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Have you looked at the North Pole lately?


Well-known member
Oh look someone's done some actual scientific research! Your answer "More rubbish"
Absolute 🤡 like the rest of them who think they know more about climate than scientists! 🤪
At least I supply the scientific evidence to back up my claims, not my fault if you don't read or understand it, probably because it conflicts with your belief that we are all doomed because of "man made" Co2.

How about some evidence that "man made" Co2 is the cause of all the supposed warming since 1850, not your "could, might's or maybe's but real irrefutable evidence

Answer this Porky
If Australia was depopulated tomorrow or reached "net zero" Co2 emissions how much would the global temperature drop ??. while you're at it how much would global temps drop if the world reached "net zero" Co2 emissions


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
At least I supply the scientific evidence to back up my claims, not my fault if you don't read or understand it, probably because it conflicts with your belief that we are all doomed because of "man made" Co2.

How about some evidence that "man made" Co2 is the cause of all the supposed warming since 1850, not your "could, might's or maybe's but real irrefutable evidence

Answer this Porky
If Australia was depopulated tomorrow or reached "net zero" Co2 emissions how much would the global temperature drop ??. while you're at it how much would global temps drop if the world reached "net zero" Co2 emissions
Oh look someone's done some actual scientific research! Your answer "More rubbish"
Absolute 🤡 like the rest of them who think they know more about climate than scientists! 🤪
porky is just spewing the pap fed thats been fed to him by the enviro nazis, but he puts his money where is arse is! right
/dont let me down here mate
he sits alone in his dark scrub shelter and takes cold showers, but allows himself a few luxuries here and there
things like a computer, hot food and a soft bed, you know the stuff all the world craves
like arsekick said you could go carbon zero tomorrow and its just like pissing into the ocean
the real polluters are the up and coming nations, (aka the third world and china/india)
but who am i to judge and who ami to deny them nice things?

and dont rely too much on these scientists*, they often have as much an agenda as the bankster; often more

*logical fallacy: appeal to authority
Last edited:


Well-known member
At least I supply the scientific evidence to back up my claims, not my fault if you don't read or understand it, probably because it conflicts with your belief that we are all doomed because of "man made" Co2.

How about some evidence that "man made" Co2 is the cause of all the supposed warming since 1850, not your "could, might's or maybe's but real irrefutable evidence

Answer this Porky
If Australia was depopulated tomorrow or reached "net zero" Co2 emissions how much would the global temperature drop ??. while you're at it how much would global temps drop if the world reached "net zero" Co2 emissions
Ahh the same dribble as always! 🤪


Well-known member
porky is just spewing the pap fed thats been fed to him by the enviro nazis, but he puts his money where is arse is! right
/dont let me down here mate
he sits alone in his dark scrub shelter and takes cold showers, but allows himself a few luxuries here and there
things like a computer, hot food and a soft bed, you know the stuff all the world craves
like arsekick said you could go carbon zero tomorrow and its just like pissing into the ocean
the real polluters are the up and coming nations, (aka the third world and china/india)
but who am i to judge and who ami to deny them nice things?

and dont rely too much on these scientists*, they often have as much an agenda as the bankster; often more

*logical fallacy: appeal to authority
"Pap" "enviro nazis" more credible scientific resources I see champ!
I like the fact you also consider your opinion on the damage humans are doing to the environment to be factual when it's worthless just like arselicks! 🤪🤣


Well-known member
So not all plants like more co2!
Sure our resident scientists will have something credible/opinionated to say about this! 🤣

Karin Kirk


"Karin Kirk is a geologist and freelance writer with a background in climate education. She's a scientist by training, but the human elements of climate change occupy most of her current work."

Karin is a 🤡 not a climate scientist

You can do better than that dribble Porky


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
"Pap" "enviro nazis" more credible scientific resources I see champ!
I like the fact you also consider your opinion on the damage humans are doing to the environment to be factual when it's worthless just like arselicks! 🤪🤣
but the point still stands, what are you doing to change the world for the better?
i see people all the time who love to talk about how green they are or how we can save the earth
how about being the change you want to see and lead by example?

but just to play nice. i will ask once more
whats the solution and what are you doing to move it forward?
population growth is inevitable and especially so in underdeveloped countries where they tend to have more impact on their environment and pollute the most
how much of my money should go to help them clean up their act?
i see you have your wallet out right? right
i ident think so

Another one for the PHD,s like arselick and Pop! 🤪🤣
i actually have a background in science, do you?
but i appreciate the effort and i esp like the name you called arse'lick! can i have a funny name too

like @arsekick said step up your game


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Karin Kirk


"Karin Kirk is a geologist and freelance writer with a background in climate education. She's a scientist by training, but the human elements of climate change occupy most of her current work."

Karin is a 🤡 not a climate scientist

You can do better than that dribble Porky
she is also a professional ski instructor and guide*
so she has that going for her too

*why is she not dedicating herself to science and saving the world, like @Porky82


Well-known member
but the point still stands, what are you doing to change the world for the better?
i see people all the time who love to talk about how green they are or how we can save the earth
how about being the change you want to see and lead by example?

but just to play nice. i will ask once more
whats the solution and what are you doing to move it forward?
population growth is inevitable and especially so in underdeveloped countries where they tend to have more impact on their environment and pollute the most
how much of my money should go to help them clean up their act?
i see you have your wallet out right? right
i ident think so

i actually have a background in science, do you?
but i appreciate the effort and i esp like the name you called arse'lick! can i have a funny name too

like @arsekick said step up your game
This thread isn't about what I'm doing to limit my carbon footprint. Nice little attempt to deflect from you poor previous responses.
Change needs to be done from the government and law makers down to change anything. Even someone of your intelligence should know that!
Over population is at the core of the problem and an economic model built on endless growth through population is going to destroy the planet. That's a fact weather you like it or not and it's happening now.

With your responses here I think your lying about "having a background in science" whatever that broard statement means!


Well-known member
I thought his responses were pretty good and he's right,what are you doing about the carbon footprint? What year is your EV? If any deflection is apparent it's yours. Put your money where your mouth is. Get rid of all your stuff made from oil,don't use heat and never buy another gallon of gas. Otherwise your just a virtue signalling hypocrite.


Well-known member
it conflicts with your belief that we are all doomed because of "man made" Co2.
i've never read/seen anyone claim that man-made Co-2 is the only cause. what i HAVE read is that we are making a bad situation worse . your claim is disingenuous at best, and leaning (hard!) into strawman territory. but, given the source, i'm not surprised at all. "when you are not trying to help solve a problem, you are part of the problem."


Well-known member
I thought his responses were pretty good and he's right,what are you doing about the carbon footprint? What year is your EV? If any deflection is apparent it's yours. Put your money where your mouth is. Get rid of all your stuff made from oil,don't use heat and never buy another gallon of gas. Otherwise your just a virtue signalling hypocrite.
So caring about the environment is virtue signalling is it??
The fact is human activity is destroying the planet. That's mine yours, pops and the other 8 billion peoples daily lives. Trying to say 1 person who's doing nothing more than accepting science is responsible or can change the entire planet or capitalism is just stupid and deflection because you have nothing of any credibility to post and when you do its easily discredited. There is a problem and it's humanity. You and ya pretend science mate pops might not accept science but that doesn't mean it's not happening.
Stupidity, ignorance and arrogance is all yous have displayed! 🤡


Well-known member
So caring about the environment is virtue signalling is it??
The fact is human activity is destroying the planet. That's mine yours, pops and the other 8 billion peoples daily lives. Trying to say 1 person who's doing nothing more than accepting science is responsible or can change the entire planet or capitalism is just stupid and deflection because you have nothing of any credibility to post and when you do its easily discredited. There is a problem and it's humanity. You and ya pretend science mate pops might not accept science but that doesn't mean it's not happening.
Stupidity, ignorance and arrogance is all yous have displayed! 🤡
Grow up already,quit with the childish insults, you sound like a spoiled kid still living at home,


Well-known member
i've never read/seen anyone claim that man-made Co-2 is the only cause. what i HAVE read is that we are making a bad situation worse . your claim is disingenuous at best, and leaning (hard!) into strawman territory. but, given the source, i'm not surprised at all. "when you are not trying to help solve a problem, you are part of the problem."
I think most people try to limit pollution,I do as best I can within reason. I don't think I should be held responsible for the pollution caused by a product when steps aren't taken at the source to limit it's impact.. I'm not willing to go broke over it and that is the path the politicians seem to want us to go. I live in Canada and the last I read was we are responsible for 1-2% of the worlds pollution. At the same time as we get lectured and taxed to death for it,they increase the population daily increasing our footprint and our natural resources are denied to us or at least made unaffordable and then they sell it to the worlds biggest polluters.


Well-known member
Grow up already,quit with the childish insults, you sound like a spoiled kid still living at home,
What a mature response! 😒
Had enough of looking stupid have ya mate?

Just because you and pops don't accept it doesn't mean it's not happening!


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
virtue signalling alert:
for the record first of all, i dont have anything against the environment
i used to be quite the outdoorsman and spent a lot of time in nature
/you ever been there @Porky82
sometimes we had it nice and other times we camped rough, living off the land, but i loved every minute of it
im old now and i like my bed soft and my food warm but i still love the outdoors

so im the one deflecting because of my poor previous response? citation please?
ive asked you numerous times what are you doing and all i get are crickets
im not even asking you do actually do something, but how about just some ideas?
/you seem marginally smart sort of
do you compost or recycle in any way? how about cutting back on thing that use energy?
yeah man....
/dude im lobbing you soft balls at this point, come on porky you can do it

but it dosent matter what you or i think, its all in what you do
be that change


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
but the point still stands, what are you doing to change the world for the better?
i see people all the time who love to talk about how green they are or how we can save the earth
how about being the change you want to see and lead by example?

but just to play nice. i will ask once more
whats the solution and what are you doing to move it forward?
population growth is inevitable and especially so in underdeveloped countries where they tend to have more impact on their environment and pollute the most
how much of my money should go to help them clean up their act?
i see you have your wallet out right? right
i ident think so

i actually have a background in science, do you?
but i appreciate the effort and i esp like the name you called arse'lick! can i have a funny name too

like @arsekick said step up your game
With your background in science can you show me that the majority, or even a small minority of those scientists working in the field of climate, think that man induced climate change isn't happening?

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