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how to deal w/ wealth Q?....and having to cut my damn dreads for it (in a way).

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Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
nothing much...just fuck off, leave me alone, what ?, plus can see ppl right thru thsir skin when the instantly "react" to dreads...they don't hide it...lol

These reasons or "message" seem completely at odds for someone who repeatedly posts the level of detail about their life, relationships, and thoughts as you do.


Active member
have you hugged a grizzly today. get your cash move back to alaska and join the hoffman crew just for fun. i would watch


I wonder if you could use them like scouring pads. Might be good for cast iron skillets, would clean but probably not abrade the seasoning of the skillet.

and after that everything you cooked in the pan would taste "flakey"

gonna sound mean but ....... if you suck the teet that is hung in your face (read: accepting any help from them ...... and yes even if the help is "a christmas present) the owner of the teet can/will see you as dependent on them.

some teet owners will hamstring you just to prove who the bitch in the situation really is ...... if that is the case the only way to deal with it is to man the fuck up and forgo an easy (and possibly long term) meal ...... or get a fucking hair cut

i would respect my son more for telling me what i need to hear than what i want to hear. but thats just me


Active member
WTF yukon is almost 40 years old! you have got to be kidding me....no offense but i always thought you were like 19 or something based on your posts...


wow, talk about first world problems. lol fna

hahhah I'm still laughing about this but I also feel bad (about laughing). I understand not having a desire for money and having other things being important. If I were your wife though, and you chose your hair over security for our family, you would end up dread-less anyways. ;)
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This is the most bizarre thread i have read since being on IC MAG and i read it all.....not sure why???

But Yukon ditch the dreads , nut just to make your parents happy and to get the money, but just to get rid of something that is so insignificate in the grand scheme of things and has an overwhelming power over yourself. It seems to define you, learn to be you without dreads.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
you dont EVEN have REAL dreads....

just dirty, grimy hair....

wash it, comb it, go to your meeting and get paid......

guest 77721

Hey Yukon,

do you have to pay your way back to Texas to eat crow and get your pittance?


well that's awesome Nokuy! Like I said previously...you're a cute guy...get a big boy hair cut and clean up well my friend! you can get dirty and stop combing your hair after payday darling. I'm so excited for you! I think its awesome when people can get $$...$ is freedom....good luck and I hope this is a great start to a wonderful future for you and your family!


Active member
he will get paid ,spend it on whores and have to pay child support. she will get most of it. he aint grown up enough to handle real cash responsibly. sorry somebody had to say it . neg k me all you want


Active member
thanx everyone.

yah the hair is gettin chopped

...were finding property in zip 80439........

and area code 907


stoned agin ...
go nice and clean, good corporate look:


Active member
i say go for the jarhead cut with matching farva mustache...nothing says "i dont smoke weed' like that look..

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