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Hombre del Monte's garden.

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
I've been lurking in this thread for a while. Love it. Great to see sativa's grown in the sun and what a beautiful location.

Loved your trip post!

I am also into internal martial arts for the last 25 years or so. I was lucky enough to enrol in a form of kung fu that was taught as an internal art and progressed to tai chi soon after. Don't want to bog down your thread with a discussion, just saying that this stuff is truly amazing and great to see another grower who's into it.
@Chi 13, welcome brother, glad your out of the shadows!.

25 years of internal arts! That's an impressive length of time. I've only been practicing for 12 yrs, so have a little way to go yet. Much respect to you.🙏

I'm still reeling from the trip🙂
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Well-known member
After 25 years I also feel like playing with mushrooms again, past experiences were spectacular. But at my age I have less guts and mental freedom. But it would be healthy for me, it would really break with everyday thinking, showing the "existential beautiful wild side of life".

Growing them is a lovely project, cheap and difficult (pan cyan), right up my in-vitro biology street. From time to time I grow them but not so much for tripping but as migraine medication for others. Low doses of mushrooms work well for migraine in some people.



Well-known member
After 25 years I also feel like playing with mushrooms again, past experiences were spectacular. But at my age I have less guts and mental freedom. But it would be healthy for me, it would really break with everyday thinking, showing the "existential beautiful wild side of life".

Growing them is a lovely project, cheap and difficult (pan cyan), right up my in-vitro biology street. From time to time I grow them but not so much for tripping but as migraine medication for others. Low doses of mushrooms work well for migraine in some people.

I have been getting my Spores through Spores Genetics and can vouch for quality and service. CL🍀

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
After 25 years I also feel like playing with mushrooms again, past experiences were spectacular. But at my age I have less guts and mental freedom. But it would be healthy for me, it would really break with everyday thinking, showing the "existential beautiful wild side of life".

Growing them is a lovely project, cheap and difficult (pan cyan), right up my in-vitro biology street. From time to time I grow them but not so much for tripping but as migraine medication for others. Low doses of mushrooms work well for migraine in some people.

This morning I micro dosed. 200mg

I think after 25 yrs it would do you "the world of good". A proper "spring clean", as they say.


Well-known member
"I think after 25 yrs it would do you "the world of good". A proper "spring clean", as they say.".

That...or a 5 hour religious psychosis. A real break with the ordinary either way.

I am old school in the sense that I always took high doses, to undergo the full visual spectacle. Domes made out of rotating colored skulls with horizons of fractals and insect designs. Mag-ni-fi-cent. In the top 5 of life long memories. Needed some planning, making a dark room, dogs staying at the parents, a neutral trip-sitter that checks on me. And nothing else on my mind.

This is pretty close:

When autumn comes I will do a grow. I got high quality donkey manure from an organic farm waiting. And I have all the hardware and fresh spores, BVI strain from free spore ring Europe, that still exists.
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Well-known member
Safe journey brother. 🙂🙏

A hero's dose, awesome my friend. I hope you will enlighten us with report, even if brief, after you've landed and rested. 🙂
I like doing 6 grams in a blacked out room while listening to this music 🎶. It makes for a wonderful experience. It’s just a screenshot since I don’t know how to link 🔗. CL🍀


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Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
So, here's the early flowing Erdpurt (ie too early and therefore I expect a drastically reduced yield); she's up on the roof flowing, whilst enjoying almost the entire day as direct sunlight!.

The pot she's in is surprisingly cool, with all the growth that I've managed to wrap around her.
This morning I scratched in a spoonful of seabird guano that'll get watered in over the next few drinks.

One of the views from the roof..


Well-known member
So, here's the early flowing Erdpurt (ie too early and therefore I expect a drastically reduced yield); she's up on the roof flowing, whilst enjoying almost the entire day as direct sunlight!. View attachment 19021174
The pot she's in is surprisingly cool, with all the growth that I've managed to wrap around her.
This morning I scratched in a spoonful of seabird guano that'll get watered in over the next few drinks. View attachment 19021170 View attachment 19021171
One of the views from the roof..
View attachment 19021173
Beautiful scenery but your Erdpurt looks like a Indica with those fat fans. I never grew one but is it normal for them to grow like that? I’m sure it’s gonna be great I’m just curious about it. CL🍀


Well-known member
Safe journey brother. 🙂🙏

A hero's dose, awesome my friend. I hope you will enlighten us with report, even if brief, after you've landed and rested. 🙂
The best I can describe the last time was like luminous colored vibrating fractal patterns that were moving and changing with a very bright white hole in the center. It was really beautiful and peaceful. I would get body rushes starting from my feet in waves that was very pleasant. I’m hoping that I have a repeat experience. The next day I had an overall calm happy feeling but felt drained. CL🍀.

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
It's a lovely late afternoon here in Las Alpujarras and perfect weather to eat al fresco.

As some of you ¿might be aware, Mrs DM and myself are longstanding vegetarians. Myself for over 40 yrs.

And yes, we like rabbit food!

What have we got this evening?

Top left
Is a simple green salad with local organic avocado. The dressing is local raw honey, local organic olive oil, live cider vinegar (I sometime make my own, but this is not it), a good pinch of Himalayan salt and just enough cayenne pepper to notice, but not be at all hot.

Clockwise we have,
Organic baby beetroot, walnuts, an amazing soft and creamy goats cheese, raw honey, all sitting on some baby spinach leaves,

Next comes the Waldorf

Walnuts,(again😂,but they are extremely good nuts), celery, green apple and red grapes, in a Dijon mustard, Greek yogurt and mayonnaise dressing.

And lastly

Chick peas, red pepper, red onion, celery, rosemary in red wine vinegar dressing.

I think that's everything. We don't tend to eat much at this time of year; it's too hot and we don't need it. Fruit, salad and a few handfuls of nuts, cold Gazpacho soup, that sort of thing. I do occasionally eat fresh fish, whilst sitting on the edge of the beach, so I guess I'm not a vegetarian after all😂. It's maybe every 3months and the fish was caught locally the same morning, it's not seen processing, so I'm pretty cool with that.

With the salads, we generally add a new one each day, as the last of an early one gets eaten. After 2 days the flavours are generally improved. Of course, the green salad is always fresh.
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Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Beautiful scenery but your Erdpurt looks like a Indica with those fat fans. I never grew one but is it normal for them to grow like that? I’m sure it’s gonna be great I’m just curious about it. CL🍀
😂 well spotted brother! Indeed it is. A few pages back I mentioned that I had 3 different Indicas in pots this year. Some pure indica will be a nice evening treat for Mrs DM and myself. I will make bedtime cob and medicinal tinctures.
Now, either you've not been reading everything, Or your memory is completely shot by excessive cannabis use (and likely other hallucinogens too). I'm going to be kind and go with the latter😂. If I was to start thinking you're missing out whole pages, then I'll have to ask you to leave the garden ( I'll be sad) and you will have to stand on one of the terraces, were you may get the occasional whiff of a plant growing; They're would be no coffee and certainly no cinnamon rolls. 😉😂
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Well-known member
It's a lovely late afternoon here in Las Alpujarras and perfect weather to eat al fresco.

As some of you ¿might be aware, Mrs DM and myself are longstanding vegetarians. Myself for over 40 yrs.

And yes, we like rabbit food!
View attachment 19021244
What have we got this evening?

Top left
Is a simple green salad with local organic avocado. The dressing is local raw honey, local organic olive oil, live cider vinegar (I sometime make my own, but this is not it), a good pinch of Himalayan salt and just enough cayenne pepper to notice, but not be at all hot.

Clockwise we have,
Organic baby beetroot, walnuts, an amazing soft and creamy goats cheese, raw honey, all sitting on some baby spinach leaves,

Next comes the Waldorf

Walnuts,(again😂,but they are extremely good nuts), celery, green apple and red grapes, in a Dijon mustard, Greek yogurt and mayonnaise dressing.

And lastly

Chick peas, red pepper, red onion, celery, rosemary in red wine vinegar dressing.

I think that's everything. We don't tend to eat much at this time of year; it's too hot and we don't need it. Fruit, salad and a few handfuls of nuts, cold Gazpacho soup, that sort of thing. I do occasionally eat fresh fish, whilst sitting on the edge of the beach, so I guess I'm not a vegetarian after all😂. It's maybe every 3months and the fish was caught locally the same morning, it's not seen processing, so I'm pretty cool with that.

With the salads, we generally add a new one each day, as the last of an early one gets eaten. After 2 days the flavours are generally improved. Of course, the green salad is always fresh.
If I still lived in Florida I would be eating fresh fish 🐟 every day. Caught, filleted and enjoyed by myself. Occasionally fresh crabs 🦀 and shrimp 🍤. CL🍀

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Ok, so I don't post anything in my diary for weeks and now I can't stop!

I've just been looking at the outdoor mushroom patch and really wanted to share it; I'll show them again in a couple of days when they've grown more. That are 5 distinct areas of growth.

The two single mushrooms, I expect will be joined by some friends during the next 24 hrs or so.

4 shrooms

6 shrooms

I counted 15 of the little guys (some are not so little as you can see by the lighter). I'm pretty sure that tomorrow they'll be several more. 🤞😉


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