SD-been a minutes since ive flowered out the JTR but shes fuely/lemony grease kicks in hardmode about the last 2 weeks and the high on this cut is real heavy,enjoyable.
ok fellaz I just wanted to show you what ive been experimenting with,
this is the 1st attempt doing this...was on the advice of my bro moneymike.we were talking and I told him I been getting sometimey roots,
ill get a cloner to go then the next one wont etc...
so he tells me to take a look at a sticky by snipe,so I did...
the results are undeniable...
roots growing thru the neoprenes
this is the last cloner of cuts before I tried this method,they were in the cloner for like 3 weeks and these were all tht I got to root,and they aren't in the happiest mood atm...ill get them back to health though...
and these are from the cloner I emptied today w the snipe method,2 weeks solid.the only cuts tht didn't root were from my casey mama,idk why but only 10/24 rooted for me.
but obv it was something w that mama,too much N in her at the time of taking the cuts I think.
appreciate all the good karma from the lurkers too
brought a few pics for the pages....starting off w some veg shots...
top shelf needs transplanted in the next couple days for sure
here goes the omnes that were yellow as hell last pic drop.
a couple foliar feeds and just water since they hit the dirt,and theyre bouncing back already.
and these ones only been out the cloner for 5 days,snype method.
permafrost,keeping the nutes lower and watering in between feeds w her this round,she sytarted to act up but i flushed her and she seems like she settled down,i think shes nute sensitive.
casey jones....these,the jtr,black domina,strawberry kush,1 irene
and the fruity bubba cut (that i now call Fruityness) come down as soon as the pots are light...
Fruityness.....these pics should explain why i refuse to continue calling this cut bubba....its clearly not bubba so i renamed it until i can get an ID on what it might be or is....if that name is taken let me know,i tried to use a name ive never heard of or read....