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I remember when,.......

Bud Green

I dig dirt
I remember when we used matches!
But they weren't for use in close quarters.
I was at a concert at the Red Rail, a cool club in upstate NY. Early 80's
Guy standing beside me, near the back of the club, struck a paper match to light a joint.
The sulfur on the match head flew off and landed in the afro of the guy sitting in a folding chair in front of us...The afro caught on fire!
Luckily cool heads prevailed, and between the three of us, we put the fire out, with no hard feelings....:biggrin:


I remember red heads.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I was with a redhead for 5 years of my life.:snap out of it:

Come to think of it.....I WAS A RED-HEAD..40 years ago, when I dyed my hair RED...lol

When I used to have hair on my head, and not on my chin. (or in my ears)..

But only for p'raps 4-5 months, we thought that it was 'All The Rage', at the time, kinda between Glam-Rock and Punk-Rock, era-wise.

Yeah..I remember when.
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Still Learning
I remember when we used matches!
But they weren't for use in close quarters.
I was at a concert at the Red Rail, a cool club in upstate NY. Early 80's
Guy standing beside me, near the back of the club, struck a paper match to light a joint.
The sulfur on the match head flew off and landed in the afro of the guy sitting in a folding chair in front of us...The afro caught on fire!
Luckily cool heads prevailed, and between the three of us, we put the fire out, with no hard feelings....:biggrin:

collateral damage. WTF did he have in that fro?:redface:
We used to shoot paper matches at each other..


I remember when kids used to ride bikes and just goof off..

You could ride the bus for a quarter straight to the beach...

Music had pops and scratches when you listened...


i remember my first suit, never did like the fuk'n things.
Me too. Salesman was Hindi, hard core accent, "Oh yes are we buying the little man his first suit? Some brass buttons?" I actually still have that jacket, because I was the fattest teenager ever.

Hank Hemp

Active member
I can remember the last time the pigs put me in handcuffs. It was like 2 weeks ago and it was for nothing, just because I was there. Remember this I cursed the SOB's every second I had them on. I called them everything but white Christian gentleman and MFers. Being that I'm a devout white boy old school freak. 2 days later I go to the boys house, well garage he runs up gives me the bigist hug I've ever had from another male, grabs my arm and tells all the other boys there how "gangsta" I am. To which I correct him and say "I'm a Nam freak". You see it was the first a 9mm glock pulled on me though I did have a 38 spl put in my ear spread over the trunk of my 66' Mustang.


New member
started smoking early 70s. had to smoke 2 or 3 times b4 I finally got actually high and that was the norm. weed was sold by the finger with 4 fingers being an ounce and cost 20 dollars. then. I went to.....HAWAII.....

had my trusty 2.5 joint bowl and we went to wakiki to score. got this tiny bud of mauiwowy for 45 bucks. what a rip we thought. yaaaaa.. never ever used that bowl again after that. learned to grow some killer stuff out there and sold it locally for 20 per 2 grams all day long. then went back to Cleveland ohio with about 10 little bags and no one would buy it it was so costly, so I gave it away to friends. then EVERYONE was caling and asking for it at 20 per 2 grams. going to tiland was realy fun. about 10 or 12 sticks of ti for 2.50. wish I cou;ld get that stuff again.


Well-known member
Back when baggies were new... Remember when they came out with pleated baggies ? A conspiracy if ever there was one.


Active member
We used to get Colitas in big wooden boxes. Laid out all pretty in a row, with paper in between. We would have to trim off the donkey dicks to make up bags.

Later we started getting beautiful green "pillows" in the perfect shape of a large industrial Jalapeno can.

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