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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


Well-known member
Had a few with no name on them, soft blond texture, oilier than the amnesia blond.
Skunky taste, nice high
Again cheap as £3 a g and that's not wholesale.


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Another breaking free from the daily rountine.

Another breaking free from the daily rountine.

Summer time. Heatwaves. Beaches. Great times. Anyone?

However, stuff below was grabbed along on our way to another invasion of Dutch beaches this week for a couple of days.

Classic Moroccan lineage comes with fine piney yet lemony aroma spiced up with a relaxing body stoned and lovely head high.

Ticks all the boxes even though not special in itsself in fact ; though these days it is as there are many good mid grades around as well as high grades we had to choose from at trusted sources throughout this country but while still being good only a minority of the latter can really compete with this one here as them were lacking something in either smell, taste or effects.

This here is at least the standard of quality of classic Moroc to me:whee: ; sure there are better ones even on higher level but certainly a fuckload of lower grades. too. No, here it starts and this should be the general standard! Sadly getting more rare.
We got better ones with foreign genetics as well by the way.

Purchased at an old aquiaintance frequented since ages every now and then for an acceptable price coffeeshopwise ; even pre-packed which I never appreciate but know some shops have a great turnover:biggrin:.

First two pictures are one side and it isn't at all a reddish but more of a blondish one. Just saying as picture isn't doing it justice.





Well-known member
Some scorpion, seems like some old school genetics, no real fruity taste to this, but of spice/woody flavour


This darker one had "euro 41" on the bar, it's a fruity one.



Well-known member
Hey guys..

Again i am too stupid to Post pictures .....

But i write in total cluelessness regarding the new hashwave.

Seen 2 Blocks recently, bought them too but Feel like a total noob.

Blocks are both thick 100g 2.5/3 cm One brighter brown, One Dark brown. Pliable and Sticks together After crumbling. Oily/ Sticky feeling.. highgrade look ans smell. Fx strong and nice with no feeling of something missing/ Ticks all the Boxes.

But Now.... lacking tastewise, nearly no pine. Mo harsh smoke Burns clean.
But Taste nothing like the highgrade it supposedly is.

Holding the Flame to it, its bubbling but Not a lot. And commercial smell...

Breaking the Plate i recognice a smell i only know from commercial black/afghan..

Its this (animal)Farm smell. I allways explained it to myself that They Re using Animal fat?
But said Blacks been harsh in the Throat..

Cant explain how that fits together... Genetics? I know They are/have been using af/Pak Genetics. But its Selling and Handling like new shool Blocks..

Anyone??? And have a nice weekend

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Imported Indian Charas

Imported Indian Charas

Pretty nice stuff, a spicy and earthy taste. Not overly strong, unless you smoke too much :D Was 4g a couple days ago, probably closer to 3 now.


Brother Nature

Well-known member
Didn't import myself, was only told it was Charas. You're probably right though, looked at it through the loupe yesterday and it really looks like pressed resin. Either way it's still very nice! :D


Well-known member
Another report from the front

Another report from the front



Here to the left is a blackish one from Morocco ; supposedly smuggled via suitcase the oldschool way I was told if anyone remembers this. Effects more physically than anything but lovely more of classic spicy taste if not 100% to it.
This is a blonde to the right but picture isn't showing this sadly. Also oxidises fast when cut off the genuine blonde slab. Bummer only foreign genetics it was based on and one of those sorta reminding me of the average toilet cleaner as intensily smelling of citrus or lemon but in a good way(though still a bit sharp).
Very strong soaring celebral high with similarly strong effects on the body. Both very good mid grades and picked up very recently in København at

Pusher Street

Mixed feelings about my revisitation here. Been at the so called Green Light District almost ten years before and inbetween followed what happened there as well as at Christiania in general where it's located after all so was interested about the status quo. Expected to find less stalls with products this time but there were only a few gone it seemed as still more than twenty about.
What I immediately noticed was that product range hashwise declined. While back then what felt as half of the stalls had a ridiculous wide range of fifteen sorts of moroccan hashish on tap now the average stall had about two to five options to choose from beside some grass too often ; one to five choices.( A few others carried around ten sorts of hashish and for obvious reasons were more expensive, also the ones selling more strains of grass).
This is a good thing to me as back then I already found that boring due to not much differencies between the offered stuff respectively grades.
Quality itsself was steady and in this case again no outstanding product to be found but a lot of mid grades and a minority of high grades ; many were again selling very similar stuff.
At first I was a bit surprised finding an overabundance of mid grades there, especially with foreign genetics. That was so obvious. Also when it comes to high grades I had a hard time finding them and when they were around mostly dark creams.
Good old gingerbread respectively genuine blondes I particularly found no where respectively if so they were based on foreign genetics(western hybrids mostly). So this overly piney and gingerish stuff was more or less non-existent there, only similar stuff with hints merely.
Asked around of course not only for this but also for general high grades and was faced mostly with shrugs, ignorance, blank looks or arrogance.
By the way noticed too most dealers/gangs now were in their early twenties(go, figure!)and on the regular in fact quite polite as last time ; no ski masks anymore, too. Not saying experience with resin is necessarily a matter of age as in such position one handles a lot of grades but even the more seasoned dealers couldn't help more.
Though got help every now and then pointing out stalls and appreciate it myself ; some told me they smoke the best themselves(how unexpectedly)or it only is sometimes around(bad timing?).
Won't happen most probably but I'd wish backers school certain drug runners there a bit more when it comes to basic knowledge(as I tried a lot of terms and descriptions)
but they seemingly get away with selling what they offer probably due to demand of today so why should they change for a minority(wallowing in self-pity myself again and of course enjoying it myself, haha)?
This situation with mid grades was the same the other visit but this time with particularly less traditonal stuff of said kind or in general ; to be more precise I didn't at least find any جبل تيدغين I pointed out the other day here.
Apart from that I had similar stuff SMDK posted some time back as well as really gooey moroccan cream which was quite good after about ten attempts of other gear but still lacked the icing on the cake and was of that so called Gardella(sp)type ; which in general I refer to when it comes to mixtures of landrace, Afghani/Pakistani genetics or other foreign genetics. Not to forget the omnipresent foreign genetics with western hybrids(with no hints of landrace at all).
This is still puzzling me big time as obviously they are fishing in similar waters as for example as official or inofficial sources in the Netherlands or elsewhere ; though I know some dutch private sources getting the same material since ages as well as even a few coffeeshops due to longterm connections.
So is this really not more than a good street deal without connections there due to in the end not being legal nor tolerated in Denmark? I can imagine due to that market adjustments occur a tad more there, too.

By the way grass sold(about 10€/g) was still more or less grotty, maybe a tad better than last time to be fair(even the average coffeeshop schwag is better if not much). Still, if they used a strain name it only smelt and tasted funny to say the least – tried a few against all odds but keep it away from me!
Don't know why they still don't get their shit together as roughly everyone and his dog can grow proper commercial these days, wow.

Also prices dropped sorta unexpectedly as prior visit only very few vendors came up with such after extensive research of the place and back then I had local guidance and could start from there.
Now said prices were the rule so one pays roughly 7€ (a gram, my oldschool approach but I know it works differently there though I never buy much of unknown quality, especially for a discount let alone it only shows their profit margins)on the average and up to about 11,5€ per gram max for Morocan.
Drops at least to 5€ if buying more, mostly if you spend 14€ at one purchase. Also saw low grade Pakistani(6€), disgusting Border Afghani(still unbelievable 7€/g which I took offence of definitely pricewise but I wouldn't even take this for free ; even know some of the more 'honest' coffeeshops
selling the same crap for 3€/g and this is retail. I'm afraid there are still many customers wanting their hashish to be "soft and pliable". So be it, anyone? Didn't see quality traditional Afghani even at dutch coffeeshops since ages ; only half-arsed approaches, especially regarding potency. )and average Nepali(14€/g)at a few stalls.
Nepali at this quality didn't come unexpected though as it is the same at many dutch coffeeshops but I found back then one of the best pieces from there at Pusher Street to be fair but for roughly insane 20€/g(which is often the same at coffeeshops and for this reason as mentioned before not interesting to me due to price/performance ratio compared to Morocs and all that ; not to forget above all just not my type of hashish on the average. Again, still think most of the very best grades stay in Asia anyway ; probably the same with Afghani and others, let alone decreased demand for traditional hashish in general nowadays).
Though one can find almost all qualities of moroccan hashish to be had there for indeed 7€ for one single gram which isn't a bad price considering retail and choice for a quick visit.
Since am frequenting dutch coffeeshops since decades on the regular I of course draw comparisons.
On the first look one might think that Pusher Street is cheaper but one has to consider that charming dutch goverment taxes all hashish as well as grass sold at coffeeshops 100%(if one owner wants to sell his stuff sourced on the black market for 7€ a gram profit margin included it has to be sold at 14€ due to taxes officially in the end ) ; for an unregulated and still not legal product, this is such a lame compromise as said goverment doesn't care about customer's health or anything despite youth protection there, such a double standard by the officials – just saying, don't get me started on that crap.
So without taxes there would be no difference at all apart from no more than 5g a day at coffeeshops.

Though if I compare let's say official market in Amsterdam to Pusher Street alone I know where to go for certain types due to experience but I'd assert anyone could by just visiting the usual suspects seemingly everyone knows about.
Dead sure I'd track down same range of gear with more time too at Pusher Street but for some reasons as well as different company this time that wasn't the case and lovely København was of course main focus for a stopover for a couple of days before exploring the north further for our annual holiday.
All in all wares on offer show again that market of hashish is changing as foreign genetics take over more and more ; this is the case at dutch coffeeshops in recent years as well, especially with mid grades. Still there is plenty enough old school Moroc to be found yet.
At both ends their omnipresence makes sense as they tend to be quite cheap and there is good profit to be made compared to the more or less more expensive high grades. Doesn't matter where as for instance in the Netherlands, Denmark and especially Spain the average customer is looking for nice enough quality for cheap. You get what you pay for I assume.
As usual for the better stuff one has to be connected everywhere on this little planet and the best one most probably don't get at Pusher Street(by the way I found everything around Pusher Street again bloody commercial with headshop merchandise and place itsself with pub and stuff seemed to be overrun by people, definitely increased traffic ; not sure if this really helps Christiania itsself again though). Other locals we talked to couldn't help either this time sadly.

In the end it is convenient for a quick purchase there(those daily raids there are so annoying though)to get mostly very good mid grades so conclusion is go there if you're looking for a proper produce.

Clarifying my position:
everyone should find something nice enough to consume there hashwise and it's beyond dispute that they have a good quality level I'd appreciate myself at home but again with a choice I still want the best of the best,
especially considering Pusher Street has such a long history, shame. Also this experience was good enough to realise from a different perspective that there is a sheer averageness going on regarding at least moroccan hashish.
What I mean is I used to notice that in the Netherlands despite all I said(at Pusher Street those mid grades ruled the market only a significant touch more)it is more or less the same(Note: of course high grades were always more difficult to obtain but now with so much choices of genetics the average quality is more obvious in my humble opinion and stand out like a sore thumb.). While I still enjoy all types nonetheless I regret this development again(funnily when the first high grades with western hybrids appeared more or less ten years ago I found that fascinating). You can't have it all? Time will tell what happens next.

Bevar Christiania
by the way ; such an interesting approach itsself and well worth a visit alone!


Maybe this helps with posting pictures:

Your description is a bit confusing to me as you say it does tick all the boxes but to me without the proper smell and taste it just doesn't. I think I hear you nonetheless. As said above a lot of mid grades are to be had and especially the ones with foreign genetics are often misleading.
All those attributes respectively tests you mention they come up with but in my humble opinion they often lack strength and taste indeed. So they are still all right but no high grade.
Yes, they often have an intense smell more or less of western hybrids but with a closer look they only smell of plant matter and a bit harsh ; yes they are often soft but this is the least sign of quality to me these days with all this mish-mash hashish around. All this 'looks like quality' appearance is probably down indeed to genetics used these days.
We discussed how to spot quality before in this very thread and all I can personally come up with is lame 'The proof is in the pudding' as even all tests you mention fail in regards to some oldschool genetics sometimes but in general are helpful. A microscope is useful too, but again try the pudding(considering in general one is a bit experiencied, just saying).
Again, try and rate them then! If you feel ripped off, shit happens. In the end it is no soap bar crap and probably nice enough for consumption, enjoy. In general average quality is better than decades ago in my humble opinon. Nobody is perfect, right? Anyone insisting otherwise, especially without ingesting, is often lucky enough to have trusted longterm connections but would probably fail flat on his nose at one point if faced the market again.
Just to give you an analogy: any oenophilist claiming to rate wine only by smell and look is anything but credible to me. Merely a pompous ass not able to acknowledge a mistake and people I look down to for obvious reasons. Though his opinion gives a somewhat tendency though the pudding and all that!
Sorry, hope those platittudes and commonplaces help a bit;)!
Take care.


Cheers! Remember when first batches emerged at dutch coffeeshops about two years ago, now it's another one, along with Barbara Bud some time back which was discussed here back then too, around everywhere(also often now not at the upper price range anymore).
So since then had a wide range of qualities of supposed genetics, from unpressed to differently pressed types. All of them were at least of good quality ; funny coincidence by the way as I just had it again along the ones picked up when posting the original Moroc on the previous page.
In general quite an all-round carefree package with that, more on the fruity side than anything kushy to me. Would like to have proper quality of this at home, too. Enjoy!
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Well-known member

Cheers! Remember when first batches emerged at dutch coffeeshops about two years ago, now it's another one, along with Barbara Bud some time back which was discussed here back then too, around everywhere(also often now not at the upper price range anymore).
So since then had a wide range of qualities of supposed genetics, from unpressed to differently pressed types. All of them were at least of good quality ; funny coincidence by the way as I just had it again along the ones picked up when posting the original Moroc on the previous page.
In general quite an all-round carefree package with that, more on the fruity side than anything kushy to me. Would like to have proper quality of this at home, too. Enjoy!

These Nicole blocks are probably my favourite, price is decent at £4 a g (not wholesale).
More lemony than kushy to me in taste, nice smoke though for the price.
I know a person who gets the more exotic/traditional hashes (Maroc iceolator, gardella, cream) but they go for £10 plus a g and burn a right hole in the wallet, and to be honest I think the high grades should be about £7 to £8 to be worth buying more.
Nice treat now and again. :tiphat:


Well-known member
Hey nys.

Thx for the interesting Read!! And of course you Re right. Hehe Yes it doesnt tick all the Boxes if Taste is too weak ... i meant the high is Complete and round... in the end this is what matters most.. but i just failed to understand Why this is so, how can a hash that is clearly mid grade by Handling be that Good... and Sourcing at new guys this is Suspicious to me.. hahaha Paranoia high?!

Not at home but will Hey the Pictures then. Thx again for the link.

Take Care




New score called "Kenzo" bought at Christiania. Spicy notes with hints of mint and strong but subtle green smell. When given heat from lighter it bubbles up nicely, its my go to test when checking for THC content.

The insides are cake like interior, soft and easy to pull apart, but hella sticky when melting slowly in hand. Leaves a trace on fingers like fresh bud would when trimming down.

$5/gram when buying 100g+ seems fair for such a good product.


Well-known member
Looks interesting smdk.

Mine is Leaving Sticky Fingers as well.

Another explanation i thought over in my cluelessness would be Strains with few myrcene or pinene. All highgrade i remember had this heavy lung expanding feeling like a nice Sauna Infusion. I could Feel? The terps/oils/?? But not with the new Stuff that Hits as hard as white Choco Block from boere or critical Cream from Greenhouse.. but in the end the Pudding is very satisfiing ;)

Have a Beautiful weekend, Take care


Active member
Never "been" in Cöpenhagen, it is only TIVOLI what i remember Denmark,and they put train in ferry at Helsingör... i was very young boy, railwaytrip in Italy, nice memories...

Yes i coming to smoke just hash like that when i come there, maybe november,150e fligths about and Big Bong HITS in hotelroom...:laughing:


I need to take a trip too. Over here in states all I see is wax, shatter and rosins. Probably only seen real hash 10 times past 25 years.

I press a small piece every once in a while, but usually smoke immediately and never let it cure.


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ICMag Donor

From a First Nations dispensary. I don't know if the label actually corresponds with the country of origin. $18 CAN per gram & I got a 10% senior's discount off of that. Both are excellent. The red is buzzier.


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From a First Nations dispensary. I don't know if the label actually corresponds with the country of origin. $18 CAN per gram & I got a 10% senior's discount off of that. Both are excellent. The red is buzzier.

Very nice and expensive hash u have , good stuff! Maybe some nice day in Finland we have some... And u have Habs K. Kapanen, fastest player in this planet...:tiphat:
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