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Have you looked at the North Pole lately?


Well-known member
The main staples will always be in demand,capitalism or not. Capitalism gets you choices,a better ,more rewarding life, and more opportunities. without it technology halts.


Well-known member
What an idiotic thing to say! No surprise from you I suppose. 🤣🤡
Who could afford to pay for internet without capitalism,where does individual wealth come from with out it? Where is the pot of gold?There would be no money in advertisement or sales to fund investments in technology beyond the state. No profit means no incentive,everything stalls,capitalism solves this. Is that clear enough for you? Evolution may have passed you by but you're still ok in my books.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Capitalism demands economic expansion which does mostly depend on an expanding consumer base or population growth.
so let me get this straight?its capitalism thats at the root of all this
you and @Porky82 are putting the cart before the horse
if we stop growing the economy then the population would stop expanding?
/just like in all those poor countries, right? you know the ones where they drink ditch water and burn sticks for fuel
we actually need to expand economic growth to provide for a growing population

Here's a link for you to educate yourself on geology you clown!! 🤣🤡

you are so sad porky, do you just post links about stuff you dont understand hoping you can slide by
do you actually know anything about geology or economics?
/watch your step now
have you ever been outside and seen a rock? do you have any actual wealth? or experience in investing/finance
but please keep posting your stupid links
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In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Who could afford to pay for internet without capitalism,where does individual wealth come from with out it? Where is the pot of gold?There would be no money in advertisement or sales to fund investments in technology beyond the state. No profit means no incentive,everything stalls,capitalism solves this. Is that clear enough for you? Evolution may have passed you by but you're still ok in my books.
the goverment will provide for all our interneitz, comrade
no one will go withoutz and we can all live better lives, just trust in big government

capitalism rules!
its basically a skill based economy, that offers people the freedom to choose how the allocate their resources @Porky82 @hillbil and make the most of their tallents
the people who do the best often have some kind of useful skill they bring to the table or are just willing to work harder then the next guy
that should be rewarded
but it also recognises intelligence and innovation and rewards those things as well
all other options suck
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Well-known member
"All economic models, no matter how complicated, are subjective approximations of reality designed to explain observed phenomena"
Hi @hillbil 👋
I swear im just adding flavor to minds that want to look deeper...economic models, for lack of a better saying, is way out of breadth for this thread