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  • ICMag and The Vault are running a NEW contest in October! You can check it here. Prizes are seeds & forum premium access. Come join in!

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its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
black domina



the bigger jack the ripper,still was hard to get a decent shot of the whole plant,these ones were the best i could get...if she wouldnt have stretched so hard shed be thicker,but she dont really put it on until much later in flower anyways so we will see.





its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor





casey jones,i wish i couldve gotten a good shot of these.theyre right under the lamp like the jtr is,theyre filling out pretty nice so far.tried to snap this thru the M7 glasses,still havnt got the bracket for my lens filter yet...



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
the fruity cut i got as pre 98 bubba,still trying to identify it....its staying around a while regardless,ill give it a name if i have to hahahaha...



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My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
Damn that last herma frost shot had mad nanners. Must be super sensitive. Maybe equipment in room is spitting light on them at lights off. Your room can't be that hot everything looks great. None of your leaves have tip burn it's not to hot of food imho
If I had to play Sherlock Holmes I'd guess light leak. Or maybe wind whipped by a fan? Doubt that though all those undisturbed white hairs
Some times light from the on switch to a power strip can set off nanners on say something like diesel related. Eg my straw diesel cross is weak like that.
Sit in the room for a few at lights off see what you can figure out. Maybe eliminate that possibility with a sitting or two.

Gnats- DE sucks. Makes a mud on top. unless you cake it on hard they're gonna go right through it. Even then they shoot right for drain holes. If using pots; line bottom with pebbles or grow stones something fine, hard, and drains well. Cover the tops with it as well. Small gravel works really well and is super cheap. And you can reclaim it easily every harvest. Just pour it all into a kiddy pool or tarp when cleaning up

When I use gnat killer shit they never all die and it has always affected my grow. Sticky traps. Gravel. Apple cider vinegar solo cups every container for a lil bit.

They come in soil so best offense is trap them in it never let me fly ones that get out hit a trap or vinegar.
Those are all cheap and effective and non invasive to your plants


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
yea that last shot is a crazy one right?thats why i put it up,so you guys could see what i was dealing with/cleaning up...took me forever and again a few last night.
i just want to try to get them to atleast day 50.only 12 more days so i MIGHT make it but if they keep trying to show im gonna have to give them the yop.
ive used the apple cider vinegar before and it works good,i did the sticky traps,i put new yellow and the blue ones in both rooms.was thinking about getting some NPS for veg too.
im gonna try a few dif angles and hopefully eradicate them bastards fast as i can.fuckers are relentless yo.maybe ill tape the vinegar traps to the pots so theyre right at the top of the pot when they fly out....the vinegar smell wont go into the flowers will it?id hate to have some bs like tht happen,last time i used them i wasnt this far into flower...
thanks homie.


Active member
Yea man it almost looks like a couple beans forming on the top of the permafrost. That blows, especially because everything else is looking perfect as usual. Hopefully those fuckers hold off the next 2 weeks for you.

Just had to toss an amazing looking/smelling Sin Valley OG a few weeks ago because of the same issue. It smelled like artificial blueberry and OG, frost for days. But she wouldn't stop tossing nanners, pained me to kill it but they would keep coming back and no matter how good a girl is she's not worth a garden full of seeds. There are plenty of amazing girls to be had, whether in seed form of clone, as you clearly already know, so why keep one that can potentially fuck my shit up if everything isn't perfect in every way. That's how I look at it at least. Respect brother


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
I don't think the smell will be a problem you only need a tiny amount. id just set the cup or water bottle with a tiny lil bit of vinegar at the base of the plants on the worst pots and a few around the room
def look into the small gravel . great for drainage below and seals off top and bottom from bugs. they cant physically pass through it. and unlike DE on the top it does a couple things much better.
1 you can put on the bottom, where the gnats will go to if the top is unavailable to them
2 does not clump up into a piece of pottery. water passes right through it. water & air in, bugs out
3 does not break down into anything that you need to account for
4 reusable
5 just as cheap if not cheaper

all that said gnats are the least destructive pest, but are the most annoying. best to make it unlivable for them. I am about to start taking my own advise on this because every time I nearly have them eliminated another bloom takes place and theres not many but damn I hate bugs that fly all over and die all over shit and get all stuck to the fans. just more work for me cleaning, as I am a bit crazy about that in the room. clean is easy to spot problems = I rest better.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
new sticky traps all around both rooms,i also hit them w that bmc stuff again w water only.
i see less activity but i need to see zero activity before ill be happy :D
also set the apple cider vinager traps around the rooms,
i threw six in flower and 2 in veg...
kicked one over yesterday,shit stunk up the room lol...
they take them out though ive used them a few years ago.

ill def be looking into getting me some gravel for next run as well...

the nanners have slowed way down,idk if its because theyre done doing damage or if its something else.
i see a couple/few spots on the permas that may be seeds forming
but i havnt seen any of that type of action on anything else yet....knock on wood...
hopefully the damage was minimal.i was dabbing them w a wet q tip before and after picking them off so hopefully that was helping the damage control.

just thought id update right fast while i had a few minutes to spare.


Active member
ICMag Donor
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Sticky traps are really for monitoring, not controlling. And all that gnat killing bullshit like Gnatrol might work, but nothing is as effective as nematodes, you'll see your problem gone within days.

Its easy as fuck. Either mix the nematodes that come in vermiculite into water adn water them into the mix, or top dress your containers with a spoon full and then water it in with the nutes.

Cheap and only one application and they do all the work. Also fight other bad bugs for you. They never effect your plants because they are not hte type with mouths that can bore into plant tissue.

Organic, soil friendly, planet friendly, people and pet safe, you can eat the stuff.

Here is the product and only place I know its available to purchase.

Dr. Pye's Scanmask 10 Million Live Beneficial Nematodes - Kills Over 230 Bugs

Good luck. Oh and this will help you avoid extra work with gravel and such lol... shouldn't have to do stuff like that - that detracts from the fun in growing. With the Nematodes everything can go back to the way it was, no gravel, no mass amounts of stickies, no vinegar traps, Just your soil and ladies with benneficials. And you know you aren't harming anything, on earth or your grow room or anything.



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
wattup fellaz lil quick few shots....

back cloner is the way ive been cloning since switching to r.o ...before I had to use the r.o water I could just put straight tap water in the e-z cloner and I didn't even ph it,just put clones in and cupped them a couple weeks later 100% success.since the water bs happened in this city and I had to switch to r.o im getting a cloner to root and the next one wont or 2 clone runs will then out of nowhere I wont get roots for 2 attempts on full cloners...so I figured id try something new...
the front cloner I just filled last night with Snyped method...thanks Snype for the thread yo...


TK and Irenes veggin...mostly


strawberry kush,still filling out....



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
bubbas,feeling like they hit the wall,hoping they plump up more like the last run did at least,
if not im gonna be scratching my head to figure out why.
just don't seem like they've changed much in the last few days that's all...
probably just me letting my mind play tricks on me.
...pics were taken on day 39 I think...








its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
jack the ripper,filling out nice still,probably around 30 days to go...




I like how this one loses focus gradually from bud to bud to bud....stoned... :D




its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
casey jones,this is a big bitch,pics aint doing her justice at all...
I don't know how long she goes,1st time running this one.
looks like itll be around 70 at least though...I have 4 of them in there.


looks like even the side shoots are gonna throw some respectable spears...


the top


thought I grabbed a few close ups of the nugs on her but I guess not...

next time...



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
thanks fellaz....quick update...

veg shots...

TK vegging away,im trying to let these veg another 30 days or so


tk and irenes tht get flipped this week,irenes are on the right



fresh moms that need up potted....the fruity bubba,tk and Irene


part of veg,couldnt fit the whole room in the shot.



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
flowers...all the bud shots are around 62ish days,they have around 10 days or so to go....I think ...

strawberry kush




