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I gotta give up the cigs...


Well-known member
Since October 9th 2013, I replaced Tobacco with Finola sinsimilla 'no-THC' hemp bud. ( Tobacco smoker since 32 years)

The first 4 months were the worst as I got lots of anger issues to put up with. Very moody, grumpy, plain angry.

It was most important to accept this angry mood as beeing just a part of the withdrawls, and inspite of this discomphort only continue to smoking hemp and nothing else.

Nowadays it's easy. During social settings I continue to smoke hemp when all others smoke tobacco.
On some days I still light up 3 or 4 hemp siggs while on other days I go completely without.
Mostly when there ain't no fellow smokers around it's already getting real easy to not light up at all.


I once quit earlyer before using nicotine free E-sigs for the duration of 3 months, then quit vaping/smoking alltogether for the duration of 1 year, but while under lots of stress I picked up smoking tobacco again for only a couple of months, but this time I smoked more intense as ever cuzz I knew I'd be quitting again for real anytime soon.

Now, with the Finola bud availeble at all times incase of total relapse, I think my smoking tobacco habbit should be finally done and over with for like forevers.

The reason of the stress that was causing my first total relapse was because of a Government move that decided to kidnap my then 17 yr old son for him smoking a joint and getting cought with it and him beeing sent to a reeducation camp for a lengthy period of time.


Just make sure your kids don't get their hands on that stuff. Apparently lots of kids are getting poisoned these days.

Selling a Poison by the Barrel: Liquid Nicotine for E-Cigarettes

A dangerous new form of a powerful stimulant is hitting markets nationwide, for sale by the vial, the gallon and even the barrel.

The drug is nicotine, in its potent, liquid form — extracted from tobacco and tinctured with a cocktail of flavorings, colorings and assorted chemicals to feed the fast-growing electronic cigarette industry.

These “e-liquids,” the key ingredients in e-cigarettes, are powerful neurotoxins. Tiny amounts, whether ingested or absorbed through the skin, can cause vomiting and seizures and even be lethal. A teaspoon of even highly diluted e-liquid can kill a small child.

But, like e-cigarettes, e-liquids are not regulated by federal authorities. They are mixed on factory floors and in the back rooms of shops, and sold legally in stores and online in small bottles that are kept casually around the house for regular refilling of e-cigarettes.

Evidence of the potential dangers is already emerging. Toxicologists warn that e-liquids pose a significant risk to public health, particularly to children, who may be drawn to their bright colors and fragrant flavorings like cherry, chocolate and bubble gum.

The liquid stimulant used in e-cigarettes, when ingested or absorbed through the skin, can cause vomiting, seizures or death.

“It’s not a matter of if a child will be seriously poisoned or killed,” said Lee Cantrell, director of the San Diego division of the California Poison Control System and a professor of pharmacy at the University of California, San Francisco. “It’s a matter of when.”

Reports of accidental poisonings, notably among children, are soaring. Since 2011, there appears to have been one death in the United States, a suicide by an adult who injected nicotine. But less serious cases have led to a surge in calls to poison control centers. Nationwide, the number of cases linked to e-liquids jumped to 1,351 in 2013, a 300 percent increase from 2012, and the number is on pace to double this year, according to information from the National Poison Data System. Of the cases in 2013, 365 were referred to hospitals, triple the previous year’s number.



Oh and apparently E-cigs can explode. Never had that happen with a Marlboro :tiphat:



Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Just make sure your kids don't get their hands on that stuff. Apparently lots of kids are getting poisoned these days.


Oh and apparently E-cigs can explode. Never had that happen with a Marlboro :tiphat:



Your mobile phone can explode. A lighter can explode.

Kids drink bottles of bleach thinking it's pop or eat tranx thinking they are sweeties. That's an issue of parental responsibility, it is nothing to do with the product themselves.


Your mobile phone can explode. A lighter can explode.

Kids drink bottles of bleach thinking it's pop or eat tranx thinking they are sweeties. That's an issue of parental responsibility, it is nothing to do with the product themselves.

I don't disagree with that, except for the fact that people like to think it's so safe that they might not realize there are very real dangers.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I don't disagree with that, except for the fact that people like to think it's so safe that they might not realize there are very real dangers.

I don't think anyone claimed that huge doses of nicotine are safe. The FACT not claim, is that nicotine itself is perfectly safe used in moderation, and directly comparable to caffeine in it's health effects. It won't turn out well for a kid who necks a bottle of pro-plus either and we've already had energy drink deaths from people chugging 27 cans of red bull daily.
Every bottle of e-juice I've seen someone around here using clearly says on it to keep it out of children's reach.


Well-known member
I know from experience that when you are done with the crutch, be it gum, patches, or ecig as soon as you stop that you still have to stop the addiction to nic...

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I know from experience that when you are done with the crutch, be it gum, patches, or ecig as soon as you stop that you still have to stop the addiction to nic...

Have to? Why exactly? A lot of people enjoy using nicotine, if the deadly health risk is removed what's the problem, or are you saying people shouldn't drink Coffee either?


I don't think anyone claimed that huge doses of nicotine are safe. The FACT not claim, is that nicotine itself is perfectly safe used in moderation, and directly comparable to caffeine in it's health effects. It won't turn out well for a kid who necks a bottle of pro-plus either and we've already had energy drink deaths from people chugging 27 cans of red bull daily.
Every bottle of e-juice I've seen someone around here using clearly says on it to keep it out of children's reach.

Well I can't speak for the entire USA, but I know in my state and city there are no laws regarding the labeling of ecigs. It's not regulated by the government.

Not sure where Bleach and Red Bull comes into a discussion about E-Cigs, but I certainly don't know any parents that would let their kids drink either of those either :biggrin:

Honestly though Nicotine is a psychoactive, mood-altering, drug that has lots of effects on the body. It might not cause cancer, it might not even kill you, but I wouldn't exactly call it safe. Just my opinion though.


Invertebrata Inebriata
I know from experience that when you are done with the crutch, be it gum, patches, or ecig as soon as you stop that you still have to stop the addiction to nic...

True, but as MILLIONS of us can testify, it's still a positive step toward quitting.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Well I can't speak for the entire USA, but I know in my state and city there are no laws regarding the labeling of ecigs. It's not regulated by the government.

Not sure where Bleach and Red Bull comes into a discussion about E-Cigs, but I certainly don't know any parents that would let their kids drink either of those either :biggrin:

Honestly though Nicotine is a psychoactive, mood-altering, drug that has lots of effects on the body. It might not cause cancer, it might not even kill you, but I wouldn't exactly call it safe. Just my opinion though.

But that's just it, my opinion is based upon the scientific fact that nicotine is exactly as safe or not as caffeine.
I think you are being disingenuous about the bleach thing. Kids die every day because an incompentent parent left bleach somewhere the kid could get it, or dad left drain cleaner in a 7 up bottle. Incompetent parenting. Fuck, a couple of years ago a grower near me, her kid died because the stupid bitch left a bottle of PH up lying around.
The regulations issue, that is concern, but like I say over here every single bottle of e juice I've seen said keep out of the reach of children, just like a bottle of pills.
Don't worry though, once TITP goes through, Britain and Europe's regulations will be as limp and de-fanged in just about every sector, as they are in the States to allow for US companies do as they like here just like there.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
I thought that cannabis would slow my smoking cigarettes...

but, it only en-flamed it

I would have to give up drinking & eating, first...I'm doomed
I always assumed, I was. :whee:
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its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
i smoked ciggs for over 27 years,i never thought i could quit.
i bought a cheap e cigg and it didnt have the powerful hit i was looking for,but i was determined to quit so i went right out and bought another one,the best one they had at the shop near me.it worked,i havnt smoked a cigg in over a year.jan 31st was my year date.
i dont know how i ever smoked ciggs now.i dont even like the smell of them anymore.
im sure some folks will say i traded one for another but i dont think thats true at all.
at 1st i hit the thing a lot like a real cigg,after a while i noticed i just hold it more then actually hitting the thing.i do smoke it more when i drink,just like ciggs lol.
i dont have to worry about stepping outside to smoke,no matter where im at.
i dont have a stinky ass house and car anymore lol
my kids arent in danger from 2nd hand smoke
no carcinogens are in an e cigg.
my wind is better
saved over $2160.00 the 1st year alone by not buying ciggs(newport 6$ and change here)
and many more positives

so for me i say the e cigg saved me from the cancerous ass regular ciggs i was puffin like a freight train.

just my 2 cents

good luck quitting.



Invertebrata Inebriata
But that's just it, my opinion is based upon the scientific fact that nicotine is exactly as safe or not as caffeine.

I don't think that's a fact. Nobody has died of cancer or emphysema or anything else from drinking coffee, as far as I know.

How can you make the claim that this is scientific fact?


But that's just it, my opinion is based upon the scientific fact that nicotine is exactly as safe or not as caffeine.
I think you are being disingenuous about the bleach thing. Kids die every day because an incompentent parent left bleach somewhere the kid could get it, or dad left drain cleaner in a 7 up bottle. Incompetent parenting. Fuck, a couple of years ago a grower near me, her kid died because the stupid bitch left a bottle of PH up lying around.
The regulations issue, that is concern, but like I say over here every single bottle of e juice I've seen said keep out of the reach of children, just like a bottle of pills.
Don't worry though, once TITP goes through, Britain and Europe's regulations will be as limp and de-fanged in just about every sector, as they are in the States to allow for US companies do as they like here just like there.

I completely get what you are saying about the bleach. I realize that crackheads kill their kids by leaving shit out all the time. Guns mostly in the US. Happens damn near every day it seems. I just meant that most people realize bleach is dangerous to leave out, and judging by how the poisoning cases have tripled in the last year, I'm not sure a lot of people realize how dangerous the juice can be.

Glad your country has labels though, and I am sure they will be required here soon as well since this poisoning story has been big in the news this week.

i dont have to worry about stepping outside to smoke,no matter where im at.....

I know the ball is rolling in many states to ban them. April 29th they are banned in New York in any place cigarettes are banned. New York also raised the age to buy any tobacco product to 21 years of age starting in May. That was a big motivating factor for me when I quit. I hated going outside to smoke in winter.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I don't think that's a fact. Nobody has died of cancer or emphysema or anything else from drinking coffee, as far as I know.

How can you make the claim that this is scientific fact?

Because it is.

Because it is not a carcinogen or a mutagen...
Nobody has died from cancer or emphysema caused by nicotine. The Cancer is not caused by nicotine, it is caused the all the other shit caused by the combustion of tobacco. No combustion, no 4000+ other shit.
I'm not making it up, Nicotine's health effects are practically identical to Caffeine. The information is out there. Just get it from a proper medical journal and not a campaign group website.
Incidentally, burning Cannabis gives off many of the same carcinogenic toxins as burning tobacco, but as we have seen in the studies, Cannabis seems to offer some sort of protective effect against the cell mutation, hence people who smoke cannabis and tobacco get less cancer then tobacco only smokers.

TBH, I think if a company needs telling to put a warning label on a product that is poisonous when used incorrectly, the boss shouldn't be allowed to run a business...... or use scissors. :biggrin:


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Oh and apparently E-cigs can explode. Never had that happen with a Marlboro :tiphat:



Ya, they explode! When you use an Ipad charger which is rated from 6 times the charge that ecig can take, like that lady did...

And ya it wont happen with Marlboro's, you just die....


Invertebrata Inebriata
Because it is.

Because it is not a carcinogen or a mutagen...
Nobody has died from cancer or emphysema caused by nicotine. The Cancer is not caused by nicotine, it is caused the all the other shit caused by the combustion of tobacco. No combustion, no 4000+ other shit.
I'm not making it up, Nicotine's health effects are practically identical to Caffeine. The information is out there. Just get it from a proper medical journal and not a campaign group website.
Incidentally, burning Cannabis gives off many of the same carcinogenic toxins as burning tobacco, but as we have seen in the studies, Cannabis seems to offer some sort of protective effect against the cell mutation, hence people who smoke cannabis and tobacco get less cancer then tobacco only smokers.

Okay, I'll give you that one. I was equating cigarettes and nicotine, and they are not the same thing. Cheers

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