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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


Well-known member
Still enjoying summer before autumn

Still enjoying summer before autumn

So another trip to a couple of coffeeshops and some spontaneous snapshots very recently.

Here's one traditional Moroc to the left and one with foreign genetics to the right. The traditional one comes with an medium up-high and not much taste. All in all a mid grade and not that special, also overpriced.
The other greyish barely pressed one is high grade kushness, pungent taste of said genetics and strong body stoned as well as head high. Easily qualifies as very good.


Second pair is another classic Moroc to the left(looking very similar as the one above but only a bit handled) and one with foreign genetics to the right. This classic is one after my taste as effects are more on the body side while still pleasant enough in the head ; though still delivering some spicy classic taste. Bit commercial but recommended high grade!
The other one is again coming with a strong smell and taste, almost dodgy again. More fruity than anything and thick to say the least. Effects are up to scratch as well and keep one entertained for a good while. Another unpressed high grade product.


By the way: picked up those two traditional pieces as well as an other classic one(no picture). All had the exact same price. The one I didn't take a picture of was the best of the trio even though taste could have been a bit stronger. Though it again shows that price, quality et cetera pretty much depends on who you know. Just saying.


Seems you still got more or less all right prices. Though just judged by your picture in this case this Nicole Kush is a mid grade then as I mentioned before there are now these lower grades available, too. Also compared to the high grades of that type I just saw this trip too when picking up the ones above ; at least one grade better. However, as said too, they're at least good nonetheless so enjoy again.
Either the prices for high grade you mentioned are for very special stuff or it was retail. Otherwise quite expensive.
Just one stupid example: In the Netherlands for instance I'd pay for not so common classic high grade 5-6€/g wholesale and this quality differs from very good to resin tasting so intense you think you just vaped it while smoking. That may appear expensive as well if one is knowing the market there but as said it is not for the average stuff. The more commercial high grades or more special ones are cheaper respectively more expensive.
By the way: agree with you and wouldn't want to buy in bulk for the prices you mentioned for better gear either. Just saying, not so keen talking about prices for some reasons.


Yes, the high itsself is the most important thing to me as well(no cruel contaminants considered), no matter how smell and taste grew on me in recent years. As powerful as possible, please! Said it before if I want something tasty I'd go cooking. And yes at a certain age it is well more risky and less successfull looking for new contacts I can tell you but patience wins often. Personally as seems to be common these days would never source online from (un)knowns but each to their own.


Good you found something nice for yourself at Pusher Street. Despite having been there lately again I can't say anything about the prices($ ???) at all just by look(otherwise I'm talking myself into trouble again so I better bite my tongue this time). Take it judging by your nickname you're living in this country so would be interesting to know your opinion about that place.


As you post implies probably not from where the label states but if quality is there who cares? Though shocked canadian dispenseries too playing the name game, :laughing:!

Green Squall

Well-known member
I need to take a trip too. Over here in states all I see is wax, shatter and rosins. Probably only seen real hash 10 times past 25 years.

I press a small piece every once in a while, but usually smoke immediately and never let it cure.

Your not alone. I stumbled upon this article yesterday about the shortage of traditional hashish in the States. I've come to the conclusion that if you want it, for the most part, you have to make it for yourself. Even with my small, personal grows, I'm able to always have a small supply for myself to enjoy.



Well-known member
Heyhooo. Hahahaha i go cooking.. nice One!! Although beeing tempted to buy online i Never do. Oldschool Money against goods, After Inspection.

When u say Wholesale, Where is that starting for u? 100g/ 500g/ 1kg?

Took the better 6 Euro hash to greece, and voila. I Hay it only once in the the Bong and was Smoking the cheaper One First. The pine is there, lung Buster on a good Level. And After Two Days cooldown i am massive Destroyed After 2 Joints a evening.. fuck u tolerance ;)

Take Care ans Greetings from crete..


New member

I live in Brazil and here there is only Hash from drug trafficking. Here in Sao Paulo Brazil costs on average $ 6,000.00 a kilo. There are other lower quality hash with lower price, but the taste is bad.

Mr. J

Well-known member
You guys are so lucky. If I want a slab of good hash I have to grow a couple of pounds and make it myself.


Well-known member
Spent some time exclusively in the Dam

Spent some time exclusively in the Dam

That is from this week's visit to town. Smaller piece is again but this time different kush genetics grown in the Rif ; unpressed high grade coming with strong flavour and strong enough effects both head- and bodywise. Best hashish with foreign genetics this trip.
The other long shaped one is a traditional Moroc ; closely second best classic hashish found this time and a geniuine high grade(though not ticking all the boxes but I'm an anal cu..), smell is somewhat piney and effects are strong relaxing yet very euphoric – latter one probably due to its strongest point: very smooth to smoke - almost invincible on the lungs, really- and very clear in the taste department, subtle piney and herbal notes tickling in the background is all I can say. All this must have lead to losing the ground under my feets in a good way while floating on the streets of Amsterdam as impressive which happens not so often. Just beautiful.




With flash:

By the way: Best traditional Moroc(no picture)had it all, smell(herbal), more pronounced taste and strong enough relaxing and mind altering effects ; though that one you might find more often compared to the other one(and that's why probably I rave more about:biggrin:) while still being very good!


No offence intended but as I said I'm not keen talking about prices, have to point out again our circle of mates including myself only buy in bulk for ourselves and share costs, no lame profit involved! Everyone brings something to the table, an interest group.
So pretty much at the bottom of the food chain.
While I appreciate of course there are dealers I would prefer not to buy illegal definitely as too many shady people around and in the end a criminal milieu due to the thing itsself which negatively affects everyone including myself of course over time no matter what you do to at least some degree as sorta 'fabricando,fabricamur'.
Each to their own though.
So when I say wholesale I could have said 'not retail' instead as well just for the record by the way but back to your question and amounts you mentioned: it starts at 50 - 100g from my perspective others
might and will think very differently.
Though as this all started for us there was no big difference between a kg and less, let's say one kg for 5000€ and 100g for 550€ et cetera ; some qualities
you are only allowed to buy 50g of, of course always depending on quantity coming in and availability, mostly
all types of quality.
This is oldschool to us personally and still possible more or less today so we look for such.
But prices changed a lot and especially coffeeshop prices had a somewhat influcence in a very bad way on price development in the last let's say at least ten years as some rip off merchants and parasites inbetween said chain try to make as much profit as possible and refer to said retail prices of coffeeshops, let alone customers got used to it or even don't know better.
Back in the day it seemed to us there are more rough standards but now it's fierce competition but no surprise at all as demand went even more through the roof.
Also, all I said has no value at all for obvious reasons as prices pretty much depend on many factors obviously, it is only a very rough summary ; though I can understand people are interested in this.
Nuff said.
Looking forward to your pics.


Latest one you posted looks again lovely, enjoy!


Those labels from seedbanks on those slabs are ridiculous and prove again you can't trust them. Thanks for posting though.


NotYourSaviour;8666341 [URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=8664162&postcount=3549" said:

[/B]Latest one you posted looks again lovely, enjoy!

Yeah, the iphone 5s doesnt do much for the quality of photos lmao.
It looks like yours the long one, in the last post. Colour, texture, as you describe it but has stickiness like fresh trichomes. Next pick up will be a awsome polm type. Theese creams (which i belive its called) are a bitch to roll out in a jay, thats why i keep in fridge :)


Well-known member
no offence taken nys as mr. haze once said. prices are privileged information =). I for my self dont mind to share if the source is ok with that. and thanks again for the link.. both blocks are around 35g now.. circle off friends and so on =)... darker one was 6 E brighter one 5 E, definetly worth the 6.,

take care


no offence taken nys as mr. haze once said. prices are privileged information =). I for my self dont mind to share if the source is ok with that. and thanks again for the link.. both blocks are around 35g now.. circle off friends and so on =)... darker one was 6 E brighter one 5 E, definetly worth the 6.,

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=79487&pictureid=1974487&thumb=1]View Image[/URL]

take care

Looks lovely :) Reminds me to pick up soon for post.


New member
Good Sunday to all, I have just registered but I have been following the forum for a long time, and this discussion is my favorite. I am a really hash lover! Here is a small contribution with the loot of my last European raids.:grande sorriso:


New member
some problems transferring photos ... but for now you can see them in my album.


~~ ॐ नमः शिवाय ~~
Hey Tac,

Welcome to be being an icmag member. Glad you decided to join in instead of lurking :)

Your collection reminds me of mine about a year ago. I always used to save a little from a new purchase if it was good to go in the collection. Unfortunately it’s all been smoked up and I have yet to start the collection again.

I’m always gawking at the great big slabs of hash in this thread wondering if I’d ever be able to find the *good* Pakistani black i had about 2 years ago. That stuff was like stepping into a dream. The buzz was so totally different from any other hash I’ve ever tried. If ever I found that kind of quality in black again I would buy as much as I could. So rare to find good black. Although good charas sometimes has it too.

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