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Human Genocide Alert


from the future

What is in the so-called COVID-19 “Vaccines”?

Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity



from the future
What happens if a drop of Covid vaccine from different manufacturers is added to a blood sample?

The journalist Del Bigtrees conducted this experiment in the laboratory of the pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole through, with surprising results! "The blood changes immediately, I've never seen anything like that! ... It's not because of the spike, but because of the nanoparticles." But see for yourself.


from the future

Dr. Franc Zalewski in Poland and Dr. Carrie Madej in the USA both observed a parasitic organism in mRNA vaccines, nicknamed “La Chose” and “Hydra Vulgaris”, respectively

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from the future
3 years ago...

Ltc Royston Potter says this gene therapy is linked to Internet of Bodies (IoB) technologies with the aim of modifying DNA for the purposes of mind control. He says that mRNA “vaccines”, linked to artificial intelligence and nanotechnology, introduce into patients a foreign substance, demonic or spiritual entities from another dimension. For those who might doubt that Roy Potter is actually a retired lieutenant colonel, his promotion is confirmed in the US Senate document: "Congressional Record", Volume 142, Number 23 (Monday, February 26, 1996 ), page S1315. Royston Edward Potter had a 28-year career in the United States Army Reserve, according to official military records held at the NPRC.


from the future

Hundreds of Doctors and Scientists Sign Accord Calling for Suspension and Investigation of mRNA Vaccines​

- Immediate suspension of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine products: It says mRNA vaccine products should be suspended immediately due to a growing body of evidence suggesting a link between the vaccine rollout and alarming trends in disability and excess deaths.

- Comprehensive re-evaluation of COVID-19 vaccine safety and efficacy: It demands independent investigations to thoroughly reassess the safety and efficacy of all COVID-19 vaccine products, ensuring transparency and full disclosure of data.

- Recognition and support for the vaccine injured: The accord stresses the need to acknowledge and support individuals who have suffered vaccine-related injuries, providing them with the necessary medical care and compensation.

- Restoration of ethical principles abandoned during the COVID-19 era: It calls for a return to core medical ethics, including informed consent, bodily autonomy and the protection of children, all of which were compromised in the last few years.

- Addressing the root causes of the current predicament: The accord advocates an honest investigation into the factors that led to the current ethical and medical issues, including institutional groupthink, conflicts of interest and the suppression of scientific debate.


from the future

Doctors reveal unexplained increase in child deaths in Alberta since 2021


“The number of unexplained deaths did not’a increase by 350 % ; it actually increased by 3,328 %”, these figures are from the statistics of health services of’Alberta- Canada.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Do you even notice that you don't present references?

There's less than forty million people in Canada.

Before I go run statistics for this claim, do you want to clarify any specific details or numbers?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
What number are they referring to that percentage increase?

It's almost as if the person posting the "information" doesn't realize that data is missing...


from the future

Jane Hansen, pro-vaccine Journalist and Current Affairs reporter who is known for her hit piece on “Australia’s anti-vaccination movement” has died. Three years after proudly announcing her Pfizer injection, she sadly passed away from a brain tumour.