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Greedy Phony MJ growers/entrepeneurs

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
LOL! right on LLBean!. I like your style and your opinions are right in tune with mine. I totally agree.. I like what you say about different customers who treat you differently and will pay accordingly. I do that sometimes too. when I get an asshole disrespectful patient I like to get out the 18 gauge needle instead of the pediatric 25 gauge. lol

wholly crap. U make me scared to go to a health care person. ill remember to be xtra nice to them. lol I would anyway... also food people, always treat them with respect too.:biggrin:


Rubbing my glands together
If I can teach a med patient that doesn't have a clue and constantly fails at growing, how to do it right isn't it worth it to me to get paid my rate and to the patient who otherwise would have thrown away many, many more hundreds even thousands of dollars and still not get it right? If I can cut a year or two off their learning curve for their grow, and save them mucho dollars isn't that worth it? Most of the time when they pay for the info they listen and learn. Not all the time tho as Kendo stated. Not everyone has the intelligence capacity to get it and would rather argue why their failed method works, lol. Some are just destined to continue failing. Besides, if the patient sees the value in what they get what does it matter to anyone else what's being charged. If you get a bad consultant who's fault is that for not asking for references or some other info to sort the good from the shit?
You people that think everything should be free crack me up. Give your work skills, if you have any, away or at a reduced rate and see how far that gets ya.
Other than that, lets hold hands, sing kumbyfuckinya, and eat a granola bar.

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
If I can teach a med patient that doesn't have a clue and constantly fails at growing, how to do it right isn't it worth it to me to get paid my rate and to the patient who otherwise would have thrown away many, many more hundreds even thousands of dollars and still not get it right? If I can cut a year or two off their learning curve for their grow, and save them mucho dollars isn't that worth it? Most of the time when they pay for the info they listen and learn. Not all the time tho as Kendo stated. Not everyone has the intelligence capacity to get it and would rather argue why their failed method works, lol. Some are just destined to continue failing. Besides, if the patient sees the value in what they get what does it matter to anyone else what's being charged. If you get a bad consultant who's fault is that for not asking for references or some other info to sort the good from the shit?
You people that think everything should be free crack me up. Give your work skills, if you have any, away or at a reduced rate and see how far that gets ya.
Other than that, lets hold hands, sing kumbyfuckinya, and eat a granola bar.


Im no consultant, I help people for free all the time. I wish I could have paid someone to help me get better a long time ago. Even at just a few lights, I know the amount I would have saved if I knew 10 years ago, what I know now.

But as a customer u pay for what u want. U don't want it don't buy it. Its up to u to demand what is worth ur dollar. If the person isn't worth a shit spread the word and don't do business with them again.


LOL! oMG..that's so funny...lets hold hands, sing kumbyfuckinya and eat a granola bar together.lmao..that is so bizarre.
therez some weird motherfuckers on dis thread.lol

Former Guest

Active member
Most of the consultants wandering around here are idiots while some you would actually benefit from. I think 50% is a bit high but it depends on how much time they're spending with me each week. I want to learn something for that price and I think it sucks some think they're qualified.

This world needs DATs and I just wanted to try and encirage people to give back in some form. Seems most wanted to just say it's money.

18 gauge needles are easy. :sasmokin:


Rubbing my glands together
Most of the consultants wandering around here are idiots while some you would actually benefit from. I think 50% is a bit high but it depends on how much time they're spending with me each week. I want to learn something for that price and I think it sucks some think they're qualified.

This world needs DATs and I just wanted to try and encirage people to give back in some form. Seems most wanted to just say it's money.

18 gauge needles are easy. :sasmokin:

There are a lot of idiots out there. Read a book, run a 250w grow and bingo, consultant.
I have a close friend that's been growing for 20 years or so and I wouldn't let the guy babysit my grow. Years growing really don't mean shit if you haven't learned anything the whole time.

Red Berry

i would not trust any consultant who shaved his dreads off after being caught with clones . lol. thats just me though .

i would let kendo be my patch monkey but i would not pay him for advice .


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

and lots of these folks are transient as well, not knowing how long they'll be sticking around they're probably reluctant to make the effort of putting themselves in the system, getting welfare benefits can take up to 6 weeks up here, or so I've heard, idk about elsewhere.

the old catch 22 of the homeless/jobless. no home address, no home phone, tough job prospects. yeah, I know that any homeless shelter will allow clients to use their #s but I'm sure most employers would see those familiar #s on applications.

tough life.

These guys weren't transient, I got to know them over a period of several years and the sum total of what could be considered transient about them was moving from one camp to another when cops found their current camp and ran them off.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Confidence and EGO are one in the same. I think you confuse Ego with selfish, self-centered, ego-centric. Ego is what drives confidence. EGO IS SELF..
I would venture that the majority of people are jealous. Consider the reaction the majority have shown towards successful cannabis ganjaprenuers in t

The confusion is that she really means Egotistical, Big Headed, seeing their worth as greater then how everyone else see's their worth. Sometime also referred to as Stuck up, snobbish, holier then thou.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Here is what $100 an hour gets ya. 13lbs

Nice. :yes:

Getting back to the discussion at hand though, is it fair to say that for the most part your $100 per hour service is for people wanting to grow on a large scale and not for some newbie who just wants to know how to grow pot?

See that's the part of this conversation I'm having trouble with, there are tons of books, many web sites and lots of people on those web sites that are available for a minimal price or for free all to help someone learn how to successfully grow pot. So I would think rather then wasting your time trying to market your services to those types you mainly focus on people wanting to go commercial or to grow large scale for a dispensary or for a group of patients. You're not out there trying to convince some 70 year old person on Social Security and Medicare that just found out he has cancer that he should hire you to show him how to grow his medicine are you?

If you are trying to target those types and charge $100 an hour then I agree with LLB that you should be ashamed of yourself. If however you're confining yourself to people looking to go commercial so they can charge overly inflated prices to sick people that I have no problem with what you're doing. It's like the song by Temple of the Dog called Hunger Strike where it goes...
I don't mind stealing bread
From the mouths of decadents
But I can't feed on the powerless
When my cup's already overfilled


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
100/hour is not ridiculous. It sets a minimum standard

1. Don't waste their time.
2. Stay on point. See 1.
3. Scale. At that rate, he is only consulting large grows. The impact of his recommendations can run in to the tens, or hundreds, of thousands of dollars.

I've no idea of the consulting industry for cannabis, but it's just another market. The greater the complexity/facility, the higher the price of consultation.

BC is some what unique with our homeless situation. A large percentage were pushed out on to the streets by the government when they shut down long term mental care facilities across the province. Not directly on to the streets though, that would be cruel. They farmed that out to the families of the patients.

Here in the US, when they cut funding in 2009, they just told them that they were free to go.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Another thing I'm not getting is why people think it's so hard to grow that they need someone to hold their hands? I've read numerous books over the years and seen the information that is available here and on many other websites and everything one needs for a personal indoor grow is covered.

Now if you can't read then okay maybe you need someone to walk you thru it but it's not really as hard as some people make it out to be. I get the sense from some I've seen on these sites that they don't want you to believe that though for fear that if everyone knew it wasn't that hard there would be less demand for what they grow. What I find seems to complicate things for people the most is when they elevate the plant to something more then it is and they start to feel like they got to do all this extra special stuff to it. Particularly with regards to feeding it. Mainly in terms or organics. Now I'm not saying there is anything wrong with going organic. What I will say though is that a lot of people can't tell the difference between an organically fed plant and a chemically fed plant. So it's my opinion that if you're just starting out, trying to go organic just makes it that much harder to learn because there's a lot more to a good organic grow then just adding fish emulsion, bone and blood meal, kelp, dolomite lime and bat guano to your soil mix. So I'm of the opinion that a newbie should just go with some simple chemical fert where all they have to worry about is adding the right amount to the water per the instructions. Then once they got a few grows under their belts and have a better idea of how to read their plant's needs then they can start messing around with all that other stuff if they still think it's necessary.
100/hour is not ridiculous. It sets a minimum standard

1. Don't waste their time.
2. Stay on point. See 1.
3. Scale. At that rate, he is only consulting large grows. The impact of his recommendations can run in to the tens, or hundreds, of thousands of dollars.

I've no idea of the consulting industry for cannabis, but it's just another market. The greater the complexity/facility, the higher the price of consultation.

@Mikell One of the few rational posts in this thread.
It is time to face the facts people! this is now a business proposition. The Ninja Mechanic is not the only option anymore. I cannot tell you how many narrow minded individuals are running around crying that Oregon has the nerve to set guidelines and require Licences and permits to grow or process cannabis legally. Welcome to the real world folks.
What Does an experienced and highly successful grow consulting firm charge?
As a Mid level IT systems analyst the firm I worked for charged $100+ an hour for my services of which I received $50 per hr plus bonuses. That is $100+ an hour for a service that depletes the bottom line. Offering a service that increases profit potential is much more lucrative to both parties and incurs a higher rate.
$100 an hour is cheap when you consider the options of whether or not to hire and what a consultant faces with managing a projects creation/maintenance.
First option, 100% newb never grown a house plant much less a cash crop.
Option 2 Seasoned grower who knows it all but can't figure out how to right the ship.
Option 3 Newer know it all grower that argues about everything from how to water to what nutes to use.
Option 4 do nothing and watch the crop yields dwindle.

Former Guest

Active member
Here in the US, when they cut funding in 2009, they just told them that they were free to go.

this was just released a few days ago about when they shut down a home, a cook and janitor stayed behind to care for the elderly who were still living in the vacant building working 24 hr shifts to help dementia patients, mentally ill, etc and the story hit the news so now there are laws about shutting down the elderly care facilities. http://www.npr.org/2014/11/21/365433685/if-we-left-they-wouldnt-have-nobody

and thank you for clarifying a lot of good points. you speak so eloquently!
Getting your environment dialed in on a large scale alone is worth a 100$ an hour. growing is not the difficult part folks.

The vast majority of my clients fit into this category. I have a handout that explains the dynamics of growing that is a part of the initial fee. Most have their own way of growing already, I assist in dialing in grow methods mostly on that end.


if it smells like fish
in my field having certs is how you make money..yes going to school taking classes tests ect...if your charging top dollar you better be certified...due to no real certs for mj really having certs in horticulture in general should be fine...my field gen only pays me 65$ an hour and I did 4 years of school...I got automotive and horticulture certs....just growing a few runs of dope don't suddenly make you a master grower...and yes you could be a master grower without any schooling but you need many years of growing.....I wouldn't hire some unknown fool without proof of their skills .....growing weed isn't hard at all if you understand the stuff you learn in horticulture classes as the basics carry over.....end of rant......yeehaw

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
This comes down to an individual basis thing for me. U take ur car to a mechanic. U r trusting that they know what they are doing and they aren't going to screw u over by over charging u. The only way to know is by word of mouth of other customers, seeing their work urself and experiencing their service and evaluating if they are worth it. A lot of this is speculative if u don't know what the work should look like anyway. All u can judge is, is the car running and problem fixed, or are the plants tasting and yielding well, and the problem is fixed.

I believe there is a real value to a consultant. If u don't, don't hire them. But what a lot of u people are describing is like the contractor that comes thru town and offers to fix the roof of a older persons house and does a half ass job or doesn't finish and takes all the money and they are gone. Yep there are scammers out there and they should be outed and punished, but I don't know we will ever get rid of them all. But that doesn't mean there isn't good people out there offering a fair service.

And I actually think there is valid use for a very small scale person to get consultation too. If u cant comprehend thru reading whats going on, then if u could pay someone to help u understand, it could be well worth it. If ur talking charity for the sick then id give my help away for free too. But I think, scratch that, I know that there is valid need for this kind of job.

The real problem is if ur in need for a consultant, that means u don't understand some things. that leaves room for scammers to come in and try and trick u cause obviously u don't know what ur looking for to fix the problem. That in and of itself is the problem, and outing a shitty scammer is all u can do when u run across them. Also using ur human skills as judgment to weed out potential shady folks. If uve lived long enough uve been scammed. Hopefully u learn from those experiences and use ur judgment to negate a lot of those people from having the chance to do it to u again.