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How do YOU train? (strength/power/conditioning thread)


Active member
the high protein diet is a complete myth...you know your body can only digest something like 30 grams of protien per meal...

If any of you read that Houston Texans Player Manuel .....you'd learn alot about how to get fit....

I'm 5'11 220 and at most 10% bodyfat..... I dont take any supplements or eat alot of protien...keep in mind u i used to weigh 170lbs 5 years ago.....thanks Superdrol and Phera Plex.....Patrick Arnold...whats good big homie ;)

Working out is fun.....dont sleep on squats on deadlifts....dont be he typical bean pole who does only chest and triceps...cant stand those guys with pencil legs and huge upper body....only squats help release natural growth hormone
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only squats help release natural growth hormone
WHAT??? I thought growth hormone is released when you're body is in an anaerobic state which has nothing to do with if it's squats or bench presses? Probably easier to get into an anaerobic state with squats or deadlifts though. Isn't it also true, or not true, that when you start feeling nauseous that that's when your body is kicking out growth hormones? Remember reading that the Governator used to have a bucket handy to puke in when working out.

Also...used to work with a guy that was like 5' 10", 240 and the ex starting middle linebacker for BYU as a sophomore. He got hurt and Kurt Gouveia took his place. He was like not human...watched him inhale a 1.5 lb prime rib like it was an appetizer. Shit dude anyone close to those measurements brings back interesting images.


WHAT??? I thought growth hormone is released when you're body is in an anaerobic state which has nothing to do with if it's squats or bench presses?
There's a lot to be said for squats. Squats are an exercise that stimulates the body in a different way than most exercises because of what's almost a life or death situation you're putting yourself in. Your body starts to react in a way that maximizes its output due to the increase in risk. This means your test levels elevate, which is why powerlifters start their workouts with squats. It also means that your vascular structure needs to make significant gains in order to be able to keep up with the demand for blood by the largest muscles in your body. Squats put hair on your chest.

Arnold and Ed Corney doing squats


Sativa Tamer
Backyard style workouts consisting of push-ups, pull-ups, dips, squats, lunges, running, and power wheel (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75mP4iGSwjk) work. My only equipment consist of rocks, sandbags, a pull-up bar, still rings, and a power wheel, but I'm thinking about putting in a 20ft climbing rope this summer.


Darth Fader

the high protein diet is a complete myth...you know your body can only digest something like 30 grams of protien per meal...

If any of you read that Houston Texans Player Manuel .....you'd learn alot about how to get fit....

I'm 5'11 220 and at most 10% bodyfat..... I dont take any supplements or eat alot of protien...keep in mind u i used to weigh 170lbs 5 years ago.....thanks Superdrol and Phera Plex.....Patrick Arnold...whats good big homie ;)

Working out is fun.....dont sleep on squats on deadlifts....dont be he typical bean pole who does only chest and triceps...cant stand those guys with pencil legs and huge upper body....only squats help release natural growth hormone

The biggest nutritional myth out there is the one perpetuated by the USDA - the food pyramid. If you wanna get ripped, go Paleo. If you want to add a lot of muscle fast, drink a gallon of milk a day & do heavy squats & deadlifts.

I looked at that training manual and have to give it a big thumbs down. Seems like it was written in the 70's - not cutting edge stuff at all. The only good section was the one on intervals. The nutrition part was garbage. Leg extensions and calf lifts? These guys are lifting like bodybuilders w/ their "3 sets of 10" routines. Should hypertrophy really be the goal for these guys?

The ONLY thing that matters for fitness is performance. Everything else is window-dressing.


So none of you gym rats can tell me under what circumstances/conditions the body releases growth hormones?


^^kickboxing and smoking kush releases my growth hormones

squats help, so does lots of food. but heavy deadlifts are best for growth.


Game Bred
no lifting or running..

but 2.5 hours 3Xa week breaks down like this

.5 warm up (shrimp outs,rolls,butt walks,Gi lifts,partner squats/drags)
.25 stretching(grappling specific stuff like neck rolls,teeter totters)
.5 BJJ instruction(50% power situational specific drills)
1.25 100% rolling (5 minutes in 1 minute out rotations)

saturday is "open mat" so no real structure but i still like to stretch(i skip warmup on sat. so i have more wind to go with the higher belts and bigger boys)

i dont know about body fat percentage or any of that but i feel pretty good..


^^sweet! i just started BJJ a few months ago, it is lots of fun!, and great exercise too...

my favorite submission so far is the scarfhold shoulder-lock, easy to get to from side-mount if my opponent doesn't expect it.

After not working out for the first few months of BJJ and kickboxing, I recently started doing pullups/muscleups and deadlifts to supplement my training. I am also running on my off-days to build cardio, but i think swimming might be more conducive for BJJ stamina.

great weather lately, hope everyoen is havin fun with their training
So none of you gym rats can tell me under what circumstances/conditions the body releases growth hormones?

Full-body workouts. Not those cosmetic slacker upper-body workouts most self-proclaimed gym-rats do. If you're not gasping for breath at the end of a circuit, you're doing it wrong. Varying your exercises/sets/reps every couple weeks helps too. You want your body to always be under stress. Keep it guessing, keep it straining to adapt to the workload.

If you're still in college, see if you can take some physiology classes to help you understand how the body works. When I was a pre-med student, implementing knowledge from my classes into my lifestyle and training was tremendously effective.


Sativa Tamer
This dude is legit

He is a founding member of the Bar-barians, a club whose only entry requirements are
- 5 muscle ups
- 45 dips
- 55 push-ups
- 25 pull-ups
- and 5 more muscle ups

all in under 6 minutes. Post a video on youtube completing the requirements you're in the club.



the dips might kill me on that, but otherwise it sounds doable...
i'll try tomorrow at the park, ,


Sativa Tamer
I'm not even close to being able to complete the requirements. They are pretty fucking hard. As a first step I would be happy to complete each component separately without stopping. I can't do 25 straight pull-ups - or any muscle-ups.



This got me pretty pumped up last year. May it also inspire you.

The old Bar-barian requirements (the new ones are even tougher) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGFkeG44Klc&feature=player_embedded


Not very intense tho really ,if you want to hit it hard you should be running to the next excercise with no rest at all not casually strolling to the next exercise LOL.

where i used to train we did an aerobic strength test which consisted of.

30 push ups
30 squats
20 burpees
30 crunches
15 close grip push ups
30 tuck jumps
20 scoops
30 crossover crunchs

you had to do that under 4 mins or it was a fail , 4mins was pretty easy tho and a good time would be under 3mins, the record was just over 2mins.


Don't get me wrong it is still good work but i would say it is more strength + endurance becuse of the number of reps they are doing. IMO pure strength training is less reps and more concentrated rather than lots of repetition.

If someone wanted a good combo between strength and stamina i would say pyramid weight training is very good for that and bloody hard work if you do it right.

you cant beat calisthenics tho if you want the most instense workout available .


Not very intense tho really ,if you want to hit it hard you should be running to the next excercise with no rest at all not casually strolling to the next exercise LOL.

where i used to train we did an aerobic strength test ..., the record was just over 2mins.

LOL please post a video of you completing that "not very intense" workout... hmmmmmmmm, not very intense?! i bet you couldn't even do 10 muscle ups in 6 minutes, let alone the rest of that shit.

i thought it was a 5 minute limit... 6 makes it more feasible.

edit: of course it is strength+endurance... that's what fitness is. even strongman comps are strength+endurance.


Sativa Tamer
i thought it was a 5 minute limit... 6 makes it more feasible.

5 minutes was for the old requirements shown in the video (with only 5 muscle ups). The new requirements take away 5 dips, but add 5 pull-ups, 5 push-ups, 5 muscle ups, and allow 6 minutes.


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