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I gotta give up the cigs...


Invertebrata Inebriata
More tips for quitting cigarettes_
1. If you can, smoke more dope!
2. Take more showers (seriously)
3. Find something like peanuts or sunflower seeds to have something to do with your hands for the first week or two.
4. Figure out what triggers you lighting up. For me, it was- drinking beer, after a meal, with morning coffee, etc.
5. Rate your cigarettes 1, 2 or 3 in importance. Then quit the 3's (the easy ones) first, and the 1's (your favorite cigarettes of the day) last.
6. Give yourself 2-4 weeks to lead up to your quit day, mark it on the calendar, and then you will have a visible goal, and time to think about it and achieve it.
7. Repeat as necessary. Don't ever quit quitting.

Hank Hemp

Active member
Y'all answer me a question, please. Why have I read all 6 damn pages of this, when I've only toked tobacco twice in my life? Cig abusers thinks it's funny to pass around a cig instead of a reefer joint in the communal circle, assholes. I don't get it. If you don't cop a buzz what's the point? Other than to stop you from jonesing.

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