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How do YOU train? (strength/power/conditioning thread)


Active member
i honestly havent been to the gym in about 7-8 years personally.
but i was a die hard gym rat from 16-25 (give or take)
being a trench warfare football player, i worked out for power and core strength strictly.
a few basic excersizes can turn your center of gravity into a powerhouse.
i looked over your schedule and i feel you do too much weekly.
your power excersizes should only be done 1 time a week, at best.
i'm not sure what a muscle up is tho....

your basic core strengthening excersizes are as follows:

1. bench press (go from barbell to dumbells weekly)
2. incline / decline presses ( alternating weekly)
3. push press (core and shoulders)
4. dead lifts ( legs and core)
5. snatch (core and traps)
6. bench squats. (all the way down to a sitting position, not those 1/2 ass puss squats)
thats bout it for main excersizes (u can supplement other things to fill in your routine)
but your main core exc's should only be done once a week, not including your 3 bench positions. you can do bench twice a week being you tend to recover faster.

reps are super important for strength
week 1: 5-5-5
week 2: 3-3-3
week 3: 5-3-1 (1 rep max to see how you gain strength)
week 4: 15-12-10 (i always hated this week :( )

also if you have a partner, work in negatives into your routine.
you will shred you fast twitch fibers this way, leading to faster growth and insane strength.

i always liked negs on butterfly's and hammy curls.

on your off days, just do calistenics (sp?)
push ups, sit ups, pull ups and dips.
Man you bring back some good days of booty lock! LOL I myself was a one point californias finest in football/track and that was not my prime, it got wasted down a wrong path, and severe ptsd that wasnt understood as now, boy those was the days hurting someone every play or at least trying.

Yes, my man here has the points for raw power, but you gotta tell these guys its all bout not being able to move for two days!!! This is the only trick needed-recoope your body, but bang the living shite out of every rep, and if you have no spotter you never will get those extra reps in where 90% of all growth is!!!

Yeah getting big, and powerful got me into big trouble, specially being from the streets, put it this way when you can power clean 290 lbs a 200lb man aint really a problem, today I am in my mid 30s and have been out of the gym for more than 10 years, smoked cigs for most of that, yet I hit it so hard then, just starting to get back into it went running with my dog, and she cant catch me, still got my speed 4.4 college, and I did a pretty hard workout the other day, and can still curl 100lb barbell 8 times, but really paying for it Lol.

Man muscles have memory! Funny now my body sounds like an old wooden floor with the cracks, and pops from playing football those years. Great thread, and good stories brings back glory days, funny I just started working out again, and came across this thread, and it made me feel good to remenace over those sore ass days! And hell no to the negs on hammies, thats just me, I ran track, and let me tell you running full speed weighing 230 and getting a hammie (pop) locking up on you is the worst feeling in the world as you hit the ground not knowing which pain to grab for!

Yeah I had to stay away from squats, and hammies for track season, got enough workout from running. You got me at that I cant stand those!! lol


Active member
Been lifting for 15 months with a 6 month break mixed in after I broke two bones in my leg (playing football). Deadlifted 320 lbs., beltless and with near perfect form, last night, for the first time. I love pulling.


Active member
aged 60

aged 60

Im still weight training 5 days a week swimming 7 days

Power walking 5 miles 5 days a week on sand bare feet
Bare feet is natural it does wonders for your back and hips

less weight more reps .

I wish there was a face work out ,any ideas.A


Well-known member
Haven't trained in years.been wanting to get back in shape.actually there are exercises for the face Andyo.start chewing sugar free gum.works the jaw muscles. Just start working your neck jaw and cheek muscles.it's pretty easy but takes a lot time to notice a difference.but your swimming everyday so your already ahead of the game

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
4 days a week weight lifting upper/lower body split Mon/Tues/REST/Thurs/Friday/REST/REST

3-5 days a week Indoor Full Court Basketball (2-4) games each run

3 sets of 6-10 **60 seconds Rest**

Upper Body Day

(2) Chest
(2) Back
(2) Shoulders

Lower Body Day

(2) Quad
(2) Hamstring
(1) Calves
(1) Abs
(2) Biceps


Marine Phytoplankton , Gelatine and Cissus Quadrangularis

I destroy Youngsters on the Ball court and Vape Oil all day on the court out of the pen 40watts


Active member
water retention or fat

water retention or fat

Id be growing weed big scale and working out 6 days a week .
I constantly had 1/2 inch of fat on my belly and arse on top of an 8 pack and maybe a 1/4 inch on legs.

Then id shut down the grow go on tropical holiday and only swim and walk and get tanned
withing 4 weeks i was ripped no fat, never figured it out no noticble weight loss 500 g maybe

Ive never used steroids ,just good food
Any ideas what was going on there ?.A


Active member
Id be growing weed big scale and working out 6 days a week .
I constantly had 1/2 inch of fat on my belly and arse on top of an 8 pack and maybe a 1/4 inch on legs.

Then id shut down the grow go on tropical holiday and only swim and walk and get tanned
withing 4 weeks i was ripped no fat, never figured it out no noticble weight loss 500 g maybe

Ive never used steroids ,just good food
Any ideas what was going on there ?.A

only 500g weight loss, are you sure about that?


Active member
great thread....

i have been skipping for 30 mins

20 kilo kettlebell workout

shadow boxing using 6 kilo hand weights

i am gonna buy the alligator 0.5 kilo skipping rope next week


Active member
In the last couple of weeks I've added an HIIT element. 15 minutes on the rower after each training session - 1 minute slow, 1 minute fast. I think I have more energy throughout the day as a result.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I walk our six month old Labrador through the forest and golf course
Will occasionally have fisticuffs with the odd stroppy golfer for a quick cardio lol lol,,,s2


Active member
Time has passed

Time has passed

will be 63 soon
changed routine alternating days
1 day swimming and walking my tropical beach
1 day weight training
1 day resting a week
I weigh 80 kilos now about the same as when fit aged 38.
I noticed i piss like a race horse towards the end of my day off
And look more ripped this has to off loading water from water retention
biggest win is bomb proof core strength mostly from abbs n lower back reps on slings .
Ive added Free squats to my walking n swimming day 250 squats in sets of 50, 2 mins breather between sets.


Well-known member
I have a conditioning machine addiction problem,just cant get through a day without working up a good sweat. Concept2 rower, versaclimber, air bike, real runner makes the wife crazy LOL.
For the last bit I have been putting a couple of Ks a day on a concept2 skierg not a well known machine but it gives a very good work out for your core and anterior chain muscles i recommend the skierg to anyone that wants to develop a tight strong midsection .


Senior Member
That Skierg looks like a fantastic workout.

I have a conditioning machine addiction problem,just cant get through a day without working up a good sweat. Concept2 rower, versaclimber, air bike, real runner makes the wife crazy LOL.
For the last bit I have been putting a couple of Ks a day on a concept2 skierg not a well known machine but it gives a very good work out for your core and anterior chain muscles i recommend the skierg to anyone that wants to develop a tight strong midsection .


Senior Member
I am mostly doing a calisthenics right now. I follow an App that tells me what exercises to dofor each training session.
excellent training coach.
I train 4 times a week. each session is about half an hour. Not too excessive for a very High intensity work out.


Indicas make dreams happen
I'm in total shit shape and would like to make a turn around. I used to swim a lot and really enjoyed it. The ear infections, not so much.


New member
Recently, I decided to take part in the marathon for the first time in my life. And now I train to run long distances. Now I have a workout program consisting of a mixture of workouts for athletes and a crossjamp for endurance training. I run 3-4 times a week. Before the race, I do exercises on such ropes https://askyourfitnessquestion.com/top-4-fitness-battle-ropes-for-effective-workout-review . Then I run a few laps around the stadium, warm up and then run a few kilometers for speed. This is for endurance. Two times a week i do workout.