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Have you looked at the North Pole lately?

moose eater

Well-known member
I pee on my chokecherry and McFarland lilac trees for the N value, and if the chokecherries get to be too much of a worry for me, knowing that the 'cherries' and branch tips of the chokecherries might poison the moose, especially calves, during the first frosts of Fall, I'll maybe build a 7-ft. tall moose fence around them like I did for my main veggie garden if I live long enough and my hip leaves me alone a bit.

And we compost most of our veggie scraps as well as coffee grounds and filters, tea bags, etc.

My wife has stopped buying so much plastic, instead buying Pyrex storage containers with snap-on lids, and she recycles our egg containers as veggie and flower start trays for the bedding plants in the Spring (like, this season we're in right now).

We save aluminum cans, and every 3-4 55-gallon trash bags of uncrushed aluminum cans we trade in at the metals buyer, I can buy a six-pack or so of craft beer ... in aluminum cans... or bottles.. (We don't get much money for recyclables here, in part due to the shipping distances to the Lower-48 States).

We take functional gear or items to the reuse area at the local transfer station where we dump the trash but leave the reusable items for others under the pavilion the Borough provides there for that specific purpose... Reuse. (*Back in the later 1970s and early 1980s, I knew some who had built cabins mostly from recycled items from the reuse areas and dumpsters. Literally. It was post-pipeline construction and back then it was even more amazing than now what some would throw out to the trash).

We maintain the shit out of ALL of our vehicles, whether motor vehicles, boats motor(s) or ATVs and snowmobiles, so as to not continue to add shit, directly or indirectly, to the junk yards or landfills.

We make sure not to use carcinogenic sprays etc. on the property, to protect ourselves and others, as well as wildlife and domestic critters from toxins as much as possible. Ant spray is the worst we use, and that's limited to the house foundation and backfill around the foundation as a rule, and typically every 5-10 years, as the stuff remains effective..

We don't harvest more fish or meat than we can eat, and we take care of it properly, so that none goes to waste.

These are simple things we do for our place on the planet, that also, oddly enough, assists in increasing or raising our quality of life directly more often than not.
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In my empire of dirt
Premium user
With your background in science can you show me that the majority, or even a small minority of those scientists working in the field of climate, think that man induced climate change isn't happening?
im sorry friend, i dont understand the question


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
I pee on my chokecherry and McFarland lilac trees for the N value, and if the chokecherries get to be too much of a worry for me, knowing that the 'cherries' and branch tips of the chokecherries might poison the moose, especially calves, during the first frosts of Fall, I'll maybe build a 7-ft. tall moose fence around them like I did for my main veggie garden if I live long enough and my hip leaves me alone a bit.

And we compost most of our veggie scraps as well as coffee grounds and filters, tea bags, etc.

My wife has stopped buying so much plastic, instead buying Pyrex storage containers with snap-on lids, and she recycles our egg containers as veggie and flower start trays for the bedding plants in the Spring (like, this season we're in right now).

We save aluminum cans, and every 3-4 55-gallon trash bags of uncrushed aluminum cans, I can buy a six-pack or so of craft beer ... in aluminum cans... or bottles.. (We don't get much money for recyclables here, in part due to the shipping distances to the Lower-48 States).

We take functional gear or items to the reuse area at the local transfer station where we dump the trash but leave the reusable items for others under the pavilion the Borough provides there for that specific purpose... Reuse. (*Back in the later 1970s and early 1980s, I knew some who had built cabins mostly from recycled items from the reuse areas and dumpsters. Literally. It was post-pipeline construction and back then it was even more amazing than now what some would throw out to the trash).

We maintain the shit out of ALL of our vehicles, whether motor vehicles, boats motor(s) or ATVs and snowmobiles, so as to not continue to add shit, directly or indirectly, to the junk yards or landfills.

We make sure not to use carcinogenic sprays etc. on the property, to protect ourselves and others, as well as wildlife and domestic critters from toxins as much as possible. Ant spray is the worst we use, and that;s limited to the house foundation and backfill as a rule, and typically every 5-10 years, as the stuff remains effective..

We don't harvest more fish or meat than we can eat, and we take care of it properly, so that none goes to waste.

These are simple things we do for our place on the planet, that also, oddly enough, assists in increasing or raising our quality of life directly more often than not.
^^ this guy gets it


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
@moose eater
coffee grounds are good for the soil but can f'with the ph, but thats easy to correct
i have my bags of recycling, all piled up in the garage, i call it my retirement fund
one day brother! dinner is on me


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
With your background in science can you show me that the majority, or even a small minority of those scientists working in the field of climate, think that man induced climate change isn't happening?
i reread you question and think i get it now, im sorry
/im f'n high man
no, and im not going by the majority
/did you know half the people in this world are below average intelligence?
its not my field and no one would say man has zero impact on the environment,...?! thats just...
but what animal is net positive? maybe we should be more like them
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
i reread you question and think i get it now, im sorry
/im f'n high man
no, and im not going by the majority
/did you know half the people in this world are below average intelligence?
its not my field and no one would say man has zero impact on the environment,...?! thats just...
but what animal is net positive? maybe we should be more like them
You're not too high. I worded it very badly. The vast majority of climate scientists think that human induced climate change is happening. There's a few in here who have a science background but unless you are specifically working in the field you don't know.
I know it's popular to ignore experts though. As my father in law used to say; "bloody experts, what would they know". My comment to that was always; "Quite a lot, actually".


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
You're not too high. I worded it very badly. The vast majority of climate scientists think that human induced climate change is happening. There's a few in here who have a science background but unless you are specifically working in the field you don't know.
I know it's popular to ignore experts though. As my father in law used to say; "bloody experts, what would they know". My comment to that was always; "Quite a lot, actually".
right on man! thanks for being understanding

of course people are impacting the earth in a huge way, and the more we grow the less earth there will be to feast on
we create tons of impact on the earth every day with our emissions and garbage and its not getting any better
all we can do as individuals is try and do our best

and yeah your fil was right
"bloody experts, what would they know"
i denounce science and all things scientific!

pints all round!
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Well-known member
right on man! thanks for being understanding

of course people are impacting the earth in a huge way, and the more we grow the less earth there will be to feast on
we create tons of impact on the earth every day with our emissions and garbage and its not getting any better
all we can do as individuals is try and do our best

and yeah your pops was right
"bloody experts, what would they know"
i denounce science and all things scientific!

pints all round!

So nothing about your scientific background then??
But you denounce science and all things scientific!
I suppose making sense doesn't matter either!! 🤣


Well-known member
i reread you question and think i get it now, im sorry
/im f'n high man
no, and im not going by the majority
/did you know half the people in this world are below average intelligence?
its not my field and no one would say man has zero impact on the environment,...?! thats just...
but what animal is net positive? maybe we should be more like them
Animals don't need to be net positive because they have no negative impact on their surroundings. Well except the ones humans have introduced to areas where they have no natural predators.
Modern humans are really the only species that serves no purpose other than to reproduce.
Humans could be removed today and the Earth's environment would flourish whereas almost all animals serve a purpose in the biodiversity cycle.

moose eater

Well-known member
OH! And we burn the most energy efficient hot water boiler heating system we could get with a domestic side-arm for heating domestic water, with HWBB on the upper two floors, with a forced air air-handler in the basement and triple-pane windows mostly on the south side of the house. And we built our home super-insulated with a nearly airtight vapor barrier so that we burn between 1/3 and a 1/2 the #1 heating oil (maybe a bit less, even) compared to what many with older less-insulated homes burn.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
OH! And we burn the most energy efficient hot water boiler heating system we could get with a domestic side-arm for heating domestic water, with HWBB on the upper two floors, with a forced air air-handler in the basement and triple-pane windows mostly on the south side of the house. And we built our home super-insulated with a nearly airtight vapor barrier so that we burn between 1/3 and a 1/2 the #1 heating oil (maybe a bit less, even) compared to what many with older less-insulated homes burn.
youa re setting the bar too low! just look at the mighty beaver and how he built his home!
but you eat moose and i dont
/hat tip

/i get it @Porky82, but you cant even say you sort your trash
but you still get a participation ribbon ! thumbs up
people are here to stay but my original point was a lot of this environmental stuff is hog wash! and you need to be the change you wan to see!
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Well-known member
youa re setting the bar too low! just look at the mighty beaver and how he built his home!
but you eat moose and i dont
/hat tip

/i get it @Porky82, but you cant even say you sort your trash
but you still get a participation ribbon ! thumbs up
people are here to stay but my original point was a lot of this environmental stuff is hog wash! and you need to be the change you wan to see!
In Australia all rubbish is sorted by the household and if you put the wrong stuff in the wrong bin you get finned.
So yeah my rubbish is sorted I also have a solar system on my roof and a 13kw battery that I fill during the day and use at night. I have purchased the most energy efficient appliances available, I walk as much possible like to work when it's close, I try to use as little plastic as possible as I think plastic pollution is a bigger problem than climate change, I try to buy as local as possible we have a farmers market weekly so all my fresh produce is from there they also have a no plastic rule that I like, my car is petrol but I only drive it to and from work my wife's work car is a hybrid and we drive that daily, I'm currently looking at EVs to buy and a few others but you get the idea. All of this means nothing in the grand scheme as the system of endless growth is the problem.
The facts are human activity is destroying the planet and about 97% of climate scientists agree.
You seem to think you know more because you have a "background in science" so what is this scientific background you have??
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Well-known member
What a mature response! 😒
Had enough of looking stupid have ya mate?

Just because you and pops don't accept it doesn't mean it's not happening!
So you're still posting on that pc or phone made from oil and minerals that were sourced from open pit mining,a lot of it through child labor. When will you get serious?


Well-known member
In Australia all rubbish is sorted by the household and if you put the wrong stuff in the wrong bin you get finned.
So yeah my rubbish is sorted I also have a solar system on my roof and a 13kw battery that I fill during the day and use at night. I have purchased the most energy efficient appliances available, I walk as much possible like to work when it's close, I try to use as little plastic as possible as I think plastic pollution is a bigger problem than climate change, I try to buy as local as possible we have a farmers market weekly so all my fresh produce is from there they also have a no plastic rule that I like, my car is petrol but I only drive it to and from work my wife's work car is a hybrid and we drive that daily, I'm currently looking at EVs to buy and a few others but you get the idea. All of this means nothing in the grand scheme as the system of endless growth is the problem.
The facts are human activity is destroying the planet and about 97% of climate scientists agree.
You seem to think you know more because you have a "background in science" so what is this scientific background you have??
What happens to your solar panel when it no longer works? There is no disposal plan in effect.Can it be recycled,if so to what extent? Does it go to the same landfill as tires?.They also contain lead which will leach out. How does this help make the world greener?
"By 2050, the International Renewable Energy Agency projects that up to 78 million metric tons of solar panels will have reached the end of their life, and that the world will be generating about 6 million metric tons of new solar e-waste annually"
If the ones in charge are so eco conscious then why do they flood the market with throw away items ,cheap, imported products from the biggest polluters on the planet and make them last a fraction of the time they used to? Many things you buy today cannot be repaired nor are service parts available.Shouldn't products last a lifetime,wouldn't that help the environment?


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
thats a great point, at some point solar panels become less efficient and then is just shit built on your roof
i guess its easier to reinstall them if the mounting is already there, but what do they do with the used panels?

and what about the evs?! i had a friend who just had to replace his car because the battery went out and to replace it would be almost the cost of a new car!
/his math, but i dig it man
well what are they going to do with the car? i asked...
i guess they could take the battery out and they still have a vehicle for parts for other ev vehicles? but its a worn down ev with no battery its basically worthless


kane clapping.gif

im glad to see you do at least the bare minimum
plus i like how the threat of the governments boot on your neck kicks you in the ar$e if you dont comply
/this is how we get things done; but they told me my methods were too extreme

"but what animal is net positive"
nematodes...sorry, just wanted to say that...as you were gents
now here is the flip side of that image!
kane clapping.gif

i had to chuckle but you could be right
or you could be wrong!*
i will have to learn more about this toadz**

*and of course the video

**jk friend
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moose eater

Well-known member
In Australia all rubbish is sorted by the household and if you put the wrong stuff in the wrong bin you get finned.
So yeah my rubbish is sorted I also have a solar system on my roof and a 13kw battery that I fill during the day and use at night. I have purchased the most energy efficient appliances available, I walk as much possible like to work when it's close, I try to use as little plastic as possible as I think plastic pollution is a bigger problem than climate change, I try to buy as local as possible we have a farmers market weekly so all my fresh produce is from there they also have a no plastic rule that I like, my car is petrol but I only drive it to and from work my wife's work car is a hybrid and we drive that daily, I'm currently looking at EVs to buy and a few others but you get the idea. All of this means nothing in the grand scheme as the system of endless growth is the problem.
The facts are human activity is destroying the planet and about 97% of climate scientists agree.
You seem to think you know more because you have a "background in science" so what is this scientific background you have??
Folks in the Yukon Territory of Canada are also fairly well organized re. recycling. It's a virtual religion for one friend there.

However, and I think this specifically applied to the US as a whole, I recall it being reported that the end result for a lot of recyclables was not necessarily as positive as participants and supporters had been led to believe, Somewhat like the countries that were purported to be paying China to take their barge-loads of trash, and the less than positive outcomes, which has always caused me to further raise an eyebrow over places, states, countries, whatever, offering to take nuclear waste for a buck..

If the process functions in the way it's intended, then it's a great step, but that all relies on human integrity and efficiency or effectiveness.


Well-known member
What happens to your solar panel when it no longer works? There is no disposal plan in effect.Can it be recycled,if so to what extent? Does it go to the same landfill as tires?.They also contain lead which will leach out. How does this help make the world greener?
"By 2050, the International Renewable Energy Agency projects that up to 78 million metric tons of solar panels will have reached the end of their life, and that the world will be generating about 6 million metric tons of new solar e-waste annually"
If the ones in charge are so eco conscious then why do they flood the market with throw away items ,cheap, imported products from the biggest polluters on the planet and make them last a fraction of the time they used to? Many things you buy today cannot be repaired nor are service parts available.Shouldn't products last a lifetime,wouldn't that help the environment?
Maybe this? 🤪

The net savings I will make by having them for a long period will far outweigh the pollution used to make my electricity from coal fired power!
thats a great point, at some point solar panels become less efficient and then is just shit built on your roof
i guess its easier to reinstall them if the mounting is already there, but what do they do with the used panels?

and what about the evs?! i had a friend who just had to replace his car because the battery went out and to replace it would be almost the cost of a new car!
/his math, but i dig it man
well what are they going to do with the car? i asked...
i guess they could take the battery out and they still have a vehicle for parts for other ev vehicles? but its a worn down ev with no battery its basically worthless


View attachment 19013114
im glad to see you do at least the bare minimum
plus i like how the threat of the governments boot on your neck kicks you in the ar$e if you dont comply
/this is how we get things done; but they told me my methods were too extreme

now here is the flip side of that image!
View attachment 19013115
i had to chuckle but you could be right
or you could be wrong!*
i will have to learn more about this toadz**

*and of course the video

**jk friend

You had a friend who's elected car died you have a scientific background blah blah blah all you have bullshit! 🤣
Sorry what was your scientific background for the 4th time?? 🤔

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