There are programs that stitch together multiple small photos, but I did it manually with an application called Paint Shop Pro (if interested, you can download a free one-month trial version from Basically, I created a new blank file that was 3,000 pixels long and 800 pixels high, copied in the individual photos, and aligned 'em as best I could. Then I just cropped out the extraneous stuff. It isn't perfect--my terraces aren't bowl-shaped!--but it gets the idea across.
ive heard of paint shop pro. but i had no idea it could do this. thanks man. its very creative, now i gotta figure out how to make each seperate picture fit as evenly as possible. a tripod with a compass on it would be nice right now have a good one man.
My friend has a camera that allows you to take specially formatted photos, and gives you a program to stitch em together. A canon I think, just saw it in action today. It's a regular consumer model AFAIK.
Not to be a party pooper, but if you want plants that are going to catch up with those girls now, they're going to need to be in the ground very soon, cuz those girls will not be slowing down at all
Yeah, I have a Canon too (love it, by the way), and it has the photo-stitching capability. I should figure out how to use that feature. Probably a no-brainer, I just haven't done my time with the user guide yet.
As for screening plants, I've accepted that nothing is going to catch up to the white widders at this point, so no big backyard parties at my place until sometime in October. That's OK...I'm pretty freakin' busy between my job, my garden, and my girlfriend.
You've Got to be crazy. Growing in your back yard like that is a sure way to get busted big time. Even if your neighbors are cool I'll bet one of them harvests your plants before you get to it.
(excuse me if you have some legal right to grow)
you'd be surprised how many people grow in their backyard's. not much worse than growing in your closet. i'd love to grow in my yard. save me alot of time hauling damn dirt around everywhere.
You've Got to be crazy. Growing in your back yard like that is a sure way to get busted big time.
Y'know, my family does have a genetic predisposition toward the insane, so maybe that explains things!
Seriously though Hide, I do grow legally. I'm a medical grower in CA, and I always stay within my plant I ought to be OK. Like a lot of outdoor growers, I think the biggest threat I face is theft.
Well, the beautiful weather has continued unabated, and the Widders are digging it. Here's my garden as of today:
Looking at it now, it's more like the mary jane is shielding the non-marijuana plants from sight rather than the other way around. NOT what I'd intended but also, y'know, kinda funny. It's like, can you identify the tomatoes and beans? Sheesh. Yeah, no parties here this summer, that's for sure.
One of the plants looks absolutely freakish. Check this mutant out:
Here's a better look at her crazy foliage:
Some of the middle leaves are cupping, which is odd because she's not underwatered. Won't be doing any seed production on THIS one. Kinda fun to observe her, though.
This shot shows how thick the once-spindly stalks have gotten:
smokateer, the little ones started out as cloning experiments. I'm not growing indoors at the moment so I just left 'em outside; they've been there since mid-April or so. I'd intended to grow 'em to "full size" but for some reason they started flowering. It gives me some idea what sea of green clones might look like, though. The three or four smallest ones are Caramella (and damn tasty, I might add).
I also have a couple of really crappy-looking G13s in containers. I think they're visible in yesterday's pic--one on the far left, the other on the ledge on the far right. They also started out as cloning experiments and somehow survived a failed attempt at hydro. They were crispy li'l things when I put 'em back in soil indoors. Then, when I ran out of space for 'em in my closet, I stuck 'em in the ground outside WAY prematurely. They didn't do well at all--not that I expected 'em to--but they did manage to stay alive. I dug 'em out of the ground maybe six weeks ago to make room for the widders and translanted 'em AGAIN into pots, this time giving 'em some TLC. To my amazement they're putting out absolutely incredible-smelling buds! WAY better than the plants from which I cloned 'em.
Those two have really been through the wringer. I have to respect how tough they are.
I've been having a good time with the Canon my girlie gave me and thought I'd snap a few new pics of the great outdoors that is my back yard.
So, although the bigger plants aren't exactly hidden, the smaller ones were easy to tuck discreetly into tighter spaces. The one on the left is one of the Caramella clones that I put into the ground.
It's such a tasty strain that I wish I'd done the same with all five clones; I would have gotten a much better yield. Still, it's fun to watch 'em go straight from clone to bud. I like the looks of this one:
This Big Bud, though only about sixteen inches tall, is already packing on some major flowerage from top to bottom. Don't know how this could have happened before the solstice, but hey! Not complaining:
Meanwhile, the bigger girls continue to go nuts. I've been training them to grow vertically, but as you can see, they keep straining upward:
This one is behaving the way I want her to, developing into a multi-cola bush.
hmm i have no idea how your big bud started blooming before soliste most dont usually start until a while after soliste i wish one of mine would do me a favor and start producing a little bit early. your larger plant's are deffiently getting big dude nice job.
oh and if your main growth shoot is growing too fast and you want the lower one's to catch up. just pinch the upper part of the stem on the main growth shoot and it will stop for about a day or two so the other can get closer to the same height.