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How Much Do You Smoke


Active member
depends on the weed and if it's helping my particular symptoms. could be 3 small hits a day, 3 bowls a day, or up to 3+ grams a day. strain dependent mostly.


$$ ALONE $$
All of this will take me 6 months before its gone. I smoke a 1/4 and an 1/8 a week.
If its strong like the Glue, I may only go through a 1/4 a week.





Active member
we smoke a lot.. lol.. almost ALLDAY.. about a gram of oil and a quarter of flowers every day or 2 .. we cut down a lot .. trying to get the tolerance to come down a little............


Well-known member
I smoke about 5 grams of stuff i grow a day all day smokin in a glass pipe or like eight grams in joints. Or 7 to 14 grams a day of mexican brick depending how good it is. Weed has to stop me from smoking otherwise i keep going until im tired or nicely high. I envy the superlight tokers thry always have a huge stash. So i would recomend smoking the strongest stuff you can get now before your tolerance goes up so much you need a few weeks of not smoking to get a good high again. It takes a few years of non stop smoking all day every day to get to this point it sucks. I remember smoking a joint or two and feeling good now no matter how many joints i smoke i cant get high enough. Only the morning high is ok or after my weed nap midday i will feel more tired than high. So its best to smoke as little as possible dont smoke all day every day like me because weed wont be as fun anymore after a while. Now im off to smoke some good mexican. I bought a quarter pound for 100 dollars but i will neef another soon this one is lasting me longer than usual about 7 grams day im smoking of this one. Hopefully the same guy can get me something similar for a good while. Cheap brick weed is the norm in my area. Im going to try and get apound for 300 next month you just have to be careful not to buy shitty seedy stuff its out their. It


Well-known member
O forgot to mention that fresh dried herb sucks its comparable to brick weed im not lying man. Once cured for 3 months it gets much better. I dont understand why people dont cure their buds and trim before making hash, oil or edibles wont they be better quality from 3 to 6 months cured cannabis? So grow enough to cure it and make sure you grow high potency high yielding strains like ace seeds malawi killer and goldent tiger those two are on my to get make seeds and keep forever list along with zamaldelica and purple haze thai. You cant go wrong with a ceilingless high. These are my kind of strains


Well-known member
When I was slinging it, and other people supported my habit, I went through more than a zip a week. This went on for a couple of years

When I was suffering from a couple of herniated discs, and was pulling good amounts from my indoor setup, I went through a 1/4 + in a day, as well as whatever dry sift I could squeeze out of my scuff box.

Now, I quit for weeks at a time, and get blasted when I start smoking again. I got a few zips off my last little run, and it lasted me a couple months. I'd smoke more if I produced more, for sure.


Lately it's been some recently cut sativa bud in little jays 3 or 4 times per day...I like to get high for the first time each day about mid morning after I've got all my chores done and then have 3 or 4 more little jays throughout the day and night so I keep a light, up buzz happening and this plant I'm smoking has no hangover, no tired comedown, no sleepiness...it's excellent, you get high and the high lasts for ages and just gradually goes away and you feel clear and straight which then makes you want to light another one.

I don't have any regular sized cigarette papers at the moment, but plenty of the long or king sized length papers, so I cut each one in half and trim it down so the halves resemble a regular cigarette rolling paper except smaller...and I add an cardboard "filter" to the end of each jay.....so I probably smoke a gram or a gram and a bit each day

Mate Dave

ICMag Donor
I smoke lots, I roll pure heads and like to fill the Solo up also.

I can smoke/vape 3.5 grams in a hour maybe perhaps when all my jobs are done, sometimes more sometimes less..

I used to smoke all day but have now cut out tobacco and feel much better.

Is it a race :)


After about 8 years of smoking daily I still only smoke about 1-1 1/2 joints a day. More doesn´t really give me much, tincture is great if I have it.

Baron Greenback

I seem to get through around an oz per week. I smoke pure joints now as my Herbaliser broke and as outside the US, no warranty.
However, I now have some Ace seeds Golden Tiger, so my intake may drop to about a doob per day, that stuff is fierce.


About 2-3 grams a week in oil, no flower. Not that I mind flower but i'm definitely a proponent of taking less plant material via combustion.


Hi ho here we go
After 40 years of smoking daily ..

After 40 years of smoking daily ..

After about 8 years of smoking daily I still only smoke about 1-1 1/2 joints a day. More doesn´t really give me much, tincture is great if I have it.

I'm down to about 2 joints a day, plus edibles on the weekends :party:
Between 1-2 grams a day, from sun-up to sun-down... Preferably through clean glass water-pipe. I find that smoking more than that starts to affect my motivation and concentration, however, not smoking affects my motivation and concentration just as bad.
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Active member
Too much. I've been finding myself running home from the office to take a dab almost daily around lunch time...granted I live very close, but I used to never smoke in the day time. This oil shit gets your tolerance all kinds of whacked out, I think I need to take another break. I was doing 10+ dabs a day and smoking up to a gram or two a day of herb as well, now I'm down to maybe 3 dabs max and a gram. I've actually been thinking about a long term break soon...we'll see how that goes.


Well-known member
Too much. I've been finding myself running home from the office to take a dab almost daily around lunch time...granted I live very close, but I used to never smoke in the day time. This oil shit gets your tolerance all kinds of whacked out, I think I need to take another break. I was doing 10+ dabs a day and smoking up to a gram or two a day of herb as well, now I'm down to maybe 3 dabs max and a gram. I've actually been thinking about a long term break soon...we'll see how that goes.

10 to 14 days usually does wonders for me but 6 weeks at least if you want totally to be like the first time you got high. Seriously taking a break is important every once in a while. I am usually about 1-2 grams daily but try to rotate strains and cannabinoid profiles. Also change up from joint to bong to vape etc . Peace