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howmany people here dont trust the vaccine or covid


Well-known member
Some states permit untracked, unreported -private- sales of handguns, as in, no dealer involved (Alaska does), and some do not.

you are indeed correct about handgun buys through dealers; my post was less than clear on that. Tennessee allows for private sales w/no background check, but they will make it rough on you for knowingly selling to someone not legally able to buy/own a firearm. i have heard proposals to mandate even private sales of used pistols be checked, and inherited guns as well.


Comfortably numb!
... I own rifles/shotguns. I told my wife that after my demise, she is to contact the RCMP and tell them to come and get 'em. She was also "instructed" to get a receipt indicating make, model, caliber and serial number of my firearms from them, as she can't "legally" take them to the cop shop! (avoids hassles)


Well-known member
he said it could be under control in a year if everyone was doing their part. IE-wearing masks, getting vaccinated, social distancing. i think he's a flaming optimist myself...

An adherence to basic public health practices has gotten our society though things like this just fine before, and
has again in this case. Where they were used.
My understanding is in those locations the pandemic is in essence over. Denmark, Singapore etc.
As to why it has not worked that way for Israel, perhaps electing not vaccinate a large percentage of the population,
the Palestinians, was not the wisest course of action.
Once 90 % of a population is vaccinated protection becomes effective.
Which is why one sees less effect where there is greater compliance.


Well-known member
An adherence to basic public health practices has gotten our society though things like this just fine before, and
has again in this case. Where they were used.
My understanding is in those locations the pandemic is in essence over. Denmark, Singapore etc.
As to why it has not worked that way for Israel, perhaps electing not vaccinate a large percentage of the population,
the Palestinians, was not the wisest course of action.
Once 90 % of a population is vaccinated protection becomes effective.
Which is why one sees less effect where there is greater compliance.

news from last night suggests that Israel may have flung the doors back open for business as usual just as the Delta wave hit them. they have (at last check) less than 80% of their population vaccinated. as noted, prob does not include Palestinians either. looking like the only workable path to herd immunity is to let those that do not want to be vaccinated or wear masks die from the disease...doubt the general public will be real keen on that, instead demanding they be treated with other options until it is too late to help them...like they are now. make stupid decisions, win stupid prizes...


Well-known member
Nope, still... NOPE.

Lil story;
My niece (25.5 yoa) told me in May (2021) that she was getting the vax as she wants to be allowed (get that? ALLOWED :chin: )
to travel where she pleases.
Her fiance of the same age said much the same. So, 5/2021 while both on a visit back home, were covid vaxxed.
She currently lives in Midtown Atl., he currently lives in the SF bay area CA. He works remotely and is now in ATL
visiting his sweetie.
She became ill with cold like symptoms for about 10 days (per typical for a rhinovirus infection). She works out so took a quick
test that showed she had the vid. He, now showing mild signs also, is 'stuck' in ATL for the duration as both are quarantining.
Don't ya just stay home anyway when showing symptoms of cooties? meh.
I am glad they didn't have worse symptoms.
I find it quite telling that 2 young and healthy individuals (no underlying health issues) who have had their 2 jab vax's became ill.

Last week on Mon. I went to see the doc. After sitting there for 45 min. (dutifully in my mask), the receptionist said it'd be about
another hr. so I resch'd for Wed.
I then went to visit a friend who works at a mental health facility for our standing weekly lunch date. I was inside that building
with a mask on then inside the restaurant on that day (mask less). Shopped around a thrift store (mask - less).
Wed., back to the doc (8a.m. appt. times are the way to go btw) and wore my mask.
Thurs; another 8a.m. sched appt. for a dental exam and cleaning.
Thursday afternoon came along and I began displaying symptoms of allergies... at that time, I figured the sniffles were due to
working for several hours with those danged wet moldering wood chips. Friday, runny nose and sneezing but otherwise no
other symptoms.
By Saturday, I was sure I'd probably picked up an ever present rhinovirus and indeed had a cold and not allergies.
Laid low on Sun. then on Mon., I was right as rain again.
I did go out briefly on Sat. however...
I wore a mask for other's benefit as I am not a heathen and know how to be a courteous human.
Part of being a responsible adult is to asses and act accordingly.
I ask... why in the fecking hell would I (or anyone) go out and get a covid testing kit thingy when we all (should) know
(by now) those tests are 100% BS?

Those who may be concerned for the kiddo's... we had postponed punkin carving from Wed. to Thurs.
Due to having sniffles on Thur., we put it off til this coming Friday. If I still had symptoms, they would carve w/ out me.

Oh, and... friends and I have a standing Mon. night game/ smoke sesh at my place.
I let peeps know that I had displayed cold symptoms so... see ya next week!
Once again... behaving as a courteous human and responsible adult just as children we were taught
(and should be common sense, but unfortunately is not).

STILL; a pretty snappy recovery for an old gal. :wahey: Think I'll continue to depend upon my healthy habits and immune system, TYVM :eyelash:
You are welcome for my contribution to over all better health for the group think ___________________ (think SLJ here).

I am not a covid "denier" and I am more than likely vaccinated up to a higher degree than a fair amount of folks touting
the necessity of these non vaccine jabs.
I'll show you mine if ya show me yers. smh.

Now... go on and tend to yer own damn gardens and stop pointing out the weeds growing elsewhere. Ain't nonya, never was.

To reiterate (ad nauseam perhaps): NOPE, not me... NOT happening unless they come and hold me down.


Well-known member
i see more and more reports now coming out how the jab damages and weakens the immune system. like i said about the pseudoUridines (Ψ) in the mRNA formula ablates the Toll Like Receptors #3, 7, 8 and 9. sure, most likely the destruction of the spike emitting cells keeps it local - but where are the double blind peer reviewed studies on that safety, eh? just like the jab is reported to be "probably safe" and "likely effective".


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
There are much more efficient ways to accomplish depopulation than using covid Vaccine to do it..


Well-known member
it's a question of who gets blamed and who does that serve. TPTB are in no rush, evidently, playing the looooong game. where are the studies that show some other tactic is more efficient? no shots fired sounds pretty efficient to me - other than jabs, of course.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Another southern state just told xiden to fuck himself and shove his jab mandates elsewhere.

Nurenburg 2 trial needed, with foochie et al in the defendants cage.


Well-known member
Another southern state just told xiden to fuck himself and shove his jab mandates elsewhere.

Nurenburg 2 trial needed, with foochie et al in the defendants cage.


Click image for larger version  Name:	kkk.png Views:	0 Size:	1.13 MB ID:	17976241


Well-known member
Nope, still... NOPE......Now... go on and tend to yer own damn gardens and stop pointing out the weeds growing elsewhere. Ain't nonya, never was.

To reiterate (ad nauseam perhaps): NOPE, not me... NOT happening unless they come and hold me down.

yer right of course, it's none of our business, but when all this started didn't you mention that your elderly Father was in the hospital with Covid?

........... so how did that turn out, any long term effects (sure hope he's OK!:flowers2:) and how does he feel about 'the jab' now?

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