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Have You Been Vaccinated?

Have You Been Vaccinated?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 62 31.5%
  • No!

    Votes: 41 20.8%
  • Soon!

    Votes: 15 7.6%
  • No Way!

    Votes: 65 33.0%
  • I Just Wanna Watch!

    Votes: 14 7.1%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
ok, sorry to bother you.

i finally know a turbo cancer, but old, so doesn't count. and a died suddenly - sil of the turbo cancer - 42, heart attack, dead before his head hit the floor. leaving wife and 4 children. just had a complete physical for insurance and (reportedly) in perfect health. just dead, that's all.
You're trying to discuss an emotive term simply made up by antivaxxers. There is absolutely no evidence for this. None. Turbo cancer FFS!


Well-known member
so here's something else i know a lot more about than Stanford University Medical generated doctors:

Dr. Casey Means: “I learned virtually nothing at Stanford Medical School about the tens of thousands of scientific papers that elucidate the root causes of why American health is plummeting.” “I did not learn that for each additional serving of ultra-processed food we eat, early mortality increases by 18%. This now makes up 67% of the foods our kids are eating. I took zero nutrition courses in medical school. I didn’t learn that 82% of independently-funded studies show harm from processed food, while 93% of industry-sponsored studies reflect no harm. I didn’t learn that 95% of the people who created the recent USDA food guidelines for America had significant conflicts of interest with the food industry. I did not learn that one billion pounds of synthetic pesticides are being sprayed on our foods every single year. 99% of the farmland in the United States is sprayed with synthetic pesticides, many from China and Germany, and these invisible, tasteless chemicals are strongly linked to autism, ADHD, sex hormone disruption, thyroid disease, sperm dysfunction, Alzheimer’s, dementia, birth defects, cancer, obesity, liver dysfunction, female infertility and more. I did not learn that the eight billion tons of plastic that have been produced just in the last 100 years … are being broken down into microplastics that are now filling our food, our water, and we are now even inhaling them in our air, and that very recent research … tells us that now about 0.5% of our brains by weight are plastic. [i wonder if that plastic kills brain worms] I didn’t learn that there are more than 80,000 toxins that have entered our food, water, air, and homes by industry, many of which are banned in Europe, and they are known to alter our gene expression, alter our microbiome composition and the lining of our gut, and disrupt our hormones. I didn’t learn that heavy metals like aluminum and lead are present in our food, our baby formula, personal care products, our soil, and many of the mandated medications like vaccines, and that these metals are neurotoxic and inflammatory. I didn’t learn that the average American walks a paltry 3,500 steps per day even though we know, based on science and top journals, that simply walking 7,000 steps a day slashes by 40-60% our risk of Alzheimer’s, dementia, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and obesity. I certainly did not learn that medical error and medications are the third-leading cause of death in the US. I didn’t learn that just five nights of sleep deprivation can induce full-blown pre-diabetes. I learned nothing about sleep, and we’re getting about 20% less sleep on average than we were 100 years ago. I didn’t learn that American children are getting less time outdoors now than a maximum security prisoner, and on average, adults spend 93% of their time indoors, even though we know from the science that separation from sunlight destroys our circadian biology, and circadian biology dictated our cellular biology. I didn’t learn that professional organizations that we get our practice guidelines from, like the American Diabetes Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, have taken tens of millions of dollars from Coke, Cadbury, processed food companies and vaccine manufacturers like Moderna. I didn’t learn that if you address these root causes that all lead to metabolic dysfunction and help patients change their food and lifestyle patterns … we could reverse the chronic disease crisis in America, save millions of lives and trillions of dollars in healthcare costs per year. This is a spiritual crisis. We are choosing death over life, we are choosing darkness over light. We need a return to courage. We need a return to common sense and intuition. We need a return to awe for the sheer miraculousness of our lives. We need all hands on deck.”

and all my learning is from my easy chair recliner, you tube, substack, my dojo, my nordic track and my kitchen and eating real food.

and some good news - it may NOT be simply the vaccinations causing so many health problems. who knew? none of the doctors i know.
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Well-known member
when turbo cancer hits, strike back, like a ninja ...

i'm sure there already has been. odd that there is nothing in the news. must have been more conspiracy bullshit...there is SO MUCH of it going around.

Are you saying you think vax induced free roaming spike in the body should be investigated if it was a thing?

And with all honesty I have to ask, are you being sarcastic when you say "odd that there is nothing on the news". Are you saying if it was a thing it should/would be on the news?

If you are a mainstream news consumer that would make it much easier for me to completely ignore you from here on out, peace and cheers.


Well-known member
If you are a mainstream news consumer that would make it much easier for me to completely ignore you
if you are asking if i look for actual "news" deep inside of conspiracy rabbit holes, the answer is "no". feel free to ignore me. possible problems SHOULD be investigated, but by scientists not Facebook crackpots and folks with a predetermined aim in mind...like every anti-vaxxer on the planet. sarcastic ? nope. main-stream news is all that i look at, but i look at ALL of them, including Fox which stretches the definition of "main-stream" to the squealing point.
if you are asking if i look for actual "news" deep inside of conspiracy rabbit holes, the answer is "no". feel free to ignore me. possible problems SHOULD be investigated, but by scientists not Facebook crackpots and folks with a predetermined aim in mind...like every anti-vaxxer on the planet. sarcastic ? nope. main-stream news is all that i look at, but i look at ALL of them, including Fox which stretches the definition of "main-stream" to the squealing point.
Ok so we agree that potential problems should be investigated, the next question I would have asked would have been so what are you thoughts if they are not being followed up with, but rather covered up in favor of the companies that made billions off everyone being locked down and ultimately pressured, threatened and coerced into taking multiple jabs of genetic therapies?

I would have also pointed out that when one of the original studies were done, the guys that ran the study (same ones who made billions) actually quoted a misleading efficacy rate of 95% whereas it was closer to 1%. I would have been interested to hear your thoughts on that, but all good.

There is no use trying to discuss such things with folks who only opt to get info from heavily biased and censored mainstream sources: "main-stream news is all that i look at, but i look at ALL of them".

Let's agree to disagree and stay out of each others way :)


Well-known member
Turbo cancer is not real.
Stage 4 is. The only advice I'd follow there is maybe intermittent fasting, possibly cannabis oil. Folks don't get your medical advice from a cannabis grow site or anywhere on the internet.
fast acting cancers are real, regardless of terminology and pedantic wankers on grow sites. you were for lockdowns , isolation, forced jabs, loss of jobs, and total tyranny . you support state terrorism and medical malpractice .

stop pretending the covid jabs were safe or effective you slimeball .


See the world through a puff of smoke
At the RIVM (Dutch public Institute for health and environment) they have the Center for Epidemiology and Surveillance of Infectious Diseases department, called EPI for short. This is not a nice post, for them.

The EPI was actually the data powerhouse that drove the vaccination strategy. All (external) communication about vaccination rates and vaccine effectiveness had to go through EPI. EPI was the single-point-of-control (SPOC) over those numbers. And who wouldn't want that, a SPOC in times of chaos?

The EPI received specific information from various parties. For example, EPI received data about vaccinated people directly from the GGD GHOR (with or without permission and all with BSN, which was easy), they could view the delivered vaccine orders, they knew how many, when and to whom those vaccines were then sent. had finished, etc. etc. Everyone submitted figures to EPI. Everyone.

Because EPI was so on top of the data, they also received many questions. This is also the case on March 8, 2021. As context: that was the week in which approximately 1.2 million injections had now been administered, especially in vulnerable elderly people; the week in which Lareb had already counted at least 100 deaths; the week in which the central administration CIMS was only 70% full, and it was also the fifth consecutive week of rising mortality rates AFTER VACCINATION (see Figure 1).

The email, see open.minvws.nl/dossier/VWS-WO…, asks about the tone of the new (certainly positive and cheering) weekly report that will be published. And people are asking what the actual situation is, the doubling of ICU admissions?

Quite important questions, so isn't it time for an answer? You would expect that EPI, given that they were the data powerhouse of the vaccination campaign, would have the numbers ready and know what answer to give. Right?

But no. Despite the serious side effects reported (already on January 18, 2021) in the elderly after vaccination, despite the rising mortality rates after vaccination for five weeks, despite all that, people were groping around in the dark. See figure 2.

Their first conclusion: "We are seeing a decrease in the number of infections in nursing homes and residential care centers again this week. Vaccination is paying off there." (yes, dead people don't have covid eh)

Their second conclusion: "It therefore appears that the number of hospital admissions (ICU and nursing wards) has also increased in the past 4 weeks.
We are investigating this further to determine what the explanation for this is." (it had doubled, the number of ICU admissions and EPI spoke euphemistically about "slight increase". WTF?)

So let me sum it up:

1. In the third week of January, it was reported that people in nursing homes, especially those with a previous Covid infection, had very serious side effects from the vaccine;

2. explosively increasing number of reported deaths in Lareb after vaccination;

3. recognition by MEB that there were many deaths after vaccination;

4. the number of ICU admissions doubled in February after the start of the vaccination campaign;

These are the facts.

That EPI DOES attribute the decline in infection rates in nursing homes to the vaccinations (and not, for example, to their phasing out due to the fact that they had now lasted weeks and everyone had already had a Covid-19 infection), while at the same time they attributed the doubling of the could not explain the number of ICU admissions despite all the safety signals surrounding the vaccinations available to them, nicely reflects the BIAS in which this club operated.

Some people will call this criminal. Worthy of prosecution. “Put them against the wall and have them read letters of apology to all the victims of their policies.” That kind of thing.

However, I'm only thinking one thing right now.

Story how it went in the Netherlands via freedom of act request.


Well-known member
here's jimmy dore's comment about that Francis Collins email above

Jimmy Dore

I understand that most people can not wrap their brains around the enormity of the lie they were told. But I do find it very weird that most people don't care at all that they were lied to about all things Covid from their most trusted sources. Zero outrage from most people about the biggest scandal of their lifetime. Especially disappointed in the comedians who claim to be rebels & truth tellers who are too afraid to even bring it up now, even though its crystal clear what happened.


here is my list of lies my government told me about covid and the transfection ...
  • safe and effective
  • stays in the arm and degrades quickly
  • you will not get infected and you will not spread the infection
  • transfection is better than natural immunity
  • novel virus
  • there is a pandemic
  • PCR can be used to test for covid (kary mullis said it doesn't work that way)