; bet with a (double)blind test they would always prefer the Tbizla type. So annoying.

So most of the people going there want their everyday hashish as cheap as possible and they get this indeed but it is a bit more commercial to me and their gear often lacks complexity in flavour e.g. tastes straight of earth without hints of other ingredients. When showing them better tasting and processed resin they in the end too often come up with 'It does get me high in the end and I feel comfortable so what?' so again they care more for prices which is absolutely fine than quality.

Dampkring[and others of course] on the other hand offers a wider range of flavours ; by the way I reported at the beginning of the year they now sell filtered gear as well but I mixed that up so they don't – though they also claim to only sell traditional hashish and to be pedantic again this is not true as a part of their menu to this very day carries foreign genetics from the Afghan/Pakistani lineage[which indeed may appear as 'outdated' to some lovers of hashish of today but again: quality is quality, huh?].
One could argue that all the gear sold there costing more than the (Super)Tbizla is only marginal better for several reasons and I agree it's not as different as chalk and cheese but still if one has indulged on several good qualities in general there often is a remarkably better quality to be had. Not always though of course but just sayin'. Variation and all that again. Of course the difference in price shouldn't be so big but sadly that's the way it is, at least when coffeeshopping.

Another fun story: on this trip we sat down and shared a table with some Dutch kids and one of them with a Moroccan descent merely 20 years old told us to go to an other coffeeshop in town specialitizing in Moroccan hashish as he – while at least of the kind smoking Dutch indoor grass , too– doesn't smoke to what he and others refer to as 'wiet hasj'[read: filtered ones respectively foreign genetcs]. Know said shop – guess what under Moroccan management - and pointed out the one shown above and smoked at that moment may be partciularly more expensive
though is quite special and easily better quality than anything more leaning on the commercial side of things they're selling there[while the best grades there again are more than welcome at home without a choice as ususal!].Money talks again, huh? Guy may be a bit too young but still is representative for that type of conversation I witnessed no matter which age class.

Though when this crisis in relation(?)to Covid19 started and prices for traditoinal hashish from the Rif skyrocketed as I noticed Tbizla at Tweede jumped up to 16€ per gram and was named 'Tbizla Grand Cru'[combining two buzzwords of all time as well, haha] then while from looks it on one hand wasn't the product from before but just one off those overpriced batches doing their rounds others sold for very similar high prices.

Dampkrings prices stayed the same – what a miracle indeed[ though they also had at least one to two options of traditional Moroc for silly pirces as well. This means their prices for e.g. the (Super)Tbizla stayed the same but as well as with other coffeeshops following this approach they just sold a different quality under the same name. Usual businesss practice unfortunately but during this crisis at their max as nationwide I visited my favourites for hashish either under Moroccan management or not[needless to say I get it what they mean when saying there is better stuff but it is all about connections and other coffeeshop owner may not have Moroccan roots but money and contacts] and all either sold something different or raised their prices.

I haven't bought much traditional gear from coffeeshops during Covid19 as reported and sticked to private sources where it got more expensive too but since about a year as resported as well are back to normal while coffeeshops too often still charge too much.

It is still a weird situation and while I know it is a natural product never tasting 100% the same there is still less quality to be had for the same money.
Not as noticeably as before but still not the same.
Again, Covid19 came in handy for some as they were telling me since ages[firstly at least about 8-9 years ago when tender at – while we're on it – Tweede pointed out when grabbing some Tbizla this is the only landrace stuff back then on his then more varied menu than today hashwise] the traditional landrace is on decline, then pandemic came with raised prices while foreign genetics from Morocco paradoxically wasn't hit that hard:biggrin:.
Now prices are relatively going down but quality isn't the same and if one wants the same quality one has to pay still a bit more so in the end prices are mostly higher now.
Looks now they are establishing a new fantasy grade and naming this Beldia a term they just started to use closely before pandemic and is mostly not delivering the quality from before pandemic but a product inbetween respectively of a tad lower quality but for more money ; maybe indeed because landrace gets less. Again, will that go back to normal one day? Still debatable!
Hi mate ,

i can' t compare with the tbizla of Tweede kamer from pre covid cause i was more weed focused at this pre covid time ,
first thing is that is better in taste , more refined than the 11€g caramello from de Kuil i just get , more loud and longlasting in the palate .

i guess you know a bit about of the south of nederland coffeeshops ,
so it make me remember about tibisla , tabisla , tbizla , twizla , t-bizla ( whata bunch of variation on this name , lol) or even super krystal ( from northern light coffee ) i get mid nineties at rosendaal or bergen op zoom at the time that was where i go for first quality morrocan and breda for the quality weed , so for me really good one , this hash reminds me some good times ...

i totally agree with the new beldia fancy naming , it' s just for play and make € with the hype of the strain
before that the high grades was named tibizla , krystal , hya , primero or by the name of the product area like ketama , ksar el kabir , tighdine , etc ...

will be fun to make a comparative from this with the dam stuff .

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ICMag Donor
Hi mate ,

i can' t compare with the tbizla of Tweede kamer from pre covid cause i was more weed focused at this pre covid time ,


first thing is that is better in taste , more refined than the 11€g caramello from de Kuil i just get , more loud and longlasting in the palate .

i guess you know a bit about of the south of nederland coffeeshops ,

so it make me remember about tibisla , tabisla , tbizla , twizla , t-bizla ( whata bunch of variation on this name , lol) or even super krystal ( from northern light coffee ) i get mid nineties at rosendaal or bergen op zoom at the time that was where i go for first quality morrocan and breda for the quality weed , so for me really good one , this hash reminds me some good times ...

i totally agree with the new beldia fancy naming , it' s just for play and make € with the hype of the strain

before that the high grades was named tibizla , krystal , hya , primero or by the name of the product area like ketama , ksar el kabir , tighdine , etc ...

will be fun to make a comparative from this with the dam stuff .



How does your beldia compare to the best 1's you got from Dam.

Hi mate ,

i can' t compare with the tbizla of Tweede kamer from pre covid cause i was more weed focused at this pre covid time ,
first thing is that is better in taste , more refined than the 11€g caramello from de Kuil i just get , more loud and longlasting in the palate .

i guess you know a bit about of the south of nederland coffeeshops ,
so it make me remember about tibisla , tabisla , tbizla , twizla , t-bizla ( whata bunch of variation on this name , lol) or even super krystal ( from northern light coffee ) i get mid nineties at rosendaal or bergen op zoom at the time that was where i go for first quality morrocan and breda for the quality weed , so for me really good one , this hash reminds me some good times ...

i totally agree with the new beldia fancy naming , it' s just for play and make € with the hype of the strain
before that the high grades was named tibizla , krystal , hya , primero or by the name of the product area like ketama , ksar el kabir , tighdine , etc ...

will be fun to make a comparative from this with the dam stuff .

How does the Beldia bit you got compared to the better bits you found in Amsterdam , which was better ?


Active member
Finally go back for the beldia ,
they didn' t lie , they got it :

View attachment 18768830

View attachment 18768831

after a bit of talking i got the bar for 570€ ( thanks to my morrocan friend ! ) but the bar was only 93g ,
so i got it for around 6€/g wich is really fair for this quality ...

it smell so good !

And it smoke so good !!!
taste is incredible , intense flavour , earthy , coffee , chocolate ,
strong bodyhigh ,
no doubt that' s true high grade beldia , the same they sell between 12-15€ at Dam' ,
i' m really happy , now i can do my iceolator and let it cure monthes till i smoke all that :rtfo:
Well fuk me running..........
I haven't been jealous in a long f****** time


Active member
Back from some Dutch provinces we encountered during our …Blahblahblah. Had to mostly use flash this time for pictures as it was mostly pouring down on us this occassion - autumn, anyone?

Crumblish left filtered piece is of foreign descent and supposedly grown in Morocco ; usual oilish exterior and yellowish/whitish inside – strong enough on the mind and rest plus also in taste which indeed reminds of the name tag as supposed to be Kush. Still only second best in regards to foreign genetics as having a generic though clean taste but a lovely example of this high grade as it still ticks all the boxes. Please, nothing less than this qualitywise, dear suppliers!

The right one is a solid chunk of Moroccan traditionl sweet goodness. Gets softer after some time and smells and tastes of ginger buried in earth, wood and such. Strong enough body sedation and focussed mind as usual. Good yet very good classic resin not so common these days. Easily best traditional high grade this time as just the real deal and one of my faves as well as source.

View attachment 18772526
View attachment 18772528
View attachment 18772531
View attachment 18772532

By the way forgot to add one term to the list of stupid names for hashish at coffeeshop menus or elsewhere:

Hyia / Hya / Hiya / Hia

– hope I covered all (mis)spellings, :laughing:. How could I forgot it? Shame on me!

Another shame is one batch sprang to mind as in relation to my previous post where I reported about the frozen dry sift I remembered a batch of a filtered one in the last months which also was so intense in taste one could think it was cut with artificial taste agents but talked to others whom smoked this and trusted coffeeshop considered it was just very special. At least on the same level as the frozen sift but still different if that makes sense tastewise(also very strong effects). Revelation indeed, anyone?


Congratulations on your pick ups! Inspired me to do a bit of reflection and what ever I write isn't out of malevolence nor do I intend any offence to you or anyone else.

Hard to judge that 'Critical' though it sounds and looks not that interesting to me ; wouldn't be surprised you would have gotten that even cheaper if you haven't haggled down here before as well.
Reckon I can get that type of quality around here, too.
As reported before too also have a strong Maghreb coummunity around my area I can contact any day but while they stock resin en masse they keep the better grades to themselves and so only provide an average commercial quality constantly since ages ; in fact it is impressive it is pretty much the same every time, though merely mid-grade, too. Sadly again this is what most of the consumers want.

The one with the flag[ on first glance I thought about Serbia without its symbol]you also described well and that was discussed here before as what looked the part more than ten years ago is today's commercial too often.

As long as it isn't cut eacht to their own again, right? As you mentioned your upcoming Amsterdam trip and prices there I'd say that the quality of those two bars here is roughly sold at coffeeshops for about 8-10€ max..
Only speculation on my side in the end again as I only see pictures and haven't tried myself so from this perspective then and I refer to the Dutch market here as I'm relatively informed about whole as well as retail prices there[which is a good base but not saying they have the best prices still a good indicator when comparing to other countries] - still I don't like to talk about prices as explained before on here.

The other traditional one is hard to figure out as well ; as reported before I'd pay merely about the same price privately in the Netherlands for not so common good yet very good traditional Moroc before the crisis and also now again not to be had at the usual sources at coffeeshops. Since I read here
you know Tweede Kamer's (Super)Tbizla also well I'd like to know how the traditional one you bought now compares to batches of (Super)Tbizla before Covid19 since this (Super)Tbizla is their's and Original Dampkring's staple since a very, very long time. Any chance you remember this? Just saying as this is one of my all time favourites and a good standard to me.

While I'm on it again: have read of your recent present from De Kuil you reviewed here. Shop is nice enough for hanging out but ususally bring my own when in there as their wares are average. Noticed they haven't changed their prices in general apart from Covid19 crisis
which is a good thing. Can't judge what they sold during the crisis hashwise but am sure it wasn't the product from before as see below where I tried to find a reason for this. Doubt what they sell now is more than those batches around claiming to be this certain type of original landrace quality but this watered down inbetween thingie. Again, that 'Beldia' term wasn't used often until the start of the crisis with Covid19 and definitely turnt into another very loose buzzword.
However, on this trip we shared a table with some other people and one Dutchie in his fifties(Moroccan descent)smoked a joint and his hashish smelt lovely and was too a Twisla sold for 10€ from an other very average coffeeshop(not under Moroccan management – how this can be, huh? ); I didn't try but am sure it is a high grade but more on the commercial side and not that complex in taste.

No matter what, enjoy your gear and your upcoming trip to Amsterdam!

Bit of a background gibberish if anyone cares:

As most people know Original Dampkring emerged from Tweede Kamer before they now went sorta seperate ways some years back. Despite this they still carry a few items sold in both establishments the (Super)Tbizla included ; strangely at one point I tried both batches of (Super)Tbizla and found Dampkring's batch a touch better for
what ever reason as indeed quite similar. On a side-note since their split-up I still visit both but Dampkring delivers a lot more to my liking than
Tweede which unfortunately went quite downhill in the last years though only means their quality is still something but with a choice not so interesting anymore. Only talking about hashish here.

Now I forgot how often I was told to go to this or that coffeeshop for better Moroccan resin all across the country only to find out in 90% of those cases that said coffeeshops with often Moroccan managements sell their best a few Euros cheaper but still with less quality or they sell the same type of quality for(almost)the same price[ not saying there is no price difference when comparing coffeeshops for locals or tourists. There is some but not as important as some to this day still think]. Still, confusing and all that to people not so familiar, these local coffeeshops still offer hashish for a good price but only at first sight as indeed it comes with a price[pun intended].

Often they are aimed at locals whom only want respectively can't afford certain prices and I agree they have better prices but the quality can't compete with the Tbizla quality[only rare exceptions where price is better with the same quality]. Again these advisers only see the money mostly and when approached on that often don't admit this even ; bet with a (double)blind test they would always prefer the Tbizla type. So annoying.

So most of the people going there want their everyday hashish as cheap as possible and they get this indeed but it is a bit more commercial to me and their gear often lacks complexity in flavour e.g. tastes straight of earth without hints of other ingredients. When showing them better tasting and processed resin they in the end too often come up with 'It does get me high in the end and I feel comfortable so what?' so again they care more for prices which is absolutely fine than quality.

Dampkring[and others of course] on the other hand offers a wider range of flavours ; by the way I reported at the beginning of the year they now sell filtered gear as well but I mixed that up so they don't – though they also claim to only sell traditional hashish and to be pedantic again this is not true as a part of their menu to this very day carries foreign genetics from the Afghan/Pakistani lineage[which indeed may appear as 'outdated' to some lovers of hashish of today but again: quality is quality, huh?].
One could argue that all the gear sold there costing more than the (Super)Tbizla is only marginal better for several reasons and I agree it's not as different as chalk and cheese but still if one has indulged on several good qualities in general there often is a remarkably better quality to be had. Not always though of course but just sayin'. Variation and all that again. Of course the difference in price shouldn't be so big but sadly that's the way it is, at least when coffeeshopping.

Another fun story: on this trip we sat down and shared a table with some Dutch kids and one of them with a Moroccan descent merely 20 years old told us to go to an other coffeeshop in town specialitizing in Moroccan hashish as he – while at least of the kind smoking Dutch indoor grass , too– doesn't smoke to what he and others refer to as 'wiet hasj'[read: filtered ones respectively foreign genetcs]. Know said shop – guess what under Moroccan management - and pointed out the one shown above and smoked at that moment may be partciularly more expensive
though is quite special and easily better quality than anything more leaning on the commercial side of things they're selling there[while the best grades there again are more than welcome at home without a choice as ususal!].Money talks again, huh? Guy may be a bit too young but still is representative for that type of conversation I witnessed no matter which age class.

Though when this crisis in relation(?)to Covid19 started and prices for traditoinal hashish from the Rif skyrocketed as I noticed Tbizla at Tweede jumped up to 16€ per gram and was named 'Tbizla Grand Cru'[combining two buzzwords of all time as well, haha] then while from looks it on one hand wasn't the product from before but just one off those overpriced batches doing their rounds others sold for very similar high prices.

Dampkrings prices stayed the same – what a miracle indeed[ though they also had at least one to two options of traditional Moroc for silly pirces as well. This means their prices for e.g. the (Super)Tbizla stayed the same but as well as with other coffeeshops following this approach they just sold a different quality under the same name. Usual businesss practice unfortunately but during this crisis at their max as nationwide I visited my favourites for hashish either under Moroccan management or not[needless to say I get it what they mean when saying there is better stuff but it is all about connections and other coffeeshop owner may not have Moroccan roots but money and contacts] and all either sold something different or raised their prices.

I haven't bought much traditional gear from coffeeshops during Covid19 as reported and sticked to private sources where it got more expensive too but since about a year as resported as well are back to normal while coffeeshops too often still charge too much.

It is still a weird situation and while I know it is a natural product never tasting 100% the same there is still less quality to be had for the same money.
Not as noticeably as before but still not the same.
Again, Covid19 came in handy for some as they were telling me since ages[firstly at least about 8-9 years ago when tender at – while we're on it – Tweede pointed out when grabbing some Tbizla this is the only landrace stuff back then on his then more varied menu than today hashwise] the traditional landrace is on decline, then pandemic came with raised prices while foreign genetics from Morocco paradoxically wasn't hit that hard:biggrin:.
Now prices are relatively going down but quality isn't the same and if one wants the same quality one has to pay still a bit more so in the end prices are mostly higher now.
Looks now they are establishing a new fantasy grade and naming this Beldia a term they just started to use closely before pandemic and is mostly not delivering the quality from before pandemic but a product inbetween respectively of a tad lower quality but for more money ; maybe indeed because landrace gets less. Again, will that go back to normal one day? Still debatable!
Anyone in Montreal that's reading this thread or in the nearby surrounding area you know how bad those of us that are native to the area looking at these pictures are drooling right now with the unfortunate course of events with Marine Maritime students find things in the Lawrence Bay that they had no business going anywhere near or saying anything about let's not cry over spilled milk or blue barrels let's just hope that that keeps coming our way and BB thank you for sharing in the age of wax BHO and all this other s*** it's nice to see what I was raised on being brought out to the light again God darn it I miss that stuff so much

A lil spanish

Active member
will answer that soon , haves some more side by side testing to do ...
but i can say for now the one i got is on the upper range of the scale .
In A'dam have top beldias in a few coffeeshops .... But not sure now ... I dont visit the city in more than 10 years ...
Oldtimes.... Now we have the new Amsterdam in Bcn lol
Best wishes!!!