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How do YOU train? (strength/power/conditioning thread)


I would suggest to smoke after workout... Yes arnold and others smoke, notice they use testosterone and other hormons so it doesnt even matter if it would "harm" your body.. Maybe they just want to relax with somethink more healthy than alcohol (drops testosterone levels, thats why) Im not a doctor but thats the way i think.

By the way today i got tested testosterone levels... im telling when i get the results. Their very low cause ive been off gym since march... Ok if it doesnt count that ive been training now 2 months pussy because of my shoulder... Dam i hate human body :mad:


welcome to ICmag.. what are your lifts like? i did 5x5 for a while, but i am really over squats for now.. my best lifts were deadlift 315, squat 205, bench 190, pullup BW+70lbs ( i weigh 140)

thnx bud! my lifts are just the good ole compounds, i go 2 on 1 off as far as my split. Also taking in around 5k cals....tryin to get my big boy mooscles damit!!!! currently weighin 180, started at 145 a yr ago. bench 235 squat 380


Active member
Just started powerlifting

Monday = Max Effort Deadlift
Tuesday = Speed Bench
Thursday = Squat
Saturday = Max Effort Bench

I just started power lifting and love it. I am thankful to be able to train with one of the strongest men in the world even though i'm just a scronny little shit.

Deadlift 475
Squat 405
Bench 275

My bench clearly needs work, and I love dead lifting. The private gym I go to just got a mono lift, so I can't wait to up my strength.

Unfortunately powerlifting is an expensive hobby, eating and such, so i'm taking a break on my body until I can afford to do things correctly.

One thing that really upped my strength is band / speed work.. Pulling and benching against bands is bad fuckin ass, and really gets that explosiveness needed to lift heavy.

I weigh 170 and I hope maybe one day to compete.
One of the dudes I train with squats over 1000, not very many people in this world who can do that, so i'm thankful to get the training from him to make the gains I want.


Active member
wow i'm still young but i'm already over the gym i'm disappointed in myself now..i'm 20 but that was high school for me, only when i was on probation.
i'd go every day, twice a day to the gym, if i missed a day i honestly went through withdrawls, start worrying how i would be getting skinnier. i went from stick skinny to straight yoked gained like 20 lbs of pure muscle every time (i go through these lifting phases) there was not 1 speck of fat you could pinch on my body. once i hit that plateau it became a boring ass routine of just maintenance.. then i went to boxing... then got a girlfriend and lost it all again..i miss the gym addiction, more confidence more motivated..i guess the motivation came from quitting weed too.. i fucking hate eating but every specifically pre-planned meal was eaten, egg whites, chicken breasts, wheat pasta..etc and tubs of whey protein for recovery, gallons of water every day..
mon wed fri work on chest, triceps, lats every day.. 20 min of cardio.. eat a snack, go back to gym..
tues thursday biceps, all back, all legs..
weekends: cardio..cycling/ jump rope.


New member
lying to yourself is not a good start 2 the new year

lying to yourself is not a good start 2 the new year

"my gig was doing the olympic pool back & forth underwater on a single breath, and damn when there was no more oxygen left in my bloodstream for muscle strength & endurance I really had to dig deep to make those last few feet. I would do that about 3 times and then do some leisurely laps freestyle."

:laughing:... thats funny. Maybe in your spa u could go wall to wall. you do not swim 50m under water touch the wall and swim another 50m.
you swim under a football field minus endzones? 3 times. lol. sounds like your trying to get shallow water blackout. good training, esp with a couple laps cool down.

live in Atlantis?

Those youtube videos of pullups 4 pimps r :tiphat:
Where my gloves at?


I prefer to smoke after working out rather than before.....Ever break out in laughter when bench pressing? Talk about immediate loss of strength lol. Breaking out in laughter during any exercise is like that too, so i prefer after


Just started powerlifting
...I weigh 170 and I hope maybe one day to compete.
One of the dudes I train with squats over 1000, not very many people in this world who can do that, so i'm thankful to get the training from him to make the gains I want.

I'm assuming that 1000lb squat is with a multiply suit?

RAW ftw

good luck with your powerlifting! sounds like you have a great strength:weight ratio


P.S. I do Rippetoe's 3x5:

3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench
1x5 Deadlift

3x5 Squat
3x5 Overhead Press
3x5 Pendlay Rows

MWF, alternating A and B.

Search google "novice barbell training" if you're interested in the advanced version.

I've spent hours and hours studying squat form and stretching my hamstrings and hips and I'm just starting to really get the form down perfect.

Don't be afraid of squats, people. You aren't lifting to your full potential if you are neglecting squats. No puss-pads, no smith presses. Love the iron.

Not to mention, squats will make your entire body blow up. They increase your testosterone levels and vascular structure more than any exercise (the glutes are the largest muscle in the body!). I've lifted regularly for about 7 years now. For about 6 of them I was afraid of the squat. I am now in love with the squat.

Anyway, I've lifted high before and it was a really extraordinary experience that I recommend. I don't lift with people so I am not at any risk of laughing. With pot, there's a notable difference in your sense of proprioception, especially with regards to your muscles. You feel your muscles differently. You can get inside of them and feel them tense and labor differently. It's almost like it's possible to have a better lifting session with them, so long as you aren't prone to couch-lock.

I have a very disciplined diet and would not compromise it when high.

Also, I have a recommendation that everyone should read, written by Henry Rollins called Iron and the Soul.

And finally, these points:
  • The squat rack is for squats, not barbell curls (frat curls, as we call them)
  • If you want big arms, get big legs
  • If you don't know about diet, don't bother lifting
  • If the barbell does not touch your chest, it is not a bench press
  • If you do not go at least to parallel, it is not a squat
  • If you are compromising form for more weight, you are in the gym for the wrong reasons. Kill your ego



Kiss My Ring
i do my squats first thing in the morning. on the dumper.
get winded brushing my teeth, and finish up with beer lifting.
keeps the girls wishing...

Darth Fader

445# DL (deadlift)
345# BS (back squat)
285# FS (front squat)
205# OHS (overhead squat)
255# BP (bench press)
170# SP (shoulder press)
225# C&J (clean & jerk)
165# Snatch
75# Weighted Pullup

I'm only working out 2 days/wk but really need to fix my diet, lose 30-40 lbs, and add a couple more days, 1 being sprint intervals.


Active member
54 yrs old still hittin it

54 yrs old still hittin it

weight training every other day. power walking in the wet sand on the beach other days .220 lbs ripped.
been doing this and more since school ,through army then prison .A


445# DL (deadlift)
345# BS (back squat)
285# FS (front squat)
205# OHS (overhead squat)
255# BP (bench press)
170# SP (shoulder press)
225# C&J (clean & jerk)
165# Snatch
75# Weighted Pullup

I'm only working out 2 days/wk but really need to fix my diet, lose 30-40 lbs, and add a couple more days, 1 being sprint intervals.

good lifts! how much do you weigh? whats your lifting background like? football? I lift on my own and still havent' learned the snatch properly.

at least my weighted pullups are better than yours haha :dance013::dance013:

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