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Have You Been Vaccinated?

Have You Been Vaccinated?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 62 31.5%
  • No!

    Votes: 41 20.8%
  • Soon!

    Votes: 15 7.6%
  • No Way!

    Votes: 65 33.0%
  • I Just Wanna Watch!

    Votes: 14 7.1%

  • Total voters


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biology lesson (for the curious) ...

Also, you're actually much more likely to get Covid from someone who has been vaccinated than you are from someone who has recovered from a natural infection.

The mucosal surfaces represent the largest area of exposure of the body to external pathogens. Immunoglobulin A (IgA), in its secretory form, is the main effector of the mucosal immune system and provides an important first line of defense against most pathogens that invade the body at a mucosal surface. This is where viruses replicate (nose, throat, upper respiratory)
For someone who has had a natural infection, they have mucosal immunity and therefore carry no viral load in their mucosal membranes and DO NOT spread the disease.

The vaccinated however, DO NOT have mucosal immunity. The vaccine induced IgG antibodies are in the blood only.

The vaccinated can carry 251 times the viral load and spread MUCH more infection than ANYBODY else. If you want to demonize someone, it's the "vaccinated".. They're the ones spreading around the virus and CAUSING the variants

Viral loads 251 times higher in vaccinated

full substack article link - lots of med study references ...


Well-known member
lol the rise is cancer has been predicted for decades guys and one reason is we just got better detecting it.


Well-known member
the classification of being vaccinated kept on changing conveniently , and the vaccinated that died within one week of covid injection were classed as non vaccinated deaths in the official data . along with all the other fake data regarding covid deaths with no diagnostic tool of any accuracy , and rebranding all respiratory illnesses covid , including the coded spike protein shedding


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
someone was asking about turbo cancer ...

I’ve worked as an ER physician since 1998 & I used to diagnose a new case of obvious cancer about once or twice a YEAR. But since 2021 it’s about once a WEEK I’m finding some new onset “turbo cancer” and every time it’s someone who took the POISON fake vax…
Well they should have taken the real vaccine then. Didn't know there was a poison fake vax... Is it a black market thing? Who is Dr.O anyway?
By every measure you are better off vaccinated than not.


Active member
the classification of being vaccinated kept on changing conveniently , and the vaccinated that died within one week of covid injection were classed as non vaccinated deaths in the official data . along with all the other fake data regarding covid deaths with no diagnostic tool of any accuracy , and rebranding all respiratory illnesses covid , including the coded spike protein shedding
Well they should have taken the real vaccine then. Didn't know there was a poison fake vax... Is it a black market thing? Who is Dr.O anyway?
By every measure you are better off vaccinated than not.
@Chi13 "By every measure you are better off vaccinated than not." Hahahahaha you daft sausage.


Well-known member
Trust the soyIence

trust jimmy dore and the ic mag bots with last years propaganda

Flawed preprint based on autopsies inadequate to demonstrate that COVID-19 vaccines caused 74% of those deaths​


The review isn’t a study published in The Lancet as some social media users claimed, but a preprint that was uploaded to a server associated with the journal. It wasn’t peer-reviewed or published in any scientific journal, and was actually removed from the server by the journal.
The authors’ list included several names well-known for having spread COVID-19 misinformation in the past, including Harvey Risch, Roger Hodkinson, and William Makis. The last author is cardiologist Peter McCullough, whose false claims about COVID-19 vaccines eventually led The American Board of Internal Medicine to recommend revoking his board certification in October 2022.
It is noteworthy that six of the nine authors of the review are affiliated with The Wellness Company. McCullough is the chief scientific officer of this company, which markets supplements that allegedly protect against “vaccine injury”.
Contrary to online claims, the review isn’t a published study but a preprint, which is a scientific manuscript that hasn’t been evaluated by other experts
The first red flag is the use of the term “vaccine injury syndrome” in the preprint. While “vaccine injury” is sometimes used to refer to side effects of vaccination, “vaccine injury syndrome” is a term that has been pushed specifically by anti-vaccine groups and fringe organizations such as Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance to refer to adverse events with no proven causal link to vaccination, like sudden deaths and cancer.

The second issue is the selection of the studies included in the review. The authors excluded the majority (90) of the studies identified in their search. While 25 of them were excluded because they hadn’t conducted an autopsy or didn’t report vaccination status, 55 studies were excluded without clearly stating the reasons for doing so. This is important because including or excluding such a large number of studies could greatly alter the results, and therefore shouldn’t be done without scientific justification.

According to the Methods section, the authors included “All autopsy studies that include COVID-19 vaccines as a possible cause of death”. This vague definition, along with the unclear exclusion criterion, raises the question of whether there was bias in the way the studies were selected. For instance, it’s unclear if the authors excluded otherwise reliable studies simply because their inclusion would have given rise to results that are incompatible with the authors’ own views on COVID-19 vaccine safety.

This is all the more a concern, in light of the fact that the three physicians who reviewed the autopsies and decided which deaths were caused by vaccination were Hodkinson, Makis, and McCullough. As we explained above, all three have spread misinformation about COVID-19 and vaccines in the past, calling into question the objectivity of their analysis.

In particular, Makis claimed without evidence that COVID-19 vaccines were responsible for the deaths of 80 Canadian doctors. Reuters explained in a fact-check that at least 12 of those deaths were actually due to chronic illnesses, while four more resulted from accidents. Furthermore, no evidence suggests that COVID-19 vaccines increase mortality risk, as Health Feedback explained in earlier reviews.

Jonathan Laxton, a general internist and assistant professor of medicine at the University of Manitoba, pointed out several other issues in the preprint, including a misattributed affiliation and the citation of a retracted study, in a Twitter thread.


Well-known member
of course it was ”flawed”,

Now in the peer-reviewed literature: a 37% loss of life expectancy if you got a COVID shot.




Well-known member
as requested ... the end game ...

Kissinger's quote from a speech to the WHO Eugenics Council on February 25, 2009:

"Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it's game over. They will accept anything - forced blood or organ donation - 'for the common good.' We can genetically modify children and sterilize them - 'for the common good'...." Vaccine manufacturers will make billions. And many of you in this room are future investors. It's a big win-win. We exterminate the herd, and the herd pays us for our extermination services."