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heady's maine adventure: gavitas, blumats, and the wicked lobstah soil mix


New member
Heady - I've actually been throwing that idea around in my head...active intake that is. So....does the cfm on the intake fans matter much? Like do I have to worry about matching it (or getting it close to) the cfm for the exhaust fans? Or will the negative pressure created by the bigger exhaust fan still pull an adequate amount of air through the intake regardless of the fan there, just being assisted by the intake fans? Which will, according to how I understand the process, put less stress on the exhaust fan as it pulls air through the room. Right?

But...one would still aim to maintain negative pressure in the flower/veg room to contain the smell sooo.....if I do go with active intake just make sure the combined cfm of the smaller fans stays below that of the exhaust. Right?

And yeah...I didn't realize those louver vents were posted in micro grows...like scaled down to miniature size. The cost for materials doing it on a normal scale is kind of ridiculous. I'd like to check out the vents you made out of that foam which seems a tad bit more economical...also some guy named icabod Crane has a decent looking and cost efficient design that I'm giving seriously considering putting together.


They look to me to be effectively designed...but my knowledge regarding light traps is leaning towards the direction of not knowing a damn thing. So we'll see how they work out.

Thanks for the help

Peace and CBD grease.

heady blunts

prescription blunts
icky is awesome. that's a great design. definitely cheaper! i wonder how the airflow is through there? i guess it's about equal to that hole cut in the front.

if you've got the space that's a pretty sweet design. also you could simply cut the front hole the size of your allergen filters and it would be a very clean little install.

the active intake is how you're imagining it. you still need to maintain negative pressure, so the exhaust must outpower the intake.

what's nice about it is you can cut much smaller holes for your intakes, and use just a couple turns in the ducting as a light trap.

i hadn't thought about multiple fans...there's some physics when stacking fans you gotta work with.

from the ventilation 101 thread:

One of the challenges in building a good ventilation system is to get the right amount of airflow. If you're stuck and you need to add or replace a fan, many times it doesn't quite work out.

One of the reasons is that the Air Flow is proportional to the square of the Pressure. Adding a second fan will not double the flow but will increase it by square root of 2, (1.41), or by about 40 percent. To double the Air Flow requires four times the Pressure.

There are two ways to add a second fan and they have completely different effects on the system.

The first way is to add a second fan inline with the first. The fan curve is the single fan curve with the pressure doubled at the same flow rate value.


The second way is to add a parallel fan. This doesn't boost the pressure at all but doubles the air flow at the original fan curve pressure value.


If you like these fans check out the S&P Catalog. The fans have adapters that make it easy to stack and parallel them.



System A is very restricted. We can see that the air flow improves quite a bit with series compared to parallel.

System B and C are less restricted and the improvements in air flow are similar between series and paralllel.

System D is an unrestricted system with the parallel fans providing a significant improvement over the series fans.


I did a little experiment a while ago with 4 computer fans. I connected them in series and boy did they ever make a good amount of pressure and they were pretty quiet too. Each computer fan can produce 0.2" static pressure. Four in series will produce the same pressure as a Dayton blower at 0.75". The noise of a computer fan is around 20 db with the noise doubling every 6 db so four fans would make about 38 db of noise which is way quieter than some of the noisy blowers that start at 65-70db.

i guess for my space i was imagining a big ass 8 inch maybe and then i could split the line inside the room for multiple exit points (although that has its own set of physical limitations).

tbh i think that was mostly motivated by the fact that i already have an 8" fan and controller so i wouldn't have to buy anything lol.

heady blunts

prescription blunts
i got a nice nug shot of the cbdb f2 #1 sativa pheno.


she came out way nicer under the gavitas than in the old 400 set up! i wanna get her tested and see if there's thc-v present like in the thunderstruck.

terp profile is more complex this time too. this shit is LOUD smell through the bag stuff. under the 400 she was pure cat piss but there's a lot more going on with this batch.

good yeilder too. really dense nuggets for such a powerful soaring sativa effect. most herb that i've had that has this level of super intense head has a more tropical, fluffy bud structure.

can't wait to press out the trim. cody's rosin came out really lovely btw.

i'm sad to report the cody cut is lost. fate conspired to destroy round after round of cuts and the reveg never took. this is especially emotional since i had hoped to honor my late friend's memory with the cut and keep it around for years, and to share it with people that needed a bit of happiness in their life.

i feel that my partner and i fought valiantly to save her over the past few months, and therefore i have to assume this was meant to be.

i hope that at the very least her short time with us has provided enough inspiration for others to hunt through the cbdb line and find even more euphoric and spiritual expressions!

for those of you holding seeds sprout those magic beans! i loved this cut, but i know there are even better representations of the breeding goals to be found in the remaining lot.

i've still got phenos #1, #2, and #8 backed up, and the f2's i saved for just this situation, so i'm not dropping this line any time soon.


Active member
Back to the powered intake discussion. Use the same size fan for intake and exhaust. Put a speed controller on the intake and adjust it to give you just a bit of neg pressure. If you're exhausting thru a carbon filter, you'll need to downspeed the intake a little more. As far as light leaks, etc. go, intaking thru a carbon filter will allow no light thru. Maybe more expensive than other light blocking measures, but less trouble, and your intake air will be clean. Good luck. -granger

heady blunts

prescription blunts
Back to the powered intake discussion. Use the same size fan for intake and exhaust. Put a speed controller on the intake and adjust it to give you just a bit of neg pressure. If you're exhausting thru a carbon filter, you'll need to downspeed it a little more. As far as light leaks, etc. go, intaking thru a carbon filter will allow no light thru. Maybe more expensive than other light blocking measures, but less trouble, and your intake air will be clean. Good luck. -granger


i don't think i've said enough how much i appreciate your posts. always on point. you have a rare, genius level common sense :huggg:

edit: i'm gonna add this here so i never forget it: another suggestion granger gave me once, clean your carbon filters by putting them outside with the fan flipped over so it's blowing through it for a few minutes. when the dust stops flying out, it's ready to go again!

heady blunts

prescription blunts
those shrooms are cool.

is the phat intake filter light proof?

we were throwing around the idea of a K&N automobile intake filter on the other thread...


Well-known member
I believe they are light proof. I never had one of the hepa ones, but I do have one of there carbon ones and it is light proof. Same design just a different material.


Active member
Wow, Heady. Aw Gee Whiz. Garsh...I'm flattered, especially coming from you. Thanks. -granger

Even better than a carbon filter, cheaper. Good idea. Thanks. -granger


Well-known member

i don't think i've said enough how much i appreciate your posts. always on point. you have a rare, genius level common sense :huggg:

edit: i'm gonna add this here so i never forget it: another suggestion granger gave me once, clean your carbon filters by putting them outside with the fan flipped over so it's blowing through it for a few minutes. when the dust stops flying out, it's ready to go again!

Heady, how long are you getting out of a filter? My set up has me blowing through my filter under normal operation and I was indeed thinking that I should take it out and let it suck through it on full blast for a few minutes.

I thought I should replace it 2 runs ago but stretched it out and have not had an issue with it yet. I am again about to fire up the tent and am thinking I should buy a filter yet again. Its about 2 years old now and has 4 cycles run through it. I love to save money but odor control is not something I can afford to skimp on.


New member
So not that it took much but I'm sold on active intake...

Heady - about those filtrete filters you mentioned in that lung room thread...looking at them it doesn't seem like it matters weather you push or pull through the but is their efficiency effected either way?


ICMag Donor
clean your carbon filters by putting them outside with the fan flipped over so it's blowing through it for a few minutes. when the dust stops flying out, it's ready to go again!

Does this work? Have you tried it?
I've always wondered about "cleaning" a carbon filter.



Well-known member
I actually am doing something sort of like that... I saved an old carbon filter that I used for a good 6 months... Well I bought a new one and now I'm also using the old carbon filter that I saved... What I did was-took off the white fuzzy cover slip thing and put that in the wash machine... Well I had another inline fan so I put the carbon filter on the floor , standing up with the inline fan on the top sucking air into the fan and blowing the scrubbed air out through the carbon filter... I also have my new one hanging in the upper corner of the room as ussuall... It's the last few weeks before harvest now and this always the time when I can start smelling it outside some (depending)...


Well-known member
a good trick with the pre filter is to put it in an old pillow case when you wash it so the spin cycle doesnt shred the media

heady blunts

prescription blunts
good suggestions guys! i haven't tried cleaning a filter yet but i'll be incorporating all these tips when the time comes.

so far we're still getting good odor control from the same can 125 we started with (knocks on wood).


the filtrete filters are unidirectional, but you can decide how to mount them so they'd work for either pushing or pulling through. i'm pulling through mine fwiw.


Active member
All I can say is that it has worked for me, worked well, and worked repetedly. I still have 2 10 year old Mountain Air 6x20's that have been in limited use the last 2 years. But they still do the job. Both went 24-7 for about 6 years. About every 6 months, I blew them out. Wait for a low humidity day, blow back thru it for about 45 mins to an hour. I wipe the outside of the can about every 10 to 15 mins, and when there's no longer much beige/gray dust collecting on the can mesh, I consider it done. Big money saver. Good luck. -granger


Well-known member
Im going to try it at least leading up to flower. I got some glue and a couple others vegging right now and they are stinky bastards even at this stage so I think Im going to buy a new one just to have on deck. Worst case is I have to by another tent for the filter I have laying around ;-)


ICMag Donor
Gonna have to try this myself too. Hard to believe this is the 1st I'm hearing of it.

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