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Human Genocide Alert

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Americans are Trained like Dogs to "Hate Nazi's".

But Americans are strangely ignorant about who financed the Nazi's.

Wall Street.

Why the hate for the Mythical Nazi's - but mostly disregard for those who financed the Nazi's ?

Lack of Critical Thinking skills.

One of the main points is to hide the essential point about 1930's Germany - they recovered from the Weimar Hyperinflation at the end of World War 1, and then built the strongest industrial economy in the World - while there was a "Soft Expel" of Jewish people in place in Germany, in the early 1930's. Pre-Hitler.

The true Leaders were Hindenburg & Ebert - and Ford.
Together they built an economy that Hitler destroyed, yet was still strong enough to engage the US & the USSR.

Ford was publishing "The International Jew", while Germany re-built their economy - with a Soft Expel of the Jews in place.

That is why Germany had to be destroyed. Hitler was the tool that Wall Street - and the Criminal Sect of Judaism - used to destroy Germany.

I hope you had fun at the Jungvolk jamboree.

Germany still stands.

Hitler was destroyed.

Plenty of his countrymen despised him and many conspired against him in the interest of human decency.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
No, I mean conspiracy theories that are actual conspiracy theories. This is what this thread is about. Alleged human genocide by aliens, woven with vaccine conspiracy.

I haven't checked but I doubt the WEF are openly talking about shape shifting aliens and the vaccine as a weapon to kill us all.

Thank you for your effort too. Nothing personal as I like your posts elsewhere, but I have quite a lot of contempt for the ideas that are expressed in some of these threads. :tiphat:

There's a plan, but they know it...

We think lizard people are not real, but maybe that's just because we aren't...

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Oh my God the antivaxxers are the lizard people....

The only way we can tell who's gullible as shit is to get vaccine boosters!!

Everybody get boosted STAT!!!!


Well-known member

Anton Parks is a Franco-German writer, specializing in the cultures of the ancient East. His series "The Chronicles of Gírkù" retraces, in the form of a story and meticulous research, the origins of humanity through the eyes of the gods of our mythologies. At the age of 14, Anton Parks spontaneously receives a wealth of coherent information about our past and the extraterrestrial origins of the "gods" of our traditions.


Well-known member
Keep your freedom of thoughts, brotha Anton isn't 100% in the true, just need to apprehend that there's others stronger entities than Reptilians "gods", Orion and Pleiades who protect us and truly help humanity to not be slaved again and again by the fack "gods"!


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Number of sudden deaths, according to data from the KBV health insurance funds.
View attachment 18795335

I noticed that there are no actual boundaries of the study... what is the number in representation of the whole?

I'd also like to hear more about the definition of "sudden death".

I have a feeling that there are plenty of fatal heart attacks and suicides that resulted in "sudden death" and in most populations those numbers are larger than the numbers reported.

All in all, I have to say that study is not scientific in the least... but I am open to the idea if you can change my mind.


Well-known member
Sources of Anti-Oxidants to Destroy the Necro-Molecular Crown of Graphene Oxide :

By Xochi
All those who are not inclined to confront the truth of vaccine genocide, scented with graphene oxide — because their viscera are too permeable — can still consider that this file presents a spectrum of antioxidants which, for most have been validated against the so-called Covidian symptom chart.

Today, the mission of every self-respecting human being is to daily heal Nature, within him, which is perpetually assailed by the genocidal vectors of the Transhumanist Techno-Culture. The question now is whether anyone who refuses to confront the truth of the vaccine genocide is, authentically, capable of “healing themselves”.

Anyone inclined to wake up can easily begin to realize that the Pharmaceutical Mafia did not wait to embellish the anti-Vacuum/19 injections, with graphene oxide, to contaminate the "vaccines", for many years, with a multitude of necro-nano-particles — and other adjuvants.
And I take this opportunity to pay tribute, once again, to the pharmacist Serge Rader – who died in Guadeloupe in May 2021, in relatively mysterious circumstances – whose translations [606] [607] made it possible to discover the analyzes of the Italian association, Corvelva, in 2017, regarding a number of conventional vaccines from the Pharmaceutical Mafia. These revelations were called “VaccineGate” and they were, of course, completely covered up by the media in the pay of the Pharmaceutical Mafia. Serge Rader is also the author of the book “Vaccines – Yes or No?: Electronic microscope analyzes and photos of substances contained in vaccines”.

This present file has been partially translated into Spanish: Fuentes de antioxidantes para destruir la corona necro-molecular del óxido de grafeno. [1622]

Today, the Enemy vector is Graphenization through the Necro-Molecular Crown Syndrome – in this case, the Graphene Oxide Spike.

Today, graphenising vaccination represents, very clearly, the line of demarcation between, on the one hand, those who opt for collective suicide and, on the other hand, those who want to survive, and live in Peace, in Beauty. who is coming.

caveat. I didn't include Cannabis in this essay because I wanted to write a special article about it but I don't have time.

+ Cannabis :biggrin: