Go to the meter panel & determine the capacity of the main breaker. Depending on where you live there may not be one w/ work that old. If there's not then power comes directly from the meter to the leads at the top of the bussbars. From the diagram, that means the top half would be hot all the time. In any case, You have a max of 125A available & only 60A available on the lower half of the breakers.
Make a list of the large electrical loads- Electric dryer, baseboard heaters, water heater, stove, refrigerator, freezer, furnace, air conditioner & anything else that might use a lot of power. Measuring the current can be tricky because the load can change thermostatically in some so the best answer is to read it from the nameplates on the devices or from the manuals. Measure the lighting load w/ everything on. Map these devices to the breakers in the panel. Label the panel while you're at it.
240v loads are self balancing on the bussbars while 120v loads are not. Using your map & the bussbar diagram, determine if the 120v loads are relatively balanced on the bussbars. Make it so as well as you reasonably can. Add up the loads on each bussbar, subtract each number from 125. The smaller number of the two is excess capacity at the upper bussbars you can use for your grow circuit.
Once you have that stuff figured out you're in the position to make educated choices.
Make a list of the large electrical loads- Electric dryer, baseboard heaters, water heater, stove, refrigerator, freezer, furnace, air conditioner & anything else that might use a lot of power. Measuring the current can be tricky because the load can change thermostatically in some so the best answer is to read it from the nameplates on the devices or from the manuals. Measure the lighting load w/ everything on. Map these devices to the breakers in the panel. Label the panel while you're at it.
240v loads are self balancing on the bussbars while 120v loads are not. Using your map & the bussbar diagram, determine if the 120v loads are relatively balanced on the bussbars. Make it so as well as you reasonably can. Add up the loads on each bussbar, subtract each number from 125. The smaller number of the two is excess capacity at the upper bussbars you can use for your grow circuit.
Once you have that stuff figured out you're in the position to make educated choices.