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I remember when,.......


Active member
When I started

When I started

Weed was sold in lids, it came from Mexican brickweed and they were 15.00 they were measured by fingers i.e. 3,4, or 5 which was rare .
Around 1974 Colombian weed came around it was better many varieties but the best was the red and gold which was 350 a pound. Eventually Colombians found something else more profitable and these guys up in Santa Cruz and Humboldt had some piney, skunky, or fruity stuff that was like wow! Most of you know the rest .


A bas l`etat policier polygame!
I remember when I kissed my todays wife the first time, it was in a Cinema and we saw the Rocky Horror Picture Show.:kissgrin:

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Kashmiri twists hash was £10 an ounce, £100 a pound......quality like you never see today


Active member
I remember a market flooded by so much quality outdoor grown buds that indoors couldn't compete until the off season and not only that but since indoor growing was expensive as hell to do only the dedicated growers did it which resulted in outrageous quality herb starting to hit the market year round. I then remember the migration to indoor growing as outdoors became harder to do and as the commercial growers sought to maximize their profits they pgr'd their crops to within an inch of their lives allowing them to undercut their competitors for prolonged periods of time all but killing the competition.

I've since watched an entire generation grow up in a world where palco buds are not only the norm but should you have buds that don't look like tiny rock hard hair balls you'll openly get ridiculed by an entire group of people until they try it and then as none of them have ever seen anything like normal cannabis for sale before they all tend to assume you've grown it no matter what you tell them.

So I guess I'm not even 40 and I remember when people knew what cannabis not only looked like but how it should make them feel and could share it with the friends and family without being forced to worry about their security. I weep for humanity :badday:


I remember when True sativa strains were True bred>Teevas. In moutains in col,jamica,central America,southern mexico ect...Then they decided to get import
seeds from over sea's and there went true genetics.Same happened world wide.All for what we now have today.Its all good,but DAMN!!! I would love to get my hands on some of those tiny lil>>>C-BO gold!!!beans..Huge plants!,damn near hurricane proof,heat/humidity? No problem.

I remember telling bro's. [Yes!! back then you "could" trust y bro's lol].If they could pull it out of the ground they could have it!! 100 buks a Z .grand a lb..


Active member
Im just over 40 and have been on the cannabis scene over 20 yrs now of actual growing. I have seen a major change in the market and can say I remember the days when all the hard work and effort of growing good gorilla weed paid off. Before the days of semi legal weed and everybody growing a lil extra . This change has come for us in just the past 4 yrs. Its been like a whirlwind , from comradery of growers to a cut throat world to see who can undercut their neighbors price just to make a buck . From over $200 an oz for good quality outdoor to $100 an oz for the same. Am I bitching ? Oh hell ya I am , I made a good living busting my ass hauling soil and caring for my babies in mosquito infested swamps and sweating heat . Stuck my balls out there and even had them caught in the trap . Who am I mad at though? In the end im mad at myself for not believing this day would come. With full on legalization I dont know where my life as a legal caregiver will now take me. Will it propel me or will it sink me ? Many caregivers (over 4000 strong) are asking this same question as big canna is stepping up to take over our livelyhoods. Sorry for the rant but im in a bad mood this morning ! And yes I do compete to have that one step up in quality over the other guy . At this point im no longer in it just to count the dollars . I see the good marijuana has done for thousands of patients and the relief it brings.


ICMag Donor
From over $200 an oz for good quality outdoor to $100 an oz for the same. Am I bitching ? Oh hell ya I am , I made a good living busting my ass hauling soil and caring for my babies
It's the love of the plant. And for us, dirt toil....great exercise.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
I remember when......

I was a little boy in 1960 and my Mom had a vaporizer!

(when I had a bad chest cold, she would fill it with water and put it in my bedroom at night)


ICMag Donor
Ahhhh, Vicks to the rescue, Bud! Funny! And now, I saw a report how mold/germ laden vaporizers are if you don't clean them daily. Nasty.

I was thinking....Hmmmmm.....in 1960, maybe one of those cigarette holders...a vape?


Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
When I first started toking. The only weed to score was White Widow. Nobody owned a cellphone. The internet was dial-up. Nobody ordered anything online. If you needed something you had to either know a guy or drive to holland. Win 95 and a bit later win 98 came out. No more annoying win 3.11. The only gaming station worth having was a super nintendo or maybe ps one was already around I don't remember.