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heady's maine adventure: gavitas, blumats, and the wicked lobstah soil mix

heady blunts

prescription blunts
thanks for all the love and support guys! it means a lot!

some quick updates before we get to the fun stuff:

-we introduced another wave of beneficials. steinernema feltiae (nematode), orius insidiosus (pirate bug), and amblyseius cucumerus (predator mite). biobest makes a great little teabag with their amblyseius breeding system but it's like 90 bucks and way too much for our little garden, so we got the ABS 20k in a tube for $10 and some unbleached teabags and some xmas ornament hooks, and saved some dough!


-i made about 100 gallons of new worm bins. going with the "neglect-it" style (but i can't forget to water them when they get dry!) using 2x 20 gallon smart pots with handles and one compost sak filled half way. the bedding is comprised of that benson farms surf and turf compost, pragmatic basalt rock dust mined from the pioneer valley, and the most beautiful kelp ever from this small maine company called "vitamin-sea." these were layered with my old recycled soil and topped with neem meal. then i watered in some of the nematodes hopefully i'll have beneficial nematodes in the worm castings!

we used two bags of 2000 worms ordered from uncle jim's. i was planning on using red wrigglers and european nightcrawlers, but they had a mixed bags on a great sale, plus i had a discount coupon i used on top of that! so now i've got the blue worms in my bins as well. (eisenia fetida, eisenia hortensis,perionyx excavatus)




temps have been too high to use the ez cloner so we got fucked a second time by bioslime. i took more cuts and put them in aloe and perlite, but they're all well into flower, so it'll be a long reveg road ahead even if they root :wallbash:

good news is i've got birm's cut backed up with extras, harlesin, chem x, moon 7, cbdb 1 and 8 also backed up. all from my perlite cloning lol.

oh yeah! fantastic germination rate on all the seeds we sewed. i'm dragging my feet transplanting them because we honestly don't have space lol. i'd love to get them sexed while they're still in 4 inch pots, and try to do some culling before moving up to anything bigger.

i'm not gonna share many pics of those until they start sexing and i start making selections. i hope you all will help me with that process! a couple folks out there i'm especially interested in your opinions and experience when sorting, you know who you are!

we're still cutting two lamps on the hottest days to keep temps below 84* at the canopy. i dont want stomata closing or terps vaporizing. we also shut down one of the lights in veg to carve out a couple more degrees.

heady blunts

prescription blunts
alright! we made it to harvest! :woohoo:

i guess the soil mix was good for at least one round! the gavitas worked with the short ceiling height! we're gettin through the fucking summer which always is a PITA ime.

early tests on the moonflower 7, chem, and birm's cut all are excellent. smell flavor and effect in full force, even before any cure.

i like to hang dry and dry trim. it may be a little more work but i'm all about that moment when you crack open a jar and grind a nug and you can't keep your face outta that funk. it seems crazy to me to take shortcuts after months of hard work. in my past experiments with wet trimming the loss of flavor is dramatic.

i'm doing the freezer cure again. trying it on this scale is a bit of a risk but my initial tests were very promising. also i'm really excited for its potential to cure my trim really perfectly. i'm gonna have some bomb dry sift! we are combing the used appliance classifieds for an upright frost free freezer to dedicate to the task.

so last week we cut down birm's cut, harlesin, moonflower 7, and the chem x. i was bad and didn't take any good pics with the nice camera, but i snapped a couple shots with my phone:

birm's cut




the chem x



Active member
I wish I could sex in 4" pots. F-ers usually make me wait till they're in 1G's. hahaha.

Looking good HB! Flower shots are wonderful!

I like to use the smart pot big beds for worm bins, but am switching to a horizontal flow system when fall rolls around. two or three compartment.

nice to stop in here for a little ocean mist and northeast goodness!!! ;)

heady blunts

prescription blunts
and the new gals!

we've got 3 gg4 x fbpk, they are SEXY. i forgot the pheno numbers so i'll come back and edit them in later.




two satsuma sisters, i also forgot the numbers...


oh i also forgot to take a pic of the second one apparently. you can see it in the bottom right of this shitty room shot i wasn't gonna share:


heady blunts

prescription blunts
I wish I could sex in 4" pots. F-ers usually make me wait till they're in 1G's. hahaha.

Looking good HB! Flower shots are wonderful!

I like to use the smart pot big beds for worm bins, but am switching to a horizontal flow system when fall rolls around. two or three compartment.

nice to stop in here for a little ocean mist and northeast goodness!!! ;)

wow moonflower 4 is beautiful!!!!

thanks hatch! moonflower 4 was the pheno i was trying to find again but 7 is the plant i think BCO was breeding for.

i'm just glad i captured the beauty of those long foxtails in that one shot. it's hard to communicate how much i love those.

i'm gonna ATTEMPT to sex in 4" pots i should have said LOL!

i'm hoping with some kelp teas i can keep them green long enough. we did the math using 1/2 gallon pots and we simply don't have the space!

i might have been a bit ambitious with this last round of seeds :biggrin:

heady blunts

prescription blunts
Everything is looking so damn proper in here! I was curious though, have you ever seen the Cloning thread involving using chlorine to keep stuff sterile? Give it a read, https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=219683 With all my cloning mishaps I was giving this one a try too.

oh man i was looking for that a couple weeks ago! thanks!

i kept coming across snype's perfect cloning thread but i don't have all that junk laying around.

yea the pool shock. i think there's some merit to that. i remembered when the OP said municipal water with chloramine was actually good for cloning. i held tight to that little tidbit lol.

i'll give the ezcloner another go when the weather cools down a bit and i can keep it under 70*F.

honestly i prefer the perlite except for the fact that i can put 60 cuttings in the ez cloner in the same footprint as 1/2 that many in the perlite.

but the perlite works with the aloe and no rooting hormone and i'm pretty sure adding aloe to the ezcloner contributed to the initial fuck up.

also RE: spinosad, i'm trying to avoid using any sprays if possible. i dont even love neem but obviously slacking in that department doesn't work so good either. i'm hoping the beneficials will make the difference as the soil ramps up to invincible.

i've also been removing damaged leaves from the garden entirely. it hurts my heart because i want a perfect closed loop system, but excluding them is putting a major dent on the thrips' reproductive cycle. in the future i want to put that sorta stuff through a bokashi system, which i am hoping will destroy the eggs and larvae.

heady blunts

prescription blunts
i got the beans as a freebie from seedbay a few years ago, an F3 from either crazy monk or long fork seeds of Kingdom Organic Seeds (KOS) original stock.

the KOS line was deep chunk x (malawi gold x cherry bomb) afaik. this plant looks to be pretty cherry bomb dominant to me. i'm reserving judgement until she's cured.

Useful Idiot

Active member
VERY nice updates heady!! I just wanted to pop in again and say high, and give ya props my friend. I'm enjoyin the show.:tiphat:


Well-known member
Great looking plants and a nice harvest Heady. They all look spectacular, especially the chem x. The Cherry Malawi is definitely intriguing as well. I look forward to smoke reports and worm bin results. Id love to make a worm bin outside, inside wouldnt fly, or Id be sleeping outside, lol.