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I did not have pot for 2 days and turned into a lil' freak


Take Five...
With all due respect, Babba, I have contacted 10K, GN, OP, and DG and to her credit, Dutchgrown is the only one who responded, and she rightly put the sockpuppet blackvelvet into coventry to hide his bullshit from people. In fact I have never in years seen 10K weigh in on any issue in the Infirmary so I don't believe they are taking their mod duty seriously at all. ****Edit - my mistake, 10K did respond once, over a year ago about bv and told me to "keep up the good work of tracking him down."***

Where are the mods? This is not some isolated incident, this person is well known around here to the senior members as a serial bullshitter with zero credibility, yet he is allowed to run a muck. Post a video outside it's special thread and it gets closed down almost immediately.

What, we, the senior members contribute here is the help and advice that is the core of this website. This is a grow site and if peeps want a social hangout than there is more than enough facebooks for them to use. We are all fed up having to constantly track and identify the many handles of this one sick little person, this is not what we have time for.

As for those noobs here who like to chastise about "having nothing better to do", yet feel it is their place to comment on a situation that has nothing to do with them, they have been paid enough attention already. To them, the den is the most important thing because they aren't growers and don't care about growers. If they were this would be a no brainer. Grassalot is a well known troll and poopsie is either a sock puppet or another who likes to get involved and cause shit just for the sake of causing shit. They both fail to address the point of my complaints, buzzlightyears terrible info.

I will track this person down, regardless of where they go. There is no safe haven. This does not make me a troll, this makes me a troll killer. You can search my history. My help and advice is solid, respected and appreciated.

I ask the mods to get serious and take care of this huge pain in the ass asap. how many people have to speak up? Judging by my positive rep count on this issue, a lot are pissed about this.

Here is the latest example - you tell me Babba -

Buzz Lightyear said:
You should stay away from "soil acidifier" ferts. They contain too much ammonia/urea. You want no more than 1/2 your nitrogen ammonia or urea. The other 1/2 should be nitrate nitrogen. Look for something like 20-10-20 at Lowes. It might advertise contains no urea! That's good your checking micros...there are 6 not including chlorine and others. The main 6 are: iron, manganese, zinc, copper, boron, and molybdenum.

Peace, Buzz

This is a problem with soggy soil yet here he is again recommending more ferts. THIS WILL KILL THESE PLANTS. No questions or follow ups, just more "advice" for the sake of hearing himself talk. This post doesn't even look like it addresses the actual problem. Is this enough proof? What kind of guru grower is always posting the same stupid thread complaining that his dealers are crackheads and he keeps getting bags of crack, rocks, glass, lint, etc?
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Domesticator of Cannabis
Here's one of his biggest fans. LoL petey I called you right a long time ago. You think that verbiage you just posted is any better than spam, it isn't. I'd rather read Buzz any day than your crap. Keep your nose to the dirt I see you like it. Complain through the proper channels you're acting like a retard & an admitted troll.


HeadyPete said:
What, we, the senior members contribute here is the help and advice that is the core of this website. This is a grow site and if peeps want a social hangout than there is more than enough facebooks for them to use. We are all fed up having to constantly track and identify the many handles of this one sick little person, this is not what we have time for.

I grow weed dude, been growing for over 20 years, I buy my seed through seedbay, who the hell are you to send me somewhere else to socialize? Relax, you don't HAVe to track or identify handles of any person, DUDE, THIS IS AN INTERNET FORUM, A MESSAGE BOARD, GET A GRIP, spend your time in more productive ways in THE REAL WORLD.

As for those noobs here who like to chastise about "having nothing better to do", yet feel it is their place to comment on a situation that has nothing to do with them, they have been paid enough attention already. To them, the den is the most important thing because they aren't growers and don't care about growers. If they were this would be a no brainer. Grassalot is a well known troll and poopsie is either a sock puppet or another who likes to get involved and cause shit just for the sake of causing shit. They both fail to address the point of my complaints, buzzlightyears terrible info.

again, I'm a grower, just dont need advice and dont think anybody needs mine neither, my choice, and I wont be bullied into making a grow thread. Who are you to judge who I am or anyone else here? Someone made you The Supreme being who picks out people to slam?

I will track this person down, regardless of where they go. There is no safe haven. This does not make me a troll, this makes me a troll killer.

are you serious? You may possibly need some professional help, this kind of hate and persecution over posting on the internet is not healthy at all.

IMO, keep your gripes to the threads you have them in, there are people here who just dont care about it, your bringing shit from subforum to subforum, thread to thread what an extra job for the mods!
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Take Five...
sirgrassalot said:
Here's one of his biggest fans. LoL petey I called you right a long time ago. You think that verbiage you just posted is any better than spam, it isn't. I'd rather read Buzz any day than your crap. Keep your nose to the dirt I see you like it. Complain through the proper channels you're acting like a retard & an admitted troll.

You called nothing right.

Your name is shit around here, that is a fact. If I had a dime for every person who has told me they think you are an asshole, I would start my own grow site. Many people are happy to tell me that. Don't try to speculate what I think and you still never explained why you defend a known liar, poser and suspected narc, let alone an insecure head case with a GodGrower complex that likes to pretend he is a boy, a black girl, a white girl, etc....... Look up sockpuppets in your precious TOU. The issue is someone misrepresenting themselves as a knowledgeable grower, but who has never grown a plant and who hands out bad and wrong information. I'm sorry, I just can't make it any simpler for you than that. Maybe if I go hit my head against a rock for a few hours I can get down to your level and explain better for you.

I spend 95% of my time helping and being useful. What the fuck do you do but show up to troll the "trolls". You can never give a legit reason why you feel the need to get involved where it doesn't concern you. Did I fucking ask for MrFuckingSirGrassAlot's opinion or input? Did anyone?

I'd rather read Buzz any day than your crap.

This gives you away. Do you own a mirror? You are still commenting on a thread that has nothing to do with you, but everytime I show up to take out blackvelvet, there you are trolling me, but trying to claim the high road.

Keep it up, psycho.......

Poopsie, if you are such a bad ass grower, you'd think you would stand up for the integrity of the info here. No, you said it yourself, you don't give a fuck about anyone but yourself. Good for you, selfish prick. Mind your own business like you say you do. No one asked to hear from you. Seriously, if you have been here longer than a month than you would be well aware of this issue. You find one other person (who isn't a sockpuppet of buzz) that I have hassled. Try to.....you can't.

Not my fault you can't wrap your head around this issue. Too busy with the pile-on and looking like a fool.

That's the bottom line with you two. You love the pile on as you wrap yourself in some false moral indignation and outrage, facts be damned. On the wrong side of the issue as usual.
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Domesticator of Cannabis
Hey cowardly petey you & your bum buddies can have a circle jerk anytime you like. You mean squat to me, get that straight.


Take Five...
sirgrassalot said:
Hey cowardly petey you & your bum buddies can have a circle jerk anytime you like. You mean squat to me, get that straight.

you keep saying that, but your actions betray your words. And what mature and intelligent words they are......

Why you do insist on displaying your homo-erotic fantasies here? Is everything a "bum buddy" or "left nut" or "circle jerk" in your world?
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Smokes, lets go


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
flubnutz said:
frankie you should burn one and chill :joint: lounge is just a place to shoot the shit. its a bulletin board; people socialize, its a community.

take a look at the threads and post counts on the main page and note what the top ones are. that tells you where people are visiting in this site. that's traffic, and that's what a web site is supposed to generate.
at no point in time would i like to see anyone post crap and not be called on it. am i a moderator? NO. am i trying to get the spot? NO. but if and when i see it whether it be the the den, or anywhere else on here then i will speak on it ESPECIALLY people that cant grow their way out of a paper bag but choose to spread B.S. about growing, i will speak on it HANDS DOWN.

NOW,on to the next.. .

Poopsie said:
^agreed, some members think they are some Barney Fife reincarnation and supposed to pull out their bullet in the Den. Take it to the threads where the info is incorrect, not here. Your shitting in the Den and peeps get tired of the smell bro.

franken...you actually have that you HATE an internet persona in your sig? Take a step back dude and think about it...don't you think that kind of e-hate is over the top weird?

You and Pete need to get a life outside of IC, kinda scary if you think about it.
there are many peeps on here that are growing for the love of it, plain and simple, yeah this is a place where people come to shoot the shit, but at the same time, if an ASSHAT like the one in my sig, or the one that headypete was talking about can be rooted out then so be it.

i have many choices on here to make. do i care? or do i just say fuck it and let some moron go around spreading panther piss about crap they dont know? ESPECIALLY ON A SITE WHERE THE CORRECT INFORMATION IS KEY TO WHAT WE DO.

and seriously bruh, what-the-hell is so "scary" about it? have you read this cats threads at all? have you seen the swill that this idiot posts on the here? and the fact, mind you FACT REMAINS that each time it starts it gets binned and locked!! so just as it remains that this site is here to generate visitors, then why would we need moderators in the first place? there was someone that started a thread on here about the regularity of ones bowel movements and even THAT is a topic that is important to some.

sorry dude , maybe because ive seen alot of good sites go down because of B.S. i decided that this time im gonna speak my mind as so many others that care about this site are willing to. to keep it here for the rest and ALL of us. and its always those "lil foxes" like a YUMMYBUD that you really dont think about.

you just got here, thats cool, glad your here, youve posted some truly pertinent info and even im grateful for it just read what you had to speak on about some guy that sleeps with his ozone generator on and the ill affects of it BUT theres alot of morons on here that really need to just "bounce" asn stop "gummin up the works" so to speak and the guy in my sig, is TRULY one of them . . .matter of fact check the thread out and see how many people go there just to roast this fool and you'll see what im talking about.

NOW in regards to the thread. . ..

this grow is taking its time on me man, but al good things come to those who wait i guess. on the brighter side a friend of mine just came back into town and im hopin i can get some cuts from his plants and flower them out.


Custom User Title
Verite said:
Imo if you dont know that history and have been told as such you should plain and simple keep quiet. Defending an uberdouchebag only makes you look like an uberdouchebag. [ I know baba isnt defending sproutco and knows his history]

Sproutco/Buzz Lightyear has been a disease on these forums for at least 2 years now. When I was just starting he seemed real helpful, but then it became clear he couldn't back up anything he said and was leading new growers down paths that led to lots more problems. All the noobs (to the forums, don't care if you've grown for 20 years) egging on the trolls are really bringing the quality of these forums down.

Poopsie said:
I don't post about my grows, used to, don't anymore. Don't need any advie, don't need to see anybody's pics or read the posts with them fighting over "elite" this and "best" that and fake this, it's ridiculous to me.
What an attitude huh? "Fuck all of you, I don't need you, I'm just going to suck up your bandwidth."

I guess I can see your point though Poopsie, you and Sproutco both contribute nothing, so that's something you've got in common. I guess like-minded people stick together.

Thanks for posting in the thread everyone, it's cleared up my opinion about several members.:wave:
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My little pony.. my little pony
The funny part is that regardless how disliked sproutco is by admin, mods, and all the sites veterans he still has a few rabidly stupid fans that seem to back his crap till no tomorrow. They have the same appeal as clay aiken fans.


stoned agin ...
its just that you guys come flyin in like a bunch of stormtroopers, we're new and dont know what dramas goin on christ its like landing in effin mogadishu.


Custom User Title
You may feel that way, but for every one of you there's at least two or three that feel "Oh look drama, I'm going to jump in and make a name for myself and/or look tough, even though I don't know wtf is going on here." and the problem is they are allowed to carry on like that, so their egos get bigger and bigger and it just spoils way too many threads.


frankenblunt and bounty, its just a message board on the internet. Use your energy on something more important in your real life, use that passion (hate of others) in a postive way in your world. campaign to try and get marijuana legalized, help some med patients, help the homeless. all this energy and passion wasted on following an internet persona around on a forum. dont you see how ridiculous you look?
Im not sucking up anyones bandwidth, I buy seeds bro from the owners of this forum.thats my contribution, want to ask gypsy if thats not enough of one to be here? I could purchase seed elswhere.
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