Thanks for the info! I ordered a 1/2" x 25' coil with a 13" diameter that could be used for that purpose! I got 1/2" x 50' coils for the two immersion style chillers.
So in that scenario I would go collection pot, fore line trap, pump, coil in warm collection basin bath, coil in cold bath, filter drier, tank.
Will the Haskel generate enough heat into the liquid tane to warrant using it to heat the water? If the water bath is at 85 F and being regulated by heat mats around a stock pot, would a coil like that still be worth it? I guess any heat helps, but it's another component after the pump that would need to be recovered each time.
What it offers, is the need for adding less heat, and dry ice.
Looks like my last test notes got pitched, but as I recall the Haskel discharge on SN0009 was over 125F. It adds the heat of compression to the intake temperature, besides how hot the pump might be running.
Perhaps Permaculture can cast some light on what his runs at.
Does anyone know a general temperature range that the butane exits a haskel under normal conditions? If the delta T was high enough (such as generated by two TR-21's) I could see this being useful, but if the delta T isn't very large, it wouldn't be doing much heating. I love the idea of reusing process heat, but I'd like to know it was making a difference and worth the hassle to do so.
We haven't added one to a Mk V yet, but Joe is running one on his Mk IV and says it is worthwhile in his application running dual TR-21's.