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Holy grail Mr Nice.


ICMag Donor
The book is good non the less... it’s not an imagination in someone’s mind in a memory or a picture un-sharable or un-verifiable it’s in print and it’s been for a long time. There’s a reference to it, and it’s also not that big of a picture, can one id plants from a close-up? I’d take something tangible instead of someones word or memory most times, do you have a better one? Maybe it’s wrong but RCC stood up to be counted, more than one can say about most haze experts… and no I am not having at you my friend, and I am not saying this is the ”id for haze” picture…
I don’t know about any of you but I learnt a whole lot from this book>>


Well-known member
Shanti's "Shit" has been around for a long time. Just not by that name.
Here is what Shanti now call's "Shit" from the '86 catalog:

Regarding Shanti's 5HzC122 ("mango"), he has posted openly that he selected a male "5HzC122" in 2001 from the same seedlot that produced the original female 5HzC122 (mother of mango haze) and the female 5HzC1 (mother of SSH.)

Of course, it is confusing as hell to use the same name for the male as they are not the same plants, regardless of how similar they may be. Confusing or misleading, each of us have our own opinion of that.
Many of the threads with better clarity on the issue by Shanti have been deleted over there, but THIS ONE has some good info and a post from Shanti that can be easily decoded.


The Haze Whisperer
Regarding Shanti's 5HzC122 ("mango"), he has posted openly that he selected a male "5HzC122" in 2001 from the same seedlot that produced the original female 5HzC122 (mother of mango haze) and the female 5HzC1 (mother of SSH.)

Raho the 5HzC- 122 was selected by Nevil as was the 5HzC-1 and both are female.

I dont remember any of you in the mr nice forum at Cannabis world were the test seed was posted about and were grow threads were posted of the test seed.

Nevil calibrated with Shanti on the Mango Haze and on a few other things.

Nevil told me the father of the Mango Haze test seed was the SkHzA he him self had made not shanti.

Non of you grew any of the test seed so i am un sure how its makes you an athority on these.


Well-known member

Shanti's "Shit" has been around for a long time. Just not by that name.
Here is what Shanti now call's "Shit" from the '86 catalog:
View attachment 18787511

Regarding Shanti's 5HzC122 ("mango"), he has posted openly that he selected a male "5HzC122" in 2001 from the same seedlot that produced the original female 5HzC122 (mother of mango haze) and the female 5HzC1 (mother of SSH.)

Of course, it is confusing as hell to use the same name for the male as they are not the same plants, regardless of how similar they may be. Confusing or misleading, each of us have our own opinion of that.
Many of the threads with better clarity on the issue by Shanti have been deleted over there, but THIS ONE has some good info and a post from Shanti that can be easily decoded.

mack 10

Well-known member
I like it because the author is a man of my own heart …he’s surreptitious (I’m not anymore because I don’t need to be , but he taught me a lot when I needed it)
true dat. i had Eds closet cultivator one, that got read, re read then read some more...ahajhaaa.
back before the web, learning how to grow was near impossible..
imagine, just grab ya smartphone,
type in what ya want to know....


Well-known member
Raho the 5HzC- 122 was selected by Nevil as was the 5HzC-1 and both are female.

I dont remember any of you in the mr nice forum at Cannabis world were the test seed was posted about and were grow threads were posted of the test seed.

Nevil calibrated with Shanti on the Mango Haze and on a few other things.

Nevil told me the father of the Mango Haze test seed was the SkHzA he him self had made not shanti.

Non of you grew any of the test seed so i am un sure how its makes you an athority on these.
So your assumption is that he still had the 5HzC122 "Mango" cut (mother of Mango haze) that Nevil selected in 96/97 and used that to make the tester seeds you had, and that he only selected the "Mango 122" male himself for use in other lines in 2001?

Here's the post I'm referencing:

shanti mango haze 122 male and female.jpg

Did I misread what he wrote in his post when he said "Mango haze has both a female and a male side . . . and both were selected by me in 2001." Reading it again, it's still confusing.

Actually, what he DOESN'T say is that he used the 5HzC122 female selected by Nevil in 96/97 to make his Mango seeds. He just says that Nevil selected the (original) 5HzC122 female at that time.

It's hard to understand Shanti's writing on the forums as it always comes across like it was written by a non-native english speaker struggling to convey their meaning.
I think that's because he is working very hard to avoid answering direct questions, and it comes out sounding like nonsense.

This is the kind of vague, intentionally confusing crap that people have to deal with all the time trying to decipher Shanti's strain descriptions.

He says that pedigree details don't matter, and that we (his customers) don't need to know them.
But even you yourself make a big deal about those details with the importance of the Skunk Hz A male in the testers you got . . . a specific parent plant that he didn't use to make the seeds that ultimately were sold in the retail packs.

The truth of the Mango Haze pedigree is unknowable from Shanti's post.
Your account of Nevil's private statements to you about what Shanti used to make Mango Haze are also questionable, as Nev contradicted that publicly in his posts stating that the only difference between SSH and Mango haze was the mother plants used to make them, and that both used the same Skunk/Haze C male.
I'm not gonna go search to find that post but we all read it.

Nevil didn't know what Shanti used to make it because they didn't "calibrate" on shit.
Nev said things on the forum several times that made it sound that way out of kindness to Shanti and in gratitude for being allowed to come back and use/hang out on his forum.


The Haze Whisperer
Did I misread what he wrote in his post when he said "Mango haze has both a female and a male side . . . and both were selected by me in 2001
All i see is a post from 2012.

I keep telling you the Mango haze test seed and the Mango Haze that was released are two different animals and that was because most that tested it culled the plants as they were in there wards not practical plants as they were like growing pure sats.


Nevil didn't know what Shanti used to make it because they didn't "calibrate" on shit.
Nev said things on the forum several times that made it sound that way out of kindness to Shanti and in gratitude for being allowed to come back and use/hang out on his forum.