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Active member
Have your grafts been woody or green? I think woody would work best on both pitcher and catcher. Good luck. Keep sharing your results. Thanks. -granger


Hey All,
Well I declared them deceased today :(

I will try again in the next day or so.I will only do 1 at time from now on till I get 1 to take.I have read a lot of articles and threads on this grafting thing.Once you start digging into the nfo presented on a search you will find a lot of nfo on it.
I will try again with the same cut on the rootstock,the <.At least I learned another way it wont work,at least for me.I wont give up till I get at least 1 graft to take and I can cut some clones from it and flower them.I expect them to be just like the mother plant.
So stay tuned more to come.

:dance013: :blowbubbles:
Shit man, ah well..

So your trying again same method if I understand you correctly?


Hey Everyone,Welcome.
Yes I declared them doa.And yea Im going to try again today sometime since I have some time available.

Granger,they have been green stems.Im not sure about waiting till they are woody,that may be an avenue I need to try as well.

KIN,Yes you understand correctly,same method basically,I plan on changing some small things in the process,I will outline when I am done today and post for ya.

ZoOT,the reasoning is if you remember from the first post I made,was to have 1 mother with 6 different strains available for clones on 1 piece of rootstock.A six pack plant :)

Ok SO till later guys and gals have a good day and enjoy life while you can.
If you have a 6 strain plant and then air layer the tops after they are a couple feet tall you would be able to skip the cloning and veg processes all together.


Hey All,as promised I went and did another try tonite.I also did some research on youtube and found a nice vid about it.If this try does not work I will try it this way next.I have some pics i will post also of the last old try that failed.

Full Of Peace,Thanx for the tips there but alas I am EXTREMELY limited on height so almost bonsai mother plants is all I can house atm.So hence the desire for more then 1 strain on a stock.

Thanx To All for watching this.

:dance013: :tiphat:


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Nice clean groove cut man:blowbubbles:

Ozman, are you not using purpose grafting tape? There may be inhibitive chemicals in the adhesive of cellulose tape. I cannot see any tape at all in your pics. The 4th pic I assume is from the previous round did you take the tape of for the pic?

In the 3rd pic it looks browned off on the ends or 'oxidized'. I just read, to avoid oxidization (of course:D


Hey Kin,I did not show any tape,I was showing the graft,how it looked right before I taped it up,then the last pic is how it looks with its humidity dome on it resting and HOPEFULLY growing. Thanx :)


The only light it is getting is what filters thru the mylar covered bag.I didnt want to stress the graft to much till it gets established a little.


Active member
I'm not being critical, just brainstorming with you. Rather than mylar which cuts at least 90% of the light, it might be better to use something like nude knee high stockings with some kind of ring in them or wire frame to hold them open. They would cut the light, hold moisture, and breathe. I'd like to see you be successful, cuz I'd like to try it. Good luck. -granger


Granger,Hey Thanx for the help,in this endeavor a person can never be to sure of anything,and any and all tips are appreciated.I have never heard of using stockings before.....The only reason I used a bag with mylar over it was I had seen others use the baggie method to hold humidity in and keep light out.
If this method fails,I have another method that seems to be more successful then what I am trying to do to graft.
Later all


put them right next to each other, take a razor blade, slice not quite half way into the main stem ( when you see the white) on both plants. then make them kiss at that point and thoroughly wrap the weld with electrical tape. you will have to water both plants for a week or so, then cut off the bottom of the plant you don't want..


Different Approach this time.

Different Approach this time.

Well As usual so far in this experiment,this was also a failure.But alas I have tried a different cut and splice.I have nothing but high hopes for this to work.I have enclosed a few pics of the process that I did.

Hey mega,
thank you for the heads up,my girls are close enough that,that would work.They share the same container in dwc.I am saving that method for last resort,in my bag of tricks so to speak.

:tiphat: :peacock: :laughing:


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put them right next to each other, take a razor blade, slice not quite half way into the main stem ( when you see the white) on both plants. then make them kiss at that point and thoroughly wrap the weld with electrical tape. you will have to water both plants for a week or so, then cut off the bottom of the plant you don't want..

This is the Robert Connell Clarke published method besides the electrical tape. Invented much earlier, but compared to a full cut, I think this is generally easier for a beginner.

Are people doing with or without hormones? And with or without flush?

SWNM goes the full cut, no hormones, graft, and bag for high moisture, tape is chem lab parafilm. SWNM also done the half cut angled 45degrees, which has the benefit of NOT risking either scion or stock plant because as mentioned before the root system of the scion can be eliminated later. Going easy on the nutes prior, and decreasing light intensity or raising the lights indoor seem to all help. Success rate ~95%. Torching or IPA70 or IPA91 on tools and not using the real old woody parts for the scion are small details that help.

I've seen other meristem split, sandwich grafts where the scion is sandwiched before being wrapped. No experience with that but I've seen that work with success as well.

CA215 SB420 compliant. Not to be construed as advice especially where your laws do not allow for cannabis cultivation.


The difficulty comes in prep. First sterilize the cutting tool. Then prepare strips of your tape or p-film. Then heavily prune the area on the stock plant.

The scion, if doing the full cut method should be placed in water for an hour to avoid embolism, the bottom portion should have as much of the outer layer removed. The scion should have some leaves and nodes.

On the stock plant, one can split a branch stump, or otherwise one can make a shallow T cut with an exacto knife. The vertical T will then have 2 corners at the intersection of the T where you can peel the outer layer down. Thinner plants are more difficult to say the least.

Then once the scion is inserted, the corners can be blanketed onto the scion. Again the scion tip must have the outer-most layer shaved off.

This is where the prep helps. If there is too much growth near and around the graft, there will be some difficulty wrapping the tape around.

Once the tape is wrapped, it is recommended that leaves and branches below the graft be heavily pruned so water and nutrients is directed to the graft. A bag is covered over the graft area. The bag should sit on the grafted branch lightly only to maintain higher moisture until the graft is complete. 10 days later the area should have healed.

A failed graft will not immediately be obvious. Sometimes there is significant browning and the graft seems to be a failure, but then will suddenly show new growth if there was a node in the scion/graftee. Once complete the bag can be removed.

Very low conc. nutrient solution or water should be used post graft.


CA215 SB420 Compliant. Grafting techniques are hypothetical and informational only and refers to general plant grafting technique. It is not to be construed as grow advice. I do not condone or advice any illegal activity.


I salute you for your efforts ozman. Good info all. Thanks for the tips and tutorial Stoxx. Took a few yeats off but maybe I'll be able to get things going again and apply some of my research.

This topic first caught my eye back in 09 in a thread called Grafting? right here at ICMag http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=92130 The thought of a multi-strain mama put a big smile on my face.

Immediately went and found this vid called Grafting Video Bubbah http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isbGKb7Snzk Always wondered if his last name is Kush? lol. It's the method mentioned by MegaHermie but for the purpose of grafting a scion to a different rootstock and then getting rid of the undesireable scion and rootstock. Not for a multi-scion rootstock/plant but it's the same method.

Don't need to mention Apfels' excellent and info filled thread since he beat me to it. I planned to drop in there with these links but didn't get around to it yet. Sorry Apfel, been following that one since you started it. Think I'll go to your thread with these links too Apfel as they are good ones IMHO and could only add to the info in there. After all, every little bit helps.

Guess this info is the most useful of my research into gragting:

Watermelon Grafting Demo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MVQYRo1WhQ It's the same as Bubbah's vid, just a different set of hands doing it.

Selecting the Right Graft http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDQJUSdyg4M This one is with apple trees but gave me some understanding about gragting and shows 2 methods that work with cannabis (cleft & whip and tongue) and the other 2 might work too.

Cleft graft_HOW TO EASILY GRAFT A MARIJUANA PLANT TUTORIAL - STEP BY STEP - GREEN PLANET NUTRIENTS http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=_Vy_NFZwkcs Just found this one about a month ago and sounds like what Stoxx is talking about. It's probably the easiest and most foolproof grafting method I've seen for our application and best of all features cannabis plants.

Single cotyledon grafting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxTvFcVYhBI&feature=related This one is food for thought. And look through the sidebar vids on these pages too. Just found this one.

Hope this adds a little to the party and good luck to ya ozman.


Stub grafting into a T cut and "Z" whip grafting are more complicated preparation-wise, but better than the french kiss graft IMO.

The hard part is sterile prep, and then on weaker branches, the lack of mechanical support creates failed grafts if the scion is too heavy.

Wood splints for big enough grafts help.

Stoxx out
CA215/SB420 compliant. Not to be construed as advice. Post is provided for purely informational purposes. Follow your laws.