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Human Genocide Alert


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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is your hero :
In 2014, 300 scientists warned Anthony Fauci would start a global pandemic. Following the high-profile escape of three bugs from U.S. labs, these 300 scientists sent a letter to President Obama, urging him to shut down Anthony Fauci's gain-of-function research. Obama issued a moratorium and shut down 18 of the worst projects by Anthony Fauci. In the end, he really didn't shut them down. Instead, Obama moved the research offshore to places like Ukraine, the former Soviet State of Georgia, and the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China. Now, it is widely accepted that COVID-19 originated from that very lab in Wuhan, China. Those 300 scientists were right right when they said Fauci would start a global pandemic.
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In 2023, The LANCET censored & CANCELLED a ground-breaking COVID-19 Vaccine Injury & Autopsy paper within 24hr after 100,000s downloads It has just passed peer review & will be PUBLISHED!

74% of sudden deaths due to COVID-19 Vaccine!
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Japanese Neuroscientist Dr. Hiroto Komano Alarmed at Explosive Dementia Surge Amongst COVID Vaccinated Individuals: Massive Study of ~600,000 Reveals Highlights

This paper was recently published. There has been talk about the relationship between dementia and the COVID vaccine, so they investigated this in South Korea. They examined a very large number of people. They examined a very large number of people - 550,000 people. 550,000 people. And they limited it to those who received two doses of the vaccine. And then, after one month, two months, three months, they analyzed all the data.

Mild dementia. It's the precursor stage before dementia. It's the precursor stage before dementia. This had doubled. Among vaccinated individuals compared to non-vaccinated individuals. This is significant. And this is after three months. After three months. And the number of people who developed dementia or Alzheimer’s disease increased by over 20%.
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Playing God: an investigation into medical genocide in the UK​

[Source : articles.mercola.com]

Analysis of Dr. Joseph Mercola


  • « Playing God: An Investigation into Medical Democide in the UK » (Playing God : an investigation into medical genocide in the UK) is a documentary film that investigates allegations of harmful medical practices and policies in the UK healthcare system.
  • The film critically examines the unethical and potentially lethal’use of medical protocols and drugs within the National Health Service1 (NHS), suggesting that’s have resulted in patient damage and death under the guise of government policies.
  • The documentary features testimonies from families affected by these dangerous practices, as well as analyses from health professionals and lawyers.
  • The « medical genocide », that is, death or damage caused by government policies or health care practices, seems widespread within the NHS.
  • The film suggests that systemic issues deeply rooted in NHS protocols hinder the provision of human care, from birth to the end of life.
« Playing God: An Investigation into Medical Democide in the UK » is a documentary film which explores allegations of harmful medical practices and policies in the UK healthcare system.

Directed by Ash Mahmood and Naeem Mahmood, and co-produced by Phil Graham and’investigation journalist Jacqui Deevoy, the film critically examines the unethical and potentially lethal’use of medical protocols and drugs within the National Health Service (NHS), including, suggesting that’s have resulted in harm and death of patients under the guise of government policies.

[NDLR Given the trend towards technocratic globalization in all sectors of human life, the, it is a safe bet that most other countries experience the same kind of problems in the field of health.]

The documentary features testimonies from families affected by these dangerous practices, as well as analyses from health professionals and’ legal experts, and, in order to shed light on the « medical genocide », that is, deaths or damage caused by government policies or health care practices. The film suggests that systemic issues deeply rooted in the NHS hinder the delivery of human care, from birth to the end of life.

The NHS has become a « killing machine »​

« In the last 30 years », says Kevin Corbett, doctor of medicine, in the movie, says, « it is obvious that the National Health Service has become a killing machine ». [1] He explains: [2]

« In the late 1980s, in medical practice, nursing and health care, the development of evidence-based medicine was considered very positive. The evidence-based medicine seemed very good, because the’ idea was that the doctors, the doctors, nurses and health professionals did not base their clinical practice on much evidence, the best evidence, or any evidence.
So, let's prove, let's look at what really works and apply it. It seems so credible and so benign.
In the 1990s, the practice of doctors, nurses and all health professionals was guided by protocols and shaped by protocols. Once these protocols were instituted, it became very difficult for doctors, nurses and other health professionals to use their own clinical sense with patients.
They had to follow protocols, and in these protocols, you saw the’administration of drugs like midazolam at potentially lethal doses ».

L’ nurse Elena Vlaica tells how her husband, Stuart, was « euthanized at’hospital in November 2021 » after S’being presented for shortness of breath and possible chest infection. She believes that’il has been punished for not having received an injection of COVID-19 and that’il has been placed in an end-of-life care pathway that’a has led to the death of the death, instead of receiving proper medical care.

In addition to having his blood pressure medications and antidepressants removed, Stuart was deprived of food and’au for 11 days. [3] Vlaica told Magzter [4]

« J’ai later discovered that’il had been the OBJECT of’an order of non-resuscitation. The reason given in his notes, which I’s managed to obtain with’aide from an avocado, was that’il may have COVID and’il was not vaccinated. He had also been put on midazolam and morphine without our consent.
I didn't discover it until later, when I’ consulted his notes, and I’ also discovered that’il had been placed in “accelerated end-of-life care”, a measure introduced at the beginning of the pandemic and that allowed a consultant to decide whether a patient lived or died ».

Due to restrictions imposed by COVID-19, Vlaica was not allowed to visit him and did not know that Stuart had been placed on the end-of-life care course. She later learned that he had attempted to escape from the hospital four times, but the doctors put him on the ground and administered a midazolam sedative to him, a sedative often used in the United States for lethal injection executions. [5] Because it does not relieve pain, an opioid such as morphine is generally added. Deevoy wrote: [6]

« The day of Stuart's death is worthy of the films of’ horror. On November 6, 2021 at 13 a.m., Elena received a call from’hospital informing her Stuart was dying. When’elle arrived, Elena could see that’il was sedated. He had the’air of’ being in a coma. I now know that’il was in a coma at midazolam. I’ kissed him and I saw his saturation level S’improve.
He knew that I’ was there and that’il was fighting for his life. When the young doctor saw that I was looking at the monitor, she turned it off. At that time, a nurse appeared with five 10 ml syringes on a blue tray. She put two of them into Stuart's cannula, which took three breaths before dying in my arms. J’ai shouted : “Elle l’a killed !”, then I collapsed. I do not remember’being back home that evening ».

L’homme qui mort d’une injection COVID-19 s’is seen to say that’he suffered from a migraine​

Another tragic story from the documentary is told by Vikki Spit, whose companion Zion died of’a brain hemorrhage caused by the COVID-19 bite of’AstraZeneca. Its symptoms — an excruciating headache — began just eight days after’il received the sting. After calling for help, who told him that’he suffered from’a migraine, his S’ condition worsened.

Spit again called for help two days later when Zion n’ was unable to get out of bed and began having trouble speaking. He had an attack of’epilepsy and, at the’hospital, it was discovered that’il suffered a brain injury caused by a hemorrhage due to the COVID-19 sting.

« The neurosurgeon m’a called to tell me that’ils had to remove a huge piece of skull because the pressure on his brain was huge », Spit says. « They said that’s n’ils had never seen anything like — they did not S’il would wake up, and if that were the case, it would be in a vegetative state. And they said that’s thought it’s was due to the’AstraZeneca vaccine.S’s had recognized what it was when I first called them, it would still be alive. » [7]

Medical errors and cover-ups have resulted in preventable deaths​

Other testimonies, notably those of’Anne and Graeme Dixon, relate serious medical errors and cover-ups by NHS staff, including the death of’Elizabeth Dixon at the’age of 11 months only. In addition to’ having misdiagnosed and managed’'s high blood pressure, which resulted in permanent brain damage, she died of’asphyxia after her tracheotomy tube was not cleared properly. [8] Speaking to The Independent, Anne Dixon said [9]

« During the 19 years that’a lasted our quest for truth, all possible agencies have made us false leap. We had to spend many years working tirelessly to gather evidence of what happened to Lizzie and the cover-up that S’en followed for 19 years. It is inconceivable to us that’ none of these agencies was aware or suspected of the truth. The evidence was there. We were treated in a terrible way ».
Another mother, Joan Bye, whose daughter Helenor died after being treated for misdiagnosed epilepsy, said : « She suffered a lot, she died needlessly, she said, she could have been saved, but she was murdered by’State ». [10]

The Liverpool care course is a « way to’euthanasia »​

Anna De Buisseret, a British lawyer who worked for Pfizer as an external management consultant, said : « As soon as’s enter the’hospital, they are subject to these hospital protocols, who dictate the drugs and treatments that’ils will receive. This’ is a global and uniform policy. » [11]

For many, it’ is also a path to’euthanasia. Deevoy had already denounced the scandal in another documentary, « A Good Death? The Midazolam Murders ». She’ realized that something didn't’all when her father was the OBJECT of’une DNR2 while’il was in a care home.

« J’ai therefore spoke to a doctor whistleblower », explains Ms. Deevoy. « She m’a says that these drugs were administered to people over 60 years of age, considered elderly. She told M’s that they were applied to people with mental health problems, physical disabilities, and even autistic children. » [12]

Pursuing a death protocol put in place by the Liverpool Care Pathway, the families of the victims claim that the NHS is responsible for the involuntary’euthanasia of 457 people a day, without the consent of patients or their caregivers — deaths often attributed to COVID pneumonia. [13]

The Liverpool Care Pathway for the Dying Patient (LCP) is a government protocol used in England and Wales to « improve end-of-life care ». [14] Developed in the 1990s, the protocol was intended to provide guidelines on best practices during the last days of a patient's’, and included guidance on symptom control, including, l’ cessation of psychological, social and spiritual treatments and care. [15]

It was rather a’a « pathway to’euthanasia », during which patients were drugged and deprived of food,’au and medical treatments, and, even in cases where a cure would have been possible. The LCP was abolished in 2014, as a result of’a general outcry and’a study commissioned by the government, which criticized its practices. [16]

The end of life journey must stop​

However, even after the’abolition of the LCP, families continued to report that their loved ones had been placed on the course and’s they had died from it. [17] Father Patrick Pullicino, retired neurologist and Catholic priest, states in « Playing God » : « We need patients to be able to’ face death in a natural way and not artificially ». As for the end-of-life journey, Pullicino states: [18]

This undermines medical’ethics, because doctors who subscribe to the oath of’Hippocrate and who would never voluntarily kill someone’un allow the use of these routes on their patients because’s are « at the end of life ». They used to’adit the course very carefully, and they discovered that the average time between the start of the course and the person's death was about 39 hours. It really needs to stop ».
The film gives voice to the victims and their families, says Ms. Deevoy, but, ultimately, she hopes’il will serve as a wake-up call for change [19]

« “Playing God” is a’alarm signal that urges society to oppose medical genocide. It aims to raise awareness, encourage dialogue and hold those responsible to account… the film’ strives to create a lasting impact and to initiate positive change within the British health system ».

Sources and References​

[1], [2], [11] Children’s Health Defense, Playing God Movie April 17, 2024, 24:17

[3], [4] Magzter July 2023

[5] The New York Times March 8, 2022

[6] Jacqui Deevoy, July 24, 2023

[7] Chronicle Live June 26, 2021

[8] BBC November 26, 2020

[9] Independent November 26, 2020

[10] The Solari Report April 20, 2024

[12] Rumble, A Good Death? The Midazolam Murders, 1:11

[13] Rumble, A Good Death? The Midazolam Murders, 14:06

[14] Version 2. Wellcome Open Res. 2018; 3:15., Abstract

[15] Br J Gen Practice. 2013 Oct; 63(615): 509–510

[16] The Guardian July 15, 2013

[17] Daily Mail December 16, 2015

[18] Children’s Health Defense, Playing God Movie April 17, 2024, 55:00

[19] Children’s Health Defense April 22, 2024


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Groundbreaking Study Discovers ‘Off-Switch’ for mRNA COVID-19 Injections

There was never thought to be a way to “undo” the shots — until now. Contrary to initial claims that the “vaccine” stays in the arm, it spreads throughout the body, prompting serious safety concerns.

In a recent preprint study, Dr. McCullough and his team presented a novel approach using small interfering messenger RNA (siRNA) and ribonuclease targeting chimeras (RIBOTACs) to bind and deactivate the mRNA from these vaccines, allowing the body to clear it out. “We use these small interfering RNAs already in practice,” McCullough stated.

“There’s one called Patisiran, the other one, Inclisiran. I use them in my practice. They only last in the body a few days. They bind up messenger RNA to inactivate it.” “The longevity of the encapsulated mRNA along with unlimited production of the damaging and potentially lethal Spike (S) protein call for strategies to mitigate potential adverse effects,” the study’s abstract declares. Dr. McCullough’s proposed solution—targeting and degrading residual vaccine mRNA—could prevent uncontrolled spike protein production and reduce toxicity. With Moderna’s mRNA vaccines for respiratory syncytial virus and influenza now approved, the urgency for an “off switch” becomes even more pressing. McCullough warns, “Without any way to turn off the messenger RNA, we think every single messenger RNA shot, because it’s been made synthetic and resistant to human breakdown, is going to make people progressively sick.

We have to find a way to get this out of the body.” “We hope that some molecular technology companies can pick this up and consider this. We’re gonna need an off switch for this.”


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US - Trends in Death Rates from Neurological Diseases, Ages 15-44 Our results show that the excess UC (Underlying Cause) death rates from neurological diseases for individuals aged 15 to 44 age were 4.4% (Z-Score 4.9) in 2020, then rose to 10.0% (Z-Score 11.1) in 2021, 11.2% (Z-Score 12.4) in 2022 and 8.1% (Z-Score 9.0) in 2023. In 2020 we already observe a significant deviation from the 2010-2019 trend in UC death rates, and the excess UC death rates in 2021, 2022 and 2023 can be considered extreme occurrences due to their very high statistical significance. The results show a clear break from the prior historical trend in death rates from neurological diseases, pointing to a new phenomenon in action, worsening in 2022 and persisting through 2023.




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Looks like the graph went sharply up in 2020. Remind me what was going on around that time.
