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H3ad goes Coco

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
I've got them on a 400gph pump with 3 1/4" spaghetti tubes feeding each plant between 25 to 35 seconds per feed 6 to 8 times a day. The variance is to adjust to the strain, size of plant, n amount of medium, to achieve a small amount of runoff, while keeping the medium from never drying out too much causing nutrient buildup.


I'm hand watering my plants 2 times a day on Coco. I can understand the need to have an automated feeding system is there are large numbers of plants involved.


Active member
This regime works well. I dilute the initial 1.3 EC (RO input) solution down to .9 EC and my plants like it. Full strength 6/9 was causing N tox to some. I am also feeding coco DTW multiple times a day and not growing trees. Everything looks extremely healthy.


Active member
Been using 6/9 for years .. great results always. But i was curious do you guys run 6/9 all the way threw flower? Or do you drop micro at some point? And if so have you tried both ways and noticed a difference cutting out micro or running it all the way to flush?


Active member
Thanks dickpissed.. my recent runs if run micro all threw flower. But i do remember previous runs years back cutting it at some point in flower. Dont really know if i noticed any substancial difference either way. Im guilty of using additives.. my GG4 needs 5ml/Gal Cal-mg to stay happy. Also using Silica blast, Mammoth P, Heavy16 Fire, and Rock Resinator. So i guess i kind of mess the ratio up.. but plants are happy as hell so...!!

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
I have tried multiple ways of cutting the micro, vs running 1.2ec, thru harvest. When the grow is perfectly healthy, I couldn't say that I could tell a noticeable difference. To be safer concerning heavy metals in the nutrient, I start reducing nutrient concentration around 10 days prior to harvest.

For running 1 to 1.2ec all the way thru and it coming out tasting and burning smooth, I think it's important to get some runoff, so not to build up nutrient concentration in the medium.


New member
I have 3 strains in veg (5w from seed), 2 are doing great but one is showing its claws, which I read somewhere is N toxicity.
How do I correct this please?
Dilute 6/9, change the ratio, or add something else?
I'm doing H3ads 6/9, hand watering the young plants every other day (because I find they become droopy if watered every day, and sweating). I use tap water Ph-ed to pH5.5


try 4/6 or 5/8, depends on your lighting and environment. Also make sure you're using the appropriate size pots and your pH is good.


I have 3 strains in veg (5w from seed), 2 are doing great but one is showing its claws, which I read somewhere is N toxicity.
How do I correct this please?
Dilute 6/9, change the ratio, or add something else?
I'm doing H3ads 6/9, hand watering the young plants every other day (because I find they become droopy if watered every day, and sweating). I use tap water Ph-ed to pH5.5

I'd keep going 6/9, PH'd at 5.8-6.0, water every day, minimal if no runoff.
Basically, just keep slugging it out. If you have good lights, proper temps (78-82 with lights on) RO around 40-50%, your plant will do fine.
Don't mess with the formula, don't add anything else.


New member
I'd keep going 6/9, PH'd at 5.8-6.0, water every day, minimal if no runoff.
Basically, just keep slugging it out. If you have good lights, proper temps (78-82 with lights on) RO around 40-50%, your plant will do fine.
Don't mess with the formula, don't add anything else.

try 4/6 or 5/7.5, depends on your lighting and environment. Also make sure you're using the appropriate size pots and your pH is good.

Thanks guys, I'll see how I go. my temps do vary a bit more than the preferred ideal (72-86F), but there's no much help to it, and it hasn't done damage to my other plants in this nor in previous grow. Lights, humidity and pots are ok for my little needs. Thanks a lot to you guys :)
And of course a huge thanks to H3ad & Co for taking the time to share this formula with all of us!!!


Active member
I've been using the 6/9 formula for a month or two now and thought I'd share some pictures of how well it works for me. Here are a few plants that have been primarily bottom fed. They're all sitting under a 100 Watt CFL. In this tent I like to run the 6/9 around 350 - 400 PPM.


And then two of the plants I have flowering right now. They're under ~300 watts and still use the same recipe.

This formula has greatly simplified my entire process and seems just as effective as any of the other nutrient lines I've tried.


New member
I also run a diluted version of the 6/9 after finding my plants were N tox at the usual ratio of 6/9per gal using my tap water with a ppm of 200?
I changed it up by going with' 50/50 distilled & tap water x2 gallon ' giving me a ppm of 115 , I then add...
1 gram epsom salt- per-2gal
2ml pk boost-per-2gal
6ml micra (hard)-per-2gal
9ml bloom-per-2gal
TOTAL ppm [email protected]
Ph always between 5.7/6.3

My plants have never been better and I actually think I might pull my biggest yield from a single plant to date?