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I gotta give up the cigs...


ICMag Donor
I bet pharmacy chain will still be selling patches/gum/lozenges and inhalers.

You can bet the ranch....they have their own brand name patches/gum/lozenges ....they won't cease selling those. No sir! Too much $$ to be made.


You have to be ready to quit. If you are then it will be surprisingly easy. Trading one form of addiction for another is not quitting, it's just a waste of recovery time.


Invertebrata Inebriata
Use the patch for two weeks- get the mediums, the large ones are a freak out, and the little ones don't do anything.

Get this audio book- QUIT: Listen to this Book and Stop Smoking.

Repeat as necessary. It took me a few times to make it stick, but now I'm tobacco-free for many years.

Good luck. You can do it. It can be fucking hard though. Hang in there.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
You have to be ready to quit. If you are then it will be surprisingly easy. Trading one form of addiction for another is not quitting, it's just a waste of recovery time.

Umm, pretty sure its the SAME addiction....

Just 99.9% less harmful....


These food flavorings are cancer causing and many are derived from aborted fetal cells. The same stuff that's in flavored water such as Mio.
If you are no longer smoking cigarettes, then you have effectively quit cigarettes. It's not logical to see it any other way.

When I stopped smoking cigarettes, I was not even trying to quit. A part of me wanted to quit because I felt like crap and smelled like crap, but another part did enjoy it. So, I allowed myself to smoke as much as I wanted when I started vaping. That didn't last very long. Vaping is just so superior in every way. Quitting cigarettes was just a side effect and done without effort. It's like eating at McDonalds for years cause it's all you know and then all of a sudden a gourmet organic burger restaurant opens up right next door, and it's cheaper. You gonna keep "lovin' it" at Micky Deez?

The key is a quality vapor mod and tank, and a really good juice that you love.

For fruit type flavors, I highly recommend from the Virgin Vapors Absolute Virgin line- Strawberry Granita or Celestial Organic Honeydew, or from the Vapor Chef- honey peary. After a good 2-3 week steep, all 3 are a superb vape.


This is a great thread, thanks to the op for the post! It's making me wanna do it for real. I grabbed one of those rechargeable blu cig packs from Costco awhile back but have never really used it. Could someone post a link to the kind of modded out vales everyone is talking about? I have known they existed for awhile but never really looked into it.

lost in a sea

krunch your argument is shit, you're not medically informed and i can't believe you went in front of people and successfully argued anything on this subject so i call bs on what you said before, and for gods sake would you take your big stupid compass and set square image out of your sig.. I find it offensive.

in 20 years time when we get to see the result of this purified form of nicotine delivery you will feel like a dumbass.. just one of the health epidemics of tomorrow..

Also humans have been sitting in front of fires and breathing in smoke since forever,, like what a million years?,, at least, when did we ever survive without it? and by proxy smoke.. so i think you have been selected to endure some smoke inhilation..

but yeah just pack it all in imo, don't be a douche with a light up e pen thinking you're doing yourself a favour.. nicotine does in fact help you die early quite well, especially if your lifestyle is an unhealthy one and you are over weight..


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
krunch your argument is shit, you're not medically informed and i can't believe you went in front of people and successfully argued anything on this subject so i call bs on what you said before, and for gods sake would you take your big stupid compass and set square image out of your sig.. I find it offensive.

in 20 years time when we get to see the result of this purified form of nicotine delivery you will feel like a dumbass.. just one of the health epidemics of tomorrow..

Also humans have been sitting in front of fires and breathing in smoke since forever,, like what a million years?,, at least, when did we ever survive without it? and by proxy smoke.. so i think you have been selected to endure some smoke inhilation..

but yeah just pack it all in imo, don't be a douche with a light up e pen thinking you're doing yourself a favour.. nicotine does in fact help you die early quite well, especially if your lifestyle is an unhealthy one and you are over weight..



Active member
Also humans have been sitting in front of fires and breathing in smoke since forever,, like what a million years?,, at least, when did we ever survive without it? and by proxy smoke.. so i think you have been selected to endure some smoke inhilation..
Humans didn't live very long through most of that time. You can do almost anything to a human body for 20 years and get away from it.

Unless somebody can prove that nicotine is good for you - tobacco industry "studies" don't count - I don't see the point of maintaining the addiction, even if it is less harmful. Nicotine constricted blood vessels and made blood cells sticky, last time I checked.

I feel sorry for people I see smoking cigarettes. I laugh at people smoking e-cigs (especially when they chase it with a Diet Coke :D) Just quit and move on. There is no downside to eliminating nicotine from your life. All of the reasons I used have turned out to be addict delusions.


We have helped THOUSANDS of smokers quit through e-cigs. One of the last stores we opened I sat out with customers and chatted. One man told me that for the first time his grandkids are allowed to ride in his car, spend the night, have family dinners because now the kids aren't exposed to shitty, stinky cigarette smoke. Folks have told me that after 3 weeks vaping their doctors have shown them improving on their various health problems. People that have tried to quit a hundred times, using every available method were unable to quit, but after 1 day on ecigs they never looked back. Their clothes and hair don't stink. Their taste buds have come back. They don't have to sneak off at work to suck a cig. For many ecigs are a miracle that has saved them from death, severe social ostracism, and has allowed them to fully participate in life with those around them. Most people begin to dial down their nicotine strength after a few weeks, and set themselves up for the rest of their lives living cigarette free. What the fuck is wrong with that?

lost in a sea

THOUSANDS is nothing,, millions have just stopped from going cold turkey..

I'm not mad krunch more worried that people think these things are safe and i would argue that that philosophy is dangerous. nicotine is deadly.

If you can use it to cut down and stop after a short period then i'm completely pro the idea, however i know people are getting addicted to them much the same way people have become addicted to gum, pills and patches.

"Humans didn't live very long through most of that time" just try and prove that ron, you can't.. the average lifespan in many parts of the uk now is 67, yet people that lived before the clean air act was instated are making it to very old bones indeed and look healthier.. we think we are just getting healthier as we "progress" but in actual fact no human lifespans are shortening now decade on decade and this will help that trend.

There are many people still today that live in yurts or tents/tipis with fires in the middle and they regularly make it into the 100s, yes they probably do live a better all round lifestyle than people in the "developed" world but still it shows that sitting around a fire and breathing smoke all the time is alot less dangerous to our health than we may have been conditioned to believe.

And this follows the western medicine pattern of putting more and more stress on the liver..


Active member
Hey guys and gals, I could use some good advice..
In 2 months I'm gonna officially be "Old"..
I AM GOING TO give up the cigarettes before my birthday...

I know NOTHING about modern vapes and e-cigs or i-cigs.
I was told about the "itaste MVP vaporizer".
I am VERY determined to quit "smoking" tobacco forever...

Is this a good product? I don't wanna waste my money on a piece of junk that will break in 2 or 3 months...

Tell me about these please, as a way for me to quit smoking, while not going cold turkey on the drug, "nicotine"....

Is there a better quality built vape out there?
Or will this one do the trick?

Thanks,,, Bud

hey man.. me and the old lady are in the exact same boat.. but.. instead of using the e cigs.. we are doing the patches and gum.. honestly on january first we tried with e cigs.. and the taste is just retarded and i dont like flavors.. lol and i would puff on it all day.. increasing the odds of getting gum mouth and throat cancer..

when i was at the dr. they said to try the patches and gum.. reducing it as you go.. once low.. he told me to smoke more weed then normal for a few days.. 3-4 to be exact.. or eat cookies or something weed related.. he said the nicotine addiction is so bad that its just about as hard to kick as heroin.. mentally.. so we got a few vapes coming for bho.. so wen we feel like smoking a cig.. we can just rip a few dabs down. instead of smoking a joint .. lol.

he told me that if that didnt work he would suggest chantix but the side affects made me say im all set..

but good luck. either way lots of people need to wakeup.. i been smoking for almost 15 years.. and quiting is a bitch.. but.. in order for me to stay alive as long as possible .. which hey arent we all afraid of death? lol. so ya i wana be around for the long haul instead of stroking out at 50.

hope all goes well. i know we are starting 4/21 is our quit date.. lol .. looking to get some Mdma an have a nice 4/20 and quit the next day.


Active member
krunch your argument is shit, you're not medically informed and i can't believe you went in front of people and successfully argued anything on this subject so i call bs on what you said before, and for gods sake would you take your big stupid compass and set square image out of your sig.. I find it offensive.

in 20 years time when we get to see the result of this purified form of nicotine delivery you will feel like a dumbass.. just one of the health epidemics of tomorrow..

Also humans have been sitting in front of fires and breathing in smoke since forever,, like what a million years?,, at least, when did we ever survive without it? and by proxy smoke.. so i think you have been selected to endure some smoke inhilation..

but yeah just pack it all in imo, don't be a douche with a light up e pen thinking you're doing yourself a favour.. nicotine does in fact help you die early quite well, especially if your lifestyle is an unhealthy one and you are over weight..

Some pretty vigorous opinions there.
I'll assume you formed them while working on your multiple medical degrees and extensive research?

If not, I understand.
I, too, feel the urge to make shit up and pretend it's fact so I can club someone with my unfounded observations.

It's an addiction I'm trying to give up.


Active member
Hello all,

Firstly, Krunch, I have to ask if you are a shill for the e-cig movement?

Oh and Krunch you did know that nicotine is highly toxic to mammuals and fish at elevated levels.

Converting to e-cig is not quiting it is a paradigm change.

If you can quit...make it happen...one thing for sure...sooner or later we all have to quite sometime.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Hello all,

Firstly, Krunch, I have to ask if you are a shill for the e-cig movement?

Oh and Krunch you did know that nicotine is highly toxic to mammuals and fish at elevated levels.

Converting to e-cig is not quiting it is a paradigm change.

If you can quit...make it happen...one thing for sure...sooner or later we all have to quite sometime.

Elevated levels would the drinking a bottle of e juice I mentioned.

Nicotine has been studied extensively and it is the same on the body as caffeine. High blood pressure if you use too much.

Pruitans, mind yer business.

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