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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


Well-known member
Didn't get photos of my first one but it was "Ferrari" on the block, was a very dark sticky/oily one and very fruity, really helped me sleep well too

2nd block was "billionaire" a lot blonder and lighter in colour, lemony flavour with a nice body stone.



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ICMag Donor
I stopped in at my local first nation dispensary and found this on sale. Black Friday Hash.

Origin unknown . . .



I snapped up 7 grams. A pressed sift with just enough ‘glue’ to hold it together. A typical hybrid strain hash taste & effect, if you know what I mean. Not as perfumed or incensed as a good Maroc but decent & reasonably smooth on the throat. The claimed THC was more than 50% & double the Afghan on offer (which was almost double the price of this btw). It appears to live up to that strength from the nice high it delivers. It starts very strong & cloudy then moves into a wonderful long-lasting body buzz.

mack 10

Resin Herder
Is it me or are we in low grade city?
The norm these days seems lots of grade 3.

When you crack a block you should see resin heads. Not 50/50 plant material heads.

Not that I hav by smoked my fare share,
Just wish they made more No1.


Well-known member
One of the best Dam had to offer

One of the best Dam had to offer

Here's my favourite unpressed high grade Moroc with foreign genetics from last week's stay in town
; fruity and strong enough.




Hear, hear but of course an old hat as over the decades it always was like that(also in all aspects of life generally, people tend to be cheap). Though personally I distinguish as said before between low, mid, high and top grade and I don't white wash things and always rate the stuff coming our way and it's not that black and white regarding quality.
Your approach is right but there are so many new grades and especially those with foreign genetics are often misleading. Very long story and as said discussed very often on here.
Happy hashish hunt to you and all the others!


Well-known member
While we're on it: another battle of the mid-grades:D

While we're on it: another battle of the mid-grades:D

All right then, just got those samples this weekend from a trusted longterm source.
Sorta blondish one(picture quality, sorry) is of classig origin, earthy-spicy in taste with effects more on the uplifting side of things but nice enough(no stamp/sticker).
The soft one in the middle is also spicy but different in taste and a bit stronger than the previous one ; labelled 'Amnesia' again:moon: with a sticker I haven't seen yet - nice enough but ours a couple of weeks ago was still better.
The blackish, creamy one on the left is grandioloquently stating 'Hermès' on a small coloured sticker with the original logo on the slab but is still a mid-grade as the other two ; coming with a long lasting uppish and very clear high of medium strength. All coming with the same price and in general not bad but not what I was looking for regarding upcoming celebrations and I'm afraid even though I told all my contacs months before there won't show anything up but of course I saved a collection throughout the year. Hope to get corrected on that one though(hope dies...).






Well-known member
Seeing light at the end of the tunnel?

Seeing light at the end of the tunnel?

Just was granted this lovely classic resin from Morocco, 'ticks all the boxes'. Taste is piney and earthy. Oily, smooth and strong: smells good, tastes good and feels good:biggrin:!
Stashed away of course!
Countdown until upcoming festivities is already on heavily. Was told not to expect much else anymore but you'll never know ; otherwise I'm of course grateful and stick to this stuff I picked up earlier this year and others.





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ICMag Donor
Moroccan Hash

Pressed sift. Typical Moroccan smell & taste & just a little harsh on the throat. Hard texture but still finger-nailable. Mid-grade hash - claimed to be 24.2% THC. The scope reveals lots of trichome stalks & other contaminants. It delivers a nice body stone albeit a little short imho.




Green Mujaheed
Greetings & Love everyone! :wave:

Long time not shared anything around,

This one was available few weeks ago, lovely "olivette" hash from Morocco, nice relaxing buzz with flavours reminding of Afghani materials. That's what is left from a 10gr finger. Impressively well packed, no nasty contam when through ("Olivette" hash is unfortunately most of the time "full of shit", might I say...).

Irie! :wave:


Green Mujaheed
Here's something I got late October.

The dark one was quite a surprise, got it at 40e for 10gr, with the guy telling me "il ne casse pas des briques" (it's so-so). Well, the only reason why it's "so-so" was because of its freshness. It needed 2-3 days of drying in the open to get just right. Had I scored this one in Himachal I wouldn't have been shocked. Just like cream ! Flavours were definitely reminding of some Himalayan material, with a pleasant relaxing and spacey high.

The light one has been available for a long time, the usual 50e for 10g, too long for some reason. Loosely pressed, turned fluffy when crumbled with no need of heat. Sour citrusy flavours, didn't felt like you were smoking hash. From sativa dominant or pure sativa strain, one-hit-dont-mess-with-me material. This one I used only with small paper, never king size, never two in a row. This is the kind of material which can make you have regrets if overdone, you just want it to stop at some point !
After a whole month of this one , the olivette was a blessing!

I've received some texts about beldia and "super lemon" hash available couple days ago, I hope some is still available after Christmas!



Active member
Greetings and thank you for sharing some stuff!
Looks decent, the shiny olivette looks like a hit or miss, clearly a hit from your words,

It's very dry here, so nothing interesting to show unfortunately.
As one mentioned, the harvest this summer was very poor in the Rifs, so very dark sticky, oily, concentrate cut hash/fake or very contaminated hash are more or less only kind avaliable here it seems. There's ofc almost always someone who have the good good blonde or grey/silver/blueish, but it's far in between.


Green Mujaheed
so very dark sticky, oily, concentrate cut hash/fake or very contaminated hash are more or less only kind avaliable here it seems

Agh... Yeah, that type I came accross as well. Still have about 15gr of a nice looking, at first, one, but actualy really awfull. Reminds me of the 90s Chernobyl stuff that was common...

Irie! :wave:


Well-known member
Happy New Year and all that

Happy New Year and all that

All right then after recent festivity some mates threw a fit and went for an overnighter in the Netherlands for coffeeshopping as well as partying and why not join them(especially if one of my regular detoxes came next)?

So this one on the left is special and not that common anymore these days ; classic stone-hard hashish from Morocco providing a nice enough body stoned and mild head high. Subtle notes of wood taste- as well as smellwise ; still overpowers strong weed flavour if added to a spliff particularly as I do this on rare occassions. I'd claim not many consumers of today(especially young people)would rate this just by appereance as well as handling and argue it's an old batch but it's not. Again,the proof is in the pudding:biggrin:!
Still a high grade from a trusted coffeeshop even though due to potency not my choice too often but lovely every now and then, rare old school stuff and coming in slabs not shoes(just saying, different material!).
The other not so special one on the right hand is a funny contrast as this is a high grade variant of moroccan Nicole Kush ; while I had better batches this is still nothing to complain about and would be very welcome at home.



By the way, here's another feedback: when I unwrapped stashed away material I noticed quality of eggs indeed changed – though in a positive way. When I picked them up they were very crumbly yet powdery but after being stored - still 'sealed' the way they came in - the fridge they now sorta turnt into a creamy texture after ten months storage ; though I'd say this process isn't finished yet and another 25%(?)to go). When put away the layers of clingfilm I immediately noticed they sweated on the outside. Since we always cured our harvested indoor gear the 'Simon way'(cheers again, lad)I can say this seemed to have happened here as well. I didn't expect that and was suprised due to experiencies from the past as I always stash away bits for special occassions since ages ; also the other stuff I had seemed untouched.
Even though I too stored eggs(if other genetics) that way before this gear seemed to be harvested and sent our way within the right timeframe. Anal as usual myself it puzzles me as I know when we cured our homegrown via hygrometer it was stored airtight but those ones here were put in a glass container but it wasn't airtight which is essential for keeping the stuff in the 'cure zone'(55-65% humidity). Those eggs were just wrapped with clingfoil no signs of extra wax or such.
So I take it they just 'aged' the right way. I still kept some for this other festivity in April(not talking about '420' here) so I take it they're finished then. Thin line!
Just saying as I refer to my thoughts about the curing of hashish in general some time ago here.
Time will tell indeed.
All in all taste got indeed smoother and effects weren't stronger but noticeably longer.


The egg would too be my choice from the three you posted, cheers! The light one according to your description sounds and looks like those new ones coming from Morocco since a while now(if they're not just those ones from Spain). I agree they have a somewhat very uplifting effect in the beginning but otherwise fade into a dull if longlasting one dimensional head high with often a strong body stoned. People not used to new genetics I know find them too heavy as well ; for me they're nice enough but still mid-grade I consume often at home.
Hope you found some goodies after your personal taste the other day in Dam and fingers crossed the upcoming ones you mentioned do the trick, too.

However, may all members and readers on here do well in tracking down the best resin in 2020 apart from the usual good wishes!
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New member
Happy New year

Happy New year

Hi guys, I get some pretty decent hash where I am right now have some Nicole kush and another that came with a skull sticker, the Nicole kush is very soft decent bubble when you pass a flame over it slightly red colour to it.

The darker skull branded kind is extremely soft alot of bubble when u pass a flame over it nearly turns to full liquid.

They both have very smooth tasty smoke one more earthy the other more fruity, definitely some of the best hash I have got my hands on recently


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big orno

Active member
Hello everybody

Moroccan x paki hash. It's not tipical moroccan hash but very good, oïl aromas and powerfull material

I didn't know this kind of hash, rolled into balls and not presented in plates. Good surprise :)

IMG_0076 (Copier).JPG

All the best everybody

Hope you enjoy your hash


some new school amnesia lemon
looks a lot darker as photos were taken with flash on. really really soft and oily. smells and tastes nice but not my type as i prefer more indica stuff



Well-known member
These amnesia blocks turned up the other week, I sent them back as they didn't taste very pleasant.

No one else has seemed to have the same issues but it was something that I wouldn't want to smoke again, can't describe it but it wasn't good to me.



Hi Hash Lovers..the Balls were sold as Chocolope Hash..the other piece is supposed to be a mix of classic moroccan and dutch genetics...

The Chocolope has a strong fresh and sweet smell when cut open..sweet floral taste with a minty undertone when smoked..heady, dreamy, uplifting high without too much of a body effect..nice daytime smoke that tasted great with a lovely sweet cup of tea...

The other Hash is pressed very hard but is easy too work with as soon as it get`s hand contact..has more of a chocolate smell too it than the Chocolope with earthy and piney aromas in the background..very pleasant smoke to me..earthy chocolate flavour transfers quiet well..stoney couch smoke...

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