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heady's maine adventure: gavitas, blumats, and the wicked lobstah soil mix


Well-known member
Looking good brother. You will be a trimming fool come harvest time. If you need help give a call the scissor hash off that looks worth the ride.:tiphat:




its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
nice update homie.
lookin proper af in there.
how long are you vegging for,and under what lights?

heady blunts

prescription blunts
hi friends! mid week update.

tona, we have a 4' x 8' veg room with an 8 bulb 4' t5 in the center and two 400 watt MH lights in gavita triplestar reflectors flanking either side.

usually they're all running so 1200w total, but for most of these hot couple weeks i've had one off to save heat.

still keeping two of the lights in flower off for most of the time too.

as for time it depends on the plant. i designed it so little plants go in one end and big ones come out the other, and i don't really mind how long they each take as long as there's always plants ready to flip when i need to flip them. i crave variety, as i guess this room clearly demonstrates, so this way i can veg slow ass bullshit tired indicas for 8--12 weeks or crazy stretchy sativa dom F1s for 2--4.

harlesin, chem x, and moonflower 7 are all still hanging, so we're getting consistent ~10 days full plant hang before trim, then into the freezer for a 3--4 week cure.

ack! the freezer? am i mad?!

no it's totally cool! (bad pun couldn't help myself!) check out the freezer cure thread. i did a couple trial runs and was extremely happy with the results. it not only produces top shelf cure, but it is wonderfully consistent and completely unaffected by changes in the weather.

i made a cute new rosin press in the style of our fellow icmagger hashmasta-kut.


we got some new CBD gear, representing another talented IC member, ECtraveller. can't wait to find some fantastic specimens in them beans.


and a little phone camera nug shot of CTOG at 6 weeks today. she is just UGH so stupid i love her.


who dat is

Cave Dweller
hi friends! mid week update.

tona, we have a 4' x 8' veg room with an 8 bulb 4' t5 in the center and two 400 watt MH lights in gavita triplestar reflectors flanking either side.

usually they're all running so 1200w total, but for most of these hot couple weeks i've had one off to save heat.

still keeping two of the lights in flower off for most of the time too.

as for time it depends on the plant. i designed it so little plants go in one end and big ones come out the other, and i don't really mind how long they each take as long as there's always plants ready to flip when i need to flip them. i crave variety, as i guess this room clearly demonstrates, so this way i can veg slow ass bullshit tired indicas for 8--12 weeks or crazy stretchy sativa dom F1s for 2--4.

harlesin, chem x, and moonflower 7 are all still hanging, so we're getting consistent ~10 days full plant hang before trim, then into the freezer for a 3--4 week cure.

ack! the freezer? am i mad?!

no it's totally cool! (bad pun couldn't help myself!) check out the freezer cure thread. i did a couple trial runs and was extremely happy with the results. it not only produces top shelf cure, but it is wonderfully consistent and completely unaffected by changes in the weather.

i made a cute new rosin press in the style of our fellow icmagger hashmasta-kut.

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we got some new CBD gear, representing another talented IC member, ECtraveller. can't wait to find some fantastic specimens in them beans.

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and a little phone camera nug shot of CTOG at 6 weeks today. she is just UGH so stupid i love her.

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I think I saw you post it on IG as well but can you let us know how that rosin press works out for you? DIY FTW


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
ryt on bro,thats pretty much the same way I veg too...stay far enough ahead in veg where there is always something ready to flip.idk if I ever seen ur veg room that's why I asked.
I also veg for size rather then time.

nice haul homie.dont forget a few dry bud shots.

heady blunts

prescription blunts
i gotta stop taking auto focused pics and doin it when i'm exhausted. many end up blurry, out of focus, etc. managed to get some good shots regardless.

row of gg4 x fbpk.


gg4 x fbpk 3


gg4 x fbpk 6


gg4 x fbpk 7


i snapped a shot of one of the gg4 x fbpk's underbits after some pruning. i've been doing a single LST uturn at the meristem when plants are around 12" tall and most are responding amazingly. here's what it looks like after i clean up the suckers.


gg4 x fbpk 3 had some nanners pop up. but like, the manageable kind, where you pluck them off. actually most were on the lower shitty growth so i pruned first, then combed over the rest and found very few grapes.

i'm keeping my fingers crossed all these ladies end up with crazy amazing flowers becasue they are great plants so far. hats off to my friend who gifted me the beans, and stank bros for the FBPK line, which i adore, and i guess josey too for the gg4 phenomenon.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
lookin good yo,the more i look at your thread the more im ready to pull the trigger on some gavitas.just trying to get my garden 100 % back on track before i do.
obviosly tou have your shit better dialed this round,some pretty chiks in that room yo.


Well-known member
That S curve is quite intense on that girl! getting kinda stoked for the farmers market, wait till ya see the heady blunt I got for the event! should be right up your alley.

Twisted pleasur

Active member
:tiphat:Very Nice thread man!! Just read through everything. The BlueMats are water only all the way through?

Your soil seems to be holding out. Fade coming on perfect. You have some really great plants/crosses.. That Chem x is looking really nice what she smell like?

heady blunts

prescription blunts
thanks guys!

roosta I think they may have been shut down :/ got this article in my google alerts yesterday.

T---I did a lot of research before I bought the equipment for this space. if I had enough money at the time, I may have gone with cycloptics or a similar CMH/LEC lamp. have you seen scrappy-doo's thread? he just pulled down like 3.5 from 3 cycloptics, less than 1000w total!

unfortunately they are about the same price per lamp as the gavita 1000DE pro, so if you're trying to match wattage (maybe unnecessary?) with an HPS set up you're looking at 2--3x the initial cost.

the gavitas have a lot of awesome features that made them the obvious choice for us.

first off, I've been a vert person since I started, graduating to bare bulb asap. I dislike reflectors. they are kinda dumb imo. I especially hate the giant air cooled ones. fuck that shit. they are so expensive too, so mf'ers keep that shit for years.

I heard a gavita rep talk on the Adam Dunn show about efficiency loss in that aluminum material they use for reflectors. they were suggesting huge losses are occurring over the course of just a year or two. that piqued my interest heavily. makes a lot of sense to me.

anyway the gavita lamps are super well designed, solid, compact, lightweight. I fit all six in the trunk of my civic. I'd like to see someone fit 6 magnum xxl's in a compact car! plus the reflector portion can be tossed in the recycling bin and replaced for $35 a piece.

the DE bulbs are more efficient too. DE bulbs in general, I don't think it's restricted to gavita. normal SE HPS bulbs lose 10% efficiency in 12 months or 10,000 hours or something. the DE bulbs lose the same over basically twice the time period. so if you replace your bulbs once a year now, you'll only have to do it once every two w DE's.

also people seem to be yielding better with the same wattage over SE bulbs. I can't vouch for that personally since my old 400w HPS is no comparison lol, but I'm very pleased so far with the growth I'm seeing.

last thing would be the el-2 controller. cool little computer. there's a few things I wish they'd tweak, but overall it is very convenient and has been operating without issue. it replaces timers, thermostats, and emergency shut off equipment.

one note I'll make is that I had a faulty lamp in the six I bought. I had to go back to the store and exchange it, which was a tiny bit of a hassle, but ultimately I got a new lamp to replace it and since then no issues.

twisted, welcome!

yup blumats are hooked to a dead res that we fill with straight tap water. the plants get some teas and foliars in veg but once they go in flower it's pretty much straight water until harvest.

exceptions so far have been a bit of neem cake top dressing to discourage thrips and a malted barley SST or two while I was experimenting with that.

they were really enjoying a beautiful leaf mold mulch but the thrip situation demanded we remove it, since I had arrogantly been tossing thrip damaged leaves into the containers thinking the soil microbes would handle it.

in the future, once everything has hit its stride and is in balance, I think I can toss the occasional pest egg on the soil and it will be consumed or destroyed. that's how I always operated in the past. any new artificial biome will need its creator to step in and manipulate infestations and depletions in the initial stages of production. but the end goal is harmonious self-management.

the chem x is beautiful! she hung for around 10 days before we trimmed her and began the cure. I have a small jar I've been smoking on. it's not fully cured yet, so the smell may continue to develop its also been too long since I've had a good bag of chem, so my memory is dim. I always thought of chem as sort of a hot trash fragrance, but the chem x is predominantly ivory soap to my nose.

she is so powerful too. one hit is immediately felt. it cuts right through whatever else I've smoked, including rosin dabs.
