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heady's maine adventure: gavitas, blumats, and the wicked lobstah soil mix


Well-known member
im psyched about the med tree seeds we just got. they'll be going in the dirt in two weeks.

cbd cookies and OG. cant wait.

Seeds ftw. Like growing lottery tickets!
Funny you mentioned that about not needing or putting plants directly under lights. Been doing that for years and I wouldnt have it any other way. This with good genetics and environment is the best way to get frosty nugs.

Do you grow veggies outside? If so have you ever experienced Septoria Leaf spot?

Also any issues with cannabis inside or out dudding? The dudding thing has happened to me a bit the last few rounds and it's very weird/interesting. Can have a plant that is nice n healthy, frosty, stinky. Then it will have a few branches that look horrible. Extra green, mimimal trichs, no smell.

Wondering if other locals are having this issue. So far the few other "local" (instate) growers ive asked about it havent seen it.

Twisted pleasur

Active member
I have a Coco DTW grow area. I need to start reusing my coco. How do you go about recycling yours?

I use cyco newts and they flush really easy being protein base. So the last week if flower I flush. But Ive done it with other foods just may have a longer flush. And so when I repot I double my Zym in veg. and give them a good watering and I never have any issues with re use.
I just take out the root ball and any root mass I can get but I dont worry to much about any root matter it just cellulose and turns to an extra N source. I add Fresh coco to make up for what I loose from the rootball as well.

Sorry Heady not trying to derail. Im sure you have reused your soil no?
I did for several years just re amending it as I went. I switched to coco playing the field. I get board easy.

heady blunts

prescription blunts
no worries twisted! i'm happy to see any good discussion spring up here, especially if it's encouraging folx to recycle or try no-till!

i recycled for years, started with the first bags of ffof i got for my first grow and kept going from there, adding different amendments every recycle to try and slowly diversify the amendments.

if you dig up my old outdoor thread you'll see the first yard i designed and built from scratch. it was awesome! but it was kinda overkill. i took that "diversity of amendments" tune we were all singing back then as far as i could in my area.

the rock dust and crab shell in that soil that got me really thinking about the type of recipe that's now known as a "coot mix"

then i dropped out for a while when i was living in prohibition.

i built another half yard or so during the interim from old potting soil i dug out of a friend's dump pile in his veggie garden. using cheap, foraged, and home made inputs i built a decent soil that performed okay for a couple years.

when i designed this mix (wicked lobstah), i had budget restrictions, but i also knew our soil would be our most valuable asset, so i tried to maximize every aspect. it was a bit of work to hunt down all these items, so i hope by figuring out what's available locally other folks can recreate it relatively painlessly.

these are designed to be no till, so instead of dumping everything out and re amending, i make a really nice EWC to topdress after transplant. usually i'll throw a bit of neem or malted barley under there, and a big scoop of kelp is almost always a good idea.

once i get this little ecosystem hoonin in perfect balance i hope to have a really dank leaf mold mulch that closes the loop entirely, requiring no additional inputs other than keeping it nice and deep.

heady blunts

prescription blunts
coupla phone pics from last night:

the harlesin trimmed up SO PRETTY.


check out "the runt" (cbdb f2 #8)



senior member
Again, great show heady!

Just curious. How are you using your cdb crosses? I don't smoke herb anymore, I vape and eat herb though. Not sure where your at on your home front.

I grow cannatonic #4 and make it all into oil for cannacaps. We either mix the oil 50/50 with high thc oil, or go with 100% cannatonic for buzz free canna therapy. Both seem to work well, but some of your crosses seem like their all in one types......intriguing.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Harlesin looks great and a nice wrap up to my getting caught up on this thread ;)

heady blunts

prescription blunts
thanks you two!

scrap--- i've been amazed at the benefits i'm finding by adding some cbd to my medicating regimen.

i smoke the thunderstruck throughout the day, basically at the same rate as i was medicating with sativa dominant thc strains. i love smoking flower and i love my blunts (no surprise there i'm sure) so daily i smoke several heady blunts of the thunderstruck starting with my first smoke of the day and on into the afternoon.

for my 4th-ish smoke of the day i'll start mixing in more THC, sometimes smoking a sativa dom thc strain, but more often mixing my most potent THC herb (eg chem x or cbdb 1) with the thunderstruck, which i assume brings the ratio from 1.5:1 cbd:thc to more like 1:1.5. i think having about even to slightly weighted to thc dominant ratios seem to work the best for me.

i usually want some pure thc by the evening, so i'll smoke a small blunt before i start thinking about dinner and a bigger one after i finish the dishes.

i've been working until like 3 am several nights a week (garden time), so i usually start supplementing my smoking with some dabs.

if i have pain that keeps me from sleeping i'll smoke a couple bong hits of the CBD medicine and it relaxes my muscle spasms enough for me to fall asleep.

i've also been experimenting with squooshing the CBD meds into rosin. i plan on getting that CBD rosin lab tested in the next couple weeks to verify that i'm getting a good translation of the cannabinoid ratios from the flowers to the concentrate.

preliminary biological tests are promising :smoke:

one last note: i'm pretty sure all the cbd meds i've tried so far are sativa dominant hybrids. i'll be interested to see how a more sedative indica effect will be effected with cbd present. gotta get those med tree seeds in the dirt and find out!

rosin pics because pics:




heady blunts

prescription blunts
Well that's shitty. Well at least I heard it was cancelled before just showing up and finding out. Made a bubble wrap blunt. If you wanna have a session soon hit me up. It's just chilling in the freezer.

sorry i missed this post roost!

just to clarify, you made a blunt wrap by pressing bubble hash into a rollable sheet? rad!

who dat is

Cave Dweller
I was curious about the circle pucks as well? Can you explain what's going on there and how you have that shape press? Sorry if I missed it somewhere in here.


senior member
thanks you two!

scrap--- i've been amazed at the benefits i'm finding by adding some cbd to my medicating regimen.

i smoke the thunderstruck throughout the day, basically at the same rate as i was medicating with sativa dominant thc strains. i love smoking flower and i love my blunts (no surprise there i'm sure) so daily i smoke several heady blunts of the thunderstruck starting with my first smoke of the day and on into the afternoon.

for my 4th-ish smoke of the day i'll start mixing in more THC, sometimes smoking a sativa dom thc strain, but more often mixing my most potent THC herb (eg chem x or cbdb 1) with the thunderstruck, which i assume brings the ratio from 1.5:1 cbd:thc to more like 1:1.5. i think having about even to slightly weighted to thc dominant ratios seem to work the best for me.

i usually want some pure thc by the evening, so i'll smoke a small blunt before i start thinking about dinner and a bigger one after i finish the dishes.

i've been working until like 3 am several nights a week (garden time), so i usually start supplementing my smoking with some dabs.

if i have pain that keeps me from sleeping i'll smoke a couple bong hits of the CBD medicine and it relaxes my muscle spasms enough for me to fall asleep.

i've also been experimenting with squooshing the CBD meds into rosin. i plan on getting that CBD rosin lab tested in the next couple weeks to verify that i'm getting a good translation of the cannabinoid ratios from the flowers to the concentrate.

preliminary biological tests are promising :smoke:

one last note: i'm pretty sure all the cbd meds i've tried so far are sativa dominant hybrids. i'll be interested to see how a more sedative indica effect will be effected with cbd present. gotta get those med tree seeds in the dirt and find out!

rosin pics because pics:

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Thanks for your detailed response.

I've found adding cdb's to about anything makes it more uplifting. Great for me because I'm a satty guy. But for us we make oil out of the whole cdb plants to make both mixed cdb/thc canna caps or straight cdb caps.

I've also made canna caps from vaporizer duff or spent material from a vape, and mix the resulting oil with cdb oil. I label those bottles, "sleepy time" for obvious reasons. Patients rave about these for sleep.

heady blunts

prescription blunts
hi friends!

i've been busy and have missed an update or two, but i'll be back on track shortly. i needed some quality time with the family and to hit the beach before summer is over!


as for the pucks: i've found it's important to compress the herb before squooshing when making flower rosin, and it's absolutely necessary when running trim.

i had been making little balls until HMK suggested snakes and sunfire suggested flat rectangles. i didn't have a rectangle mold, but i did have an old hash press, so i ended up with circular pucks.

i make the pucks with one of those old school hash presses like this:


then i cut them in half so they fit the footprint of the hair iron plates better. here's snake vs puck. both methods got better returns than the little balls plus i could squish 2--3 x more herb per press.


here's some of the chemx trim rosin


scrappy---i've found my second presses on the rosin wafers yield a very comfy sleepy couchlock effect. i have to explore it further...

FE---i hope my +rep comment didnt' come off as rude!

actually, after seeing bubbleman still loving the dnail press after a week i've revised my opinions on it.

also i didn't realize the handle locked, i thought you'd have to stay standing on it.

at that price point it's a sweet little machine. pretty cool.

i'm still skeptical of the big one tho. not sure that large plates are the way to go...

have you pulled the trigger on any of the presses on the market yet?

heady blunts

prescription blunts
here's a couple crappy IG cell phone shots until i get some new pics. these are from like 10 days ago:






Well-known member
Damn those crap shot look better than my best ones.

Looking beautiful as always heady!!!:tiphat:



senior member
How is your room doing in regards to heat?

I know my rooms have been pretty warm. (northernMI, no ac) On nights like last night, when my lights normally come on at 9pm, it was still 84 drgree outside and I cool with outside air, lol. I delayed my starts to 10 and 10:30, and turned down my ballasts, and got through the night unscathed, but still, I can't wait for fall.

Next up for me, harvest and try to dry buds in hot humid conditions. Oy!

Essential Maine

New member
Hey Heady, I'm lurking again…shit looks beautiful as always! Love to see you with a mod in your hand on the beach no less, is it a clone/custom build or get one from Kind? How has your portable AC been keeping up with these temps? I've just about had it with dumping buckets from my custom portable Acs everyday and ready to drop cash on a mini-split. But maybe I can wait…fall is coming with change in swamp maples seen this past weekend. Looking forward to the best time of the year in Maine in my opinion.

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