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Have You Been Vaccinated?

Have You Been Vaccinated?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 62 31.5%
  • No!

    Votes: 41 20.8%
  • Soon!

    Votes: 15 7.6%
  • No Way!

    Votes: 65 33.0%
  • I Just Wanna Watch!

    Votes: 14 7.1%

  • Total voters

moose eater

Well-known member
lessee here...:unsure: facts versus a blind belief in a conspiracy theory... :good::tiphat:
The Doc who revived me at birth only did so in order to allow his profession to try and kill me again years later. Maybe my value as a living being diminished over time with age and disability and they're really motivated by the whole "who's feeding the GDP and who's not" mind-set?

Maybe the Docs are in tandem with the Republican desire to cut Social Security and Medicare for the elderly and infirm, and the best way to achieve that is a global conspiracy to kill us old geezers off?

I'd grown weary of medical appointments of late, but they keep hiring those younger women in short skirts at the front desk, so I keep going back, if only for the small talk and free candy for my wife..

Of course, it helps that my maximum out-of-pocket from pre-Medicare days was paid, so the conversations and flirting were free, more or less.


Well-known member
I'd grown weary of medical appointments of late, but they keep hiring those younger women in short skirts at the front desk, so I keep going back, if only for the small talk and free candy for my wife..
aint it the truth ? nurses have improved (visually, anyway) over the past twenty years or so, lol. damn shame doctors skillsets/bedside manners have not kept pace... :(

moose eater

Well-known member
aint it the truth ? nurses have improved (visually, anyway) over the past twenty years or so, lol. damn shame doctors skillsets/bedside manners have not kept pace... :(
The insurance companies chisel down the 'negotiated' contractual fees for those Docs working in network, thus they entertain what I refer to as 'conveyor belt medicine' in order to keep pace with the diminished returns for their labor.

My first neurosurgeon was an exceptional man, appreciated class III firearms like I did/do, and wore Jerry Garcia neck ties with 'shrooms on them. He was a Dall sheep hunter too. Had a phenomenal dark sense of humor that put anxious patients to ease, such as myself. Off the wall funny.

The guy didn't cut for a paycheck, he was monied up, and if he recommended a spine/spinal cord area/nerve area surgery, it was either because you -really- needed it, or the patient really wanted whatever perceived benefit might come with it. The patient wasn't just another piece of fillet mignon on a conveyor belt with dollar signs all over them.

He gave me almost 6 years more use of my legs and spine back then, now just over 6 years ago and coming to an end, thus needing more knife time with a new-to-me neurosurgeon. He and his primary surgical PA both walked on water. I enjoyed my visits with them, like they were tight family.

When he finally got (almost) paid for giving me back full use of my body, playing and working again in the bush with my youngest son, working in the woods on our property, etc., etc., the insurance company paid him all of $5,000!! The anesthesiologist got far better money for my surgery than my neurosurgeon did, and his surgical PA got about the same money the neurosurgeon did.

I phoned my insurance company when I discovered that the $5,000 he'd been promised in an EOB hadn't yet been sent/received, and I told them in no uncertain terms, "This man gave me back the use of my legs and spine!! You can't even get a decent used car anymore for $5,000!! Pay him!!"

I wish he was still in practice, as I'm looking at another spine surgery to once again regain better use of my legs, hips, and spine for fishing, hunting, and physical labor in general.

But I've known some shit-birds for Docs too. The one that nearly killed me in Seattle, then lied about what actually went down after he'd confided in one of my specialists in the Interior of Alaska with whom I had a very good relationship, who shared the real story with me. That motherfucker ought to be lifeless for his CYA maneuvers and fibs, and the permanent damage he did to me, not to mention illegal record keeping, putting dishonest notes into my file to protect himself over a year and a half after I'd last seen him. I spent a year and a half contemplating meeting him unannounced in a parking garage with a .357. I decided against it after that time period. Thoughts and considerations he'll likely never know about.
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Well-known member
where is the 'wanker' emoji when i need one

mooseeater , stop pretending you are a hitman . you are a tyrant and a sociopath that talks bare shit . all these stories you make up in your head. go seak a real doctor, not a make believe one and get some assistance

do you still ban your child from attending family meals together at your house if they are not boosted or wearing a mask ?

you are not very nice are you


Well-known member
😅 Yeah hippies sure aren't as peace loving as they were back in the day. The ones i knew when i was young would have never condoned vaccine mandates or killing people and certainly not involvement in foreign conflicts


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
where is the 'wanker' emoji when i need one

mooseeater , stop pretending you are a hitman . you are a tyrant and a sociopath that talks bare shit . all these stories you make up in your head. go seak a real doctor, not a make believe one and get some assistance

do you still ban your child from attending family meals together at your house if they are not boosted or wearing a mask ?

you are not very nice are you
Awww - Is the romance over now shiva? - since you stated;

"i have to respect you moose for not being manipulated by this small group of fascists and fake hippies on icmag"

moose eater

Well-known member
😅 Yeah hippies sure aren't as peace loving as they were back in the day. The ones i knew when i was young would have never condoned vaccine mandates or killing people and certainly not involvement in foreign conflicts
I guess you didn't know too many hippies back in the day.


Well-known member
😅 Yeah hippies sure aren't as peace loving as they were back in the day. The ones i knew when i was young would have never condoned vaccine mandates or killing people and certainly not involvement in foreign conflicts
My mother and father were hippes in the haight. They have been against every war I’ve been aware of, and were proudly saying “my body my choice” at abortion rallys, and Covid protests.

They are people with principles. They hate the Democratic Party.


Well-known member
Define 'grounded'.
They weren't grounded in reality. They believed in silly things like peace and kindness through and through. Didnt want to be involved in wars or wish harm to others(even if it involved trump and the jews). Didn't believe in government regulations at any cost and just wanted to live a life without conflict or being labeled by the world around them. Pure fantasy world bullshit but atleast they made an effort

moose eater

Well-known member
They weren't grounded in reality. They believed in silly things like peace and kindness through and through. Didnt want to be involved in wars or wish harm to others(even if it involved trump and the jews). Didn't believe in government regulations at any cost and just wanted to live a life without conflict or being labeled by the world around them. Pure fantasy world bullshit but atleast they made an effort
It's possible to believe in most of those things and still be reactive to injustices when some are outside the arm of justice and require instant karma.

Hippies were a lot broader in their perspectives than what you seem to believe.

The general theme of live and let live gives way to those who violate that tenet in notable ways. Half of the old school hippies I knew lived from the labors of their hands and fought in 'Nam by conscription.

I could go on, but I have a time limit on my way to get some things done in town before I head to the Yukon Territory in the near future.

I believe in peace, but I also believe in justice and boundaries, as many hippies do/did, and have bit my tongue many times. I also don't let myself be run over, or anyone else.

I have nothing against Jews. I have a lot against militant Zionists and the boundary challenged Lord Fauntleroy Nation of Israel.

"To every season, turn, turn, turn." A biblical reference in a hippie tune from the 60s by the Byrds that refers to there being a time and place for everything on the planet or under the Sun. Everything. Those are references to boundaries and methods shifting per moments in time.

I'm as live and let live as they come, until you're fucking someone over, including myself or my family, or even a stranger on the street. And then I've gotten involved many times. Usually, it didn't have to go beyond verbal confrontation, as most boundary challenged idiots and zealots are a bit taken aback when a person inserts themselves into their injustices.

moose eater

Well-known member
They weren't grounded in reality. They believed in silly things like peace and kindness through and through. Didnt want to be involved in wars or wish harm to others(even if it involved trump and the jews). Didn't believe in government regulations at any cost and just wanted to live a life without conflict or being labeled by the world around them. Pure fantasy world bullshit but atleast they made an effort
By the way, the assumption that the hippies didn't believe in government involvement or regulation is a misnomer. Wavy gravy, as but one example, though higher profile and infamous, has had a lot to say about social well-being and social justice where government and other programs might be involved.

Those who would say that the hippies universally believed that there should be no government involvement in anything simply over-state whatever their agenda is, seemingly trying to create support for a belief system that really never was. Not in a blanket manner, anyway.

On that note, maybe take a peek at how many impoverished hippies were on food stamps back in the day. No government involvement or regulation?

But they were at least more honest and truer to their -individual- agendas than the corporatist Koch Bros. whose antics emphasize privatizing profits while socializing losses. Overall, I'd say the hippies had far greater heart and honor or integrity than the Kochs do. But there was not one simplistic code for all hippies. Ever.


Well-known member
By the way, the assumption that the hippies didn't believe in government involvement or regulation is a misnomer. Wavy gravy, as but one example, though higher profile and infamous, has had a lot to say about social well-being and social justice where government and other programs might be involved.

Those who would say that the hippies universally believed that there should be no government involvement in anything simply over-state whatever their agenda is, seemingly trying to create support for a belief system that really never was. Not in a blanket manner, anyway.

On that note, maybe take a peek at how many impoverished hippies were on food stamps back in the day. No government involvement or regulation?

But they were at least more honest and truer to their -individual- agendas than the corporatist Koch Bros. whose antics emphasize privatizing profits while socializing losses. Overall, I'd say the hippies had far greater heart and honor or integrity than the Kochs do. But there was not one simplistic code for all hippies. Ever.
direct hit


Well-known member
By the way, the assumption that the hippies didn't believe in government involvement or regulation is a misnomer. Wavy gravy, as but one example, though higher profile and infamous, has had a lot to say about social well-being and social justice where government and other programs might be involved.

Those who would say that the hippies universally believed that there should be no government involvement in anything simply over-state whatever their agenda is, seemingly trying to create support for a belief system that really never was. Not in a blanket manner, anyway.

On that note, maybe take a peek at how many impoverished hippies were on food stamps back in the day. No government involvement or regulation?

But they were at least more honest and truer to their -individual- agendas than the corporatist Koch Bros. whose antics emphasize privatizing profits while socializing losses. Overall, I'd say the hippies had far greater heart and honor or integrity than the Kochs do. But there was not one simplistic code for all hippies. Ever.

I was just giving you the perspective of the ones i knew in austin over 20 years ago when i lived there. They didnt like drama. Didnt talk politics. Hell, i doubt most of them even voted

moose eater

Well-known member
I was just giving you the perspective of the ones i knew in austin over 20 years ago when i lived there. They didnt like drama. Didnt talk politics. Hell, i doubt most of them even voted
Our media analyst/specialist and one of our primary funders during our numerous efforts toward legalization in Alaska in both 2000 (Prop 5) and 2004 (Prop 2) (not decrim, but all-out legalization) were aging hippies from Austin, and they were very political.

The media analyst, Mariann, former wife of the funding source in reference, was -very- political, took part in an Austin underground publication (the 60s name of the hardcopy street newspaper rag I forget now, but the current name is 'The Rag Blog', ran 20 years ago and maybe still by Thorne Dreyer, and can be found online still.

They were political from the 60s forward, and still today. They do somewhat regular radio presentations and written online journalism, too.. She now lives in either Belize or Honduras. Can't recall which.

The financier from Austin was also very political, though less so than his ex.

Like ZZ Top, we're Nationwide. :)

I had to look it up due to my fading memory for some trivia bits, but the street newspaper they circulated in the 60s was simply named "The Rag".
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Well-known member
Our media analyst/specialist and one of our primary funders during our numerous efforts toward legalization in Alaska in both 2000 (Prop 5) and 2004 (Prop 2) (not decrim, but all-out legalization) were aging hippies from Austin, and they were very political.

The media analyst, Mariann, former wife of the funding source in reference, was -very- political, took part in an Austin underground publication (the 60s name of the street newspaper rag I forget now, but the current name is 'The Rag Blog', run 20 years ago and maybe still by Thorne Dreyer, and can be found online still.

They were political from the 60s forward, and still today. They do somewhat regular radio presentations and written online journalism, too.. She now lives in either Belize or Honduras. Can't recall which.

The financier from Austin was also very political, though less so than his ex.

Like ZZ Top, we're Nationwide. :)

The ones i knew were chill, just spent their days catching a buzz and attending music circles. Live and let live and pretty damn old. Definitely weren't shaking their fists in the air over politics like yourself, if they ever did. Very good company for evening smoke sessions

They DID enjoy the benefits of living in a city that completely payed for their lifestyle choices. All the food they needed and I never knew one that was homeless. Plenty of people giving them free pot too, myself included. A lot to admire when i was working 10 hour days and raising two kids at the time

moose eater

Well-known member
The ones i knew were chill, just spent their days catching a buzz and attending music circles. Live and let live and pretty damn old. Definitely weren't shaking their fists in the air over politics, if they ever did. Very good company for evening smoke sessions

They DID enjoy the benefits of living in a city that completely payed for their lifestyle choices. All the food they needed and I never knew one that was homeless. Plenty of people giving them free pot too, myself included. A lot to admire when i was working 10 hour days and raising two kids at the time
These people did all of that, AND maintained an awareness of social and political issues, and they still do. You know, civic duties and such. And their names were not unfamiliar in traditional leftist Austin. And obviously, if the one was a primary funder for our efforts here in Alaska and had sufficient funds to buy a house with cash in Anchorage during Prop 5 in 2000, as well as an old motorhome to do touring and assist in organizing up here, they weren't relying on others to pay their way.

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