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I did not have pot for 2 days and turned into a lil' freak


Take Five...
Ah Buzzlightyear, judging by all your posts helping peeps with their growing and all your veiled inferences, you would think you are some kind of growing guru, but alas, you admit to buying your crappy pot from crackheads for years, exposing your lying bullshit for all to see.

Would you expect any more from someone who has been banned from here multiple times with sockpuppet handles like blackvelvet/sproutco/hot_gurl/rawsugar?

I see you are the same lying poser you have always been blackvelvet.

Noobs here best recognize this loser for what he is. A lying poser who has never grown a plant.

In fact, there was so much erroneous bullshit spewed as blackvelvet, that Dutchgrown had to throw that account into coventry so no one would see and be duped by his bullshit wrong info and then watch their gardens die in front of their eyes.

Lying douche. Here is a link to all his greatests misses.... http://www.icmag.com/ic/search.php?searchid=4944375 - see if you can tell if he is full of shit with sentences that start with, " Maybe try 1 teaspoon per day 3% hydrogen peroxide from the drug store per gallon of water. Or, 2 teaspoons twice a week."......

another thread, same bullshit wrong answer almost word for word -

Buzz Lightyear said:
Brown roots like that looks like root rot like you suggested. Maybe try 1 teaspoon per day 3% hydrogen peroxide from the drug store per gallon of water. Or, 2 teaspoons twice a week. Treat all your plants...


or this gem:http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=1718647#post1718647

Buzz Lightyear said:
Here you go if you want a "doc" to chime in...:D

Yellow growth especially new growth signals root damage and/or high ph...6.7 is high.

Try a light feeding with an acidic fert containing all 6 micros including iron. Most ferts are acidic and will have a carbonate neutralizing number on the package...how much lime is needed to make the acidic fert neutral.

If the clones are trying to grow without what they need they may go yellow.

Peace, Buzz

A "doc"!?!?! A lying dishonest douchebag is more accurate. You obviously know nothing about plant problems when this confused, contradictive gibberish is the best you can spew. He loves to make false, sweeping blanket statements like "Most ferts are acidic and will have a carbonate neutralizing number on the package...how much lime is needed to make the acidic fert neutral." Show me your proof most ferts are acidic. You have never used a fert, so all your bullshit info is second hand heresay you picked up around here. All theory swirling in your head with no practical experience to sort out the good info from the bad.

BTW, the above mentioned problem is due to poor drainage and soggy soil, not alkaline soil (6.7 is not too high - it is within acceptable range of 5.8 - 6.8), so adding more acidic ferts while not correcting the real problem, not enough drainage, will most definite finish off you plants once and for all. This is but one of many examples of his dangerous bullshit. Thanks again blackvelvet!

Be warned that this poser does not have your best interests at heart. He is here to feed his ego because for whatever reasons he is not getting that positive validation in the real world. Maybe people in the real world don't like being bullshitted to their faces.

If you don't believe me, then maybe MyNameStitch has more credibility to convince you - she agrees with me and others here 100% about this bastard.
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^ in reference to your post

6. Off Topic Postings: Often people post remarks that have nothing to do with the subject of the forum. These will be moved or deleted at the discretion of the moderator.

4. Flaming/Trolling: Flames are posts intended to insult and provoke. Posters who speak incessantly and/or rabidly on some relatively uninteresting subject or with a patently ridiculous attitude will be banned. Repeated posts directed with hostility at a particular person or group of people or their beliefs will be cause for banning. Any individual who chronically trolls, who regularly posts arguments, flames or personal attacks for no other purpose than to annoy someone or disrupt a discussion will be banned. Trolls are recognizable by the fact that they have no real interest in learning about the topic at hand - they simply want to utter flame bait.


My little pony.. my little pony
Damn, I thought we got rid of sprouty-clown. He must have snuck in.

Sorry Poop but ousting the many handles of sproutco doesnt merit any TOU warnings, weve been down this road too many times.

Thanks Pete.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
RudolfTheRed said:
I like to take breaks and quit but I NEVER like being forced into quitting (I.E. being dry).
exactly, I find it quite easy to put weed down myself for even a few months at a time if needed, but when it's not planned (dry spells) it can be taxing on the mind.


Take Five...
What about disseminating false info in hopes of sabotaging people's plants? What about sucky neg reps for no reason? :gaga:

If he is so right and helpful, why not defend his info? He never does, because he can't, yet he is allowed to defecate all over this place with no repercussions. That doesn't warrant a banning I see. We get tired of cleaning up the garbage here for the mods that are supposed to be doing that....

Try working up more than 47 posts and spending a little more time lurking before you jump into a situation you know nothing about, poopsie.......thanks for coming out. If you were a regular here, you would be well aware of this poser.


HeadyPete said:
What about disseminating false info in hopes of sabotaging people's plants? What about sucky neg reps for no reason? :gaga:

If he is so right and helpful, why not defend his info? He never does, because he can't, yet he is allowed to defecate all over this place with no repercussions. That doesn't warrant a banning I see. We get tired of cleaning up the garbage here for the mods that are supposed to be doing that....

Try working up more than 47 posts and spending a little more time lurking before you jump into a situation you know nothing about, poopsie.......thanks for coming out. If you were a regular here, you would be well aware of this poser.

Whats this got to do with this thread in the Tokers Den? NOTHING!! Take it up with him in the threads where it happens, you follow him to the Tokers den with your crap and defecate all over it. Maybe us Tokers Den people don't give a fuck about it. I dont read grow info, Im here for the Den.
Your tired of doing the mods job? They not doing it right Pete? You following members around to flame them makes mods job that much harder.
Having this much e-hate for an internet persona on a message board isn't normal Pete.
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me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight


HeadyPete said:
What about disseminating false info in hopes of sabotaging people's plants? What about sucky neg reps for no reason? :gaga:

If he is so right and helpful, why not defend his info? He never does, because he can't, yet he is allowed to defecate all over this place with no repercussions. That doesn't warrant a banning I see. We get tired of cleaning up the garbage here for the mods that are supposed to be doing that....

Try working up more than 47 posts and spending a little more time lurking before you jump into a situation you know nothing about, poopsie.......thanks for coming out. If you were a regular here, you would be well aware of this poser.

HEY pete, i am glad someone else doesn't stand for that kinda crap either. keep "gettin" at this clown and hopefully hell be gone.

its one thing to stay in the TOKERS DEN but considering you have posted "poopsies' " aka blackvelvets misleading grow info then please post any other proof his misguidance as s warning to other growers. i gave my prime handle so you can see all my grow stuff, if its cool, i might even come at you for some tips if its ok with you (sorry i always like to be polite in asking growers if i can ask them questions before i just "barrage" them !! lol)

my sig shows who im campaigning for. . . . and i do mean OFFICIAL
\/ \/ \/ \/

EDIT:you know , now that i think about, there was some discussion on here about gettin grid of the tokers den. at this rate maybe it would be good to get rid of it and then rename it. . . . rename it to something geared more to the growers like "GROWERS CORNER" or "GROWERS LOUNGE" maybe its the proper titles that will keep miscreants from coming on here and wasting space.
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stoned agin ...
frankie you should burn one and chill :joint: lounge is just a place to shoot the shit. its a bulletin board; people socialize, its a community.

take a look at the threads and post counts on the main page and note what the top ones are. that tells you where people are visiting in this site. that's traffic, and that's what a web site is supposed to generate.
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^agreed, some members think they are some Barney Fife reincarnation and supposed to pull out their bullet in the Den. Take it to the threads where the info is incorrect, not here. Your shitting in the Den and peeps get tired of the smell bro.

franken...you actually have that you HATE an internet persona in your sig? Take a step back dude and think about it...don't you think that kind of e-hate is over the top weird?

You and Pete need to get a life outside of IC, kinda scary if you think about it.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
HeadyPete said:
What about disseminating false info in hopes of sabotaging people's plants? What about sucky neg reps for no reason? :gaga:

If he is so right and helpful, why not defend his info? He never does, because he can't, yet he is allowed to defecate all over this place with no repercussions. That doesn't warrant a banning I see. We get tired of cleaning up the garbage here for the mods that are supposed to be doing that....
Try working up more than 47 posts and spending a little more time lurking before you jump into a situation you know nothing about, poopsie.......thanks for coming out. If you were a regular here, you would be well aware of this poser.

We cant read every line of every post ... you have a real problem then message a forum mod.


My little pony.. my little pony
Personally I dont think Pete was bashing any mods regarding the sproutco issue. He seemed to get a wildly long leash with his many handles to the point where he was a pain in the ass where ever he posted. He never grew one single MJ plant but ran around giving shit advice and killed many peoples plants in the process.

Imo if you dont know that history and have been told as such you should plain and simple keep quiet. Defending an uberdouchebag only makes you look like an uberdouchebag. [ I know baba isnt defending sproutco and knows his history ]

And after reading Buzz's last advice I have no doubts either that he is sproutco. We can either do the same song and dance correcting him as he tries to kill other peoples plants or maybe try something different and just save the time and frustration by banning him now.
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I didn't defend nobody, Im just saying, keep your gripes about the guy in the threads where they belong, your griping about grow advice, well I didn't see any grow advice here, so following anybody around to bring up shit from other threads is a pain the ass to mods. And there are people who dont care what advice anybody gives or doesn't give, thats why they stay in the Den and post.


My little pony.. my little pony
Your bitching and quoting the TOU when you should have kept quiet about something you obviously know nothing about to begin with still just makes you look like an uberdouchebag.


Domesticator of Cannabis
That Buzz sure is a magnet for a certain few around here. They're always fanning the flames when he posts. Really funny people have nothing better to do. Yes I know your story & have heard it way too often. I'd like to be a mod & clean up those that moderate without the proper equipment & title.


sirgrassalot said:
That Buzz sure is a magnet for a certain few around here. They're always fanning the flames when he posts. Really funny people have nothing better to do. Yes I know your story & have heard it way too often. I'd like to be a mod & clean up those that moderate without the proper equipment & title.

yup, thank you