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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
It does still exist. I got a couple grams last year at Siberie in Amsterdam. Are you sure your contacts would be so eager to get it in reality though? After all it's 5x the price for a lower potency product (but that's partly because of a more balanced THC:CBD ratio). And probably not the best of the best you remember from years back but just standard hash made from the traditional Beldia (Arabic for "local") strain.
Also the real deal Caramelo ( Beldia) is not weak at all ? , it wont be as strong as what they sell as static sift nowadays but easily as potent as all the new school Morrocan that everyone sells since the Beldia stop coming years back.

New school is the soft squidgy Hash , the special Beldia you need to cut with a knife and heavy instrument as its so hard , but melty as and wow that flavour its like your eating a Morrocan dish , so much favour its insane


Well-known member
Also the real deal Caramelo ( Beldia) is not weak at all ? , it wont be as strong as what they sell as static sift nowadays but easily as potent as all the new school Morrocan that everyone sells since the Beldia stop coming years back.

New school is the soft squidgy Hash , the special Beldia you need to cut with a knife and heavy instrument as its so hard , but melty as and wow that flavour its like your eating a Morrocan dish , so much favour its insane

Ah the Caramello eggs. Some of the best ever for sure. Gave a blissful feeling and made colors more vivid, I distinctly remember spending hours in a park in awe of the flower beds there after smoking some. And indeed very aromatic, the wonderful smell when burned made you want to just burn some as incense. Though the egg shape did make me not want to think about how it got here. But that must have been 15 years ago, and nowhere near all Beldia was up to that quality even back or before then...
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yes very very special
But we were getting it until around 3-4 years ago for over 2 decades , not always in 5g eggs in 100g
Bars like normal to , i even had kilo of eggs with a 500 egg , 5 50g eggs and 50 5g eggs , man the Golden Hash days , i wish i would of kept 500g if i thought it would ever disappear , but only kept the last 100g bar and i have 15-20g left that il make last 10 years so i can still taste that very special old school Moroccan flavour and High.

but what is available now is all new school , all of it , silly putty , soft shit
that is complete crap compared to the famous Caramelo.
Unless its from a stash that some Hash baron has had stored for many years after returning from prison or another long long vacation Its all new school.

I believe its so shit because they dont cure the flower like before and now they start drumming as soon as its dry.
If not why is it so crap ? , the genetics or not genetics but flower they use is far more THC and less plant matter so doesnt make any sense that new school is so crap ?

I also believe its so shit as its cheap dutch/Spannish crap seeds they use now
Also multiple varieties all mixed together when making the Hash so a mishmash taste of swag.
Beldia was a IBL for decades and came out the same not 100 different strains all grown on the mountain and then thrown in a big pile and drummed.

I plan to have a friend take 10,000 of my seeds out to Morocco up to the Riff and do a crop and we will go and help harvest and make the Hash and see if we can produce better than this new play dough crap Hash they produce.

Ah the Caramello eggs. Some of the best ever for sure. Gave a blissful feeling and made colors more vivid, I distinctly remember spending hours in a park in awe of the flower beds there after smoking some. And indeed very aromatic, the wonderful smell when burned made you want to just burn some as incense. Though the egg shape did make me not want to think about how it got here. But that must have been 15 years ago, and nowhere near all Beldia was up to that quality even back or before then...
Last edited:


Well-known member
Back from the first real holiday this year at the beaches of Noord Holland last week when we passed Amsterdam prior to that. Also took some notes here.

Coincidentally on topic as one of the best picked up this trip you see below[also had to upload a picture of current Dam situation as usual ; town itsself seemed to be getting a bit busier]is supposedly static filtered and from Morocco[small piece on the left of the fourth picture is opened up].
Stupid name tag as usual but quality was there. Finer texture than other filtered batches I've seen in the past but this static thing is not a new one to readers of this thread and myself ; there is only a new load of batches about currently but I don't complain as long as it is after my liking. Wouldn't say it is distinctively better than the best of the usual high grades but provided good flavour and proper strong effects.
1 Static Filtered Moroccan High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffe...JPG

2 Static Filtered Moroccan High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffe...JPG

3 Static Filtered Moroccan High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffe...JPG

4 Static Filtered Moroccan High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffe...JPG

5 Dam Square, May, 2022.JPG

Like the discussion and vitality of this thread lately. As title of thread suggests discussion and all that indeed. So I have to comment on several posts.


You basically repeated my whole post about that hash coming in sticks.

I too see you edited your post just yesterday ; I will nonetheless comment on that as otherwise there is no understanding at all.

Now it even makes less sense to me. Before you compared your current 'Dray' with those sticks but said your's better.

You also edited it tested 43% Thc as it got tested with a Purple Pro and you never smoked stuff like this before.

I thought that stupid Purple Pro is limited to 30% Thc max? Is there a new one out? Apart from that I don't care about numbers of cannabinoids as it is all about the whole experiences: set/setting, terpenes, cannabionids and gear.

Had numerous exmples of so called foreign genetics filtered from Morocco coming with supposedly tested 60% Thc and all that, still don't give much about it. At least in my opinion.

Yes, the bar you got could be better than this stick but I haven't come across your label yet(what ever that means). As I said above there is room for improvement when it comes to this stick, especially tastewise but the potency is there and thus I speculated about bubble.

It probably isn't cooked up in vaccuum selead bags either if these bastards do that to pimp up a mid-grade as it is still too strong for that and I doubt one can up the potency by such a simple hash working method[what a myth!] – at best it is about the look and taste but one never knows in the end if they only do that with mids.

If your's is proper 'dry' it most probably is better, enjoy. I can imagine that a certain circle of customers want their hash[as well as their grass, haha] bonedry and very easy to process and I know such types myself but even when I can understand this lust for convenience to some degree preparation for the ritual is half of the fun but to many of them it is indeed just an everyday commodity. Shame. Personally to me a big difference and I don't care much about handling as quality itsself[effect, taste, no contaminants]is priority#1!

Personally I think the sticks I got are 'semi-dry' now after I asked around a bit on site.

You smoke for the last 24 years and live in Amsterdam? I take it this doens't go for the time you're living in Amsterdam, right? Otherwise you would have come accross such hash at least in the last four years or you need to change your contacts as in my experience a lot have not many suppliers[also what happens often is they are stuck in their ways and depend on very few sources, either for security reasons but also lazyness] – apart from that similar stuff was also around about six to seven years ago(more rare of course but this was the beginning of that approach).

As so often it only became the approach of choice in the last years as so many times before with genetics and stuff.

That this stuff is better than hashish from coffeeshops isn't special at all as most coffeeshops sell wares for a majority of consumers looking for getting the most for their money. So many don't carry the exceptional ones as stated by others and myself in this thread often. They're just convenient to me and a good place to start to get a feeling for quality.

By the way 'semi-dry' is seemingly not the same as 'dry' but I agree it is complicated in this unregulated criminal wannabe industry. Was confirmed as I asked around but no one could explain at all how they work. 'Dry' to me is basically screens/bubble bags with different micron size while either dry material or fresh frozen material being sifted without the help of water. However, I think because of the texture and all that they indeed produce Bubble the ususal way(cold water+/ice & bubble bags)whlie the material is indeed not dried up(=semi dry indeed)? Don't know for sure but would explain less taste, good potency and this certain texture.

Still a chaotic situation to say the least ; too many groups involved!


Agree with your order of quality and also remembered one post of yours some time back in fact confirming that beside my general impression as well.

As said before in this thread there are now so many smaller groups involved from supposedly smaller farms having a different approach, still I think they are a minority as still too many mids about but again this is not surprising considering the average customer. By the way they even sell stuff mixed with rosin? Or even pure rosin? Not that I'm surprised at all but some years back I already was afraid of this coming up, yuk.

Prices you mentioned are – one likes it or not – the rates at the minute with those groups I was told or heard, too. Though I doubt they send directly small quantities but from somewhere in Europe where it has been put in interim(still funny how this works and wonder for how long as it is so public now):biggrin:.

A few years back there only was 'traditional' varying in grades and 'gardella'(sp,'Mix'/foreign gneetics)varying in grades.

Beside this my personal approach is still: low/mids, good, very good and top quality no matter which origin[and of course gender!].


Firstly I can understand your annoyance and your desire for certain genetics. Secondly I again disagree about that your mentioned traditional Moroc isn't available anymore. It is. Considering your reputation seedwise and time around you should indeed have the right contacts.
Since I will not help anyone with contacts for various reasons let alone being at the end of the food chain as as a fanatic admirer of this plant myself I'd suggest this to you if you're serious about it: visit some mates involved or soaking up the scene in either Spain or Netherlands for some holidays, ask from there and bring time.

Latter one is in my opinion essential – and annoying at the same time, haha. Many don't have the patience and time{did anyone say commitments in life?] especially today where people order via the internet from people they never met in real life. Sorry, not saying you don't know already but good luck!

The 'Shoe' respectively 'Diamond' or fuck knows how one sells it to you is a quality I'm too well aware of and though had every now and then at shops and privately even during Covid-19 in Nederland as reported in this thread. Also not consuming since just yesterday and have seen many batches of different quality of the years.

I wholeheartedly disagree with you again when you're romanticing about this traditional quality and saying the modern stuff can't compete with it tastewise[though this and that of yours only probably shows your dedication on the other hand.].

As I reported about too despite high grade the more commercial ones from the (filtered)range of foreign genetics are indeed tasting fresh as you or SMDK put it so nicely [while I often nearly kill myself trying to explain things:biglaugh:]. Though the better grades are easily on the same level tastewise but with different taste of course[read foreing genetics].

No offence intended but maybe you just didn't come across them yet.

You sound like nostalgia is making it so special to you and that at your stated age, oh my.

At one point traditional genetics will be gone there as production over there is heavily profit driven even though locals and Moroccan community abroad are still quite into it – though I'd say most of the product from the Rif is going to people without Moroccan roots so others command what will be sold.
Demand is again focussed on price rather than quality as usual?
Let alone again since back in the 1990ies there is heavy competition for Morocco when indoor went through the roof and took over until today[as said before the majority of consumers today are into grass not hashish]so they had to come up with stronger product and all that[Afhani/Pakistani and other genetics]. So it was in fact always changing and adjusting. Even the mids went better qualitywise in recent years but still something I avoid as best as I can.

Before Covid-19 at coffeeshops there were not much talk about 'Beldia' but only traditional or non-traditional. During the pandemic more and more shops refered to that on their menu suddenly. At the same time as we know prices skyrocketed[remember serveral Moroccan coffeeshop owners I talked to about it heavily moaned about the product coming under this name, especially for the price. So it was not up to their quality standards which says a lot and again means some scrupulous people in trade jumped on it.]. Funny thing is during so called crisis still loads of the foreign genetics arrived.

What is sold as Beldia now is as reported better than the gear they sold under that name about a year ago but still leaves room for improvement. Only talking about most of the coffeeshop offers here though, not elsewhere where original quality can be found.

Another marketing gimmick of this wonderful 'industry' for that extra buck and enough people are seemingly desperate enough.

However, just my two cents. Exhausting topic especially in the last two years but that's the way it is, isn't it? If your project with your own seeds gets realised in the Rif I hope it is to your utmost satisfaction qualitywise and maybe someone there can sort some classic lineage hashish for you if nothing else is possible. Fingers crossed again! Don't give up on this and of course your personal standards!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Back from the first real holiday this year at the beaches of Noord Holland last week when we passed Amsterdam prior to that. Also took some notes here.

Coincidentally on topic as one of the best picked up this trip you see below[also had to upload a picture of current Dam situation as usual ; town itsself seemed to be getting a bit busier]is supposedly static filtered and from Morocco[small piece on the left of the fourth picture is opened up].
Stupid name tag as usual but quality was there. Finer texture than other filtered batches I've seen in the past but this static thing is not a new one to readers of this thread and myself ; there is only a new load of batches about currently but I don't complain as long as it is after my liking. Wouldn't say it is distinctively better than the best of the usual high grades but provided good flavour and proper strong effects.
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View attachment 18714382

Like the discussion and vitality of this thread lately. As title of thread suggests discussion and all that indeed. So I have to comment on several posts.


You basically repeated my whole post about that hash coming in sticks.

I too see you edited your post just yesterday ; I will nonetheless comment on that as otherwise there is no understanding at all.

Now it even makes less sense to me. Before you compared your current 'Dray' with those sticks but said your's better.

You also edited it tested 43% Thc as it got tested with a Purple Pro and you never smoked stuff like this before.

I thought that stupid Purple Pro is limited to 30% Thc max? Is there a new one out? Apart from that I don't care about numbers of cannabinoids as it is all about the whole experiences: set/setting, terpenes, cannabionids and gear.

Had numerous exmples of so called foreign genetics filtered from Morocco coming with supposedly tested 60% Thc and all that, still don't give much about it. At least in my opinion.

Yes, the bar you got could be better than this stick but I haven't come across your label yet(what ever that means). As I said above there is room for improvement when it comes to this stick, especially tastewise but the potency is there and thus I speculated about bubble.

It probably isn't cooked up in vaccuum selead bags either if these bastards do that to pimp up a mid-grade as it is still too strong for that and I doubt one can up the potency by such a simple hash working method[what a myth!] – at best it is about the look and taste but one never knows in the end if they only do that with mids.

If your's is proper 'dry' it most probably is better, enjoy. I can imagine that a certain circle of customers want their hash[as well as their grass, haha] bonedry and very easy to process and I know such types myself but even when I can understand this lust for convenience to some degree preparation for the ritual is half of the fun but to many of them it is indeed just an everyday commodity. Shame. Personally to me a big difference and I don't care much about handling as quality itsself[effect, taste, no contaminants]is priority#1!

Personally I think the sticks I got are 'semi-dry' now after I asked around a bit on site.

You smoke for the last 24 years and live in Amsterdam? I take it this doens't go for the time you're living in Amsterdam, right? Otherwise you would have come accross such hash at least in the last four years or you need to change your contacts as in my experience a lot have not many suppliers[also what happens often is they are stuck in their ways and depend on very few sources, either for security reasons but also lazyness] – apart from that similar stuff was also around about six to seven years ago(more rare of course but this was the beginning of that approach).

As so often it only became the approach of choice in the last years as so many times before with genetics and stuff.

That this stuff is better than hashish from coffeeshops isn't special at all as most coffeeshops sell wares for a majority of consumers looking for getting the most for their money. So many don't carry the exceptional ones as stated by others and myself in this thread often. They're just convenient to me and a good place to start to get a feeling for quality.

By the way 'semi-dry' is seemingly not the same as 'dry' but I agree it is complicated in this unregulated criminal wannabe industry. Was confirmed as I asked around but no one could explain at all how they work. 'Dry' to me is basically screens/bubble bags with different micron size while either dry material or fresh frozen material being sifted without the help of water. However, I think because of the texture and all that they indeed produce Bubble the ususal way(cold water+/ice & bubble bags)whlie the material is indeed not dried up(=semi dry indeed)? Don't know for sure but would explain less taste, good potency and this certain texture.

Still a chaotic situation to say the least ; too many groups involved!


Agree with your order of quality and also remembered one post of yours some time back in fact confirming that beside my general impression as well.

As said before in this thread there are now so many smaller groups involved from supposedly smaller farms having a different approach, still I think they are a minority as still too many mids about but again this is not surprising considering the average customer. By the way they even sell stuff mixed with rosin? Or even pure rosin? Not that I'm surprised at all but some years back I already was afraid of this coming up, yuk.

Prices you mentioned are – one likes it or not – the rates at the minute with those groups I was told or heard, too. Though I doubt they send directly small quantities but from somewhere in Europe where it has been put in interim(still funny how this works and wonder for how long as it is so public now):biggrin:.

A few years back there only was 'traditional' varying in grades and 'gardella'(sp,'Mix'/foreign gneetics)varying in grades.

Beside this my personal approach is still: low/mids, good, very good and top quality no matter which origin[and of course gender!].


Firstly I can understand your annoyance and your desire for certain genetics. Secondly I again disagree about that your mentioned traditional Moroc isn't available anymore. It is. Considering your reputation seedwise and time around you should indeed have the right contacts.
Since I will not help anyone with contacts for various reasons let alone being at the end of the food chain as as a fanatic admirer of this plant myself I'd suggest this to you if you're serious about it: visit some mates involved or soaking up the scene in either Spain or Netherlands for some holidays, ask from there and bring time.

Latter one is in my opinion essential – and annoying at the same time, haha. Many don't have the patience and time{did anyone say commitments in life?] especially today where people order via the internet from people they never met in real life. Sorry, not saying you don't know already but good luck!

The 'Shoe' respectively 'Diamond' or fuck knows how one sells it to you is a quality I'm too well aware of and though had every now and then at shops and privately even during Covid-19 in Nederland as reported in this thread. Also not consuming since just yesterday and have seen many batches of different quality of the years.

I wholeheartedly disagree with you again when you're romanticing about this traditional quality and saying the modern stuff can't compete with it tastewise[though this and that of yours only probably shows your dedication on the other hand.].

As I reported about too despite high grade the more commercial ones from the (filtered)range of foreign genetics are indeed tasting fresh as you or SMDK put it so nicely [while I often nearly kill myself trying to explain things:biglaugh:]. Though the better grades are easily on the same level tastewise but with different taste of course[read foreing genetics].

No offence intended but maybe you just didn't come across them yet.

You sound like nostalgia is making it so special to you and that at your stated age, oh my.

At one point traditional genetics will be gone there as production over there is heavily profit driven even though locals and Moroccan community abroad are still quite into it – though I'd say most of the product from the Rif is going to people without Moroccan roots so others command what will be sold.
Demand is again focussed on price rather than quality as usual?
Let alone again since back in the 1990ies there is heavy competition for Morocco when indoor went through the roof and took over until today[as said before the majority of consumers today are into grass not hashish]so they had to come up with stronger product and all that[Afhani/Pakistani and other genetics]. So it was in fact always changing and adjusting. Even the mids went better qualitywise in recent years but still something I avoid as best as I can.

Before Covid-19 at coffeeshops there were not much talk about 'Beldia' but only traditional or non-traditional. During the pandemic more and more shops refered to that on their menu suddenly. At the same time as we know prices skyrocketed[remember serveral Moroccan coffeeshop owners I talked to about it heavily moaned about the product coming under this name, especially for the price. So it was not up to their quality standards which says a lot and again means some scrupulous people in trade jumped on it.]. Funny thing is during so called crisis still loads of the foreign genetics arrived.

What is sold as Beldia now is as reported better than the gear they sold under that name about a year ago but still leaves room for improvement. Only talking about most of the coffeeshop offers here though, not elsewhere where original quality can be found.

Another marketing gimmick of this wonderful 'industry' for that extra buck and enough people are seemingly desperate enough.

However, just my two cents. Exhausting topic especially in the last two years but that's the way it is, isn't it? If your project with your own seeds gets realised in the Rif I hope it is to your utmost satisfaction qualitywise and maybe someone there can sort some classic lineage hashish for you if nothing else is possible. Fingers crossed again! Don't give up on this and of course your personal standards!
If the Oldschool is supposedly still available ( shoe , Caramelo) what shop do you think has it available.
Only people i know in Amsterdam are locals who have the last stashed saved from years back like me , everything else is new school aswell as the pic you post and product you talk about.
Also only 2 of your pics loaded.

Next time you go to Amsterdam try find a shop that has this old traditional Morrocan and post a pic and the name of shop you got it from.

Quality is so low in Amsterdam on flowers and all good traditional Morrocan extinct that i only go Amsterdam once a year these days .
I might head out to Amsterdam for the cloud cup or whatever its called in October so wont be back over to Amsterdam until then.

Id trade 10,000 Feminized Seed for 1 100g slab of Caramelo anyday and next season when we try go to Morocco il be trying to spread that word to farmers all over Morocco to try and find it


New member

I edited my post because I started to think I said to much, the enjoyments of a illegal market!

Was in reference to my belief the stuff was iceolator, because of the taste and the fact this stuff smokes different, it has a deep pungent smell and taste like only a iceolator would and because I know oven’s are used in the process. Only thing I could think of was it’s iceolator that was microplaned then dried out.

Turns out it’s C02 hash and after prolonged “extraction” periods with the dry ice evaporating it forms a layer of condensation on the material trapping in moisture. That’s as limited information I got as to why it’s dried out. i new it wasn’t dry sift. But that story could also be incorrect


I can describe Beldia in two words (the one I smoked)

Underwhelming, enjoyable

It’s underwhelming because it’s the most expensive but not the strongest. Dry would be stronger, just for that it’s underwhelming. Paying a premium for less, which is why I called it a “fine wine” at this point in time.

Enjoyable. I smoked it for about 20 days started to really like it. The stone was very enjoyable (I had no good hash in the 90’s) but it was similar in effects to soapbar. Good soapbar (if there was such a thing) the kind that gived you the giggles and laughing attacks.

I could smoke the Beldia all day and just feel giddy and happy. And be perfectly fine to fly a plane at night it’s not like what we smoke today in terms of effects.

Giddy, laughing, happy. Words I would use to describe the high. Polar opposite of what I’m used to now. I would smoke it again if it was reasonable priced.

It’s bad that I compared it to soap bar but I have know other point of reference. Everyone should understand “giddy laughing attack high from the 90”s” tho


Well-known member

Yes I've seen bars in the grease proof paper rather than the usual cellophane/plastic.
Makes sense as the product must be very sticky, some of the highest grades can't be far off hash oil.

Dry is a higher quality because it's 90u or 120u screen, semi dry is a mix of them and also a 220u screen, so semi has more plant matter in it.


Well-known member
As other mates threw a fit it would have been rude not to spontanousely join their holidays so back from the Dutch coast again from this month. Amsterdam was visited prior to arriving at our desination as well.

Holiday season indeed as city was what felt to me as packed out and after all those Covid19-restrictions this was sorta strange but it still isn't back to pre-pandemic times but noteably more crowdy as said['Covid19 in the air', e.g. see picture of Dam].

Not all places intended were visited for some reasons. That resin on the picture funnily was the other static filtered one with foreign genetics supposedly from Morocco I had reported about on my last trip[but obviously had no pictures] and bought again for some reasons.

At least a soso picture this time then[ Edit while I had to link something and add stuff and I'm on it I can explain something @goingrey mentioned : always keep my stuff separated in bags and plant matter you see is from the gloved hands of the budtender serving me, happens over and over again as they handle both resin and grass so difficult to prevent me thinks. Sure they could change their gloves after every transaction but they don't. Could start a discussion about hygiene standards in this shitty business again - though the better ones at least use gloves these days though what does this change at all when using them all day? - but I spare you the read let alone I did it before.
Cheers for pointing out I thought it was obvious and try to prevent it next time, always in a hurry when taking a picture as on one hand I'm not good at it and on the other want to enjoy my holiday. Apart from that didn't buy grass there as usual see below:biggrin: so not my fingers as well which - to be fair as usual - could happen as well in the heat of the moment despite me taking personal hygiene dead serious way before covid19-pandemic and all that]

Second best again this trip but the best was some Kush supposedly from Morocco and tripple filtered, particularly potent, too. Sorry, no pictures though. Traditional Moroccan hashish from the mountains still costs too much at coffeeshops but I even tried an offer at least nice enough qualitywise from a trusted shop under Moroccan management.

1 Static Filtered Moroccan High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffe...JPG

2 Static Filtered Moroccan High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffe...JPG

3 Static Filtered Moroccan High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffe...JPG

4 Static Filtered Moroccan High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffe...JPG

5 Dam Square, June, 2022.JPG


Cheers for that information as it makes sense kinda it refers to less varied mircron sizes. Though I'm afraid in this unregulated market it is nothing more than a rule of thumb. Again, only shows too many people involved out there but another hint I should start grrowing again but for now this is only a thought I still keep in mind yet. Sorry for splitting hairs again.

If the Oldschool is supposedly still available ( shoe , Caramelo) what shop do you think has it available.
Only people i know in Amsterdam are locals who have the last stashed saved from years back like me , everything else is new school aswell as the pic you post and product you talk about.
Also only 2 of your pics loaded.

Next time you go to Amsterdam try find a shop that has this old traditional Morrocan and post a pic and the name of shop you got it from.

Quality is so low in Amsterdam on flowers and all good traditional Morrocan extinct that i only go Amsterdam once a year these days .
I might head out to Amsterdam for the cloud cup or whatever its called in October so wont be back over to Amsterdam until then.

Id trade 10,000 Feminized Seed for 1 100g slab of Caramelo anyday and next season when we try go to Morocco il be trying to spread that word to farmers all over Morocco to try and find it
I just mentioned that the traditional you want is available as I had it despite damn pandemic in the last two years definitely here and there, take a look at my reports or album for more information.

I don't need to prove anything apart from that ; nothing personal.

You obviously must have misread my post as I pointed out I don't connect anyone. Which also includes I'm not your or anyone elses go-to-boy nor jukebox as I only do my own thing either for myself or my circle of mates when going there.

There are several reasons I mostly don't talk about prices[also in general] or coffeeshops I bought it from here as on one hand I'm totally bored of it[as so repetitive in general when it comes to topic of this thread but in particular when it comes to coffeeshops – I'm good, thanks ; let alone I have a very ambivalent relationship with those shitholes these days and rarely miss critcizing respectively riddiculing their outdated status quo]
and more importantly on the other it'd distract attention from the main topic of this thread which is discussing general quality available wherever which again is my focus as it is about one thing of my favourite things in life[not to mention I'm just a dedicated consumer no seller or in general interested in any kind of financial profit].

As a compromise I report without giving further directions as well[if people ask stuff beyond that no matter how and where they are wasting their time here and there as well] every now and then as best as I can more closer here but this is all I can do as I want to enjoy my time without too much hassle just going with the flow ; in the end I'm just a complicated nobody not the slightest interested in becoming what ever[rarely online too in this digital age and while not denying technology in general still an stubborn anachronism myself]. Either it matches with some people and it's useful or indeed not ; too not keeping certain informations to myself nor malevolence or shit as exploring is half of the fun on holidays and what people can do themselves they should indeed do .
Probably no popular approach I know. Take it or leave it. 'Nuff said, short version.

By the way pictures as well as descriptions what strain I talked about were fine in my previous post and so no need to edit[one should just hit the refresh button sometimes it takes some time I noticed this with other threads after the forum update as well ; sometimes it works well sometimes it takes its time, don't know why though]since you asked here about meltyness of the static/tripple filtered foreign genetic ones: I'd say the best grades of foreign genetics indeed can be a tad more melty than the traditional ones and are then similar to bubble hashish.

Too agree that general quality of grass at coffeeshops went downhill big time ten, twelve years ago at least ; not going there for that subpar gear as mentioned what felt like a million times before as I'm very picky when it comes to grass and prefer it at least cured properly[would never advise except for newbies going to the Netherlands for grass as if one had ever produced quality cured homegrown which is not rocket science it is sorta impossible to go back and I stick to that ]; at one point we'll return to organic and cured homegrowing but it looks like this will still take ages which probably also focusses on sifting then by the way and until then it is a bit of nostalgia which means reverting to imported resins from preferably Morocco
as I too prefer my gear sun kissed definitely[indoor will always be a substitute but outdoor is sorta impossible in my neck of the woods] ; I know reverting to them isn't up to my personal standards as I don't know what they do over there in the end[shitty black market indeed]as I'm very critical in general in life but it is a sorta compromise
mixed with nostalgia as it all started with resin for me[and hopefully ends with a proper produced quality at home or from mates:biggrin:. Every now and then I try a bit of grass though but especially tastewise almost always disappointed myself ; cures are non-existant as 'time is money', yuk. Blahblahbla, long story again.

Again, fingers crossed someone takes you up on your seed offer or even better you find it yourself!
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Well-known member
@NotYourSaviour Static filtered but clearly has vegetative matter in it. That's strange. Or did you keep it in the same baggy with some flower? Looks more like my post harvest scissor hash than some high tech new age product. Not that the scissor hash isn't some of the best smoke...


Well-known member
That would explain why the ones I see leaking “oil” are actually cheaper, It’s not oil then. A tale as old as time basically
Some actually do leak that oil and are very high quality and expensive at 1200 euro for 100g.

The people in this video are just copying it with fake material.


Well-known member
Now that looks lovely, wish something like that would land around here.

Latest bars of commercial I've seen are "bubba kush" bubbles under flame (not that that means much) and smells really good (convinced they have added terpenes to it, I've bought some before for my oil to flavour it a bit more)

Prices are around £4 a gram for this block.

View attachment IMG_20220711_210847.jpg View attachment IMG_20220625_170457.jpg

Apparently someone has sent a load of samples of these top "dry" hashes from small farms to a Swiss lab.

They claim that these exclusive farms don't have enough land to produce what they are claiming it to be.
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Well-known member
Back from this weeks travelling across Nederland.
Looks like this is gonna be a bigger post, sorry but I'm a screw and don't like to split up for several reasons.


Piece below we scored at one of our favourite private sources for indeed traditional goodness from the Rif mountains. Blondish Moroc is as quality as last time: this smoothly turns up one's mouth in a good way again when rinsing it out with pronounced traditional flavour on the woody yet spicy side of things.

Good stone on the body and gently upliftment on the mind as usual. Another example for this year's best traditional from Morocco(as well as last year, the year before and at least top 3 every year:biggrin:)as it is unrivaled yet among the loads of mislabeled offers I've seen especially at coffeeshops or elsewhere. Unfortunately I can't make this loveliness shine picturewise as apart from my grotty skills it doesn't look much I know but so be it.

1 Traditional Moroccan High Grade, July, 2022.JPG

2 Traditional Moroccan High Grade, July, 2022.JPG

3 Traditional Moroccan High Grade, July, 2022.JPG

4 Traditional Moroccan High Grade, July, 2022.JPG

5 Traditional Moroccan High Grade, July, 2022.JPG

Coffeeshops this visit along the way didn't produce much but prices for the filtered foreign genetic ones seemingly are still getting a bit more cheaper.


After return I visited a source accidentally and was shown a 'great quality from Morocco' the source just opened so no sticker and such.

Didn't expect much when examining slab(despite this source is a good example for being more than 30 years in this business but not having much of a clue, oh my ; though a blind man may perchance hit the mark indeed is indeed sometimes the case here:biglaugh:) but it is suprisingly decent so I got the last bit entirely.

Smells a bit like a lot of the generic filtered ones and is sorta oily.

Foreign genetics then and funnily it reminds me of those types of high grade Morocs with foreign genetics coming about four to five years ago. Potency borders on strong as well and the taste is somewhat fruity.

All in all wouldn't rate this a 'high grade' but a 'good mid-grade'.

6 Moroccan Mid Grade, July, 2022.JPG

7 Moroccan Mid Grade, July, 2022.JPG

8 Moroccan Mid Grade, July, 2022.JPG

Last and least reviewwise:

An other source offered some 'Canadian hash with Cali genetics'. No joke:biglaugh:!

All right then I know too well that this fine thread is only about imports from traditional hashish producing countries and people including myself wanna see them.

So while I showed some real imports above I in my self-righteous mind think it is legit to break this rule though apologies in advance of course.

I was very sceptical about this as I had so called waterhash, ice-o-lator and such from 'Cali' from coffeeshops which I found overpriced and not very impressive[especially pricewise]. This here was quite pricy too which means similar to the better grades of the so called filtered ones coming from Morocco, Spain or whereever

Was shown remaining half of a dark 100g bar it came in and it had a stupid sticker all too familiar[in general!]one couldn't read anymore, only '*something* mountain'[Note: no Rif or shit nor certain crew's names importing.], also foiled. Pictures by the way may contain some tobacco and grass thrown in on the piece as my source consumes this as well and picture again was taken in a rush.

Looked at it later closer, also under the scope and had the ususal tests. Taken all into consideration this is pre-consumption merely an overpriced mid-grade to me ; take it it is not from an official source from there[Same source came up with grass from supposedly California, Spain and Canada before. Latter one, if legit[saw Canadian also on some menus of coffeeshops recently], was decent recently and supposedly from a Pharmacy[read medical] there. Oh those stories! Note: better than most coffeeshop grass still but of course not if you do it your own].

Also didn't perfom too well under the microscope.

Consistency is as some would very excitedly put as 'squidgy black'[refering to low grade Afghan ; also no essential oils if you know what I mean found either here or there]. Smell is more like leather and such.
Taste relatively transfers and comes with a realtively strong body high almost reminding me of high cbd[this one is supposed to come from indoor crops]and a light head high. All in all short lived as well. Or have I been ripped off and this is Cbd but at least from Canada:biglaugh:?Especially the light high and taste is a let down when thinking of the price ; the stuff from supposedly California was not much better too by the way.
A mid-grade to me trying to score high grade prices. Well, maybe really I'm old-faishoned when unwilling to pay high prices for mid-grade product only because it is supposedly from Canada(or Morocco or whereever not to forget). Probably too many people fall for it , especially the lot always refering to how soft hashish has to be.

That hash probably not many people want in Canada but is our highly praised Europe a tip these days(for sure probably but this is another story and not only Europe?:biggrin:) Damn sure there are enthusiasts over there producing high and top grades either for the legal market or privately. Please anyone import this!

Even the so called filtered ones are easily better than that. Or the one above[#2]. Until then I only want to indulge on some real deal [#1}as you see above or the foreign genetic ones are welcome as well.

9 Mid-Grade Supposedly From Canada.JPG

10 Mid-Grade Supposedly From Canada.JPG


Apart from your comment on contamination I already edited in my previour post it is funny you mentioned scissor hash as I got a bit handed a few weeks back which was indeed a mixed bag of classics(pun intended ; White Widow and such)organically grown indoor by some mates.

No clue if there is a dedicated fanbase with a different approach nowadays but personally despite it was fun trying this when harvesting the first times way back in the days today I don't rate them that much as although it can be potent it is definitely a harsh smoke(never tried from cured buds though so it can be different)and indeed raw. Cheers.


Thank you so much for uploading this scandalising video, yuk. Though again not surprising at all especially for readers of this thread as we discussed other cutting methods before. In the end again I don't take this personal as I'm still buying on a black market administrated by indeed official criminals(not saying on a legal market, generally speaking, there aren't subhumans like those in the video but there are less due to more regulation)respectively desperated and undeducated farmers if that happened on site seeing their hopes dashed as new harvesting approaches dominate more and more these days so while this is still cruel I can't judge them at all.

To some degree I even admire their creativity even when here not for the good but I file that under 'Necessity begets ingenuity'[Oh shit, am I – among million other things of course - the definition of compassion or what?]and I think real 'evil' are only a minority among human kind.

However, don't know if it is pine oil as when in this situation I'd imagine they put on some bho from plant remains during harvest as this might up the potency and conceal low/mid grade product better. As otherwise the buyer especially a consumer hisself looking for so called filtered Moroc immediately would notice it is very commercial quality when trying as long as the buyer has seen and is used to said higher grades common today before(though yes there are many people in between only moving gear).

Too not sure if this oil they put on causes slabs to be fully saturated and not just their surface so there are unsaturated spots to be examined closer perhaps .

So in fact easily detectable something is wrong as average potency and probably weird taste(combined with the usual tests for quality including smell, effects, combustion behaviour and bubble test which only make roughly sense all together).

Too, I take it they put that crap on merely mid-grade quality. Asked around on this trip but supposedly no one knew anything about that.

In times of the internet and such it is no good publicity for gear coming from Morocco and despite only profit is what counts I take it only a minority of producers act like that as competition is rough and I heard from people regularly going there since ages telling me over the years there nowadays is a trend of interest in long term relationsships instead of 'fast money' compared to recent decades.

In the end another hint for lovers of resin to try as hard as possible producing their own gear at home again.

On a second note you mentioned someone sent some samples of the filtered ones and such to a Swiss lab. I didn't got this correctly I think so are you saying the lab is stating the producers claim incorrect stuff or is this someone(sender) saying so?

Are these lab tests despite contaminants about potency? Is it possible to measure harvest methods and processions e.g. if it was static or what ever filtered or fresh frozen material used. Could imagine to some degree it is possible but still funny.

If possible should be time consuming and complicated.

Also agree that leaking oil is not necessarily a sign of contamination and the one I got a few months back seemingly isn't cut as far as I can tell but again not saying anyone including myself can't be fooled though at one point you have to make a decission, right?

However, I think as stated multiple times before this illegal scene is full of blatherers, especially on the distribution side, and due to the illegal status one can probably never be sure. I see the point when someone says it is relatively doubtful these so called exclusive farms don't work with fresh frozen material, produce ice-o-lator and such due to local infrastructure, climate and wasteland on site. Let alone I take it farmers could earn more money when producing the usual mid-grades
as the prices even for said upper grades are only what they are due to being produced in so called third world. Still there is competition coming not only grasswise but Switzerland, Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg and so on are cooking something up as well it at least seems.

E.g. Look at this resin supposed to be from Canada where one, if money allowing and knowledge, could easily produce better hashish than most countries where it is illegal. As said above I think it is only mid-grade at best and compared to that there is this 'dry extra sifted' resin comming from Morocco and is easily better than the legal product. If one follows that thought one could think that this is impossible to produce in such an illegal context in Morocco. Though if you reflect this on the other hand there is a lot corruption and within a limited are this indeed might be possible to produce such quality. Or it is indeed just from Spain(or even grown outdoor there to produce hashish, there were rumors of that years ago, too. Why not? But probably a bit harder than in Morocco.

Though it seems it happens nonetheless in Morocco but at what scale indeed? Rough rule of thumb in my case would be more claims than reality. As usual in life generally speaking someone comes up with a 'new' idea and many jump on that train. Mix this up with illegality and voilà a choice with very varied quality.
Only speculation again and much BlahBlahBlah, sorry.


Looks 'nice' indeed what ever that means, congratulation and enjoy! Is this a 50g slab or just bigger? Can you elaborate, please? Sorry, I have to ask again but putting all buzz words aside what grade you consider this?


Well-known member

It is the person sending the samples to the lab that is claiming a top quality farm is not producing what they claim they are.

They said they had the farm next to this top quality farm and they claim that they do not have enough land to produce the large amount of high quality products.

Of course this person could be a jealous rival farm slandering the top quality one, we shall have to see if these lab results actually materialise.


Well-known member
Something lovely I picked up in Denmark. I believe its filtered hash by the special texture compared to regular commercial plates. The terpenes are wonderful on this one, very fresh plant smell, and the citrus notes mmm.. Truly a high grade product from Morocco.
Damn that looks tasty.

mack 10

Resin Herder
Yes very very special
But we were getting it until around 3-4 years ago for over 2 decades , not always in 5g eggs in 100g
Bars like normal to , i even had kilo of eggs with a 500 egg , 5 50g eggs and 50 5g eggs , man the Golden Hash days , i wish i would of kept 500g if i thought it would ever disappear , but only kept the last 100g bar and i have 15-20g left that il make last 10 years so i can still taste that very special old school Moroccan flavour and High.

but what is available now is all new school , all of it , silly putty , soft shit
that is complete crap compared to the famous Caramelo.
Unless its from a stash that some Hash baron has had stored for many years after returning from prison or another long long vacation Its all new school.

I believe its so shit because they dont cure the flower like before and now they start drumming as soon as its dry.
If not why is it so crap ? , the genetics or not genetics but flower they use is far more THC and less plant matter so doesnt make any sense that new school is so crap ?

I also believe its so shit as its cheap dutch/Spannish crap seeds they use now
Also multiple varieties all mixed together when making the Hash so a mishmash taste of swag.
Beldia was a IBL for decades and came out the same not 100 different strains all grown on the mountain and then thrown in a big pile and drummed.

I plan to have a friend take 10,000 of my seeds out to Morocco up to the Riff and do a crop and we will go and help harvest and make the Hash and see if we can produce better than this new play dough crap Hash they produce.
I was due to go Rif and had sorted renting a plot till harvest.
Dam Covid an the travel situation
Proper ff 'd that up.
MYbe next year will be the year of golden sift.

The guy I rented the apartment from still had shoe type quality
From traditional strains.
Hopefully I will link up with him soon
To see what's what.

10, to 15k seed runs.
Was the plan.

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