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Green Mountain Seeds distribution agreement with ACE Seeds


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I'm new to growing this plant haven't even figured out my nutes lol. I think I have the general idea now that it's been three seasons but I'm still experimenting, that's probs why I haven't figured out exactly what I want to do.
I know I used to underwater and in turn over water and probably sometimes still do. I typically wait til the plants wilt a little so I know the hydrostatic pressure is low and they are looking for it. I know this helps the roots stretch earlier in life and respecting wet\dry cycles helps with other root issues.
My backyard gets full sun practically 10 hours a day depending on the season so they get thirsty especially if it's hot - this is when I likely run into under\over watering these days. Theres also white walled garage that reflects it back at them. I've been wanting to get various light measurements back there but I don't want to invest in the meter when I don't plan on using it often. It's more for the scientific part of my mind.
So long story short before I make it even longer my environment is probably harsh and I def have watering issues and nute issues lol.

Do you use anything in flower? Do you find using neem effects the taste? I've taken neem oil internally for a sick I couldn't beat and while in the beginning it was fine as I couldn't taste it once I could I had to stop taking it because it made me gag. Now I know it won't effect it to that extent but I'm curious none the less.
I do all organic living soil, so my nutes are usually only supplemented with some jadam liquid fertilizer throughout the season and some knf style watering mixes. At the end of the season (soon) I shovel out my chicken coops and top dress the beds with the manure/straw mix. I also sometimes throw some eggs into the hole before I plant or some fish guts etc based on what I got around.

I don't water, not by choice but just situation right now. I would prefer to keep the soil moist all the time for the soil life, so not letting it dry out. But that is a contentious issue in ways and everyone has their pov.
I don't use anything in flower except for soapy water and monteray bt, lab or milk (for pm). Basically flower for me is stuff with nor residue or bacterial. I would not use neem in flower, and would caution against it.

I got a whole trash bag of bud for washing to make hash this year, I only keep the best for flower (which had a lot, but if it was much work to trim it I just field trim and use for hash). Very excited to see how this seasons hash comes out, but that will not be done until the snow is on the ground. I have a feeling this season is going to taste amazing and be something very special. I love how hash, since I don't seperate strains is each year a taste of how that year was. Like wine I guess!


Well-known member
I do all organic living soil, so my nutes are usually only supplemented with some jadam liquid fertilizer throughout the season and some knf style watering mixes. At the end of the season (soon) I shovel out my chicken coops and top dress the beds with the manure/straw mix. I also sometimes throw some eggs into the hole before I plant or some fish guts etc based on what I got around.

I don't water, not by choice but just situation right now. I would prefer to keep the soil moist all the time for the soil life, so not letting it dry out. But that is a contentious issue in ways and everyone has their pov.
I don't use anything in flower except for soapy water and monteray bt, lab or milk (for pm). Basically flower for me is stuff with nor residue or bacterial. I would not use neem in flower, and would caution against it.

I got a whole trash bag of bud for washing to make hash this year, I only keep the best for flower (which had a lot, but if it was much work to trim it I just field trim and use for hash). Very excited to see how this seasons hash comes out, but that will not be done until the snow is on the ground. I have a feeling this season is going to taste amazing and be something very special. I love how hash, since I don't seperate strains is each year a taste of how that year was. Like wine I guess!

I taught myself to wash bubble and make hash last year. Organic, living soil.
I kept them single origin because I was learning. Interested in the differences.

I do have a Grove bag that I still have to run that I call trail mix.
Every bud I found stuck to my sock. 😉
All my trimmings, What ever was in the grinder but I wanted to check a different strain.
Any little pile of here and there that didn't get put away. It all goes in the trail mix.

I'm looking forward to making some sativa hash this season with my GM strains!
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Well-known member
I do all organic living soil, so my nutes are usually only supplemented with some jadam liquid fertilizer throughout the season and some knf style watering mixes. At the end of the season (soon) I shovel out my chicken coops and top dress the beds with the manure/straw mix. I also sometimes throw some eggs into the hole before I plant or some fish guts etc based on what I got around.

I don't water, not by choice but just situation right now. I would prefer to keep the soil moist all the time for the soil life, so not letting it dry out. But that is a contentious issue in ways and everyone has their pov.
I don't use anything in flower except for soapy water and monteray bt, lab or milk (for pm). Basically flower for me is stuff with nor residue or bacterial. I would not use neem in flower, and would caution against it.

I got a whole trash bag of bud for washing to make hash this year, I only keep the best for flower (which had a lot, but if it was much work to trim it I just field trim and use for hash). Very excited to see how this seasons hash comes out, but that will not be done until the snow is on the ground. I have a feeling this season is going to taste amazing and be something very special. I love how hash, since I don't seperate strains is each year a taste of how that year was. Like wine I guess!
I haven't decided which style I want to do past organic.
Ideally I'd make my own compost tea (it's a plan but idk when it'll come into play yet) and have a hoop house or raised beds where I could grow year round(my climate more or less allows for that rn anyways - the weather has been a little different the last two seasons) and throw in some veg and fruits. I'm leaning towards hoop house as my gardeners can't be trusted not to mess up things - watering cycles and they've weed wacked my pots etc.

I haven't heard of jadam liquid fertilizer but I'm about to google it. I have a very basic understanding of knf and if I had chickens, cows, fish etc I'd figure out how to make a useable product from any waste that was created.

I think next season I'll be figuring out some sort of top layer to help retain moisture probs just mulch and I'll be trying purecrop and Monterey bt for the pests. Deadbug too maybe depends if it kills caterpillars - I need to read up on that. Ive used it for aphids and whitefly, works well.

I don't grow enough plants nor are they big enough to pull pounds off of (5 - 7 gallon pots) maybe one day but honestly most of what I grow goes to the homeless until I get a press but first I have to figure out the pests so I'm not vaping them or their waste. I suppose I could wash the buds too.

I'd like to try my hand at hash but pests and nutes first! Probably yield too but larger pots may be the answer there. I'd need to do soil test before I put these plants in the ground. I tried tomatoes one year and there seems to be a fungus or bacteria in the soil.

Terrior it's a thing so I believe it plays a role in anything grown, especially in the ground. I can see why the hash would be different each year.


Well-known member
View attachment 19084729
I taught myself to wash bubble and make hash last year. Organic, living soil.
I kept them single origin because I was learning. Interested in the differences.

I do have a Grove bag that I still have to run that I call trail mix.
Every bud I found stuck to my sock. 😉
All my trimmings, What ever was in the grinder but I wanted to check a different strain.
Any little pile of here and there that didn't get put away. It all goes in the trail mix.

I'm looking forward to making some sativa hash this season with my GM strains! View attachment 19084733 View attachment 19084735
How much does each weigh?
Do you use it by itself or mix it with bud or tobacco?
Which strains are these from?


Active member
Some Purple Satellite getting a rough trim and left on the stem. Right into Grove bags to extend the dry/cure 💜
Sweet smell!
View attachment 19085098
I am trying bags for the first time this year, but they don't arrive for at least another week. I have everything drying in field trim condition (similar enough to what you got here but bucked up more) in a drying rack. Except for the two small guys i did a whole plant hang on.

How do you decide when to put them into the bags? I got a moisture meter for wood also on hand if you use one.
PurpleSat, on my sneaky little tastes is a nice sativa, with a little fuzzyness? Like, something that would be well suited to a hike or chilling out and watching a documentary. Very social and fun, how do you experience her? I am curious if she retains that chill vibe or sharpens up. She looks lovely and purple in the grinder haha


Well-known member
I am trying bags for the first time this year, but they don't arrive for at least another week. I have everything drying in field trim condition (similar enough to what you got here but bucked up more) in a drying rack. Except for the two small guys i did a whole plant hang on.

How do you decide when to put them into the bags? I got a moisture meter for wood also on hand if you use one.
PurpleSat, on my sneaky little tastes is a nice sativa, with a little fuzzyness? Like, something that would be well suited to a hike or chilling out and watching a documentary. Very social and fun, how do you experience her? I am curious if she retains that chill vibe or sharpens up. She looks lovely and purple in the grinder haha
The easiest way is to dry them till the smallest branches bend/ snap and then buck them down into the bags and you'll end up somewhere between 55% - 62% and it'll equalize after a bit.
This works.

I tend to think that the drying and curing is really important. So I don't mind putting extra time into it.
The bags play several roles.
One of the most important, they buy me time.
I'm a 1 man operation and last year I had an overabundance. 9.5# when finished.
So time is important. Don't want to drive the missus crazy and shut the whole project down.

This is my 3rd season using them.
I use them to do basically the old hippie dry. Hang em till the branches bend/snap and then buck them down and sweat them in a brown paper grocery sack.

But now I have now more tools and experience. I can tweak this process.
I've use the Grove bags, cheap hygrometers and a wood moisture meter
to do an even better job.

I'm actually in the middle of harvest.

I'll post more when I can.
But in a nutshell. I'm hanging the branches in the basement.
How much I hang changes everything humidity wise.

This season I picked GMGrape and Purple Satellite individually rather than with the later strains.
So they are drying faster than normal.
Just 1 plant on the drying line.
I don't have the vegetable mass to create the environment I had last season.

I picked this Purple Satellite Oct 10th.
Normally I shoot for something in the 10- 14 days. And run a dehumidifier.
Conditions this year and less plants hanging at one time made the outside of the buds pretty crispy feeling by day 6.
Even without the dehumidifier.
In drying meat that's called case hardening and is to be avoided because it traps the moisture inside and causes spoilage.

So to prevent that I cut the branches down but didn't buck them all the way.
I want that branch wood for the slow moisture.

For my style, I vape in a dynavap. I prefer a moist cure/storage more akin to pipe tobacco but not quite that moist.
I shoot for not going below 62%. (The theory being once they are too dry the curing stops)
If they do of course they're fine. They bags will maintain a 58 - 62%.
I just try and stay at the top.
I'm comfortable there. Retired Chef, used to working on the edge.

At this point they all go in a 5# Grove bag


With a hygrometer painter taped to the inside so I don't have to go fishing for it.

Now I'm in the zone. I can literally open and close the bag to immediately vent moisture and hold it until further handling/trimming at my leisure.
I want 70% or less.
This makes home life more normal. Everything doesn't have to revolve around the harvest.
I have bought time.


When it's time to trim I keep it in the lg bag. Give it a rough farmer trim and still on the wood put it in a 2# bag.
This keeps it from drying out and case hardening because I got distracted/ back gave up, etc.


Here's where I sit this morning.
That's not a true reading. There's trapped moisture in those stems.
Now I have bought more time.
I can clean up the mess. Get things back in order, rest my back.

As time progresses all the plants have come down and the bags have been opened and closed repeatedly.
I watch em for about a month. The ones in the tub are closed.
The ones in front are over 62% and the tops are open venting.
With the hygrometers paint taped to where I can see them it only takes a minute to check each bag.
If a closed one has dropped more than expected more often than not is because my sticky fingers didn't seal it properly and that can be fixed.

When stable I buck them down and give them my best trim. Put them in ounce bags and seal the tops and put them away.


I have brown glass daily jars the I smoke from. A bag will fill that variety jar twice.


I'm very happy with the results. This is an ongoing time/cured experiment.
But it's really working for me so far.

This is also totally scalable to your situation. You could have 1 big auto and do this with a 2#, quarter pound and a couple 1oz bags. 👍
So that's my pitch. I think they're magic.

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