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How Much Do You Smoke


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15 times less than I did 15 years ago

bout gram a day now, one spliff before bed on an average day due to current life circumstances


Active member
These Daze, I'm Smoking 3-5g, and Dabbing 4-6 dabs each session, 2-3 times a day.
So like 3-5g, and bout 11 Dabs of this BHO

Keepin It Twisted

Bud Green

I dig dirt
damn little anymore. used to go thru an oz a week or less. now, it is a couple of one-hits now & then while fishing or hunting. I don't blow money on brickweed, & it takes very little to rock my world now. I LOVE it...

About the same here man..
I NEVER enjoyed couchlock weed, and being a sofa spud...
The Sativas we smoked the hell out of in the old days were nice,
cause they gave you the electric buzz that made you wanna jump up and go outdoors and do things...


Active member
1-2 hits a day

1-2 hits a day

A gram to a half eighth lasts me about a month. I used to smoke packs of Blunts, but as you get older being stoned all the time is kind of boring. Plus I get much higher now, now that I smoke less. That one to two hits gets me better now then the Blunts did when I was younger.


Active member
honestly. we break up buds in the AM.. usually a Full BEER CUP. of buds about 20 grams.. and just roll 10 joints each. maybe 12.. every joint gets bho heated up a lil and smeared on the papers.. but in reality. some days i wake up with 1 joint left.. others i wake up with 5-6 . depends on what we are doing.. if working alot.. i just smoke a few hits off the bowl.. if bored.. smoke joint to the face. me an the girl smoke so much we stopped duecing joints. we smoke joints to our face ... passing something back and forth is a pain in the ass.. lol. so we just smoke when we want


A couple of skinny joints, a couple of small bowls and maybe a hit or two of dry sift at night.....so I'd guess I smoke about 0.5 ~ 1.0 grams per day.


Active member
Lately it's been bout 3-4g a day, with a .5g of shatter in My Eclipse Vape every 2-3daze, and a few dabs here and there for good measure.

after i retired, i was rolling 8 joints a day. about a gram each. then i went down to 8 joints a day about 1/2 gram each.

it's been about 8 years and now i'm down to 1.5 grams a day. i have no idea how i'd smoke 8 joints. i stopped using so much when i switched over from joints to an extreme Q vape, and i love the bag so much i don't roll joints no mo.

i made a bunch of coconut cannabis caps using the MB2. i pop a few every few days to even out the view. :)

oh and i have some kief that i sprinkle on the buds once in awhile.


Well-known member
Usually 6-8 snaps a day will do the job, so probably a little bit less than a gram a day.
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Active member
Lately I've been smoking blunts with the old lady. Maybe 3 times a week it would be 1g blunts. But when going solo, I can use my mini g pen and make 7gs last 2 weeks.
I've been cutting back; trying to find the right balance at "medicated" and not "inebriated". My day job is stress + crazy hours + stress, so if I let myself, my tendency is to smoke a bowl every 90 minutes from morning till night.

Now it's a couple of Diesel dabs in the AM to wake me up, a bowl at lunch, and 1-2 after work. Thinking about trying to "smoke" less and dab/edible more. Concentrates seem to have a more consistent affect on my mood.


I consume 1 gram or less per week. Not because of the cost I grow my own, but I have found that just two or three hits in the evening works wounders for my pains.


It depends, most of the time 1-2 joints a day (rolled in a machine like cigarettes but pure) and maybe a hit off the bong. Last December I had a weird period where I could only smoke a hit in the evening as I had some issues with anxiety -maybe because I quit Lyrica (neuropathic pain, weed works better).

Question: I don´t get as high as I used to, hardly ever that feeling of being "stoned" -and I miss it. I´m 55 and I´m a medical user and I have meds from cortisone to lithium... What do you guy´s think? Age thing or?