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howmany people here dont trust the vaccine or covid


Well-known member
Fuckin AOC logic ... "It's the billionaires fault"
comprehension not your strong suit eh? that's not what i said at all. i said billionaires don't give a fuck if we all die from covid, because it's true. they will survive.

said the guy looking to make the billionaire drug company owners richer.
i'm still in favor of the government confiscating the $2 trillion that was stolen by the elite last year and given back to taxpayers. i'm still in favor of nationalizing big pharma. how bout you? all i see is bitching with no solutions other than to keep voting for far right fascists who do the opposite of what you think they're going to do.

Not a word about how the billionaires are getting richer
that's all i talk about numbnuts

selling a deadly vaccine (VAERS reports over 10K deaths in the US) and are not liable for the 100's of thousands of vaccine injuries being recorded on VAERS.

"Anyone can report events to VAERS (vaers.hhs.gov/reportevent.html) and a disclaimer on the CDC’s website says: “The reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable” (here ). When downloading the data, users are presented with a further disclaimer that the data do not include information from investigations into reported cases. The disclaimer also says “the inclusion of events in VAERS data does not imply causality”

FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause.”

this is why we don't use VAERS.

Nope. Just shoot the big pharma poison in to everyone because you are afraid of a fucking cold virus. My god some of people need to take a cannabis break. Because you are making many cannabis user sterotypes reality.
a "cold virus" that killed 600,000+ Americans. keep downplaying it lol.

When you vaccinate in the middle of a pandemic you get more dangerous mutants. - 100 years of science
the vaccine does not contain the live virus lol

When you don't vaccinate during a panademic the mutants become less dangerous and herd immunity is reached. - 100 years of science
the vaccine does not contain the live virus lol

The vaccinated are the super spreaders and more dangerous variant incubation chambers.
you're just a fuckin liar i don't know what else to say


Well-known member
The last time I heard so much about the so called "experts"... I was a kid and weapons of mass destruction was the topic. I don't trust any of the "experts", and I strongly believe other agendas are at play. I got a vax card, but I definitely won't get the vaccine. I recommend everyone print one off and laminate it if you can't find a real one.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
The last time I heard so much about the so called "experts"... I was a kid and weapons of mass destruction was the topic. I don't trust any of the "experts", and I strongly believe other agendas are at play. I got a vax card, but I definitely won't get the vaccine. I recommend everyone print one off and laminate it if you can't find a real one.

and send boogie your bill for legal fees if caught


Well-known member
you argue in logical fallacies, boogie. lmao.

derpty da gubbermint is corrupt therefore i don't trust scientists and doctors except for the ones who echo my exact sentiments because i operate on cognitive biases! you may as well get your information from a gypsy and a crystal ball at this point. you'd be nearly as accurate.


Well-known member
you argue in logical fallacies, boogie. lmao.

derpty da gubbermint is corrupt therefore i don't trust scientists and doctors except for the ones who echo my exact sentiments because i operate on cognitive biases! you may as well get your information from a gypsy and a crystal ball at this point. you'd be nearly as accurate.

How much money does big pharma pay you to shrill here? Hopefully more than you make selling seeds.


Active member
The last time I heard so much about the so called "experts"... I was a kid and weapons of mass destruction was the topic. I don't trust any of the "experts", and I strongly believe other agendas are at play. I got a vax card, but I definitely won't get the vaccine. I recommend everyone print one off and laminate it if you can't find a real one.

I recommend you man up . Throw that card away. Back your beliefs.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
this website is dead. find me on beanbasement or instagram.

to put all you propagandist trolls back in your place.

it's sad to see the website i learned how to grow pot on turn into this.

then why not post grows? it's only dead if you allow it to be


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Ok is this better.
Who thinks jail is less harmful than the vaccine. Stop censoring my posts.

Have you ever posted up a grow? Why are you hanging around a dope growing site?

Yes, he has.. ICMAG is not the only cannabis forum..
Last edited:


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Or be a shepherd

Wiley Coyote is my plan. Stay the F out of their way and let them have their experimental jab.

I bet when they planned this they had no idea people would actually hate each other over a BS experiment. Maybe they did, cause they want to divide and conquer.


Well-known member
...........this website is dead. find me on beanbasement or instagram...........

just a threat, cheap shot or promise???

....... of course, there's always myplanet....., oh, never mind, bentech already has that territory covered, it would be like talking to yourself in the mirror! ;):bigeye:


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Wiley Coyote is my plan. Stay the F out of their way and let them have their experimental jab.

I bet when they planned this they had no idea people would actually hate each other over a BS experiment. Maybe they did, cause they want to divide and conquer.

wile e. coyote is your plan? you mean the same one that was constantly bested by the roadrunner?

ohhh,i get it,you get your info from acme products...makes sense why you keep rushing headlong into a painted wall because you think you see commies everywhere