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Humboldt County worries about life after legal pot


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
This has been debated and the consensus was indoor is generally better then outdoor for a number of reasons. You can find some thread on that topic it you search for them


Legalize it and keep the prices the same. If people wanna pay money for dirt weed then let them. You got people who buy Natty Ice and you got people who buy craft beer. You got people like most of us that grow our own and you got people like my buddy that would rather buy it. Not everyone has the patience to grow their own.

You charge what you think is right for your product. If it's top notch then what are you worried about? People will not suffer in this industry because of legalization.

The only thing I see legalization hurting is the genetics. I agree that government will try and regulate it and control it. I do think that big companies like Monsanto will start making GMO seeds and sell them in bulk. I also believe in the other end of the spectrum. Heirloom and organic seeds will be a niche that the snobs will be after. I mean how many wine heads will pay like 200 bucks for a bottle of wine that lasts them a night? There will always be people out there who will pay top dollar for top quality, legal or not.

are you serious? indoor is better than outdoor? since when are lightbulbs better than the sun for growing weed?

Indoor bud that is grown with care is better than outdoor bud. It has nothing to do with the light. It has all to do with the environment and the control of nutrients. You cannot predict what will happen outdoors and the climate is much more harsh than an indoor set up that is dialed in perfectly. Granted you can't grow plants to the same size and if that is what you are referring to, then yes you are right in that aspect.


It was a great meeting tonight. I have never been prouder of my community than I was tonight. Intelligent, creative, hard working people looking to secure and protect the industry they have grown over the last forty years. We will always be Humboldt and I am so glad to be a part of a community like this. Good things are always going to come out of Humboldt and we will persevere and make a living whether it is legal or not just like we always have. I am just happy to do my part.


What's it matter really? Just means that a person can grow more to sell if they choose to. People will still buy the same amount. $20 sacks are bigger, and more people buy by the ounce.

More people smoking more over long run. I don't see it affecting the bottom line of the true provider. For the people who flip a quick buck, for the criminals, yeah... It is bad news. So isn't that good news for the honest folk who just enjoy smoking weed and don't see the big problem with doing it?

stickey fingers





Active member
^wtf kinda mentally retarded outburst was that?

either way, so saw some really good outdoors today from humbolt...greenhouse, but the shit could pass for indoor any day of the week. thai haze...put me to sleep...

the only plus side to legalization is how im gonna blow out a few greenhouses...il still get 2000 a P im confident


Hilarious - so all those who were whining about legalizing pot are now up in arms about it. Hey wasn't Humboldt started on the basis of "free the weed"? Funny stuff
Fight lobbying with lobbying: form a growers union. Brotherhood of Cannabis Cultivators and Purveyors or something. They keep the cost of labor sky-high, they can probably do it for weed prices too.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
It will be a slippery slope mark my words if we let these fuckers get their hands on this lol.. Both our Gov's already grow and sell bud which is why they are such fucking hypocrits for locking ppl up for 25+ years. If it stops them from doing this I'm all for it. They have no right to tell an adult what he can put in his body especially when they sell booze instead .. peace out Headband707

Carl Carlson

One of the problems in Humboldt and also in Mendocino is that the property values skyrocketed with the housing bubble.

Now you've got these commercial growers struggling to pay their $5000 / month mortgages plus property taxes (another $2-$5k annually), electricity ($2k+ per month), supplies, etc.


Fuck humblolt they sound just like every other Ass hole big business fuck, thats the root evil of our society and our money system to begin with. Its ironic that in a world where we strive for freedom a couple buissiness hippies are fucking greedy enough to want something to be outlawed like cannabis. WTF IS OUR WORLD COMMING TOO!!!?? Maybe we should take away freedom of speech because it dose more harm than good to businessman whoa re greedy and who want to destroy the environment. Its pices of shit liek them why we have so many bullshit laws. People form groups and start figuring out how to stay profitable when their actions only harm the rest of the world (us, the people who dont prfoit off it, jsut want to grow it LEGALY without fear) I for one will never be going to humbolt ever fucking again. they c an keep all their god damn snob weed.


wow 70+ posts since i was in here yesterday, this must be touching a nerve...
i grew up with a dad (uncles, aunts and grampa too) doing major fed time for herb so perhaps my internal motivations go beyond the practical.
however, from an impassionate (perhaps non-compassionate is a better term) perspective. I can empathise with some of the arguments being made here. the best so far is meduser180050 point about corporate influx as soon as legalization happens. also, that people dont care about quality.
I would expect a true connoisseurship to evolve in the decades FOLLOWING legalization as people become more sophisticated in their tastes. Marlboro green will only do for so long before some asshole needs to have a finer stash than his golfing buddies. call a cigar shop to find out how much a box of romeo y julietta are going for (compared to say swisher sweets). how can an underground substance user ever develop a palate, without growing it for years first?
regarding corporate ownership, that is the most troubling reality...its not hard to imagine a regulating body saying "if it aint got the monsanto markers, it aint legal for sale". this is where i see a place for all of the "dont make it legal" energy to focus on. remember that a micro-brewery sells a tiny fraction of what a large brewer does but can still turn a profit.
also, our market is not improved by growers who do this because they want to be rich.
I am fortunate to have wonderful friends who are in the "traditional" farming biz, and they are not rich, they just pay the bills and are very happy to be doing so. Perhaps 500 a lb is the legal outdoor price, mebe a greenhouse w lights and environmental controls will just break even in a legal market, mebe i'll be a legal ganja pharmer and drive a busted old truck and wear dirty old carharrts, and kiss my kids in the morning and say "come help your da in the fields after school". I think we all have different dreams here, thats a slice of mine.
and kruchbubble: i know you aint for legal herbs, but you have my humble respect as a grower...i just tossed my hoods cuz o you! (anyone looking for 12 aircooled hoods?)

and jeezus christ people...$5000/mo rent??? ya humbolt is gonna be fuked when this goes off.


Most people at this meeting do not want marijuana to stay illegal. Many have been jailed or have been casualties of the war on drugs in one way or another. They have lived in fear for many years and some have lost their homes, land or loved ones. They do want to continue to make a living off of the Humboldt name,our knowledge and experience and our reputation for growing world class weed. There was talk of creating an appellation to protect the Humboldt name and brand any herb produced here. Would you rather be buying your herb from RJ Reynolds sprayed with the same poisons they put on your cigarettes? Or would you rather buy your herb from a small farm in Humboldt grown with self sustainable organic methods? Most of the growers here are literally mom and pop. Older couples and families who have been growing since the seventies. They are not huge farms of gun toting meth heads as some here have implied. Do those farms exist here? Of course. But they are the minority and frowned upon in their neighborhoods. I think a lot of the above posters misunderstand what this meeting was about. This is a community that has supported itself with growing herb ever since the logging and fishing industries went bust. It is the only thing keeping a community and our local economy going. We do not want to stand by and let corporations take over in the coming tide of legalization. We want to be as Napa is to wine. We want to be the new marijuana tourist destination. I know I don't speak for everyone up here but this is how I feel and I am not going to just stand by and wait for RJ to squeeze me out of the biz. It is funny that we spent so many years trying to keep people out of Humboldt and now we will be begging them to come here to our tasting rooms and tour our farms. Helicopter tours anyone? We need to embrace change and work with it or our children will have nothing left of this great Emerald Triangle legacy we have left them.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
You absolutely right and you can expect many people to visit your beautiful city hell I will be there to support you guys


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
i would plan a vacation to weedland.

if you build it, they will come.


Trying to have a good day
I can understand Humboldt and any other local economy that will be affected so negatively by legalization taking an interest in how to keep there economy afloat.These are bad times for all of us here in the U.S..I would like it legalized with a plant limit for anybody growing.Something like 50 to 100 plants being the limit of what a person could grow at a time.If it can be helped I would like to see big business staying the fuck out of this.Atleast when it comes to the growing of the plants themselves.Lets stop them from doing to Marijuana what they did with tabacco..